Fatima Focus Our Lady of Fatima Parish Community 6 Cottonwood Road - Manorhaven, New York 11050 ourladyoffatimapw.org www.facebook.com/ourladyoffatimapw ourladyoffatima.wordpress.com Parish Mission Statement Firmly rooted in our Roman Catholic tradition, we, the Parish of Our Lady of Fatima are a welcoming, caring and inclusive community of believers. We seek to bear witness to Christ’s love for all in our lives, in our community and in our world. We strive to continue the mission of Jesus through worship and in our educational, spiritual and social justice programs and in our commitment to stewardship. We are a collaborative, diverse, multi-cultural parish dedicated to reaching out to all God’s people, especially those in need. All are welcome in this parish. Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Parish Sundays Weekdays Sat.: 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM (Spanish) Mon. - Fri: 8:00 AM Sun.: 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM (Family Liturgy), Holydays 11:30 A.M. Eve: 7:30 PM - Day: 8:00 AM Rectory Office: Mon. - Fri.: 9 AM - 12 Noon & 1 - 5 PM; Sat.: 9AM - 5PM Sun.: 9 AM - 1PM Rectory Phone: 767-0781 Rectory Fax: 767-2981 Religious Education: 944-8322 Convent: 883-1762 Parish Outreach: 883-3903 (See page 2 for further Parish information.) Parish Staff Parish Ministries Reverend Steven J. Peterson, Pastor Sister Gerri O’Neill, O.P. Director Faith Formation Sister Kathy Somerville, O.P. Director Parish Social Ministry Arthur Candido, Deacon Helen Mochwart, Music Director Barbara Minerva, Business Manager Altar Servers: Deacon Arthur Candido (516)883-8032 Altar Server Schedule: Jane Candido (516)883-8032 Baptism Preparation: Rev. Steven Peterson (516)767-0781 Bereavement: Yvonne Calabrese (516)883-4817 Building & Grounds: Christopher Bollerman (516)767-0781 Communication to the Sick: Deacon Arthur Candido (516)883-8032 CaringHands Prayer Chain: Marge Walsh (516)767-2936 Extraordinary Ministers of Communion: Leonor Sanchez (516)708-1202 Faith Formation Board: Dan Trunk (516)883-3329 Finance Council: Leonel Galvez, (516)883-1666 Gardening: S. Kathy Somerville, O.P. (516)883-3903 Barbara Minerva (516)883-7652 Lectors: Moderator: S. Kathy Somerville, O.P. Schedule: Jane Candido (516)883-8032 Liturgy & Spirituality: Rev. Steven Peterson (516)767-0781 Music: Helen Mochwart (516)883-4415 Offering Counters: Helen Raduazzo (516)883-8869 Pastoral Council: Agatha Cotilletta (516)570-0925 Alicia McGrath (516)754-9692 Parish Trustee: Mike Barry (516)883-5950 Maria Carpinelli (516)767-1822 Small Faith Communities: Sister Gerri O’Neill, O.P. (516)944-8322 Ushers: Michael Raduazzo (516)883-8869 Websites: Janina Krach (516)883-8444 Parish Website: www.ourladyoffatimapw.org Facebook: www.facebook.com/ourladyoffatimapw Blog: ourladyoffatimapw.wordpress.com Office Personnel Rectory Secretaries: Jose Machuca Leonor Sanchez Faith Formation Secretary: Patricia Devine Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 4:45pm or by Appointment Baptism: Please contact the rectory four to six weeks in advance for information and appointment. Marriage: Those planning a wedding should contact the rectory at least 6 months in advance (516)767-0781. Anointing of the Sick: Every 4th Sunday of the Month (11:30am Mass) Devotions Our Lady of Fatima Novena: Mondays following the 8:00am Mass. Rosary: After Daily Mass Apostolado Hispano Misa en Español: Los Sábados a las 7:00pm. Bautizos: El 4 Sábado del mes durante la misa en español. Los padres deben llamar a la rectoría, (516)767-0781, al menos dos meses antes. Confesiones: Llamar y hacer cita (516)767-0781 Matrimonio: Parejas deben llamar a la rectoría, (516)767-0781, al menos 6 meses antes de la fecha del la boda. May 31, 2015 Page |1 ……………………………………………………………………… .. Mass Intentions Monday, June 1st 8:00 a.m. People of the Parish Tuesday, June 2nd 8:00 a.m. Angela & Bill McNamara Wednesday, June 3rd 8:00 a.m. Walter Shackel Thursday, June 4th 8:00 a.m. Intention paid by Florence Friday, June 5th 8:00 a.m. Intention paid by Florence Today’s second reading reminds us that we are the adopted sons and daughters – the heirs – of God. We are good stewards of our inheritance when we share our faith and fulfill Our Lord’s command to “go….and make disciples of all nations.” Saturday, June 6th 5:00 p.m. Andrew Connell 7:00 p.m. Hispanic Community Sunday, June 7th 8:00 a.m. Maria Tarone 10:00 a.m. Elizabeth Carpinelli 11:30 a.m. Antonio Dellavechia Prayers for the Sick Your prayers are requested