Newsletter 6 - Otumoetai Intermediate School

Wednesday 13th May 2015
Dear parents, caregivers, students and friends of the school.
Tena koutou katoa. Nga mihi nui ki a koutou katoa.
We are four weeks into the second term and school is a busy place. Lots of
new sports have started and the Incredible Minds programme is in full swing. A
number of classes have been involved in education out of the classroom
activities and our cultural groups are developing well.
The school rock band has qualified for the regional smoke free rock quest finals and the choir is learning an
exciting repertoire of songs. The school wearable arts theme was unveiled this week with many students
expressing an interest in being involved. This year’s theme is Black and White and costumes need to be ready
by Thursday 23rd July 2015.
This term we also continue a new way of celebrating our students’ cultural and family heritage. Every student
will have their photo placed on our new Heritage Wall in the Learning Centre. It is important to us that every
student has a sense of belonging in our school and that their family’s culture and heritage is valued.
You, as parents/caregivers, along with family members are invited and most welcome to come along to see the
wall for yourself. A good time would be Friday after the school cross country. You’ll be able to see your son or
daughter race and then wander up the ramp to our Learning Centre which is above the Literacy Centre.
Our PTA meet on Tuesday 9th June at 7.30pm and we’ll use the Learning Centre as our venue. Everyone is
invited to join us and you’ll be able to view the heritage wall as well.
Henk Popping
Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 6 2015
Proud sponsor of Otumoetai Intermediate
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Mr Mark Barratt, our Board Chair, has resigned as a result of his family’s move to Cambridge and we would like to
thank him for his tremendous service to our school as a Trustee and Chairman for the past six years. On behalf of
our school community we would like to wish Mark, Tina and family all the very best for the future.
At their last meeting the Board elected Mr Warwick Downing as the new Board Chair and he is able to be contacted
Mark’s resignation meant the Board has a casual vacancy to fill and this will be carried out by selection. This
process will involve calling for expressions of interest or nominations from our current parents or parents who will be
attending our school over the next few years. The Board will then invite one of the nominees to join the Board in
Mark’s place. The term of tenure would be until the next Board election in April or May 2016.
The Board will look at what each nominee brings to the role and consider how they will be able to complement the
existing Board Members. This includes getting broad parent representation from our six contributing schools. If you
are interested in joining our Board of Trustees or know of someone who would be a good addition to our Board,
please complete the attestation form enclosed in this newsletter and drop it into the school for:
The Returning Officer
Otumoetai Intermediate School
5 Charles Street
Applications close Friday 5th June, 2015.
Overall Target - $10,000.00
We appreciate our families support for this and hope each student will raise at least $10.00.
Each student has a 2015 ID card and sponsorship form for when they are collecting their sponsorship monies.
Class and individual prizes will be given out at the end of term.
All businesses and personal sponsorship is able to be receipted as a donation. Please contact Barbara at the
school office for more details on 576 5105.
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Rutherford Year 7 and 8 Science
The Year 7 and 8 Rutherford Science groups are learning about bony and cartilaginous fish in Zoology, and have
had their learning enhanced by the use of our new AVerVision Interactive Visualizer. When the visualizer flexible
arm is positioned over any object, specimen, document or chemical reaction placed under it, the images of these
items are displayed in great detail and clarity on our new Panasonic 60inch TV. The visualizer gives full high
definition output resolution and has the capability of zooming 200X. We can also record video with sound, at 30
frames per second. ‘Still’ images and video recordings are captured on a USB flash drive and can then be shared
with the students through Google drive.
The visualizer has its own LED lamp and image rotation capability and can be used by remote control.
The visualizer is an excellent tool, helping to engage the students during dissection demonstrations and looking at
the internal and external features of our specimens. All students could easily see what was happening.
Students were able to assist by using the remote control to zoom in or out and capturing pictures of specimens as
they were removed.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Paul Campbell at Sanford Seafood, Cross Road, Sulphur Point for his
support and generosity. He has managed to supply us with a number of different species of fish for our students to
study. Over the past weeks Paul has kept an eye on what the boats are bringing in and put aside specimens
especially for us. This kind gesture has added to our students learning.
Ali McPike
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Rutherford Science Year 7
Over the last few weeks we have been looking at different species of bony fish. Our main focus was learning about
the Alfonsino. While we were learning about the fish, we started to use a range of scientific vocabulary, and to
identify the key structural features and functions involved in the life processes of animals.
