Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.1 Motivation Real-Time Systems Summer term 2015 Introduction ▸ Assumptions till now: no interaction, no dependencies á not realistic ▸ Kinds of interaction (cf. Course “Operating Systems”, Chapter 5) Real-Time Systems ▸ 4. Chapter ▸ Dependencies ▸ ▸ Prof. Matthias Werner ▸ Operating Systems Group Communication Cooperation Coordination Critical for real-time systems: coordination á order, synchronization We focus on mutual exclusion due to ▸ ▸ critical sections limited number of resources summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control 2 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Recap: Critical Section Model Critical Section A critical section is a sequence of commands where a mixed execution of two (or more) execution streams may lead to an error (inconsistency). ▸ One can view a critical section as a special kind of resource ▸ // . . . index = index +1;☇ buffer [ index ] = 42; // . . . // . . . index = index +1; buffer [ index ] = 23; // . . . ▸ Thus, the different cases can be summarized á resource reservation ▸ Language devices ▸ ▸ actual order of commands: // ... index = index+1; index = index+1; buffer[index] = 23; // ... buffer[index] = 42; summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner ▸ result: 3 / 49 ▸ ▸ one buffer value is undefined ▸ The value 42 is “lost” There is one instance only lock, mutex semaphore monitor ⋮ summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 4 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Notations Blocking In case of exclusive access, a low-priority task may block a high-priority task Invalidates standard assumptions á Statements about feasibility are void, too ▸ ▸ We use the following notations: Ji : job πi : priority of Ji Note: Ri : resource with exclusive access “Normal” preemption does not count to blocking. J ▹R: J requests R (event) J ◇R: J holds R (state) Known maximal blocking times allows for TDA with adopted time demand function ▸ J ▿R: J releases R (event) X êJ: X blocks J êJ: J is blocked R êJ: resource R blocks J Ji êJk : job Ji blocks Jk i−1 wi (t) = ei + tb,i + ∑ ⌈ k=1 t ⌉ ⋅ ek Pk tb,i ∶ Maximum time for which task Ti is blocked summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 5 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Priority Inversion ▸ 6 / 49 Priority Inversion (cont.) Consider the following example: J1 J2 ▸ Priority inversion: a medium-priority job blocks indirectly by means of a low-priority job a job of high priority ▸ The blocking job itself does not need any resource ... J3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 t Note t = 1: J3 accesses R, that is later required also by J1 Sometimes the literature uses the term priority inversion to denote “normal” blocking. t = 2: J1 becomes ready and interrupts J3 (preemption) Then, the phenomenon considered here is called unbounded priority inversion. t = 3: J1 requires R á blocked by J3 á J3 continues to run t = 5: J2 runs and preempts J3 and thus also J1 ! summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 7 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 8 / 49 . . . die das Problem versch¨arfende Variante bringt weitere Jobs ins Spiel: Real-Time Systems – Dependencies Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control 4. mittel priorisierte Jobs verdr¨angen den niedrig priorisierten Job und 4.2 Access Control blockieren indirekt den h¨ oher priosisierten Job noch l¨anger Pathfinder’s ! kritischer Problem Abschnitt oder Betriebsmittel: Unteilbarkeit ist das Problem High-priority task∗ controls transactions over 1553 bus bc sched wosch WS 2006/07 EZS ▸ tests termination of bc dist bc dist High-priority task, controls collection of transaction results 6 Vorrangsteuerung 6.4 Priorit¨ atsverletzung und Priorit¨ atsumkehr ▸ communicates mostly by buffered shared memory What really happened on Mars? Pathfinder’s Problem (cont.) 6 - 26 ▸ Hardware cycle of 125 ms ▸ Pipe communication uses a semaphore ▸ Shortly after start of communication, ASI/MET is blocked á bc dist can not read successfully from pipe ▸ bc sched determines non-termination of bc dist and initiates reset (Forts.) ASI/MET Low-priority task, collects meteorological data Aufbau eines Buszyklus ▸ communicates with bc dist