OSHER@DARTMOUTH PRESENTS A SPECIAL LECTURE EVENT When Eagles Roar: The Amazing Journey of an African Wildlife Adventurer What’s it like to be a game ranger in Africa? A native of South Africa, James Currie faced everything from the Big Five to the vestiges of apartheid to the AIDS epidemic. As a former safari ranger at one of Africa’s premier reserves, he is an authority on African wildlife and illustrates many hair-raising encounters through exciting and humorous stories from his new book. James provides wonderful insights into conservation and the wildlife tourism environment in Africa. Books will be available for purchase, and a book signing will follow. THURSDAY, MAY 14 6:00 PM FILENE AUDITORIUM ADMISSION: $10 James Alexander Currie is an internationally renowned wildlife expert, birder, television host and author. James holds a Bachelor’s Degree in African Languages and a Masters degree in Sustainable Environmental Management. He is a former Managing Director of Africa Foundation, a non-profit organization that supports communities surrounding wildlife areas in Africa. When Eagles Roar, co-written with Osher at Dartmouth member Bonnie J. Fladung, was named “One of the Best Nature Books of 2014” by The Guardian’s science blogger, and “Book of the Year” by The Birder’s Library. Presented by OSHER@Dartmouth Osher at Dartmouth • 7 Lebanon Street, Suite 107 • Hanover, NH 03755 Phone (603) 646-0154 • Fax (603) 646-0138 E-mail: OSHER@dartmouth.edu • http://osher.dartmouth.edu
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