Quick Reference Sheet ORGANIZATION CAUSEWAY WORK CENTRE WHAT IT IS Organization Mandate Causeway Work Centre is focused on helping people overcome complex employment barriers such as mental health issues, homelessness, lack of education, poverty and other barriers to employment, including a lack of Canadian working experience or being new to the country and/or to the city. For those individuals who are struggling to find work and who don’t know where to start, Causeway can be the first step. WHAT THEY PROVIDE Key Programs & Services for Job Seekers OVERCOMING BARRIERS Contact: Causeway can provide support targeted at each individual’s barriers and goals. Integrating employment supports with other community and personal support systems can break barriers to job readiness and retention. This holistic and personalized approach assists both applicants and employers during preemployment, hiring, transition periods and job retention. Intake Worker Frances Daly 613.725.3494 (x115) fdaly@causewayworkcentre.org Application: Call to apply, selfreferrals are accepted Employment Programs • • • • • • • • Employment Supports Program: Persons referred by the Ontario Disability Supports Program receive up to three years of service as they prepare for, obtain and retain paid employment. Specialized services include employment planning and assessments, job placement and job retention. Job Quest is a supported employment program, designed to help clients secure and retain paid employment within a three-month period. Solutions for Youth is a 16-week pre-employment program for those 16 to 29 years of age which includes co-op work placements. Rise Ottawa is a microfinance initiative targeting entrepreneurs living with mental illness and addiction; provides small business supports and access to affordable loans to move entrepreneurs towards their self-employment goals. CEO - Causeway’s Entrepreneurial Opportunity is designed for entrepreneurs with disabilities who wish to pursue self-employment. Needle Hunters provides paid employment to persons who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness, contracted through the City of Ottawa. Supported Employment in Rural Ottawa assists persons with a severe mental illness living in Homes for Special Care obtain and maintain paid employment. Peer Employment Mentorship Program is designed specifically for people with disabilities. Current or former social assistance clients will offer support and guidance to those who are interested in finding and maintaining employment. All services are free. Employment Assistance Services - Causeway is one of the service providers who administers the EAS program on behalf of Employment Ontario. Eligibility Criteria: Persons with disabilities who are unemployed Financial Literacy is an important tool for individuals moving into employment. Causeway has integrated significant financial literacy training into many of its pre-employment and entrepreneurial programs. You can explore further at OttawaJobPath.ca: Dealing with Financial Challenges “Signing Up” for the Job Search Persons with Disabilities Access this page directly at ottawajobpath.ca/quick-clicks.php Getting Practical Experience
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