by IPC (pipe) 125ms bus bc_dist bc_sched any t1 ∗ any t2 t3 t1 Transaktion startet hardware-kontrolliert an highest priority at all, except VxWorks internal task “tExec” t2 Busverkehr ist zur Ruhe gekommen, bc dist any t4 t5 ▸ More in detail: Glenn Reeves (Mars Pathfinder Flight Software Cognizant Engineer): “What really happened on Mars?”, Pathfinder/Authoritative Account. html t1 einer 8 Hz Grenze wird ausgel¨ ost summer ⋅ M.die Werner 9 / 49 t3 bcterm dist2015 hat Datenverteilung abgeschlossen summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 10 / 49 t4 bc sched wird ausgel¨ ost, setzt Transaktion f¨ ur n¨achsten Buszyklus auf t5 bc sched hat seine Aufgabe f¨ ur diesen Zyklus beendet Real-Time Systems – Dependencies Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control ! Intervalle [t1Control , t2 ), [t3 , t4 ), [t5 , t1 ) standen u.a. ASI/MET zur Verf¨ ugung 4.2 Access wosch WS 2006/07 EZS 6 - 28 Measures against Priority Inversion There are a number of approaches to deal with priority inversion, e.g.: ▸ Non-preemptive critical sections ▸ Priority inheritance protocol ▸ Priority ceiling protocol ▸ Stack resource policy summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 11 / 49 ▸ Non-preemptive critical sections, NPCS ▸ Idea: Within a critical section, a job must not be interrupted ▸ Example: 3 jobs Ji (tr , e, td ) π1 > π2 > π3 J1 = (6, 5, 14) J2 = (2, 7, 17) J3 = (0, 6, 18) summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 12 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control NPCS – Discussion Priority Inheritance Protocol ▸ No priority inversion possible ▸ Priority inheritance protocol (PIP) ▸ Maximal blocking time is bounded ▸ Idea: If a job blocks the access of a higher-priority job to a resource, the priority of the blocking job is raised ▸ Assumption: Blocking times tb,i (CS) ≤ max ta,k (CS) ▸ i+1≤k≤n ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ ta,i ∶ duration of CS in job Jk Tasks are ordered by priority Scheduling policy with fixed priorites Algorithm: ▸ Each job is scheduled due its priority ▸ (Ji ▹R) ∧ (Jk ◇R) ↝ Jk ê Ji i.e., if a job Ji requires a resource R hold by Jk , Ji is blocked Easy to implement ▸ If πi > πk , then πk is temporary raised to πi Disadvantage: Even uninvolved, high-priority jobs can be blocked ▸ Once Jk releases R, Jk resumes its original priority summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 13 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Priority Inheritance Protocol – Example 2 Example 4.1 ▸ ▸ Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Priority Inheritance Protocol – Example 1 ▸ 14 / 49 Example 4.2 3 jobs Ji (tr , e, td ): J1 = (6, 5, 14) J2 = (2, 7, 17) ▸ 5 jobs π1 > π2 > π3 ▸ π1 > π2 > π3 > π4 > π5 All require R ▸ Two resources: orange and green J1 J3 = (0, 6, 18) 1 J2 2 2 2 J3 3 3 0 2 2 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Ji J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 1 1 4 1 6 8 15 / 49 3 10 12 14 16 18 t tr,i 7 5 4 2 0 ei 3 3 2 6 6 resources [orange, dacc = 1, tacc = 1] [green, dacc = 1, tacc = 1] – [orange, dacc = 4, tacc = 1], [green, dacc = 1.4, tacc = 3] [green, dacc = 4, tacc = 1] tacc : time of access, dacc ∶ duration of access (both in relation to execution time) summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 16 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Priority Inheritance Protocol – Example 2 (cont.) Priority Inheritance Protocol – Discussion J1 J2 ▸ No priority inversion ▸ Transparent to programmer ▸ Method is transitive á multiple inheritance is possible Two kinds of blocking: ▸ J3 ▸ ▸ J4 ▸ ▸ J5 0 2 4 6 8 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 10 12 14 16 17 / 49 18 20 Blocking duration not minimal á chained (or transitive/cascading) blocking Deadlocks are possible ▸ t Priority-Ceiling Protocol (PCP) ▸ Idea: resources features priorities; access considers resource and task priorities Assumptions: ▸ ▸ ▸ Fixed priorities (e.g., RMS) It is a priori known, which jobs requires (eventually) which resource Initialization: assign each job its static priority: ∀Ji , πi′ ∶= πi Scheduling: schedule all jobs according their current priorities πi′ Access: If Ji ▹Rj : ▸ ▸ ▸ Parameter: ▸ πi′ : current priority of Ji ▸ ▸ ▸ may differ from static priority ▸ Πk : Priority ceiling of resource Rk , Πk = max (πi ) Ji ⊳Rk ▸ ▸ Ji◇Rk ▸ ˆ If ∃ / i, k, Ji ◇Rk , then Π(t) =⊥ (lowest value) summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 19 / 49 ˆ á Ji gets Rj If Rj is free and πi′ > Π ˆ and Ji holds resource Rk with Πk = Π ˆ If Rj is free, πi′ ≤ Π, á Rj is assigned to Ji Else áê Ji ′ ′ Inheritance: If Jm êJi á Jm inherits priority from Ji : πm = max(πm , πi′ ) ˆ ˆ Π(t): (Current) priority ceiling at time t: Π(t) = max (Πk ) ▸ Priority-Ceiling Protocol – Algorithm ▸ ▸ 18 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Priority-Ceiling Protocol ▸ Cf. Example 2: assume, J5 requires “orange” at t = 6 á deadlock summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control ▸ direct blocking of competing jobs indirect blocking (push-trough blocking) due to priority raise ˆ job Jm that holds resource Rk with Πk = Π ˆ is the In case, R is free but πi′ ≤ Π, blocking one If Jm releases Rj , Jm resumes its previous priority summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 20 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Priority-Ceiling Protocol – Algorithm (cont.) Priority Ceiling Protocol – Example ▸ Use job set from Example 4.2 priority J1 task 1 J2 J3 access to task 2 J4 preemption J5 0 Π(t) 1 2 3 4 5 access to task 3 access to access to access to summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 21 / 49 Theorem 4.3 No deadlocks occur during the priority-ceiling protocol. ▸ ▸ 22 / 49 Extends PCP ▸ Idea: delay a job until it may run without interruption Assumptions: ▸ ▸ 16 18 20 t ▸ ▸ ▸ ▸ Fixed or variable priorities (i.e., also EDF) Can deal with multiple resource instances πi (t): priority of job Ji λi : preemption level of a job νk (t): number of (still) available instances of a resource Rj νmax,j : overall number of instances of a resource Rj µk (Ji ): maximal by Ji demanded number of instances of resource Rj ∗ Please note: 23 / 49 [Bak91] Parameter: ▸ direct blocking blocking due to inheritance blocking due to ceiling summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 14 ▸ [SRL90] ) Blocking durations are bounded Three kinds of blocking ▸ 12 Stack resource policy∗ (SRP) ▸ ▸ 10 ▸ ▸ ▸ 8 Stack Resource Policy Deadlock-free: Proof: homework or tutorial (if interested, please consult 6 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Priority-Ceiling Protocol – Discussion ▸ 4 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control ▸ 2 in literature, one finds different names for this and similar approaches. summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 24 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Preemption Level Ceiling ▸ ▸ Statically assigned to a task (i.e., all jobs) Ceiling of a resource changes with time Rule for Preemption Levels Πk (νk ) = max({0} ∪ {λi ∶ νk < µk (Ji )}) If a job Ja arrives after Jb and πa > πb , than λa > λb . ▸ For RMS: λi equals πi ▸ Ceiling is the maximum preemption level of all tasks with non-satisfiable demands ▸ For EDF: λi > λj ⇔ Di < Dj (Dx : relative deadlines) ▸ If there are sufficient number of resource’s instances (e.g., all): Πk = 0 ▸ The current ceiling is the maximum of all resource ceilings, again ˆ = max(Πk (νk )) Π k π1 < π2 but λ1 < λ2 π1 > π2 but λ1 < λ2 ▸ summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 25 / 49 Remember: νk gives the number of available exemplars summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Stack Resource Policy – Algorithm Given: three jobs and three kinds of resources λi µR1 (Ji ) µR2 (Ji ) J1 3 1 0 J2 2 2 1 J3 1 3 1 µR3 (Ji ) 1 3 1 1. Job are scheduled due to the basic approach (e.g., RMS or EDF) 2. A (ready) job must not run, until ▸ ▸ Then, the following ceilings have to be considered νmax Πk (3) Πk (2) Πk (1) R1 3 0 1 2 0 R2 1 R3 3 0 2 2 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Ceiling – Example ▸ 26 / 49 27 / 49 ▸ it has the highest priority of all ready jobs and its preemption level is greater than the current ceiling Πk (0) 3 2 3 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 28 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Stack Resource Policy – Example Stack Resource Policy – Example 2 ▸ Again, we use job set from Example 4.2 J1 ▸ Consider following three jobs: J2 J1 — — — — reserve(R3 ,1) reserve(R1 ,1) — — free(R1 ) free(R3 ) — — — — J3 J4 J5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 t 18 ˆ Π(t) 1 2 3 4 5 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 29 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control 30 / 49 J3 — — reserve(R2 ,1) reserve(R1 ,3) — — free(R1 ) free(R2 ) — — reserve(R3 ,1) — — free(R3 ) Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.2 Access Control Stack Resource Policy – Example 2 ▸ J2 — — — reserve(R3 ,3) reserve(R2 ,1) — — free(R2 ) free(R3 ) — — — reserve(R1 ,2) — — free(R1 ) Stack Resource Policy – Discussion ● νR1 = 3, ● νR2 = 1, ● νR3 = 3 J1 ▸ In case of single exemplar resources, there is a simpler resource ceiling J2 ΠR = max({0} ∪ {λi ∶ R could block Ji }) J3 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 ˆ Π(t) 1 2 3 ▸ ▸ Schedule differs from priority-ceiling protocol ▸ ▸ Once a job has started, it will never blocked (but, if necessary, interrupted) All jobs may share a stack ▸ No deadlocks t á The name derives from this fact ˆ at t = 4 and t = 5, since a sufficient Please note, that there is no change of Π number of resource items is still available summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 31 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 32 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Blocking Times and Feasability Criterions Assumptions ▸ Access during critical sections ▸ The execution time CS of a critical section is bounded Definition 4.4 ▸ A job may enter more than one critical sections The blocking time tb,i of a job Ji is the duration Ji is delayed at the access to a resource, due to an access of a lower-priority resource to the same resource. ▸ Critical sections may be nested, but not partially intersecting in sequence ▸ Delays due to interruption (preemption) are not blocking times ▸ Delays due to priority inheritance are (indirect) blocking times nested partially intersecting ▸ summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 33 / 49 No deadlocks summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times 34 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Blocking Times for NPCS Feasibility ▸ For known blocking times, feasibility can be tested by TDA Time demand of each task can be expanded by blocking Modified time demand function for task Ti : ▸ Different for fixed-priority policies and variable-priority policies ▸ ▸ Consider fixed priorities ▸ Theorem 4.5 Each job Ji can blocked at most once, for the duration of the longest critical section of all jobs with a lower priority than the priority of Ji . i−1 wi (t) = ei + bi + ∑ ⌈ k=1 bi ≤ max (CSj ) πj <πi ▸ ▸ t ⌉ ek Pk Again, feasibility is described by inequation of Theorem 3.6 Please note: Even jobs without any critical section may be blocked! ∀i ∶ (∃t, 0 < t ≤ Pi ∶ wi (t) ≤ t) summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 35 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 36 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Blocking Times for NPCS with EDF ▸ Feasability under EDF Consider EDF Theorem 4.6 ▸ Known blocking times can be handled as additional tasks In EDF, a job Ji can only be blocked by Jk , if Pk > Pi ▸ Thus, a task set is feasible if ▸ Proof: Feasability 1. Ji must feature a higher deadline á earlier deadline 2. Jk must be executed when Ji arrives, i.e. rk < ri 3. Together, both is only true for Pk>Pi ▸ ∀i ∶ Thus, for jobs ordered by periods: n e k bi + ≤1 Pi k=1 Pk ∑ bi ≤ max (CSj ) Pj >Pi summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 37 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times 38 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Blocking Times for PIP Blocking Times for PIP (cont.) Observations ▸ ▸ Lemma 4.7 Let JH and JL be two jobs with πH > πL Then: B-1: Independent of the number of shared resources, JL can block JH only for the duration of one critical section (that may include other nested critical sections) B-2: A resource Rk may indirectly block JH , if Rk is accessed by both, a low-priority job JL and a third job JM that has (or can gain) the same or higher priority as JH B-3: Casading blocking only happens with nested critical sections summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 39 / 49 If for a given job JH with priority πH exist n jobs J1 , . . . , Jn with lower