Otahuhu Mainstreet

Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial
Association Inc. Annual Report
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc.
2012/2013 Annual Report
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc. Staff
Richette Rodger
Town Manager
ewyn Kingham
Office Administrator
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc.
19 Hall Avenue, Otahuhu.
PO Box 22-166,
22 166, Otahuhu
Phone :
Fax :
Email: info@otahuhumainstreet.co.nz
facebook - otahuhumainstreet
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc.
2012/2013 Annual Report
Priority 1
Aim: Show that Otahuhu is a safe place
to visit, shop, work, live and invest.
Outcome: Everyone feels more
comfortable in Otahuhu
We continue to work closely with local
Police on a number of crime/safety related
Earlier in the year we cancelled the static,
night time security guards and replaced
them with nightly mobile patrols. This has
been a great change with better reporting
and results.
We have also introduced a security guard
from 10am - 3pm Saturdays.
We are in the process of having a CCTV and
Crime prevention audit done of the wider
Otahuhu business community,
recommendations will include ways to
further reduce crime in the area.
After an increase in shoplifting and other
crime related activities we have held three
crime prevention meetings to increase
awareness around crime and crime
reporting. Similar meetings will continue.
Local NPT member constable Patrick Knight
has a blog in our new monthly newsletter
with crime and safety related information or
issues of importance.
As the CCTV network is one of the most
powerful tools we have to help with crime
prevention and safety we have recently
also installed our CCTV cameras into the
Otahuhu Police station. The cameras can
now be monitored and reviewed by the
Police 24/7.
Richette is now part of a monthly Counties
Manukau Police interagency meeting, this
has been an incredible way to meet,
information share and discuss issues within
the Otahuhu area with other agencies with
better faster results. The meeting includes
members of organisations such as WINZ,
Immigration, Victim Support and Auckland
Council to name a few.
Whilst trying to investigate better, faster and
more cost effective ways to communicate
with our members we have introduced text
alerts. These alerts will be used for
c rime prevention related issues and also to
inform our members.
Janice, our daytime security officer,
continues to keep her finger on the pulse of
the town in regards to security and related
issues. Janice has enjoyed being part of the
re-introduction of OMCA staff to the OMCA
members meeting new faces and assisting
w here and if she can. Janice also has a
security blog on our new monthly
Crime Text Alerts
Zero Tolerance Programme
Although graffiti is at an all time low, we
continue to have a zero tolerance for
graffiti. With Ray our graffiti buster and
Manukau Beautification Trust we will
endeavour to keep our town graffiti free.
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc.
2012/2013 Annual Report
Priority 2
Aim: Promote Otahuhu as a great place
for investors, businesses, shoppers, and
Outcome: investors, businesses,
shoppers and visitors want to move to,
come to and invest in Otahuhu.
Review Branding
We ha ve rec ently und erta ken a reva m p
of the OMCA branding, although we still
have Harry the stickman he has been
brought into the 21st century reflecting the
forward moving vision of the OMCA.
We have created a new vision within the
OMCA Disc over Ota huhu this w ill b e
accompanied by a number of sub brands.
The first sub brand to be introduced is
Discover Ota huhu a Mecca for Authentic
Ethnic Food the sub brand so far includes
the design of an Otahuhu food map
showcasing some of the ethnic food outlets in
Otahuhu. This map has been advertised on
our facebook page, website, printed on
shop window fronts throughout the Otahuhu
town centre and 5000x copies have been
printed and delivered throughout the
Otahuhu community and neighbouring
suburbs. We will continue with the
campaign and are currently looking at print
advertising and billboard sites.
Branding Materials
We already have the ever popular
shopping bags as a free giveaway for
OMCA members. This year as part of our
branding re-vamp and vision of promoting
both the Otahuhu area and OMCA brand
we have introduced a range of promotional
and branding materials. These include a
smaller shopping bag, postcards, pens,
calendars, business folders and pads. These
all have the OMCA brand and website
details printed onto them.
These are also available free to OMCA
Website/Social Media
Our new web site
www.otahuhumainstreet.co.nz is now live.
It has amongst other things a detailed
b usiness d irec tory for the Ota huhu a rea .
There is also a direct link to our facebook
page. We are running a promotion, for
every fa c eb ook like w e g et that person
w ill g o into the d ra w for a n iPa d . We a re
a im ing for 500 likes. There a re a lso links to
Auckland Council, Auckland Transport,
Watercare and the Police.
Priority 3
Aim: Promote Otahuhu as a place to
shop and do business.
Outcome: Increased customer loyalty,
new business and an increased
awareness of everything Otahuhu offers.
Promotional Calendar
This year we are looking forward to the
c om e b a c k of the Ota huhu Sa nta Pa ra d e
to be held Saturday 7th December, as well
as the roll out of our new c a lenda r of events
these include:
Chinese New Year
Va lentine s Da y
Family Fun Day (OMCA in support)
Otahuhu Food Festival
White Sunday (2x)
St Patricks Day
Christmas.....the list goes on
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc.
2012/2013 Annual Report
We have continued our branding and sub
branding with regular radio advertising this
will continue in line with the calendar of
We have negotiated, at a great rate, the
back page of the Otahuhu Voices
Community newsletter. We will use this spot
to continue advertising the Otahuhu brands
and events.