for: Vicky & Phillip Affrunti, Rick Atkinson, Ryan Armstrong, Bree Bellavita, Rose Bennett, Linda Biittig, Michele Bischoff, Baby: Darian James Bogin, John Bradley, Virginia Cantino, Raleigh Capozzi, Mary St. John Clark, Anne Keily-Cohen, Maryann Dishuc, Michael DiLeo, Kyle Faticone, Charlie Fertitta, Patrick Finnegan, Kathryn Giulitti, Kathleen Grace, Florence Gramarossa, Marie Hayes, Anthony Kane, Michael Katz, Rita Knizewski, Kathleen Lewis, Rita Marchese, Angela Mazzella, Norma Mazzeo, Tommy McCarvill, Elaina McLoughin, Bob McSweeney, Katherine Mitchelle, Don Mochwart, Andy Mosby , Charles Murphy, Seraphina O’Brien, Jesse Nesbit, Li O’Donnell, George O’Krepkie, Terry Olivo, John Orr, Barbara Walsh Padilla, Glenn Petersons, Gia Pometta, Harold Poole, Vivian Puglisi, Nancy Scialpi, Diana Schmeltzer, Justin Simeon, Jim Simonsen, Amy Smith, Eileen Smith, Linda Crum Smith, Angela Starchich, Annie Tolentino, Carlos Torres, Margaret Marie Trinko, Carla Vario, Marilyn Zahn-Veritzan, Mary Whol, Andrew Wholykowski and all who are homebound or have special needs. SUNDAY COLLECTION May 24th $3,612.00 Thank you for your generous sacrificial giving! Your faithful sacrificial giving each week helps Our Lady of Fatima to continue our Pastoral Ministries and care for our parish buildings. Thanks, Fr. Steve Mass Schedule June 6th & June 7th Saturday: 5:00 PM ~ Fr. Steve 7:00 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve 10:00 AM ~ Fr. Steve 11:30 AM ~ Fr. Steve May 31, 2015 Worship Readings for the week Monday, June 1st Tobit 1:3; 1:1a-8 Mark 12:1-12 Tuesday, June 2nd Tobit 2:9-14 Mark 12:13-17 Wednesday, June 3rd Tobit 3:1-11a, 16-17a Mark 12:18-27 Thursday, June 4th Tobit 6:10-11; 7:1bcde, 9-17; 8:4-9a Mark 12:28-34 Friday, June 5th Tobit 11:5-17 Mark 12:35-37 Saturday, June 6th Tobit 12:1, 5-15,20 Mark 12:38-44 Sunday, June 7th The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Page |2 LITANY OF THE HOLY TRINITY: Father of Christ our Savior; God of all consolation; King of eternal ages; King of saints and angels Father of love and mercy; Giver of every blessing; Stretch our your hand in healing. Save us and make us one. Jesus, eternal Wisdom: Jesus, the joy of angels: Jesus, the Son of Mary: Jesus, our king and shepherd: Jesus, our priest and victim: Jesus, our hope of glory: Send us your Holy Spirit, Giver of joy and peace. God the all Holy Spirit: Bond between Son and Father: Gift of the new creation: Fountain of life and goodness: Seal on God’s chosen children: Peace of the Lord’s own giving: Lead us through grace to glory, One with the risen Christ. (James Quinn, S.J.) First Reading: Exodus 24:3-8 The people in the first reading wanted to obey the Lord. Moses sealed this with the covenant of blood between the Lord and his people. Second Reading Hebrews 9:11-15 In the second reading, we hear that the blood of Christ obtained eternal redemption for humankind. Gospel: Mark 14:12-16, 22-26 Jesus reminds us of this in the Gospel as he celebrates the Passover with his disciples. The Reflection Question for the week is: Jesus promises to be with us always. WHICH EXPERIENCES OF JESUS PRESENCE HAVE BEEN PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT TO ME? WHY? THANK YOU: Many thanks to all those who helped us celebrate the great Feast of Pentecost last weekend. Thanks to our Stewardship Committee for taking care of hospitality after each of the Masses, thanks to our Hispanic Music Ministry, thanks to our lectors and ushers, thanks to all those who participated in our procession of ministries, thanks to all our parish ministers and to Helen Mochwart, our Music Director. Thanks to Deacon Artie and Jane Candido for gathering all the pieces together. The LITURGY COMMITTEE will meet on TUESDAY, JUNE 9th, at 7:30 PM in the sacristy. Next weekend we will celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. On June 12th, we will celebrate the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May 31, 2015 HOLY HOUR FOR PEACE: Bishop Murphy has requested that each parish in the diocese set aside time for a HOLY HOUR FOR PEACE in our very troubled world. On next Sunday, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, there will be a Holy Hour for Peace following the 11:30 AM Mass. It will begin at 1:00 PM and conclude at 2:00 PM. The SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK will be celebrated on SUNDAY, JUNE 28th, at the 11:30 AM Mass. All are welcome to celebrate this sacrament of healing and forgiveness. ADMINISTRATION FAITH