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Google's Mobilegeddon: Is your website ready?
Starting 21 April, Google will be expanding their use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This
change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in
Google search results.
Google is launching a 'mobile-friendly' label to search engine results under the URL in the snippet
that states whether the page is mobile-friendly.
If your product is a website, or has a website, what percentage of of traffic comes via mobile
device? Probably a lot and it will grow each day.
Attend this webinar to hear from the experts and ask questions about this very important topic:
What Google has announced so far
How to meet the mobile-friendly update today and in the future
How to test your website
What happens if you don't prepare?
Dedicated mobile site vs responsive design + other design considerations when moving to a
mobile-friendly website
Michael Motherwell, Director and C o-Founder, Lined Media
Thursday 14 May 2015
12pm - 1pm
This is an online event and will be available via desktop.
Members: FREE
Local C hamber member: $15.00 inc GST
Non-member: $30.00 inc GST
Please RSVP by selecting either 'register' or 'decline' below. For any
questions please email
Please note registration closes at 5pm on Wednesday 13 May 2015.
Please ensure you register with your email address so you can
receive the webinar access link.
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Michael Motherwell
Director and Co-Founder, Lined Media
Michae l is re nowne d as one of the be st SEO consultants in the Asia Pacific R e gion. Now le ading his
own Se arch Engine O ptim isation age ncy, Michae l brings to the role m ore than 12 ye ars advance d
te chnical e x pe rie nce and a passion for analytics, coding and trouble -shooting. Establishe d in 2010,
Line d Me dia has e x pande d quick ly due to the sk ills applie d by its founding dire ctors who re m ain
across e ve ry clie nt inte raction – from strate gy, m e thodology to te chnology.
Michae l has be e n involve d with Se arch Engine O ptim isation in Australia since the ve ry be ginning. He
posse sse s advance d te chnical k nowle dge and unde rstanding of the Se arch space . Michae l spe cialise s
in the use of te chnology, se rve r configuration and coding to solve online m ark e ting proble m s and has
a vast k nowle dge of m ost m ajor se rve r platform s, conte nt m anage m e nt syste m s and we b
program m ing language s.
Furthe rm ore , Michae l is a collaborative and inve stigative think e r who is e ngage d with the SEO
com m unity spe ak ing re gularly at industry e ve nts including Se arch Engine Bootcam p whe re he runs the
popular inte ractive site clinic. Michae l is a fre que nt contributor on the Se arch Engine forum s
m ode rating at the Highrank ings Forum , as we ll as be ing the Te chnical Adm inistrator at
C re 8asite forum s.
Prior to e stablishing Line d Me dia with his busine ss partne r R usse ll Bank s, Michae l was the Se nior
Se arch C onsultant at W MS C onsulting whe re he spe cialise d in the use of te chnology and se rve r
configuration to solve online m ark e ting proble m s and use d his vast k nowle dge of m ost m ajor se rve r
platform s, conte nt m anage m e nt syste m s and we b program m ing language s to de live r custom e r
re sults.
A Graduate of Inform ation Te chnology from Griffith Unive rsity on the Gold C oast, Michae l has ove r 12
ye ars’ e x pe rie nce in we b de sign, we b coding and SEO , including 2 ye ars as a se nior SEO e x pe rt at
De cide Inte ractive . Michae l has also be e n a spe ak e r on SEO , PPC and Social Me dia optim isation at
se arch confe re nce s throughout Australia, Ne w Ze aland and Singapore . He has pre se nte d at se ve ral
m ajor se arch-m ark e ting confe re nce s since 2002. Michae l is a re gular spe ak e r at O nline Mark e te r,
SMX and Se arch Engine Bootcam p.
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