Fresh Air - Outspokin` Wheelmen Bicycle Club

Fresh Air
OutSpokin' Wheelmen
May 2015
About this Newsletter: Published by
OutSpokin’ Wheelmen, PO Box 838,
Youngstown Ohio 44501
Editor: Bill Adams
President: Ed Howley 330-793-8219
Vice President: John Nagy 330-534-5020
Secretary: Mary Merritt
Treasurer: Bill Russell 330-506-0236
Trustee: Dave Hughes 330-692-2468
Committee Chairs:
Advocacy: Lowell Satre 330-743-2748
Bikeways: OPEN
Fresh Air Editor: Bill Adams 330-502-1972
Historian: Lark Dickstein-Rienerth
L.A.B. Rep.: Lowell Satre 330-743-2748
Membership: Judy Dubiel 330-782-8748
Mileage: Rick Huggins
NEOC: John Nagy 330-534-5020
Program: Larry Ward 330-502-4197
Ride Captain: Rick Huggins
Safety: Frank Krygowski 330-757-9057
SICCO: Dave Hughes 330-692-2468
Social: Nalungo Aduma 330-743-4250
Website: Bill Adams
Prez Sez
First of all, I would like to thank all of you who
attended last week’s April meeting. It was great to
see so many of you there at Rachel’s. Thirty –three
members were in attendance. I believe it has been
several years since we have had a general monthly
meeting so large. It was great that Rachel’s had to
bring out four extra tables for us. Let’s make an
effort to match or surpass that turnout next month.
May’s meeting will be the one when we donate the
bicycles to the Rich Center for Autism.
Representatives from local television stations and
newspapers have been invited to attend and cover
this event. We will have the larger room (on the
right as you come in the door) so there should be
plenty of room for everybody.
It was also great to see fourteen riders in
attendance on Frank’s ride on Saturday. Chuck
Smith from the Ohio Bicycle Federation rode with
us, so Frank gave him the grand tour of the area
from Poland through Mill Creek Park to downtown
and the university, eating lunch at Selah in
Struthers and back to Poland. I won’t mention any
names, but one person did take a minor spill that
day. Maybe people from out of town aren’t so used
to dodging potholes? I was also very impressed
with the motorists that day. They seemed
exceptionally cooperative and friendly toward us.
Maybe it was Saturday and they weren’t in such a
hurry, or maybe they were just so happy that the
sun was shining and the temperature was above
freezing that nothing bothered them. Not even
fourteen bicyclists going below the speed limit on
“their” roads.
Keep calm and ride on.
Editor's Note: If your Fresh Air did not get to you, - Ed
please check your address/status with our
Membership Chair Judy Dubiel
( ), to be sure it is
current. Every month a new list of addresses is sent to
the editor to send out that issue. Your Editor does not
edit the membership list/addresses, so the queries
received by the Editor are just forwarded to
OSW Monthly Meeting
Wed, May 13, 2015
6:30pm social/7:30pm meeting
Rachel's Restaurant
Westchester Dr., Austintown
2015. Dave has all of his volunteers scheduled for
registration and road marking. Mike Straub suggested
OSW Meeting, April 8, 2015
that we buy bottled water this year instead of using the
The business meeting was called to order by President big containers. Ed declined the suggestion because
Ed Howley. Ed called for a motion to approve to the
most bikers carry their own bottles. He also mentioned
minutes of the last meeting. Kelley Walker made the
that using bottled water might create too much garbage
motion, Eugenia Pierce second the motion.
on the roads/paths. There will be sandwiches and fruit
at the rest stops. Dave has some items from Nashbar.
Mike will get 4 water jugs from John Nagy.
Executive Board Report:
Social: Nalungo Aduma - no report.
President: Ed Howley introduced two new members:
Karen and Jaye. He was pleased with the attendance Old Business: John Nagy reported that all the bikes
of 35 people for the meeting. The new location seems have been assembled for the Rich Center. He brought
to be a good choice.
one of the bikes to the meeting.
V.P. John Nagy – no VP report. See John’s additional Pete bought the bikes at a cost of $1,349.00. The club
information under new business and NEOC.
originally set the budget for the bikes at $2,000.00.