DIRECT: Busy making plans for your summer vacation? Don’t forget Our Lady of Fatima Parish in your vacation plans! Sign up today for eGiving through Faith Direct to make sure you remember you gift to Our Lady of Fatima Parish while your enjoy your summer vacation. Enrolling is easy, just go to www.faithdirect.net. Our parish code is NY303. Thanks for your continued support and enjoy the coming days of summer! The STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE will meet on TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd, at 7:30 PM in the SACRISTY. Please support our PARISH FUND RAISING APPEAL: A week or two ago many of you should have received in the mail a letter about our fund raising efforts so that we can proceed with our hopes to expand our Parish Social Ministry programs, improve Faith Formation processes with better technology, establish a fund for the ongoing formation of our catechists, replace the old desks and chairs, and complete the restoration of our parish church. Please consider a gift or pledge to help us bring these important parish projects to fulfillment. We need the support of as many parishioners as possible to prepare for our future. We indeed have been greatly blest over the years; please help us prepare for the coming years so that we continue to proclaim the gospel in Our Lady of Fatima Parish. Page |3 The COMMUNICATION COMMITTEE will meet on THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, at 7:00 PM. In the Parish Office. Collection for RETIRED RELIGIOUS: Next weekend we will take up our annual collection for the Religious Retirement Fund. Religious Sisters and Brothers who have so many years served in the education, health care, and social ministries of the church need our help. The stipends being earned by the members of our religious communities who are still actively engages in ministry are no longer enough to support the elderly members of their religious communities. The number of elderly Religious in assisted living or nursing facilities continue to rise as do the costs for these facilities. For the past 30 years the Diocese of Rockville Centre has been committed to return a portion of our financial resources to our religious who have served the diocese in so many ways throughout the years. Please be generous in the second collection next weekend. COMMUNITY Dear Friends, This weekend we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity. It is a beautiful feast! It invites us to prayerfully reflect on the mystery of the Holy Trinity and consider our connectedness with the Trinity. The readings today are not about the doctrine of the Trinity, but rather about the experience of the Trinity that fills our lives. It’s about relationships. The Trinity is not foremost a doctrine, rather it is how the Divine has been experienced throughout the ages. In the reading from Deuteronomy there is a sense of awe at all that God has done among the people. In Romans Paul expresses the complementary relationship between God and May 31, 2015 Jesus and the Spirit. Paul proclaims that every believer participates in this dynamic and living relationship. All share in the life of the Trinity. The gospel this weekend comes from Matthew. It is the “Great Commission,” the command to go forth and proclaim the gospel message to all the nations. Those who are sent are called into relationship with the Trinity, so that they will be able to proclaim the message with sincerity and authenticity. The disciples are gathered in Galilee in the presence of the Risen Lord. They are invited to go forth and proclaim the gospel. They have come to a new horizon, they have come to a new threshold of possibilities. They are caught up in the power of Trinitarian love and this love will transform their lives and fill them with a new wisdom and understanding. It will lead them to places they never imagined. It will fill them with a love that will overcome their fears and limitations. My dear friends, on this Feast of the Holy Trinity we are also invited like Israelites in the first reading today to be filled with a sense of awe at all the wondrous things that our God has done, we are called like Paul to grasp that we each share in the very life of God and like the disciples we are sent forth to proclaim the gospel message to all creation. We are invited to share in the mystery of Trinitarian love which brings forth new life in every age. Page |4 for all our High School graduates and their families in the backyard of the rectory. Faith formation