Vol 36 No 1 April 2015 A Chapel Rises In North Augusta, South Carolina The fun began in the Fall, 2014. Soon the foundation was being laid. And the walls were going up! Brick by brick by brick! The chapel floor was baptized by rain. The bones grew tall. There are lots of curves and angles. Windows and lines. A window with a view! EVENTS and ANNOUNCEMENTS Convent of St Helena, 3042 Eagle Drive, Augusta GA 30906-3326 706-798-5201, ext 1 augustaconvent@comcast.net http://www.osh.org/events.html ASCENSION DAY CELEBRATION Join us in Augusta Thursday, May 14, 2015 11:00 am Festal Holy Eucharist to mark 49 years of worship in the Chapel of the Ascension The Rt Rev J Neil Alexander, Bishop Visitor Presider and Preacher A light lunch will follow. RSVP by calling 706.798.5201 ext 1 or by email: augustaconvent@comcast.net UP-COMING CELEBRATIONS IN NORTH AUGUSTA, SOUTH CAROLINA Saturday, August 29, 11:00 am All are invited to join us in celebrating the 50th anniversary of Sr Ruth’s Life Profession in OSH. A service of Holy Eucharist will be followed by lunch. If you would like to write a note or share a story to be part of a memory book, please mail them to 50th Anniversary Memory Book, Order of St Helena, 3042 Eagle Dr, Augusta, GA 30906. RSVP by calling 706.798.5201 ext 1 or by email: augustaconvent@comcast.net Might You Have a Vocation to Religious Life? “Come and See”! Labor Day weekend: September 4-6, 2015 This weekend will provide opportunities to talk with sisters, to meet others also exploring this vocation and to experience our life of prayer and community. To make a reservation, please contact Ellen Francis, OSH by email: sisters@osh.org or by calling 706.798.5201 to leave a message. Sunday, November 8, 2015 You’ll want to be there to help us celebrate the 70th ANNIVERSARY of the Founding of the Order of Saint Helena! The Rt Rev J Neil Alexander will preside and preach at our new location in North Augusta, SC. Look for more details to come! ANNOUNCEMENTS eBreviary and ePsalter: We are offering a CD of The Saint Helena Breviary: Monastic Edition and The Saint Helena Psalter as a gift in appreciation for your donation of $25 or more. Go to our web link printed below and check the box indicating you would like to receive the CD. These files are in PDF (Portable Document Format) and readable on a PC or Mac with Adobe Acrobat Reader or other electronic readers (such as iBook). See http://www.osh.org/contributions.html. Contribute online to OSH: We appreciate and prayerfully steward your contributions to the Order, which are used to help support our guest and outreach ministries, chaplaincy work, spiritual direction, parish involvement, and care of our buildings and grounds. You can donate easily: go to our web link printed below, press the “Donate for Good” button and follow the directions. If you wish, you may designate your gift for a specific purpose. See http://www.osh.org/ contributions.html. “Like” us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/OrderofSaintHelena. CONVENT OF ST HELENA 3042 Eagle Dr, Augusta GA 30906-3326 Phone 706-798-5201 Fax 706-796-0079 augustaconvent@comcast.net http://www.osh.org Thank you for your prayerful responses and financial support of our ministries. And thank you for an annual contribution in support of the newsletter’s publication. Please mail checks made to “OSH” c/o Sr Linda Elston. If you would like to begin receiving the newsletter or if your contact information changes, please write to the convent or email us at augofficemgr@comcast.net. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Convent of St Helena, 3042 Eagle Dr, Augusta GA 30906-3326. saint helena (USPS 487-590) is published four times a year by the Order of St Helena, 3042 Eagle Dr, Augusta GA 30906-3326. Periodical postage is paid at Newburgh NY. PERIODICAL POSTAGE PAID AT NEWBURGH NY AND OTHER OFFICES The mission of the Order of Saint Helena (Episcopal) is to show forth Christ through a life of monastic prayer, hospitality and service. Vol 36 No 1 April 2015 The new chapel in North Augusta is rising! ASSOCIATES COLUMN Nancy Valenti, OSH Associate The Order of St Helena has continued to be a mainstay of my life from the 1970s, when I was a young adult, to the present. My first contact with the Order was a traditional silent retreat offered in my diocese, led by Sr Josephine. It was such a positive experience, giving me many spiritual tools which I have used throughout my life. I grew spiritually through classes in meditation, Bible study, Education for Ministry (EfM), and various parish activities. When an opportunity came to attend General Seminary in New York City, it occurred to me that I did not want to do this alone, so I applied to become an Associate of OSH. While earning my MDiv, I attended a meditation group led by Sr Rachel, who was teaching at the seminary, and Sr Andrea was my spiritual director. Ordination did not happen for me but I still hear the call, more gently now, to follow God’s will and live my life reflecting the light of Christ to others. Because of OSH I have structured rhythm into my life by beginning and ending each day with spiritual readings, by being aware of the rhythm of the seasons and of those around me. I try to balance my life between being and doing. There is pleasure in looking back over the years I have been associated with OSH. Also there is joy in knowing, sharing and praying with the Sisters who are carrying the life of the Order forward. It is exciting to anticipate the opportunities that will appear with the move to South Carolina. The location is changing but the mission of us all, Sisters and Associates together, will be the same.
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