Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church 1305 Damascus Rd., Rockwall, TX 75087 Office: 972-771-6671 Fax: 972-771-7283 www.ourladyrockwall.org Rev. George P. Monaghan, Pastor Deacon Jim Daniels deaconjimd@msn.com Deacon Paul Husting Deacon Oscar Miranda PARISH OFFICES/OFICINAS PARROQUIALES Office Hours/ Horas de Oficina Mon.—Thur. 9:00 am—4:00 pm Lunch: 12:30 pm—1:30 pm Fridays: 9:00 am—12:00 noon Receptionist Mary Ann Otto 972-771-6671 receptionist@ourladyrockwall.org Administrative Assistant to Pastor 972-961-9373 Joyce Sullivan jsullivan@ourladyrockwall.org Pastor: Rev. George P. Monaghan 972-961-9370 frgeorge@ourladyrockwall.org Safety Officer 972-961-9371 Mike Humphrey mhumphrey@ourladyrockwall.org Director of Worship 972-961-9378 and Adult Faith Formation Ken Swinson kswinson@ourladyrockwall.org Finance Manager Jennifer Minter 972-961-9375 jminter@ourladyrockwall.org Pastoral Associate-Marriage 972-961-9385 Martha Orozco morozco@ourladyrockwall.org Assistant Music Director 972-961-9387 Ethan Gainer egainer@ourladyrockwall.org Director of Early Childhood Ministries 972-961-9374 Julie Aldridge jaldridge@ourladyrockwall.org Dir. of Children’s Faith Formation 972-961-9384 Sara Campbell PCL@ourladyrockwall.org Director of Youth Ministry 972-961-9376 John Matasso jmatasso@ourladyrockwall.org Facilities Manager David Rossato 972-961-9381 drossato@ourladyrockwall.org St. Vincent de Paul (Financial Help) 972-772-8875 Reconciliation: Saturdays 3:15 pm or by appointment. Reconciliación: Domingo después de la Misa en Español. Anointing of the Sick: Those anticipating surgery or diagnosed with a serious illness are encouraged to contact the parish office. If a family member is hospitalized or seriously ill, notify the parish office. Unción de los Enfermos: Aquellos que anticipen cirugía o son diagnostiados con enifermedad grave por favor de ponerse en comunicación con la oficina parroquial. Si un miembro de la familia esta hospitalizado o gravemente enfermo, favor de notificar la oficina parroquial. Eucharist: Holy Communion can be scheduled to be brought to those absent from community for an extended period. Please call the parish office to make arrangements. Eucaristía: Se les puede llevar la Sagrada Comunión a quienes están ausentes de la comunidad por un tiempo prolongado. Favor de llamar a la oficina parroquial para hacer arreglos. Marriage: All couples need to contact the parish office at least 9 months prior to desired wedding date. Matrimonio:Todas las parejas necesitan comunicarse con la oficina parroquial 9 meses antes de la boda. Baptisms: Are scheduled on Saturday. Contact the Receptionist for requirements. Bautizmos: Son los Sábado. Póngase en comunicación con la recepcionista para los requisitos. Prayer & Worship Our Lady of the Lake Rockwall, TX April 26, 2015 Mass Times: Saturday Sunday 5:00pm English (Sunday anticipated) 8:00am English, 10:00am English, 12:00pm Spanish, 5:00 pm in English Monday, Thursday & Friday 8:40am English Wednesday 5:30pm English Mass Intentions April 25 April 26 April 27 April 29 April 30 May 1 May 2 May 3 8:30 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm 8:40 am 5:30 pm 8:40 am 8:40 am 5:00 pm 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 pm 5:00 pm +Mikulos Marcok +Lloyd Dreannon Our Lady of the Lake +San Juana Lira Joyce Sullivan Prince& Princess Jonah +Stephan Clark Anthony Liew +Jan Szkolnicki +Antonio Martinez +Johnny Armijo Readings for the Week 4-26-15 You can find the Daily Mass Readings on our website at www.ourladyrockwall.org Congratulations to our pastor, Fr. George on his ordination anniversary of 35 years as a priest! God Bless you Fr. George We pray for the priests dearest to me: the priest who baptized me; the priests at whose Masses I assisted and who gave me Thy Body and Blood in Holy Communion; the priests who taught and instructed or helped me and encouraged me; all the priests to whom I am indebted in any other way, particularly (Fr. George). O Jesus, keep them all close to Thy heart, and bless them abundantly in time and in eternity. Amen. Mary, Queen of the clergy, pray for us; obtain for us many and holy priests. Amen. Please Pray for… .. Our brothers and sisters who are ill, especially… Carmen Aguillon, Alexandar Alvizo, Rose Butschek, Patrick H. Drake Sr., Audrey Duncan, Michele Farner, Joann Glover, Sebastian Guillen, Jerre Harvey, Veronica Hemeon, Barbara Hille, Charlie Jaimes, Pat Jaminet, Norma Kammerer, Christian Leicht, Louis Lett, Helena Lightel, Geraldine Lynch, Martha Pecenka, Patrick Persons, Jeff Potter, Adelina, Cristina and Mikaela Rodriguez, Barbara Ryan, Isaiah Sandoval, Robbie Svrcek, Ethan Tate, For Our Extended Family and Friends who are ill, especially: Bill Achenbach Jr., Kristin Alcaraz, Cyndi Alexander, Gladys Aranda, Irma Burnett, Bernadette Carr, Monique & Robert Chardard, Jim Chait, Devon Colbert, Rene Cote, Jim Curley, James & Janette Dudley, Sister Bernice Eidt, John Elliott, Sherron Foster, John Fowler, Skip Garvey, Julie Granberry, Mary Hall, Melissa Hansen, Bret Harville, Amanda Henry, Derek Henry, Raymond Herrmann, Linda Marie Howe, Mike Huffman, Tony Jenkins, Guadalupe Jimenez, John Kelly, Sharyn Koob, Marta Lane, Irma Carabajal