Before we dissected the Alfonsino, we looked at the external features of a bony fish; such as the mucus layer which
protects them from bacteria and parasites, scales which have growth rings and also the lateral line which senses
low vibration and water pressure.
The fins; caudal (tail) fin is used for propulsion forward. A sharply forked tail implies a fast swimmer and a rounded
tail indicates the fish is a good turner. The dorsal fin (top of the fish) is used for protection and the anal, pectoral
and pelvic fins are used for balance and steering.
The internal features include the gills. They are made up of: a gill arch - which is a bony loop that supports the gills;
and gill rakers which filter tiny prey and gill filaments - where the gas exchange takes place. This means the
filaments take up oxygen and discharge carbon dioxide. These filaments are highly folded to increase surface area.
The heart - has two chambers unlike humans who have four. The pyloric caeca – this organ has finger like parts that
work like an intestine. Liver - digestive function that produces bile, stores fat and helps waste removal. The swim
bladder - which controls fish buoyancy. This organ has a flexible thin membrane and is a gas filled sac. Lastly the
kidneys – this is a thin red line running the length of the fish.
We also looked at a Gurnard, Ling, Flat Fish, John Dory, Red Snapper and a Stargazer.
Caitlin Pringle and Arabella Moore
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Rutherford Science Year 8
During our Year 8 Rutherford Science class on Fridays we have been given the opportunity to learn about the
adaptations of various fish. However, rather than skimming through the pages of books, it has been a real hands on
experience; with full on inquiry. Who knew fish had such wee little hearts, tubular mouths and that our well-loved
Friday night dinner special, actually has the name myotomes!
We have dissected and studied the uses and needs of the unique adaptations that fish have developed:
The Flatfish – Sole, has the ability to lighten and darken its skin tone to camouflage with its surroundings, some
using colour changing cells called ‘chromatophores’.
The Ling has conical teeth and the Frost Fish has large fang-like teeth, not dissimilar to the fangs in a snake.
The Monkfish, also known as the Stargazer, has a worm shaped lure in the bottom of its mouth to attract prey.
The Sole also had a rather interesting structure to its face; we learnt that, because it lives on the bottom of the
ocean with only one side ever facing up, it’s eyes migrate as it develops, over to its dominating side; meaning it
has two eyes on one side of its face!
Friday is a day to look forward to; all those fascinating adaptations, funky fishy smells and thought provoking
reasons about the needs for each adaptation for fish survival. I honestly don’t think I will look at a fish the same way
Antonia Ballantyne
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
A big thank you to all parents and caregivers who came along to the PTA Information Night last term. The PTA also
held their annual meeting and the following executive members were elected:
Julie Miedema
Tracy Donovan
Maree Grinlinton
Committee Members:
Julie Doake, Monique Paintin, Kate Mollison, Kim Dunn, Ally Butler, Janene Pearce, Leaine
Fitzgerald, Alex Ryder, Petra Wohlers, Kate Graeme, Sarah Mortimer, Laura Rowe, Sarah
Reid, Maree Downs, Paul Mitchell and Henk Popping.
Involving parents and families in children’s education has been a priority for New Zealand PTA’s since they were
founded over 50 years ago. Parent Teacher Associations or friends of the school groups are based on the
Parent and family involvement increases student success. There are six recognised types of effective parent
involvement in schools world-wide.
They are:
Communicating – Communication between home and school is regular, two-way and meaningful.
Parenting – Parenting skills are promoted and supported.
Student Learning – Parents play an integral role in assisting student learning.
Volunteering – Parents are welcome in the school and their support and assistance are sought.
School Decision Making and Advocacy - Parents are full partners in the decisions that affect children and
Collaborating with the Community - Community resources are used to strengthen schools, families, and student
Our children today face a world where the shape of the future is not clear; a world where values, lifestyles, concepts
and attitudes are rapidly changing. Therefore, it is essential that parents and teachers work together to help our
children grow into adults who can cope with the ever-changing world.
Our Board and Community recognise this and have developed seven strategic goals for the school including three
key goals from the New Zealand Schooling Strategy.
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
The second school strategic goal “The school will foster the partnership between whanau (families) and school“ is
the one where the Otumoetai Intermediate School Parent Teacher Association plays an important role.
The Parent Teacher Association at our school is made up of a committee comprising parents and members of staff
whose focus is the achievement of this second school goal. This committee is supported by parents and caregivers
who make themselves available to assist in the school when they can as the PTA Support Group.
We would like to thank all those parents who have offered to assist in some way this year.