John suggested that we buy helmets, give money
Secretary: Mary Merritt – no report
towards them or at least buy dinner for the guests from
Trustee: Dave Hughes – no report
the Rich Center that will be attending next month’s
Treasurer: Bill Russell – The beginning balance was
meeting. The consensus of the club was to buy dinner
$9,360.09. Ending balance $9,324.89.
for those guests, and forego the purchase of helmets.
See Financial Report for additional detail.
New Business: John talked about the Warren “Bike to
Work” ride, and the Salvation Army Ride. The Warren
ride will start at the Log Cabin, with a free breakfast.
Committee Reports:
John will take safety and membership pamphlets to the
Advocacy: Lowell Satre – no report.
ride. The question came up as to whether or not we
Historian: Lark Dickstein-Rienerth. All information
should post pay rides in the ride schedule.
remains the same.
Rick Huggins suggested that we keep Club rides only
L.A.B: Lowell Satre – no report
on the schedule, but possibly make note of other rides
on our web site. The Salvation Army Family Fun bike
Membership: Judy Dubiel - no report
Ride raises funds to support Youth Service and After
Mileage/Ride Captain: Rick Huggins – no report.
School programs. Any riders should NOT report the
Rick asked new members to send him their e-mail
miles as club rides. This holds true for any pay ride.
Dave Hughes made a motion that we follow past
NEOC: John Nagy – For NEOC 43 – John has made
practice. Club rides get mileage, as well as the WOW
signs for NEOC for a cost of less than $2.00 per sign.
ride and Garrett Wonders. Neil Betts seconded the
His prototypes read SICCO and he offered them to
motion. If a new charity ride is established, we will deal
Dave Hughes to post for the ride. He cleverly inserted with it when it comes up.
the OSW sun on the sign. He “test drove” the signs in
The leader of the WOW ride would like our e-mail list;
his driveway and confirmed that they held up to the
however it agreed not to share it outside of mailings for
the Wow ride. He will advertise SICCO and NEOC in
He has approached the manager of the Bazetta
this newsletter.
Walmart for a donation for NEOC. The registration
John has been in contact with the Lawrence County
forms are completed. John will purchase stamps and
Cycling Club. We can post their rides on the Web-site,
mail a postcard reminder in early June. The cost of
but not on the ride schedule.
printing the postcards was $40.00.
John also noted that someone from the Trumble Metro
Newsletter Editor/Website: Bill Adams - no report
Parks may come to one of our meetings.
Program: Larry Ward – no report
Other business:
Safety: Frank Krygowski – Frank asked for
Chuck Smith from the Ohio Bike Federation was a
suggestions regarding safely topics that club members
guest on Franks ride, Saturday, April 11th from Town
would find interesting. John Nagy mentioned that
One Square.
cyclists do not have many rights to the road. It was
Lark’s note the sale of Paul’s items was $5.00 short of
suggested that Ode might contact Steve Magess to
a $1,100.00 mark. However, as the meeting ended it
give a talk about legal rights of bikers. If anyone has
appears the mark may have been reached.
ideas please e-mail to Frank.
John McCormick brought up the topic of club miles for
SICCO: Dave Hughes - SICCO will be held April 19,
Secretary’s Notes
May 2015
canceled rides. John received calls about one of his
Mileage Report
rides. He canceled it because of bad weather. He
Here are this month's mileage leaders!
went to the start location to meet people who might
show up to let them know the ride was canceled. If
they ride anyway, do they get club miles? The
Rank (Last Name, First)
consensus was no, because it was a canceled the ride.
Next Meeting: May 13th at Rachel’s in Austintown.
King, Jerry
Social 6:30 – Meeting 7:30. Guests from the Rich
Huggins, Rick
Center for Autism will be attending the meeting for the
Walker, Kelley
presentation of the bikes. The meeting will be held in
Henderson, Jack
the Big Banquet room. The banner will be displayed at
the front of the buffet table.