LeCroy, Laura Lujan, Elena Marcok, Reba Mansell, Kimberly McClenney, Lorenzo Mendoza, Yolande Murphy, Christine Hapeman Moore, Ray Ormes, Maura Psaila, Billy Paulson, Liz Peveto, George Polcer, Amelia Portugal, Consuelo Ramirez, Bill Rea, Anne Reid, Michael Rickards, Rodolfo Rivas Jr., Denise Robbins, Teresa Sanchez, Isaiah Sandoval, John Sarlay, Monique Moser Sauer, Jarod Schamaun, Brandi Schlottmin, Alice Simon, John Simon, Gayla Smith, Burt Snover, Janet Solomon, Joe Somerlot, Jeffery Tatum, Margaret Torres, Jerry Vaughn, Richardo Villarreal, Maura Wallace, Pat West, Bill Wriggs. The Fourth Sunday of Easter. Today’s Gospel reminds us that Jesus is our Good Shepherd. What is a shepherd? We do not really see too many of them nowadays. In Jesus’ time a shepherd spent almost all of his time with his sheep and led them into pastures for food and kept them safe and then led them to the shearers to gain money from the sale of the wool. How do we envision Jesus as our shepherd? Is He with us all the time? Do we allow that? We should, shouldn’t we? Does He give us food for the journey and provide us with protection? I think yes, but again, if we let it happen. I have been told that sheep in general are pretty dumb animals so the analogy of us being sheep fails at that point since most of us a pretty smart. We know how to choose wisely and care for ourselves and listen to the Shepherd, don’t we? Well yes most of the time anyway. We also need to remember even when we are not the best of sheep our loving shepherd will always seek us out and rescue us if we are lost. We need only to call for help or ask for assistance. Prayer is the best way to ask for help or call for aid. Never, never, be afraid to call out for help in prayer. Jesus longs to hear our cry for help and aid in times of good or bad. Remember He died on the cross and rose to save us and give us a chance for eternal life. Thank Him daily for his sacrifice and gift. Thank Him for sending the Holy Spirit who encourages us to do the good when we are tested. The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not want. He leads me beside restful waters. He refreshes my soul. He guides me in right paths for his names sake. Only goodness and kindness follow me all the days of my life; and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for years to come. May it be so for all of us. Being a Catholic Christian is always a challenge, but a worthwhile one. Blessings, Ken Swinson, Director of Worship, Adult Faith Formation and RCIA. Vacation Bible School June 15th—19th For all children entering grades kindergarten through entering 6th grade (next school year) will be able to participate! The cost is $20 per child and includes a t-shirt. All youth and adult helpers will be charged $5.00 for a VBS volunteer t-shirt. Please contact Julie Aldridge for information and availability, email jaldridge@ourladyrockwall.org or call 972-961-9374 SAVE THE DATE: VBS youth and adult volunteer training will be June 14th at 1:30pm. Please consider staying after the meeting to help decorate! Are you part of the Church community? Today we find ourselves with almost unlimited options for our time. Soccer games, football, movies, restaurants and the like provide opportunities for us to enjoy life with family and friends. Growing up in rural PA, the Church was the center of our family. From the catholic school to church picnics and quilt shows the Church provided a sense of community. Perhaps it was a different time with fewer activities for youth and adults alike. But was it? We enjoyed baseball, football, dances, school plays and the like but somehow we found time for the Church. In fact, we made time for the Church. Men, women and children alike found to time volunteer, participate and become part of the Church. The volunteering helped create a sense of community. Somehow, each of us recognized that God and His Church were at the center of all that we enjoyed in life. With all of the options today, it is easy to take what God has provided for granted. Yes maybe it was a simpler time growing up in rural PA, but God and his Church are still there for us. Are you part of the Church community? Reminder Rehearsals for all children receiving First Holy Communion the weekend of May 2/3, 2014 will take place on Saturday morning, May 2 in the Sanctuary. Please see information packet, or contact the Faith Formation office, for your child’s specific rehearsal time. First Holy Communion will be celebrated at all Masses on April 25/26, May 2/3, and 12:00 pm Spanish Mass (only) on May 10th . As a reminder, out of respect for the Liturgy, no photography of any kind is allowed before or during the Mass. 2015 Graduates: The Youth Ministry Office is hosting a dinner to honor all 2015 graduates on Sunday, May 3rd , following the 5:00pm Mass, in the Holy Family Center. For more information and to RSVP please contact B.J. Martin at rockwallmartins@verizon.net. Please RSVP by Monday, April 27th. PARENTING POINTERS A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." (John 10:11) A good parent is like a good shepherd. We spend our time, money, and worries on our children. In essence, we lay down our lives for their good. Remember that you as