ORDER FOR WORSHIP WE PREPARE FOR WORSHIP - (Silence and Prayer is appropriate) Prelude Announcements WE SING PRAISES TO GOD + Entrance Christ the Lord is Risen Today; Alleluia! ELW # 369 Greeting & Kyrie page 203 Hymn of Praise Come Let Us Join page 204 Prayer of the Day WE HEAR THE WORD o First Lesson Acts 3:12–19 Psalm 4 See insert Choir Anthem Alleluia! For Christ the Lord is Risen 8:30 am Second Lesson 1 John 3:1–7 + Gospel Acclamation page 205 Gospel Luke 24:36b–48 o Children’s Sermon Sermon ‘Why Witnesses ?’ Pastor Don WE RESPOND WITH SONGS AND STATEMENTS Pulpit Hymn That Easter Day with Joy… ELW # 384 Apostles’ Creed page 105 Welcome New Members WE GIVE THANKS o Offering of Our Gifts and Tithes +Offertory Create in Me ELW # 188 Prayers of the Church The Lord’s Prayer Sung WE LEAVE TO DO OUR WORK ON GOD’S BEHALF Benediction Sending Song Alleluia, Jesus is Risen ELW # 377 Postlude + Indicates to Stand, if you would like to do so. o Indicates to Sit. Welcome to worship at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church! Easter’s a seven-week season, not just one day. So, happy Easter! And welcome to the Lord’s house. MINISTRY OF CARING Please remember in your prayers: Health For Members: Carolyn Nelson, Marlene Walstrom, Jim Wik, Lois Christenson, Bob Fagen, Ethelyn Estrin, Bette Darrington, Norma Haugerud, Lorraine Bebensee, and Jim Backer. Health For Others: Elaine Korsmo, sister of Kathy Strand, Kristi, niece of Cindy Sulflow, Diane Christenson, sister-in-law of Lois Christenson, Stacy Woodberry, niece of Ferman and Pastor Eunice Woodberry, Laurie Zenk, daughter-in-law of Jim & Sonja Zenk, Tyson Cleuver, cousin of Wendy Augeson, Dave Sommerfield, friend of Lois Christenson, Cynthia Bonnema, daughter of Margit Bonnema, Nellie Davis, grandmother of Robin Enevoldsen, Ella Frank, granddaughter of Gregg and Karen Kepner, Christopher Kepner, nephew of Gregg and Karen Kepner, Jody Renbarger mother of Cory and Amanda (Smith) Renbarger, Ruth Jahn co-worker of Jennifer Hauge and friend Betty Busing, Donna Haugen, sister of Bev Moen, and Ethelyn Anderson, sister of Maxine Slettum. The altar flowers are given in honor of Pastor Don’s birthday today, from the staff. Flowers are beloved by most people. The colors and scents of flowers bring a joy to life. After a cold, barren Minnesota winter, they herald the beginning of spring. If you love flowers, perhaps you may want to share that joy with others this spring. Would you like to help sponsor the flowers flowers that decorate the outside of the church and prayer garden? Individuals or groups can sponsor flowers in honor of or in memory of a loved one or for a special occasion. Flowers will be planted in the pots and in planters. We will also purchase hanging plants for the prayer garden. No amount is too small. Put your donation in the offering plate or drop it off at the church office. Thank you! Please Welcome our New Members Today: Tim and De De Epema, ema, Tenley, Teagan and Griffin 119 Buckeye Drive, Montevideo, MN 56265 320-269-6991 Third Sunday of Easter April 19, 2015 Ruby Gilbertson, Gilbertson, 721 S 11th Street, Montevideo 56265 320-269-9152 Ron Owens, 1500 Black Oak Ave #3, Montevideo, MN 56265 320-321-1346 Jim Wik, 502 S 12th St, Montevideo, MN 56265 320-269-7880 Confirmation Sunday At 11:00 am on April 26th, we have nine young people who will affirm their faith and take on the responsibility of their faith journey. The 8:30 am service that day will be a regular Sunday service, but 11:00am will be nine young adults affirming their faith in Jesus Christ. All are welcome as we celebrate this special time with them. Altar flowers are needed. If you can sponsor them in memory of or in honor of a loved one please call the church office for available dates. You can also sponsor them to remember a special day such as an anniversary or baptism or for a holiday. They are only $40.00 for two vases. They are available for you to take home after Sunday, or you may leave them for us to use the following Sunday. Thank you! Radio Sponsors Needed: Our Radio Broadcast only stays on the air with your help. Currently, we are very short on sponsors. The full broadcast runs $95.00. If you would like to partner with someone, the cost is cut in half….what a great deal! In memory of a loved one or in honor of a loved one is a great place to start.. Call the office today! Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Montevideo, Minnesota 222 N 5th Street (320) 269-8824 Web Page: www.oslcmonte.com
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