2015 Newsletter - Boise Ranch Women`s Association

Boise Ranch Women’s Association
(go on-line and check out our website)
Sandee Rhodenbaugh, President, 631-3504
Sherri Potter, Tournament Director, 891-8143
Carolyne Berg, Vice President/League Director, 867-8620
Mimi Beutter, Handicap Chairman, 761-2894
Lori Arce-Torres, Webmaster, 860-0955
Sue Shepherdson, Secretary/Treasurer, 869-6019
March 2015
February 2015 and some of you are already playing golf! Do we live in a great place or what? This year is already shaping up to be spectacular and with the help of all you ladies of the Ranch, we should have a great golf season. Our goal as your elected officers is to make your experience as a BRWA member as fun possible. We would love to hear any ideas for improvements we can make to make the playing field competitive, fair, and of course fun! As a non-­‐profit club, each year BRWA donates towards course improvement. This year we have donated a tree to be planted on #17 in memory of Drew Wilson. Many of you knew Drew as part of the maintenance crew but did not realize that he was Charles Wilson's, owner of Boise Ranch, son. He loved the improvements done on #17 so we thought that would be a perfect spot for his memorial. I hope to see you all at the meeting March 18th . Sign ups start at 6 meeting at 7. Sandee Rhodenbaugh, BRWA President
2015 League Starts May 13th and goes until August 5th
Welcome everyone to the 2015 Boise Ranch Women’s League. I have to say
that we have one of the best leagues in the Treasure Valley. The women are
great and the course is awesome. The general meeting will be on March 18th
Registration starts at 6:00
this year, with registration starting at 6:00. We are still requiring that everyone
Meeting promptly at 7:00
have an established handicap BEFORE league starts. You can get this by being
$1.00 Tacos & Drink Specials
a current IGA member or posting (6) 18-hole or (12) 9-hole scores. You need
Everyone who attends the meeting
to have handicaps established by April 30th. To ensure you get a spot in league,
will get a raffle ticket for a door
please sign up before or at the meeting. The deadline to pay for league is April
1st. Anything after that is a on a first come, first serve basis. I would also like to
mention the subject of substitutes. It is your responsibility to get a sub (found
On Agenda
on the website under sub-list). You must also contact me by the Monday prior
- New tournament schedule
- League schedule
to league night as to who your sub is, who they are subbing for, and their
- Announcements from
current handicap so that I can get the score cards changed with proper
Officers & Pro, Chad
handicaps prior to league night. Notification by e-mail works best for me, that
way I have a record of the change. You also need to have a 2015 IGA card to
be a sub, but you do not have to be a BRWA association member. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for
being part of the BRWA. We, the board, can’t do this without you all. Your continued support to all of us is what
makes this league so amazing. We appreciate the help you provide us at tournaments through your donations of raffle
prizes and hole sponsors, as well as the time you give us in assisting in some of the men’s tournaments. Thank you all
again for being a part of the Boise Ranch Women’s Association. Carolyne Berg – League Director & Vice-Presidente-mail: cbmkb@msn.com Phone: 867-8620
2015 General Meeting
Wednesday March 18th
All Boise Ranch Women’s
Association members are asked to
bring two gifts each year, wrapped
and no more than $8 to $10 each.
These gifts are accumulated and are
offered to members who play in the
tournaments during the year who
don’t win money. This way all of our
participants are winners! You can
bring the gifts during league night
and leave them with one of the board
BRWA 2015 Tournament Schedule – Subject to
Saturday - April 25th – Spring Opener – Two
lady scramble
Saturday - May 16th – May Day Fun Day
4-Lady Blind Draw Shamble
Saturday - June 13th – Member Guest
Saturday & Sunday – July 11th & 12th – IGA
Chapman – Not a BRWA Tournament
Saturday & Sunday - August 15th and 16th –
Club Championship
Sunday - September 20th – 2-Lady Alternate
Shot with BRMA
Sunday - October 4th – End of Season
2-Lady Shamble
Saturday – November 7th – Fall Classic with
BRMA – 2 Lady Best Ball – Bring a canned
food item
7 dues
– Fall
Online signup is available this year on the IGA website.