a parent also have The Good Shepherd who cares for you in the same way. MARRIAGE MOMENTS Favor your beloved. Call to mind a recent favor your spouse has done for you. Think of a treat you can offer your beloved today. The Knights of Columbus Pancake Breakfast will be held the morning of Sunday MAY 31st. The menu will include pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage links, orange juice, and coffee. Donations accepted. Proceeds going to upcoming Youth Mission Trip and for Vocations. Baptisms will take place next weekend, May 2nd. Baptisms in English will be held at 11:00 a.m. and Spanish Baptism will be held at 1:00 p.m. Please make sure all required documents are turned into the church office for your child’s baptism. Bautizos tendrá lugar la próxima semana final, 2 de Mayo A 11:00 a.m. se celebrará bautismos en inglés y español bautismo se celebraráa las 1:00 p.m. Por favor, asegűrese de que todos las documentos requeridos son entregados a la oficina de la inglesia para el bautismo de su hijo. Fellowship Please join us this Sunday, for coffee and donuts after the 8:00 am and 10:00 am Masses. Just a reminder, that donuts and coffee will be served on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays in May, in the Holy Family Center. Did you know that with our secure giving program, Faith Direct, your gifts to the parish can be there even when you are away ? By supporting Our Lady of the Lake through Faith Direct, both you and our parish can more easily project your future contributions. Visit Our Lady of the Lake website to sign up with Faith Direct through their simple and secure online enrollment program. Child Abuse Prevention Month April is Child Abuse Awareness Month. In 2014, of the 305 completed investigations in Rockwall County, Texas Family and Protective Services (CPS) was able to confirm 95 cases of child abuse or neglect. Protecting our children is a responsibility entrusted to each of us. If you know or believe that a child is being abused or neglected you have a moral and legal obligation to report that information to the proper authorities. The 24 hour CPS reporting hotline is 1-800-252-5400. The US Conference of Catholic Bishops website contains numerous resources and documents regarding the protection of children. They can be found here: http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/child-and-youthprotection/resources/child-abuse-prevention-month-resources.cfm Other resources and web links including CPS contact information is available on the parish Safe Environment web page. For information on the programs and policies that Our Lady of the Lake has in place to protect our children contact the parish Safety Director mhumphrey@ourladyrockwall.org or 972.961.9371. Abril es el mes de conciencia del abuso infantil. En 2014, de las 305 investigaciones terminadas en el Condado de Rockwall, Texas familia y servicios de protección (CPS) confirmaron 95 casos de abuso o negligencia. Protegiendo a nuestros hijos es una responsabilidad encomendada a cada uno de nosotros. Si sabe o cree que un niño esta abusado o descuidado tiene una obligación moral y legal de reportar esa información a las autoridades. La línea telefónica para reportar al CPS las 24 horas es 1-800-252-5400. El sitio web de Conferencia de obispos católicos contiene numerosos recursos y documentos relativos a la protección de los niños. Pueden encontrarse aquí: http://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/child-and-youthprotection/resources/child-abuse-prevention-month-resources.cfm Otros recursos y enlaces web incluyendo CPS la información de contacto está disponible en la página web de nuestra parroquia en la área de seguro y ambiente. Para obtener más información sobre las programas y políticas que tiene Nuestra Señora del Lago para proteger a nuestros hijos se pueden comunicar con el Director de seguridad de nuestra parroquia, Mike Humphrey en mhumphrey@ourladyrockwall.org o 972. 961. 9371. Daniel Ali to speak May 6 Where: Mary Immaculate Catholic Church 2800 Valwood Pkwy., Farmers Branch, TX. Come to their Parish Hall Wednesday, May 6th beginning at 7:00 p.m. to hear internationally-acclaimed Kurdish-American Evangelist and Author Daniel Ali. Daniel is an Iraqi Kurd who grew up as a Muslim under Saddam Hussein’s campaigns against the Kurds, experiencing gassings and chemical weapons attacks on thousands of his native villages. From his earliest days in Iraq, the Lord placed silent, but loving, Christian witnesses around him, since it has always been illegal in Muslim countries for a Christian to speak to a Muslim of Christianity or Christ. Daniel began the non-profit Christian-Islamic forum in August, 2001, just weeks before terrorists struck on 911. He has appeared on The Journey Home twice and will be taping his third appearance soon. Daniel has authored two books Inside Islam: A Guide for Catholics, in 2003 and Out of Islam, Free at Last, which was published in 2007. He co-produced with Fr. Mitch Pacwa a Video Series for EWTN called “Islam in Christianity” in 2002. This appearance will be free and open to the public. Please plan to attend this inspiring and informative talk!
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