The READING GROUP will meet on SUNDAY, JUNE 28th, at 3:00 PM in the sacristy. The book for June is LILA by Marilynne Robinson. Fr. Andrew Connolly was interviewed by Sr. Camille D’Arienzo in the National Catholic Reporter Newspaper. If you would like to read the article please go to http://ncronline.org/blogs/conversations-srcamille/rockville-centre-priests-life-has-beenchallenging-never-boring Outreach Parish Social Ministry FOOD PANTRY – Thank you to all those who have donated to Our Lady of Fatima Food Pantry. Please remember to check the expiration dates on all your donated items. Toiletries are always welcome! May this Feast of the Holy Trinity fill each of us with wonder and awe. May it fill us with a love that will send us forth each day to proclaim the gospel message! Peace, Fr. Steve ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL SENIORS: You and your families are invited to the 10:00 AM Mass on SUNDAY, JUNE 14th, to celebrate your graduation. The Mass will be followed by a brunch Thank You ............. for your generosity in donating to the gardening collection!!! May 31, 2015 Living Stewardship We are grateful this week for all stewards in our parish who recognize that life is a gift from God and a sacred trust. “What are you going to do today with your gift of life? UN MENSAJE DE NUESTRO PARROCO Queridos Amigos, Este fin de semana se celebra la fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad. Es una fiesta bella. Nos invita a reflexionar en oración sobre el misterio de la Santísima Trinidad y a considerar nuestra conexión con la Trinidad. Las lecturas de hoy no tratan la doctrina de la Trinidad, sino la experiencia de la Trinidad que llena nuestras vidas. Tratan el tema de relaciones. La Trinidad no es principalmente una doctrina, sino se refiere a cómo lo Divino ha estado experimentado a lo largo de los siglos. En la lectura de Deuteronomio hay una sensación de asombro ante todo lo que Dios ha hecho en el pueblo. En Romanos Pablo expresa la relación complementaria entre Dios y Jesús y el Espíritu. Pablo proclama que cada creyente participa en esta relación dinámica y viva. Todos comparten en la vida de la Trinidad. El evangelio de este fin de semana está tomado del evangelio según Mateo. Es la historia de la "Gran Comisión", la orden de salir y proclamar el mensaje del evangelio a todas las naciones. Los enviados están llamados a entrar en una relación con la Trinidad, para que puedan proclamar el mensaje con sinceridad y autenticidad. Los discípulos están reunidos en Galilea en la presencia del Señor resucitado. Son invitados a salir Page |5 y proclamar el evangelio. Han llegado a un nuevo horizonte, han llegado a un nuevo umbral de posibilidades. Están metidos en el poder del amor trinitario y este amor transformará sus vidas y llenarlos con una nueva sabiduría y entendimiento. Este amor les llevará a lugares que nunca imaginaron. Los llenará con un amor que va a superar sus miedos y limitaciones. Mis queridos amigos, en esta fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad también nosotros estamos invitados, como los israelitas en la primera lectura de hoy, para que estemos llenados de una sensación de asombro ante todas las maravillas que ha hecho nuestro Dios. Estamos llamados, como Pablo, a captar que cada uno de nosotros comparte la vida misma de Dios y, como los discípulos, somos enviados a proclamar el mensaje del evangelio a toda la creación. Somos invitados a participar en el misterio del amor trinitario que da a luz una nueva vida en cada época. Que esta fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad nos llene a cada uno de nosotros con asombro y admiración. Que nos llene con un amor que nos envía cada día para proclamar el mensaje del evangelio. Paz, Padre Steve Voluntarios – Nuestra Parroquia está en necesidad de Ministros de Comunión, Miembros para el Consejo Hispano, Monaguillos/as o algún tipo de servicio comunitario. Si usted está interesado en dar Comunión durante la Misa Hispana o ser un Lector para leer durante la Misa, o tal vez quiere que su hijo/a sirva a Dios, por favor, llame al (516)883-6910 y hable con José para más información. El Consejo Hispano tiene su próxima reunión este Martes que viene en la Sacristía de la Parroquia. Si usted quiere ser parte de este consejo, por favor, llamar a José al 883-6910. May 31, 2015 Page |6 Apostolado Hispano Parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima Declaración de Misión Parroquial Arraigados firmemente en nuestra tradición