You- can
pay your IGA
with yourwith
BRWA association dues on the link that was sentBRMA
out in an earlier e-mail. We also have a BRWA
Facebook page that also has the link as a post. If2-Lady
you have Best
a Facebook
you canyour
BRWA food
Ball page
– Bring
Women’s Association and like our page. Also, you
information on the comings and goings of our association. In 2014, the Boise Ranch Pro Shop
changed how monies won during a tournament can be used. All monies on the books must be spent in
the pro shop for merchandise and are not able to be used for greens fees, carts, passes, etc. If you
don’t see something you want, ask. They may be able to order it for you at a reasonable price.
If you need an extra copy of the newsletter or tournament schedule – find it on the web site www.ourbrwa.org
Entry forms will be collected all year, but the sooner the better.
Boise Ranch Women’s Association
If you ARE NOT playing in League
2015 Dues and IGA Fee
Make checks payable to: BRWA
Send check to: Mimi Beutter
7944 W. Tillamook
Boise, ID 83709
Please Print
City, Zip_______________________________________________________________
) $25 BRWA Dues Only
) $55 BRWA Dues & IGA Fee (to hold your
IGA card at Boise Ranch you must be a member of BRWA)
E-Mail________________________________________________ Ph_________________________ Cell_________________________
Turn in Entry Forms NLT April 30th
Boise Ranch Women’s Association
If you ARE playing in League
2015 Dues, 12 wk green fees, League Entry and IGA Fee
Make checks payable to: BRWA
Send check to: Carolyne Berg
7944 W. Tillamook
Boise, ID 83709
Please Print
City, Zip_________________________________________________________________
Do you have a Pass? Yes ( )
If yes, which Pass?
Full ( )
No ( )
7-Day Unlimited (
( ) $25 BRWA Dues
( ) $30 IGA Fee
( ) $204 League Green Fees (No Pass) $17 per wk
( ) $40 League Entry Fee
Amount Paid: ( ) $299 ( ) $ 269 less IGA
( ) $25 BRWA Dues
( ) $30 IGA Fee
( ) $84 League Green Fees (2-Course Pass) $7 per wk
( ) $40 League Entry Fee
Amount Paid: ( ) $179 ( ) $149 less IGA
) or 2 Course ( )
( ) $25 BRWA Dues
Partners Name___________________________________________________Hdcp__________
( ) $30 IGA Fee
( ) $00 League Green Fees (Full & 7-Day Unlimited Pass)
Need a Partner ( )
( ) $40 League Entry Fee
Amount Paid: ( ) $95 ( ) $65 less IGA
Contact Carolyne Berg 867-8620 at or cbmkb@msn.com if you have questions ( ) $60 Cart prepay for league only
Turn in Entry Forms NLT April 30th
Boise Ranch Women’s Association
If you ARE playing in League
2015 Dues, 12 wk green fees, League Entry and IGA Fee
Make checks payable to: BRWA
Send check to: Carolyne Berg
7944 W. Tillamook
Boise, ID 83709
Please Print
City, Zip_________________________________________________________________
Do you have a Pass? Yes ( )
If yes, which Pass?
Full ( )
No ( )
7-Day Unlimited (
or 2 Course (
( ) $25 BRWA Dues
( ) $30 IGA Fee
( ) $204 League Green Fees (No Pass) $17 per wk
( ) $40 League Entry Fee
Amount Paid: ( ) $299 ( ) $ 269 less IGA
( ) $25 BRWA Dues
( ) $30 IGA Fee
( ) $84 League Green Fees (2-Course Pass) $7 per wk
( ) $40 League Entry Fee
Amount Paid: ( ) $179 ( ) $149 less IGA
( ) $25 BRWA Dues
Partners Name___________________________________________________Hdcp__________
( ) $30 IGA Fee
( ) $00 League Green Fees (Full & 7-Day Unlimited Pass)
Need a Partner ( )
( ) $40 League Entry Fee
Amount Paid: ( ) $95 ( ) $65 less IGA
Contact Carolyne Berg at 867-8620 or cbmkb@msn.com if you have questions ( ) $60 Cart prepay for league only