priority, JH can blocked at most for n critical sections (once per job) Proof: Regarding 1, a job Ji can block JH at most once. This is true for all n low-priority jobs. summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 40 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Blocking Times for PIP (cont.) Blocking Times for PIP (cont.) Lemma 4.8 Theorem 4.9 A resource R may block a job JH at most once. With PIP, a job J may be delayed at most for the duration of min(n, m) critical sections, where n is the number of lower-priority jobs and m the number of resources shared with lower-priority jobs. Proof: ▸ ▸ If a low-priority job JL does not access R at start of JH , there is no blocking, due to preemption At starting time of JH there is at most one job that accesses R summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 41 / 49 ▸ Proof: follows from Lemmata 4.7 and 4.8 ▸ Please note: In difference to NPSC, only jobs and resources related to J are relevant. summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Blocking Times for PCP Proof of Theorem 4.10 ▸ ▸ Theorem 4.10 Proof by contradiction Assumption: JH is blocked for more than one critical section ▸ In PCP, a job J can be blocked at most for the duration of one critical section. ▸ without loss of generality: two jobs, J1 and J2 , withπ2 < π1 < πH Case distinction 1. If J1 enters the critical section first, J2 will not because of preemption á contradiction 2. If J2 enters a critical section first, let Π∗2 the ceiling of all resources of J2 Please note: preemption is not blocking ▸ ▸ ▸ summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 42 / 49 43 / 49 When J1 enters a critical section, it must be true: π1 > Π∗2 Also, it must be true πH ≤ Π∗2 (since JH is blocked, regarding assumption) Follows: π1 > Π∗2 ≤ πH , i.e., πH < π1 á contradiction summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 44 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Blocking Times SRP Actual Cases ▸ ▸ ▸ The actual blocking times are frequently shorter than the times given by the theorems Derive by considering resource requirement graph Consider following example for PCP ▸ Theorem 4.11 PCP, π1 > π2 > ⋯ > π6 J1 In SRP, a job J can be blocked at most for the duration of one critical section. ▸ Proof is similar to proof of Theorem 4.10 (consider λi in place of πi ) RX 10 J2 1 J3 6 J4 8 J5 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 45 / 49 4 J6 46 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times Example Comparison J1 RX 10 ▸ Three kinds of blocking J2 1 ▸ Create blocking table J3 6 J4 maximal blocking time 8 J5 priority-inher blocked by J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 J1 6 2 J2 ∗ 5 ∗ J3 ∗ ∗ 4 ∗ J4 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ J5 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗: No blocking possible (preemption) 6 ∗ 5 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 2 4 4 priority-ceiling blocked by J2 J3 J4 J5 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 6 ∗ 5 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ RZ J6 2 2 4 protocol NPSC PIP PCP SRP priorities fixed or variable fixed fixed fixed or variable blocking time [#CS] 1† min(n, m) 1 1 when blocked preemption access access preemption transparent yes yes no no deadlock-free yes no yes yes 2 RY 5 ▸ Row maximum provides for each job the directly blocked by RZ summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner Real-Time Systems – Dependencies 4.3 Blocking Times 2 RY 5 4 J6 max 6 6 5 4 4 † Even for jobs without resource conflicts summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 47 / 49 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 48 / 49 Real-Time Systems – Dependencies References [But05] Giorgio C. Buttazzo. Hard Real-Time Computing Systems. Springer, 2005, Kapitel 7 [SRL90] Lui. Sha, Ragunathan. Rajkumar, and John.P. Lehoczky. “Priority inheritance protocols: an approach to real-time synchronization”. In: IEEE Transactions on Computers 39.9 (Sept. 1990), pp. 1175–1185. ISSN: 0018-9340. DOI: 10.1109/12.57058 [Bak91] Theodore P. Baker. “Stack-based scheduling of realtime processes”. In: Real-Time Systems 3.1 (1991), pp. 67–99 summer term 2015 ⋅ M. Werner 49 / 49
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