Our next meeting is on Tuesday 9th June 2015 in the Learning Centre at 7.30 pm. The focus for this meeting will be
a feedback session on school programmes and future developments. We will be asking our committee for feedback
on school activities, programmes and possible directions for the future, including modern learning environments.
John Stanley, Deputy Principal, will join us and explain our plans for next year’s 50th celebration.
Other meetings this year are planned for:
Tuesday 11th August 2015: John Parsons will speak on Keeping our Children Cyber-Safe.
This date has been moved to accommodate John who will be flying up from Nelson.
Tuesday 10th November 2015.
The Bay of Plenty Literacy quiz competition was held on Wednesday 29th April 2015 at Tauranga Intermediate
School. The year 7 team placed 13th our Year 8 team placed 10th. Both teams enjoyed themselves and
represented Otumoetai Intermediate School well. We will keep practicing for the interschool competition later on in
the year.
Angela Southon
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Friday 22nd May 2015
The school cross country is being held next Friday from 9.00 am through to 10.45 am. The starting order is:
9.15 am
9.25 am
9.35 am
9.45 am
9.55 am
10.05 am
10.45 am
Year 8 Boys Competitive
Year 8 Girls Competitive
Year 7 Boys Competitive
Year 7 Girls Competitive
Year 7 and 8 Boys Non-Competitive
Year 7 and 8 Girls Non-Competitive
Students are advised to wear shoes and may wear house colours.
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
As the winter sports season gets into full swing and we start to prepare for the NZCTAIMS GAMES national
tournament we would like to make everyone aware of our school’s fair-play expectations.
Sporting Players
Good sport is about positive attitude. Play your part – play fair. To the best of your ability:
Play by the rules.
Never argue with an official.
Work hard to do your best at all times.
Turn up to practice.
Be a good sport and recognize good players and good plays by all involved.
Remember to thank your coach, the officials, the opposition and supporters.
Help others in your team when you can.
Avoid putting people down or bullying them.
Give it heaps and not get ugly.
Sporting Coaches
Good sport is about positive attitude. As a coach you set the standards. Play your part to help make each game a
success – play fair. To the best of your ability:
Set personal behaviour standards for yourself and those you coach to follow.
Give each player the same amount of your attention and time.
Provide every player with the same opportunities to play the game.
Never argue with the referee, encourage cheating or make excuses for losing.
Always be positive. Never shout at or ridicule players.
Respect players’ efforts regardless of whether we have won or lost.
Encourage respect for the opposition and officials.
Keep winning and losing in perspective with personal challenge and enjoyment.
Give it heaps and not get ugly.
Sporting Spectators and Supporters
Good sport is about positive attitude. You can set the right tone, and help make the game a success. Play your part
– play fair. To the best of your ability:
Respect that people are involved in sport for fun and enjoyment.
Support good play and applaud good performance from all competitors.
Attempt to understand the rules of the game.
Learn the difference between supportive and abusive comments and rule out the latter.
Accept the decisions of officials and coaches.
Display self-control on the side-line. Always be positive. Never shout at or ridicule players.
Show your appreciation to people who volunteer their time to make sport happen.
Remember that we are all capable of making mistakes.
Give it heaps and not get ugly.
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Otumoetai Intermediate offers a range of Instrumental music lessons as individuals or in small groups. Lessons are
available for all students at all levels wanting to pursue Music or wanting to just give it a go. Please contact the
teachers themselves directly or Miss Neal (the music teacher) if you have any further
Free Music Lessons
We are able to provide students free Brass and Woodwind lessons here at Otumoetai Intermediate. These lessons
will take place before and after school or lunch times, dependant on student availability. Brass Instruments include
Trumpet, Cornet and Trombone. Woodwind instruments include Saxophone, Clarinet and Flute.
You will need an instrument for practices. You can hire instruments from a local Music Store at a low cost (Bay City
Music) or talk to Miss Neal about other hire options.
Private Music Lessons
Drum Lessons with Jed Dawkins
Half hour lessons happen throughout the term on Friday mornings. Contact Jed on 022 037 8620 to secure a
place or visit
Learn Guitar, Keyboard and Ukulele with Ryan Mulligan
Half hour lessons take place before and after school in small groups or as individuals in Guitar, Keyboard
and/or Ukulele. Contact Ryan on or phone 021 951 177.
Bass Guitar and Piano with Jared Harper
Half hour lessons for Bass Guitar and Piano happen throughout the term on Fridays. Contact Jared on 575
3165 or 021 557 487 or
String Instruments with Shelby Maples
Half hour lessons take place before and/or after school during the week. or on mobile 027 812 0720.
