Our Lady Queen of Martyrs - Forest Hills, New York Our Lady Queen of Martyrs Home School Association Proudly Presents Spring Bash 2015 Saturday, April 25 7pm to 11:30pm McLaughlin Hall Dining! Dancing! Great Raffle Prizes! Our Annual Spring Bash is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate with fellow parishioners. Gather your friends for a special evening in a beautifully transformed McLaughlin Hall! Tickets $45 each, two for $85, or 10 tickets for $400 per table. Price includes dinner, dessert, and coffee or tea. Bring your own wine. 1920s attire is encouraged. Advance reservations are necessary. All proceeds benefit Our Lady Queen of Martyrs School. Complete the form below. Dance tickets are also being sold after 10am and 11:30am Mass on Sundays. Reservations required. Please complete this reply form and return with payment by April 20. Name & Phone #: _______________________________________________________ I would like to purchase: One ticket for $45 Two tickets for $85 10 tickets/table for $400 Total Amount Enclosed: $ _______________ Please indicate who you would like to be seated with (write in names): Your tickets will be held at the door. Make checks payable to OLQM School and return by April 20 to: OLQM School – Spring Bash 72-55 Austin Street, Forest Hills NY 11375 For more information, contact the Home School Association at hsa@olqmschool.com or call the school office at 718-263-2622 407 - Our Lady Queen of Martyrs ___________________________________________________________________________________
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