2015-04-29 McKenna Letter

April 29, 2015
Planning Commission
Charter Township of Lyon
58000 Grand River Ave.
New Hudson, Ml 48165
AP-15-32; Cummins Additional Parking
North side of Grand River Ave., between South Hill and Old Plank Roads
Michael Schonsheck, Schonsheck, Inc.
Dear Planning Commissioners:
Cummins Bridgeway, LLC, proposes to construct 63 additional parking spaces at their facility on Grand
River Avenue. No increase in floor space is proposed at this time, so adequacy of parking is not an issue.
The facility complied with the numerical requirements for parking at the time the original site plan was
We have reviewed the plans for the new parking and offer the following comments:
Dimensions. Proposed parking spaces are 18 feet in length with a 30-foot center maneuvering
lane. Ordinance requirements call for spaces that are 18.5 feet in length with a 24-foot
maneuvering lane. The dimensions of the parking spaces should be changed to 18.5 feet. We
recommend that the width of the maneuvering lane be decreased to reduce the amount of
impervious surface.
Parking Lot Landscaping. Parking lots that have 15 or more spaces must provide 10 square feet
of internal parking lot landscaping per space. Thus, 630 square feet of parking lot landscaping is
required. One tree must be planted per 300 square feet, and 50% of the remainder of the
landscaped area must be covered by living plant material, such as sod, shrubs, ground cover, or
Parking Lot Lighting. Parking lot lighting is not proposed. However, Section 12.1l.C calls for
minimum illumination requirements of 0.2 footcandles in parking areas and 0.9 footcandles for
sidewalks in commercial areas. Lighting fixtures shall be focused downward and shall be fully
shielded. The maximum height for pole fixtures is 22 feet.
We recommend that the Planning Commission approve the site plan for expansion of the parking for
Cummins Bridgeway provided that the three issues cited in this letter are addressed on revised plans.
Please note that any such approval would not include the area labeled "Potential Future Parking."
HEADQUARTERS 235 East Main Street, Suite 105, Northville, Ml48167 T:248.596.0920 F:248.596.0930
WEST MICHI8AN 151 South Rose Street, Suite 920, Kalamazoo; Ml49007 T:269.382.4443 F:248.596.0930
OHIO 1382 West 9th Street, Suite 420, Cleveland, Ohio 44113 T:330.528.3342 F:248.596.0930
Lyon Township Planning Commission
April 29, 2015
If you have any questions regarding this case, please feel free to contact me.
Christopher J. Doozan, AICP, PCP
Senior Vice President
Lannie Young, Supervisor
Leslie Zawada, Mark Collins, Township Engineers
Matthew Quinn, Jennifer Elowsky, Leann Kimberlin, Township Attorneys
Katherine DesRochers, Planning Secretary
Michael Schons heck at mgs@schonsheck.com
David LeClair, PE, at david@livingstoneng.com