Murphy, Brian
Thomas, John
Nagy, John
May Birthdays
Boyer, Chuck
Dickstein-Rienerth, Lark
Neil Betts
Russell, Bill
Alan Wilber
Crown, Ken
Carl Delahunty
Krygowski, Frank
Bettyann Nagy
Sherman, Thomas
Doug Crush
Hughes, David
Janet Evans
Mines, Margaret
Ed Randall
John Chizmar
McCormick, John
Candi King
Betts, Neil
Jim Baker
McGeary, Jean
Jack Henderson
Adams, Bill
Dale Dyce
Kenneth Voorhies
Chuck Boyer
Club Data
Total Club Miles
Ride Participations
Average Ride Length
Active Riders YTD
Current YTD
Prior YTD
Do you want to receive Ride Report messages and
mid-month Ride Schedule updates via email? Send
your email address to and
be sure to add my email address to your “safe sender”
list so the updates aren’t blocked by your spam filter.
- Rick
Notes from the 2nd Annual OBF
Ohio Bicycling Summit
April 22, 2015
Ohio cyclists can hope this year House Bill #154...the
three foot law...will at least get a hearing and begin its
way to eventual passage by the Ohio legislature. But
its a far cry from a completed task at this point. Cosponsor State Representative Mike Sheehy (D-Toledo)
spoke to the Ohio Bicycle Federation's annual
legislative conference in Columbus April 22nd and said
they planned to push the bill this term. Basically a
passing motor vehicle would have to give a cyclist
three feet of clearance or face a misdemeanor
violation. As Sheehy explained, it would be one more
charge to be faced if the driver should strike the bike.
But he said the essence of the bill is really more toward
education and awareness of cyclists rights to the road.
This has been a frustrating battle for the bill's backers
who actually began the movement in 2009. The first
time it never made it to the house floor and the last
time they ran out of time before the legislative session
What is the bill up against? State Senator John
Eckland (R-Lake, Portage, Geauga) also addressed
the gathering concerning different legislation but I
asked him whether he could support #154 when it got
to the senate. He said he was concerned for traffic
safety if he had to pass three feet from a cyclist on a
no-berm narrow road with a double yellow line. He is
permitted to do that by way of a recent state law
change - a law he voted to support when it came
before the senate! Frustrating to say the least although
he said he would give HB#154 a close look before
Other bills of cycling interest to watch are HB#88 which
would make texting while driving a primary offense. An
officer could pull you over if they see you texting
behind the wheel.
And HB#110 which would raise leaving the scene of a
serious or fatal accident to a second degree felony.
Punishment now is up to 6 months in jail. The new bill
changes that to "years" but the number wasn't
specified at the session
Another speaker touched on lobbying lawmakers. The
most productive way he says is face-to-face. Petitions
and e-mails and texts are ok but anything is better than
nothing. He said if your lawmakers don't hear from you
they will assume the issue is of no importance back
- John Nagy
Notes from SICCO 20
Of the 115 registration sheets for the SICCO ride on
April 19th, registrations show 31% of the riders were
from Mahoning County, 25% from Trumbull County,
24% from western PA, 13% from Columbiana County
and the rest from northeast Ohio. Some towns that
showed up: Akron, OH, Newton Falls, OH, Ravenna,
OH, Salem, OH, Sewickley, PA, Gibsonia, PA, Sharon,
PA, New Castle, PA and Chester, WV, as well as other
Youngstown/Warren area locations. Of the 80 riders
who responded to the line "where did you hear of
SICCO?", most said they heard of the ride through a
friend, followed by "rode it before" and then “found it on
the OSW website/internet.”
- John Nagy
May 2015
Hand Signals - The Advanced Course
most seem to end when the driver sees I’m not
I’m sure we all know that you’re supposed to use hand
signals when on a bike. Um... just like everyone knows
that you’re supposed to used turn signals when driving
a car. Right?
But rarely, the “incivility” or rudeness does persist. If
I’m riding in a lane too narrow to share - the usual
situation - and I get a second blast, my hand signal is a
fast, palms up thing that says “What am I supposed to
do? I’m riding here!” It goes with a big shrug of my
shoulders; but it definitely does not go with moving out
of their way. If the lane is too narrow to safely share, I
will not share the lane.
(When friends visited us from Ireland, they were
astounded about American drivers. “They don’t use
their indicators!!” But that wasn’t you they saw, right?
Uh... right?)
I’m also sure that everyone knows the three basic bike
hand signals: Arm bent down with palm back, to say
you’re slowing or stopping. Left arm straight out to the
left to say you’re turning left or changing lanes leftward.