Otumoetai Intermediate School Newsletter: Volume 6 2015
Contact Shelby on
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Mini Marathon
Congratulations to Millie Tisch who competed in the Rotorua MiniMarathon on Friday 1st May 2015. Millie achieved second place in the
Year 7 Girls.
The Otumoetai Intermediate softball team came first for this season. Great effort on the students’ part with lots of
hard work going into this result.
Mitchell Wragg went to Christchurch to compete in the NZ National Champs. Mitchell achieved 11 th place overall in
the 13 year old boys. Well done Mitchell.
Sophia Chaney has been chosen for the Under 12 Waterpolo B Grade Rep Team. Congratulations Sophia.
Ruth Lonsdale competed in the T42 11 km run, finishing sixth overall and first in the under 20’s. Great effort Ruth.
On 7th May 2015, Daniel Weiss, Kyle Duck, Luca Soole, Josh
Vincent, Antonia Ballantyne, Mia Krueger-Reedy, Nikayla Bradley,
and Anna Raeburn went to the 2015 inter-intermediate Kayaking
competition at Waimarino.
There were four events; slalom, sprints, long distance, and deep
water rescue.
All members of the team competed well showing great
determination and sportsmanship and they came fourth overall.
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
At Otumoetai Intermediate we encourage all our students to enter the Australasian ICAS competition. Below is a
timetable of dates and the cost of each exam.
Closing Date for
Sitting Dates
for Competitions
Computer Skills
Tuesday 12th May
Tuesday 16th June
Wednesday 24th June
Tuesday 28th July
Thursday 2nd July
Tuesday 11th August
The closing dates for payment are as above and no late entries will be accepted. Complete the return slip below
and return with the correct payment in an envelope and hand into the school office.
Child’s Name: ______________________________________________________ Room: _______ Yr Level: _______
I would like to enter the following Australian competitions:
Computer Skills
I enclose $_________________________ in payment
Signed: __________________________________________________________________________________________
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
We are pleased to be offering the new 2015 l 2016 Entertainment™ Book as a fundraiser for our school.
Featuring offerings from some of the best restaurants, cafes, eateries, activities, attractions and retail businesses
from Hamilton & surrounds, Tauranga & the Mount, Rotorua, Taupo and The Coromandel Peninsula – there’s
something for everyone throughout the Waikato/BOP regions.
Your NEW Entertainment Book is valid from now until June 2016 and remember you only need to use your Book
ONCE OR TWICE throughout the year and it will have paid for itself!
The 2014 l 2015 book will expire on June 1st so don’t miss out on THE BEST Entertainment Book yet!
There are two types of membership:
The traditional Entertainment™ Book Membership which is available from the school office:
The traditional Entertainment™ Book printed Membership that comes with the Gold
Card and vouchers.
Contains over $20,000 worth of valuable up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers for many of
the best restaurants, cafés, arts, attractions, hotels, travel, shopping and much more!
The Entertainment™ Digital Membership:
The Entertainment™ Digital Membership puts the value of the traditional Entertainment™
Book into your Apple or Android device, and also allows you to:
Show and save using your Apple or Android device, with no Card or Voucher to present
Search for nearby businesses in the Entertainment™ program
Search for specific businesses by name, location or dining category
Share your Membership with another family member
Whether you choose the printed Entertainment™ Book -OR- the Entertainment™ Digital Membership for your
smartphone, $12.00 of your $60.00 purchase will help our school.
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
Qualified and Experienced Tutors
1 : 1 after school maths tuition.
Year 3 to 13
Phone 021 176 4194 or visit
DINGO@WORK – PHONE 0800 346 467
Here to help you and make your job easier!
We can help you with: Earth-moving; Hole drilling; Trenching; Rotary hoeing;
Lawn and garden prep; Site clearing and prep; Stump grinding; Fencing and retainer
walls; Mechanical repair and servicing; PLUS any general jobs – just ask!
Phone David: 0800 346 467, or visit our website at
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
I require caring home environments to accommodate 1 or 2 Korean children for 4-8 weeks during June and July.
The children will attend English classes Monday to Friday 9.00 am to 3.30 pm in Ngatai Road (Chapel St end).
Lunch will be provided Monday-Friday.
Optional weekend activities/get-together’s for the Korean children will be planned also.
If you think you might be interested, please give me a call – Chrissie on 576 6248.
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Wednesday 13th May 2015
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