Quick Reference Sheet ORGANIZATION MARCH OF DIMES CANADA WHAT IT IS Organization Mandate March of Dimes is a community-based rehabilitation and advocacy charity for people with physical disabilities. Our goal is to enhance the independence and community participation of people with physical disabilities every day through a wide range of programs and services across the country. WHAT THEY PROVIDE Key Programs & Services for Job Seekers PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Contact: Employment Services for Clients - Every year, March of Dimes Employment Services helps hundreds of people with disabilities achieve greater independence by providing job training and finding them employment. 613.596.3463 Toll free: 1.877.695.7999 info@marchofdimes.ca Ontario Employment Assistance Services (EAS) - March of Dimes Employment Services has six sites across the province that offer services under the Employment Ontario banner to individuals with a disability, including the Ottawa site. Eligibility Criteria: Persons with disabilities who are unemployed. 613.596.3463 Toll free: 1.877.695.7999 info@marchofdimes.ca Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Employment Supports - You do not have to be receiving ODSP Income Supports to participate in the ODSP Employment Supports program. Eligibility Criteria: Have a disability that is expected to last one year or more, aged 16 or over, elgibile to work in Canada, currently not working or have a job but having difficulty keeping the job due to disability related issues. 1.800.263.3463 (bilingual toll free line) Service Canada Opportunities Fund - Community Coordinator Project - Assist persons with disabilities prepare for, obtain and keep employment or become self-employed, thereby increasing their economic participation and independence. Eligibility Criteria: Individuals who self-identify as having a permanent disability or disabilities, are legally entitled to work in Canada, and are not eligible for employment insurance benefits . Community Coordinator 1.866.607.1336 (bilingual toll free line) Service Canada – Canada Pension Plan (CPP) - Individuals with disabilities who are receiving benefits from the Canada Pension Plan can receive vocational rehabilitation supports through the Community Coordinator Project. Find out more by contacting the CPP Case Manager. Community Coordinator 1.866.607.1336 (bilingual toll free line) CanVet Vocational Services – For clients who are medically released for any reason or are a released Canadian Forces Veteran with a service-related injury or illness, you may be eligible for vocational rehabilitation services. In certain cases, spouses, common-law partners and survivors may also access services. Veterans Affairs Canada 1.866.522.2122 (English) 1.866.522.2022 (French) CanVet website Or contact the client’s CPP Case Manager You can explore further at OttawaJobPath.ca: “Signing Up” for the Job Search Persons with Disabilities Members of the Military Access this page directly at ottawajobpath.ca/quick-clicks.php
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