Right arm straight out to the right for a similar rightward
move. (The old-style right turn signal, with the left arm
bent upward, is usually much less effective.)
So, is that it for hand signals? Not quite. Those are
the basics, the grade school version. Yes, you should
use them. But there’s more to life than grade school.
On a recent ride, I noticed that I use a lot of others
Example: I was making my way through the new
roundabout in Boardman. In a roundabout, the vehicle
(including bicycle!) in the circle has right of way; those
entering are supposed to yield to those in the circle.
But this time, the driver coming from my right looked
like he was coming too fast. Would he yield, or would
he barge through?
So I used an “advanced” hand signal. I put my arm
straight out toward him, palm up, in a traffic cop’s
“Stop!” signal. And sure enough, the driver stopped
and let me pass. It worked like a charm.
On the other hand, on that same ride, there were times I
gave a “Go” signal. I passed through a couple of fourway stops, and I know that many motorists worry that
the guy on the bike is going to run the stop sign. So
even if they get there first, they wait and wait until they
see whether I’ll really stop. Some even get into
“politeness battles,” of the “You go,” “No, you go” variety.
So what do I do now? If I see the motorist has the right
of way - that is, he either got there first, or we got there
simultaneously with him to my right - I wave him
through before I even reach the intersection. When
they see my “Go ahead” wave, they move out
confidently. Many wave a “Thank you,” and both of us
get through the intersection much more quickly!
Another of my hand signals is my response to a horn
honk from behind. I usually use the same signal for
either a friendly warning toot, or for a rude blast: I lift
my left hand and give a friendly “Hi, I know you’re
there” wave. (And that’s “friendly” as in using all my
fingers!) I get very few rude blasts, by the way; and
On rare occasions, I’ve had some really dumb
motorists behind me. I recall one guy in a big luxury
SUV that blared his horn behind me in the right lane,
even though there was no traffic at all in the left lane.
He did respond to my “Come around! Pass in the left
lane, darn it!” arm signal - delivered, I admit, with some
Oh, and back to those three basic hand signals
(slowing, turning left, turning right). Sometimes I’ll
improve on them by waving that hand for emphasis.
People respond to motion, and a “slowing” signal is
more emphatic if my palm is swinging back repeatedly
toward them. It emphasizes a “back off” message.
In some discussions, people have objected to my use
of these hand signals. They’ve said “You don’t have a
right to direct traffic. You can’t take control that way.”
But what I’m doing isn’t directing traffic, in the police
sense. In every case, it’s just emphasizing what the
law already says! And in many cases, I think motorists
appreciate that someone is taking control, taking away
the uncertainty about “Who has the right of way here?”
or “What’s that guy on the bike going to do?”
Remember, we’ve dealt with many thousands of cars.
We know how it’s supposed to work. They rarely see a
bicyclist, and the poor dears are easily confused. So
we should help them out, by communicating!
And speaking of helping out, there’s one more
important hand signal. It’s a “Thank you!” wave, when
a motorist is nicely courteous. It emphasizes the fact
that we’re all just people using the road, trying to get to
where we’re going, and hoping for some politeness
from our fellow road users.
The “Thank you!” wave transforms you from one of
those lycra-wearing geeks into just a nice person on a
bicycle. Use it whenever you can!
- Frank Krygowski, OSW Safety Chairman
May Rides + Activities:
to rolling, to downright hilly depending on the day and
who shows up. Call Jerry King at 330-398-2927.
Speeds: Leisurely: 9-11, Low-moderate:11-13,
Mid-moderate:12-14, High-moderate:13-15,
Brisk:15-18, Fast: 18+ mph
Thu. May 07
Bogey's Ride. Starting at 10 AM at Bogey's at 3535
Upland for approximately 23-28 miles at low-moderate
pace. Park in rear. Lunch after. Call John McCormick
with questions 330-942-5770.
Rides should be submitted to our ride captain Rick
Huggins at
Please note: The printed schedule is subject to change. Please
check the ride schedule on the website for additions or cancellations.
Our ride captain also sends out email updates of the schedule.
Contact Rick to be added to the update email list.