General Cleanliness
We have continued to maintain constant
contact with Auckland Council officers to ensure
cleaning and maintenance standards and
schedules for Otahuhu are adhered to. We will
also continue to lobby for improved standards
where necessary.
We conduct regular inspections of the area and
report any issues and incidents to the
appropriate agency.
We are looking at prices for T.V advertising.
Otahuhu Business Guide
We are having the website s business
directory printed in booklet form. This will be
distributed throughout the business and
residential community of Otahuhu.
It will be updated and reprinted annually to
make sure information is as up to date as
Otahuhu Mural Brochure
A mural brochure with details and a map of
the historic murals throughout Otahuhu has
been designed and printed this is currently
available for collection at the OMCA office,
Otahuhu Town Hall and Otahuhu Library.
The information within the brochure will also
be loaded onto the heritage page of the
Otahuhu website.
Priority 4
Aim : Enha nc e Ota huhu s p hysic a l
environment so that coming into
Otahuhu is a great experience
Outcome: Local community and afar
support the Otahuhu businesses and
therefo re inc rea se Ota huhu s ec o no m ic
We are currently working with Auckland
Council on enforcement of the display of
goods bylaw. We, along with Auckland
Council conduct regular checks of the
display of goods on the footpaths.
Currently a retailer is permitted to display
goods 600mm on the footpath.
On a high number of occasions crime from
retailers relates directly to the goods
displayed on the footpath.
The look of the town is also directly affected by
the poor maintenance of the goods
displayed on the footpaths.
We will continue to work with Auckland
Council on the enforcement of this bylaw
for the safety and reputation of Otahuhu.
We have recently contracted a monthly
exterior window cleaner. The exterior
windows of properties throughout the town
centre are cleaned on a monthly basis. We
hope to lead by example and encourage
retailers and property owners to take more
pride in their properties and businesses.
Urban Design
We have been in constant contact with
Auckland Council/Auckland Transport and
Mangere/Otahuhu Local board planners in
regards to any planned works in the area.
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc.
2012/2013 Annual Report
This is not only to make sure we know all the
information in order to pass onto our
members but to have input and lobby
where necessary for the betterment of the
Otahuhu area.
Priority 5
We are constantly on the look for areas
around Otahuhu that could be enlivened
with additional works and amenities.
Aim : Sup p o rt Ota huhu s c o m m unity
activity and local organisations, playing
a leading role in community initiatives
where required.
We continue to offer the subsidised signage
to our members, this is still very popular with
retailers and property owners.
We are soon to have installed a new double
sided digital noticeboard. The noticeboard
will be installed in Criterion Square.
The noticeboard will be available for use by
all members to advertise their business or
services. It will also be used to
showcase any information related to the
The noticeboard is touch screen giving the
OMCA ability to undertake customer
surveying and databasing at a touch of the
Tree Lighting
Late in 2012 the palm trees within the
shopping centre were wrapped with fairy
lights and are wired into the under
verandah lighting. At nig ht these trees
m a ke the tow n c entre look m a g ic a l.
During the year the tree in Criterion Square is
strung with white fairy lights but from about
November the tree is covered in Christmas
decorations and for the first in time in many
years Otahuhu has a Christmas Tree.
Outcome: The local community is
actively involved and takes pride in
Community Events
This year we became an active part of the
ever popular Otahuhu Family Fun Day. In
past years we have offered a support role to
the event by way for undertaking their
accounting and administration needs. This
year we teamed up with the Otahuhu Town
Hall Community Centre with a stall at the
event giving away free sun block, lollies and
face painting. Our tent was very popular
and we will be back at the event next year.
Community/Local Groups
Richette is Chairperson of the Otahuhu
Steering group, a member of Rotary and the
Otahuhu Town hall Community Centre
executive committee.
This has been a great way to boost the
OMCA profile in the community, information
share of local events or issues and network
with other community groups and
Otahuhu Mainstreet & Commercial Assn. Inc.
2012/2013 Annual Report
Customer Satisfactory Results
6. 9%
Customer Sa tisfa ction Survey
The question w a s a ske d "Wha t d o yo u like a b o ut
Ota huhu"
1. 2%
15. 23%
4. 6%
1. 2%
Bargain Prices
Food Outlets
One Stop Shop
9. 14%
28. 44%
Customer Satisfaction Survey
Two questions were asked "What do you dislike about the
Otahuhu Shopping Centre"; and "What suggestions do you
have to improve the Otahuhu Shopping Centre"
2. 2%
5. 6%
12. 15%
4. 5%
5. 6%
14. 17%
Anti Social Behaviour
Quality of Retail
Public Amenities/ Transport
Events and Promotions
Town Centre Appearance
29. 35%
5. 6%
7. 8%
Less Goods On Footpath
More Community Orientated
Retailer Rudeness
Two other questions were asked :
One was how would you rate Otahuhu Town Centre .
32% said very good, 48% said good and 20% said bad
The results were :
The second question was what suburb/ area do you live . The results were :
44% said Otahuhu, 24% said Central (i.e. Mt Wellington, etc), 24% said South Auckland (i.e. Papatoetoe South)
and 8% said Other (outside Auckland & West)