católica romana, nosotros, la parroquia de Nuestra Señora de Fátima, somos una comunidad de creyentes que acoge a todos, cuida de todos e incluye a todos. Intentamos dar evidencia del amor de Cristo para todos en nuestras vidas, en nuestra comunidad y en todo nuestro mundo. Nos esforzamos en continuar la misión de Jesús por medio del culto y por medio de nuestros programas de educación, espiritualidad y justicia social y en nuestro compromiso de corresponsabilidad de la vida parroquial. Somos una parroquia colaboradora, diversa y multicultural, dedicada a extenderse a todo el pueblo de Dios, especialmente a los más necesitados. ¡Todos son bienvenidos a esta parroquia! MARÍA “Que María sea la causa de nuestra alegría. Que cada uno de nosotros seamos Jesús para ella. Nadie aprendió la humildad tan bien como María. Ella fue la “esclava”. Ser esclavos significa estar al servicio de todos con Asistencia Parroquial alegría…La alegría era la fuerza de la Virgen. Sólo la alegría pudo darle fuerza para caminar sin cansarse Nuestra Despensa de Alimentos – Está bien por ahora. Muchas gracias a todos los donantes y voluntarios. Estamos en necesidad de los siguientes elementos: Pastas, Fruta Enlatada, Aceite, Mayonesa, Ketchup y todos los artículos personales siempre son bienvenidos. Le pedimos que por favor revise las fechas de vencimiento de sus donaciones debido a que hemos estado recibiendo algunos de estos elementos expirados. hasta las colinas de Judea para realizar el trabajo de sierva. También nosotros tenemos que marchar sin detenernos, más allá de las colinas de las dificultades.” M. Teresa de Cálcuta May 31, 2015 Page |7 Talbor Retreat Center 60 Anchor Ave Oceanside, NY. 11572 POPE FRANCIS AND OUR STORY June 7, 2015 Sunday 2-4:30PM Mercy, Compassion, Extra Kindness, Joy, Forgiveness, Laughter, Understanding….. . . shared everyday. Don't be surprised to be a chapter in this most wonderful story called Holiness. Presenter: Sr. Ave Clark, OP is a Dominican Sister of Amityville. She is the is the author of several books and articles on spirituality and healing. Sr. Ave is a pastoral counselor and the co-coordinator of Heart-to-Heart Ministry. Sister Ave comes to her ministry with a gently heart that loves to pray. Donation: $20.00 "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against such things. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another." Galatians 5:22-26 St. Philip Neri St. Philip Neri (1515–1595) was born in Florence, Italy, a cheerful and dutiful child popular with all who knew him. At the age of 18 he was set up to become a businessman, but, after having a mystical experience, his life was radically changed. He left for Rome and entrusted himself to God's providence. He found a place to live with a fellow Florentine in exchange for Philip educating his sons, which he did with great skill. He lived a life of asceticism and took philosophy and theology classes at a local monastery, which, even though excelling, he quit suddenly to spiritually serve the people of Rome. Indifference, luxury, and corruption were widespread characteristics of the Romanof clergy. Churches were neglected, flocks author several books were abandoned, and loss of faith was widespread. St. Philip Neri was a contradiction to all of this malaise, and with his joyfulness lead many to a life of virtue and love for God as he traveled through the streets of Rome. He began an oratory for laymen to gather and practice spiritual discipline, which grew and became famous. In obedience to his spiritual director he eventually became a priest at the age of 34, also later starting a religious order. St. Philip Neri is known as the "Apostle of Rome". He is patron of the United States Army Special Forces. His feast day is May 26. Family Owned & Operated Since 1905 AUSTIN F. KNOWLES, INC. 767-0123 516-883-2159 Martha M. Knowles, Lic. Mgr. *Carpet*Hardwood*Vinyl*Laminate Free Estimates 49 Manorhaven Blvd., Pt. Washington www.AnthonysWorldOfFloors.com *Est. 1972 *Member of BBB * license #H1503670000 New American Bible Family Life Edition Funeral Home 128 Main Street Port Washington, NY 11050 BOB’S QUALITY AUTO Tune-Ups • Brakes Transmissions • Exhaust Complete Engine Rebuilding Road Service • Foreign Domestic “List With Us for Prompt Action with Personalized Service” JEAN CASELLA • BROKER 883-3505 • 944-6653 NYS Inspection • NYS Diesel 66 Sintsink Dr. East, Pt. Washington www.accentsonrealestate.com 917 Pt. Washington Blvd. Pt. 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