Sat. May 02
Grand River Valley Ride. Meet at 10AM in the gravel
parking lot behind the Mesopotamia Town Hall (two
story red brick building on State Route 534 on the
second lot to the southeast of the intersection of
Routes 534 and 87). This will be a moderately paced
ride for a distance of slightly more than forty
miles. Lunch will be at Rock Creek. No ride in rain,
lightning, thunder, or below forty degrees. Based on
Ride 3 from Pedaling to Lunch by Stan Purdum. Call
Kelley Walker at 330-505-3573.
Sun. May 3
Poland Forest Wildflower Walk - Join the Friends of
Poland Forest for a leisurely bird and wildflower walk
through this gorgeous nature preserve. Meet at 9 AM
at the Forest's parking lot at the end of College
Street. The hike will last approximately 1 1/2 hours
and will be at a leisurely pace. Call Frank & Peg
Krygowski for more info: 330-757-9057
Sun. May 3
Moonlight on the Trail - Meet 8:30 PM at the Stavich
Trail in Lowellville, at the southeast end of Liberty
Street. We’ll do about 15 low-moderate miles in the
dark, mostly on the trail. Headlights and taillights
required - it’s the law! No ride in rain. Call Frank
Krygowski, 330-757-9057
Tue. May 5
Hill Repeats Meet at the Leetonia trailhead at 1pm for
hill repeats on some of the vicious hills along the
Lisbon Greenway. We’ll do slow recovery in between
averaging a mid-moderate pace. 30+ miles. Call, text
or email the night before to make sure the ride is a
go. Jerry King 330-398-2927
Fri. May 8
Friday Night Ride. Meet at the Niles Central Park
Trailhead, 104 East State Street, Niles, Ohio at 5:00
PM for this moderately paced ride. Ride will be 20
miles or more along the Niles bike path toward the
Experimental Farm and back. No ride in rain, lightning
or thunder, or temperatures below 40 degrees. Call
Kelley Walker at 330-505-3573.
Sat. May 9
Discover Pittsburgh Ride – Meet at 9:30 am at the
Southside Riverfront Park. Latitude: 40.431567 |
Longitude: -79.974349 It is located at the end of South
18th Street (off Carson Street), cross the tracks, turn
right and follow the road into the park. Address use:
(11 South 18th Street Pittsburgh, Pa 15203). If there is
interest in car pooling and traveling together, or
questions please contact ride leader Neil Betts at 330240-2271. 40 to 50 miles at leisurely to mid moderate
pace on flat paved trails / lunch stop. No ride in
rain. Wonderful scenic ride, bring your cameras,
stopping at the 5 star rated Bicycle Heaven, bicycle
museum just off the trail.
Sat. May 9 2015
Salvation Army Family Fun Bike Ride - This non-club
ride (don't report your miles) raises funds to support
Youth Services and After School programs.
Approximately 30 miles starting at the Mill Creek Metro
Parks Experimental Farm. Fee information and
additional details can be found on the OSW website
under Other Rides.
Tue. May 12
Hill Repeats Meet at the Leetonia trailhead at 1pm for
hill repeats on some of the vicious hills along the
Lisbon Greenway. We’ll do slow recovery in between
averaging a mid-moderate pace. 30+ miles. Call, text
or email the night before to make sure the ride is a
go. Jerry King 330-398-2927
Wed. May 13
Salem Wednesday Ride Meet at 2nd St. public parking
lot (Between Lincoln & Ellsworth Aves.) at 25+
Wed. May 6
Salem Wednesday Ride Meet at 2nd St. public parking miles at mid to high-moderate pace, stopping about
6:00 due to OSW meeting. Rides vary from fairly flat, to
lot (Between Lincoln & Ellsworth Aves.) at 4m. 50+
rolling, to downright hilly depending on the day and
miles at mid to high-moderate pace, with only short
breaks until just before dusk. Rides vary from fairly flat, who shows up. Call Jerry King at 330-398-2927
May 2015
Wed. May 13
OSW Meeting - Join us at 6:30pm*/7:30pm at Rachel's
Restaurant, 54 Westchester Dr., Austintown for our
monthly club meeting *Social hour at 6:30pm. Come
early to the meeting and enjoy dinner and drinks. Food
and drinks will be available throughout the meeting if
you are unable to come early.
