Organization Overview: A Veteran Tribute Honoring SGT Thomas

A Veteran Tribute
Honoring SGT Thomas Edward Vandling, Jr
Reception & Auction
Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 6-9pm at
PNC Park Hall of Fame Club
Organization Overview:
Who We Are – Operation Valor Arts (OVArts); a Veterans Initiative is a 501c3 non-profit
organization that assists Veterans with education, training and entrepreneurship while they
design and construct public art and Honor Gardens to honor those who served.
History – In Southwestern Pennsylvania, known to have one the larger concentrations of
United States Veterans, a diverse group of community leaders, health scientists, and Veterans
came together in 2011 to explore an innovative approach to addressing issues facing
transitioning Veterans. They recognized that while the military, the VA and organizations
across the country focus primarily on one set of Veterans issues – health care, rehabilitation
and job readiness – an equally fundamental need of returning service men and women is being
overlooked and that is the necessity to continue to be of service; to have a “mission.”
OVArts was established to secure Veterans the necessary resources to design and construct
public art as a means to (1) process their experience of war (2) engage collaboratively with
fellow service members and (3) create a lasting tribute to the service members and families
who sacrificed so dearly.
Program – The OVArts model is built on teams or units of Veterans with diverse backgrounds
– art, construction/welding, carpentry, computers, photography, video and communications.
Working in conjunction with professional artists, the teams will study, design and build sitespecific projects for local and federal government entities, universities, hospitals, corporate
and private organizations. OVArts links Veterans with vocational, computer and postsecondary education depending upon their needs.
2015 Public Art Tribute – This year OVArts will honor SGT Thomas Edward Vandling, Jr. who
lost his life in 2007 while serving in Iraq. “Tommy” graduated from Northgate High School and
attended the University of Pittsburgh. Tommy’s heroic service was brought to our attention by
the current and former Reservists of the 303 rd PSYOP Division with who he served. Led by two
local Pittsburgh artists, a team of 8-10 men and women with the 303rd PSYOP will design and
construct a sculpture that will be located at the United States Army McGarity Reserve Center,
Coraopolis. A garden and seating will also be installed.
Please join us on May 28, 2015 to support OVArts and your tax-deductible contribution will
demonstrate your appreciation for Veterans in our region who have served our nation.
A Veteran Tribute
Honoring SGT Thomas Edward Vandling, Jr
Reception & Auction
Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 6-9pm at
PNC Park Hall of Fame Club
Presenting Sponsorship: $10,000
 Brand recognition as supporter of a Veteran-centered event for nearly
200 guests
 20 tickets to the reception
 Exclusive “Presenting Sponsor” naming rights on all event promotion
 Opportunity for a representative to welcome attendees and introduce
honored guests
 Logo recognition as the “Presenting Sponsor” in promotional media ads
 Exclusive logo inclusion on web-site banner and logo on OVArts Event
information page with link to your website
 Double-spread, full-color ads on the inside front cover of the event
program, plus a full-page, full-color ad on the inside back cover – total of 3
full-page color ads
 Logo on front cover and under “Presenting Sponsor” heading in event
 Logo on all print/electronic media (invitations, tickets, email blasts and
auction program)
 Sponsor logo on signage at reception
 Sponsor recognition logo on video screens during program
 Logo on sponsor recognition welcome boards
 Special recognition on social-media platforms promoting your Veteran and
Community Partnership efforts
A Veteran Tribute
Honoring SGT Thomas Edward Vandling, Jr
Reception & Auction
Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 6-9pm at
PNC Park Hall of Fame Club
Gold Sponsorship: $5,000
 Full page color ad in the event program
 15 tickets to the reception
 Premium ad placement in event program
 Name/logo on all print and electronic media (invitations, tickets, email
blasts and auction program)
 Listing as Gold Sponsor in program
 Sponsor logo on signage at reception
 Sponsor recognition logo on video screens during program
Silver Sponsorship: $3,500
 Half page color ad in the event program
 10 tickets to the reception
 Premium ad placement in event program
 Name/logo on all print and electronic media (invitations, tickets, email
blasts and auction program)
 Listing as Silver Sponsor in program
 Sponsor logo on signage at reception
 Sponsor recognition logo on video screens during program
A Veteran Tribute
Honoring SGT Thomas Edward Vandling, Jr
Reception & Auction
Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 6-9pm at
PNC Park Hall of Fame Club
Bronze Sponsorship: $1,500
 1/4 page black & white ad in the event program
 8 tickets to the reception
 Premium ad placement in event program
 Name/logo on all print and electronic media (invitations, tickets, email
blasts and auction program)
 Listing as Bronze Sponsor in program
 Sponsor recognition logo on video screens during program
Friends of OVArts: $500
 Listing in the event program
 4 tickets to the reception
 Recognition logo on video screens during program
Advertising Section
Program book
3 full-page,
full-color ads
full-color ad
color ad
b&w ad
Program Advertising Rates
Full Page (Color) Ad - $500
Full Page (B&W) Ad - $100
Half Page (Color) Ad - $75
Half Page (B&W) Ad - $50
1/4 Page (B&W) Ad - $25
Operation Valor Arts; A Veteran’s Tribute
Event date: Thursday, May 28, 2015
Artwork due: Thursday, April 30, 2015
Ads should be e-mailed as a press-ready high res EPS format to Andrea
Krushinski at
If you have questions regarding the specs, please contact:
Andrea Krushinski
Sponsorship and Advertising Form
Operation Valor Arts – A Veteran Tribute Reception & Auction is an excellent way
to reach a consumer-based audience with a high level of buying power.
Involvement brings you brand awareness and good public relations, developing
awareness and ultimately driving a higher level of traffic to your business. To
receive all benefits of your sponsorship level, please return this form by April 24,
Presenting Sponsor - $10,000
Gold Sponsor - $5,000
Silver Sponsor - $3,500
Bronze - $1,500
Friends of OVArts - $500
We are unable to sponsor, but will support the event with a contribution of $____
Program advertisements and company logos must be submitted in high resolution EPS
format by April 30, 2015. Email to
Full Page, Color - $500
Full Page, B&W Ad - $100
Half Page, Color Ad - $75
Half Page B&W Ad - $50
1/4 Page B&W Ad - $25
Please note that tickets mailed upon receipt of reservation and will be required to enter
Veteran Ticket $50 x Number of Tickets _______
Individual Tickets $100, Number of Tickets _______
Please return entire form with payment to : Operation Valor Arts, PO Box 5224 Pittsburgh,
PA 15206
___Enclosed is my check payable to Operation Valor Arts
___Charge my credit card as follows: ___Visa ___MC ___Amex ___Disc/Novus
Cardholder Name___________________________________
Card Number_______________________Exp Date_______
Card Holder Signature_______________________________
A Veteran Tribute
Honoring SGT Thomas Edward Vandling, Jr
Reception & Auction
Thursday, May 28, 2015 from 6-9pm at
PNC Park Hall of Fame Club
Thank you for making a contribution to our silent auction. Please complete this form and
email to Andrea Krushinski, Auction Chair at
Donor name: ________________________________________________________
Organization name:___________________________________________________
Mailing address:______________________________________________________
Please provide a brief description of the item you are donating:
Please provide an approximate retail value: $___________________
We appreciate your Support! Thank you!
Please join us on May 28, 2015 to support OVArts and your tax-deductible contribution will
demonstrate your appreciation for Veterans in our region who have served our nation.