Thu. May 14
Bogey's Ride. Starting at 10 AM at Bogey's at 3535
Upland for approximately 23-28 miles at low-moderate
pace. Park in rear. Lunch after. Call John McCormick
with questions 330-942-5770.
Thu. May 21
Bogey's Ride. Starting at 10 AM at Bogey's at 3535
Upland for approximately 23-28 miles at low-moderate
pace. Park in rear. Lunch after. Call John McCormick
with questions 330-942-5770.
Fri. May 22
Friday Night Ride. Meet at the Niles Central Park
Trailhead, 104 East State Street, Niles, Ohio at 5:00
PM for this moderately paced ride. Ride will be 20
miles or more along the Niles bike path toward the
Experimental Farm and back. No ride in rain, lightning
or thunder, or temperatures below 40 degrees. Call
Kelley Walker at 330-505-3573.
Fri. May 15
Bike To Work Warren - This non-club ride (don't report
your miles) promotes bicycling as
transportation. Event is 6 - 9 a.m. at the Log Cabin,
Downtown Warren. Free continental breakfast. Prizes.
Free T-shirts to first 100 attendees! Additional details
can be found on the OSW website under Other Rides.
Sat. May 23
NEOC Route Check Ride Meet at fire department just
west of the Trumbull Fairgrounds Banquet Center (899
Everett Hall Road, Cortland, OH) at 9 am. 25-50-75100 miles. Mileage and pace is up to you and those
you ride with. We will be checking two new routes for
the 2016 ride. It will be like riding the NEOC courses
only using cue sheets instead of road arrows. Cue
Sat May 16
sheets and maps will be posted online for you to print.
Rick's Rehab Ride - Meet at Poland High School on
Note that the two new courses are tentative, which is
Dobbins Rd at 9AM. We'll ride 30-40 miles at highwhy we are checking them. Call Jerry King at 330-398moderate pace. After a little warm-up and then do
some hill work along the Mahoning River. Contact Rick 2927.
Huggins @ 330-423-9079.
Tue. May 26
Hill Repeats Meet at the Leetonia trailhead at 1pm for
Sat May 16
Fun at the Hardware Store - Meet 10 AM at Town One hill repeats on some of the vicious hills along the
Square in Poland for a low-moderate ride that includes Lisbon Greenway. We’ll do slow recovery in between
averaging a mid-moderate pace. 30+ miles. Call, text
stops at two unique hardware stores. (No, it’s not just
a guy thing!) About 30 miles, rolling terrain. Call Frank or email the night before to make sure the ride is a
go. Jerry King 330-398-2927
Krygowski at 330-757-9057
Sun. May 17
Brian's Ride - Join Brian Murphy for a lap on the Little
Beaver Greenway Trail. This trail-only ride is beginner
and family friendly. We'll ride 20 miles at a leisurely to
low-moderate pace Meet at the Leetonia trailhead at
1PM. Contact Rick Huggins @ 330-423-9079.
Tue. May 19
Hill Repeats Meet at the Leetonia trailhead at 1pm for
hill repeats on some of the vicious hills along the
Lisbon Greenway. We’ll do slow recovery in between
averaging a mid-moderate pace. 30+ miles. Call, text
or email the night before to make sure the ride is a
go. Jerry King 330-398-2927
Wed. May 27
Salem Wednesday Ride Meet at 2nd St. public parking
lot (Between Lincoln & Ellsworth Aves.) at 4pm. 50 +
miles at mid to high-moderate pace, with only short
breaks until just before dusk. Rides vary from fairly flat,
to rolling, to downright hilly depending on the day and
who shows up. Call Jerry King at 330-398-2927.
Thu. May 28
Bogey's Ride. Starting at 10 AM at Bogey's at 3535
Upland for approximately 23-28 miles at low-moderate
pace. Park in rear. Lunch after. Call John McCormick
with questions 330-942-5770.
Wed. May 20
Salem Wednesday Ride Meet at 2nd St. public parking
lot (Between Lincoln & Ellsworth Aves.) at 4m. 50+
miles at mid to high-moderate pace, with only short
breaks until just before dusk. Rides vary from fairly flat,
to rolling, to downright hilly depending on the day and
who shows up. Call Jerry King at 330-398-2927.