APRIL 2015 Welcome to the Onsite Wastewater Registration Program at ASTTBC Enclosed is your ‘Application for Registration’ for Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner. At the time you submit your Application, you must also order your personal stamp. This seal or stamp remains the property of ASTTBC and must be returned promptly at the request of the Registrar of ASTTBC. We will hold your Application for Stamp on file until Application for Registration is reviewed. If registration is approved we will have your personal stamp produced and mailed directly to you. A non-refundable Application fee and your stamp fee must accompany this application. Please make your cheque or money order payable to ASTTBC for $367.50 (application fee of $250.00 and stamp fee of $100.00 plus GST). We also accept Visa, Mastercard or American Express. The annual renewal fee for registration as a “Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner” is $415.00 (plus GST). The billing period for annual renewal fees is from June 1st through May 31st. For current certified and registered members Registered (AScT & CTech) annual renewal fees will be $220.00 (plus GST). Before completing your Application for Registration, please read carefully the instructions on the Application Form, the information sheets and note any waived requirements. Please include ALL required information in your application to avoid any delay in processing. If you have any questions please feel free to call the Coordinator, Technical Specialist Registrations at 604-585-2788, ext. 249 or by e-mail at jli@asttbc.org. Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Application Form Instructions Complete this application form, attach the required documentation, and forward the completed form and non-refundable applicable fee, as noted on the cover letter, to ASTTBC at the address provided on the back of this form. This information is confidential except as required by law. It will be used for internal administrative purposes and assessment of qualifications. Applicants are expected to meet the language requirements in British Columbia. General Information Please print or type in blue or black ink Name Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss. (Legal Family Name - required) (Legal Given Name - required) (Preferred Name - optional) Contact Information Address Postal Code Home # ( ) Work # ( ) Fax # ) Cell # ) ( Email Birthplace Birthdate (yy/mm/dd) Office use only Date received: Receipt No. ( Citizenship (copies of Canadian identification enclosed) Canadian Permanent Resident If permanent resident please include a copy of Landed Immigrant Status documentation ‘Record of Landing’; Canadian Passport and Canadian Birth Certificate; or Provincial Driver‘s License and Citizenship Card; or Passport; or Other government photo identification and Birth Certificate. Categories of Registration Check the categories and levels in which you are seeking Registration. The Board will make the final decision regarding registration and, if eligible, the categories in which registration is granted. Planner Installer Type 1 and Type 2 Type 3 Private Inspector Maintenance Provider Type 1 and Type 2 Type 3 Type 1 and Type 2 Type 3 Onsite Wastewater Trainee Type 1, 2 and 3 Residential Type 1, 2 and 3 Commercial Trainee Education Note: Clearly document all courses taken, credits received and diplomas/certificates granted. A copy of your diploma, certificate, degree or transcript of marks must be submitted as confirmation. A detailed syllabus (course outline) should be submitted for all courses unless you have graduated from Westcoast Onsite Wastewater Training Centre (WOWTC) recognized courses. Certified English translations must be submitted with foreign documents. Use a separate sheet if there is insufficient space. Educational and training assessment of your qualifications may require confidential disclosure to third parties. Full Time Education Name/location of High School/Institute/College/University Years in Attendance From To Diploma / Certificate / Degree Education Relevant to Onsite Wastewater Course Title Dates Length Supervised Exam Yes/No Continuing Professional Development and Other Education Course Title / Subject Type i.e. night school School Dates From/To Supervised Exam Yes/No Experience Relevant to Onsite Wastewater Describe in detail below, your present position indicating degree of technical competence and extent, if any, to which you are supervised. Please attach a copy of your company job description if available. Do not submit a resume only. List chronologically, on a separate sheet, each position previously held including name and address of employer(s), position(s) held with appropriate dates (yr/mo), detailed description of job(s) and immediate supervisor, the firm’s address and phone number. Continue on a separate page as needed. Present Employer Date Started Full Address Telephone # ( Postal Code ) Fax # Position ( ) Date Appointed Duties: Supervisor’s signature: From personal knowledge I do state that the above position description is a reasonable description of the applicant’s duties and responsibilities. If self-employed, applicant should sign below. Name Position Please Print Signature Date (include professional designation if applicable) References Refer to the included ROWP Category Information Sheets for category specific reference requirements. Give names and addresses of the required references, who have a good knowledge of your capabilities and work experience. These individuals will be required to complete a reference questionnaire. Where practical, references should include your current supervisor as well as registered practitioners outside your current place of employment. Continue on a separate page as needed. Name (include professional designation) Address (full mailing) 1. 2. 3. Professional / Technical Associations Existing ASTTBC Member Classification Member # Other Membership Affirmation I hereby certify that the information supplied by me on this form, including attached documents, is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. In making application for certification, I also agree to abide by the Sewerage System Regulation and the Standard Practice Manual, along with the ASTTBC Act, Regulations (By-Laws), Code of Ethics, Practice Standards and disciplinary policies as established from time to time by the Council of ASTTBC. I understand that the ASTTBC Onsite Wastewater Registration Board will make a final determination as to category(ies) of registration granted and that all requested information must be provided to ASTTBC to avoid delays. I also understand that I will be subject to an Initial System Review once registered. Note: French language documentation must be accompanied by a certified English translation. Date Signature of Applicant Refer to cover letter for current application fees. Payment: VISA MasterCard VISA/MasterCard # American Express Cheque (payable to ASTTBC) Expiry Date 10767 – 148th Street, Surrey, B.C. Canada V3R 0S4 Telephone: (604) 585-2788 • Facsimile: (604) 585-2790 E-mail: info_owrp@asttbc.org • Web Site: owrp.asttbc.org Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Category Information Sheet – Planner Complete and return this form to ASTTBC with your application I Want To Plan Onsite Systems... What does a ROWP Planner do? A Planner is responsible for assessing the site and soils, determining the needs of the property owner/user and comparing this information with the requirements of the BC Sewerage System Regulation (SSR) and the BC Standard Practice Manual (SPM). This allows the Planner to determine the type of system that is needed, whether it is within their training and registration to plan for, and to calculate the size and features of the system. Planners are responsible for creating the Filing documentation per the requirements of the SSR and SPM and registering it with the local Health Authority. Planners, like all ROWPs, must also follow all ASTTBC policies. What do I have to do to become a ROWP Planner? 1. Record any training: Record the names of any courses you have successfully completed and attach all transcripts and detailed course outlines. 2. Complete the ASTTBC application package: Make sure to read and fill out the application form carefully. Use the checklist below. Application Form Courses Completed Privacy Statement Reference Contact Information Stamp Application Form Contact a ROWP Form 3. Complete the required experience: Currently, the experience required to become a ROWP Planner is as follows: 5 Complete project files that demonstrate the range of system types the applicant has experience with. (Actual Sites) **If you do not have enough experience, you may be registered as an Onsite Wastewater Trainee (see the Trainee Category Information Sheet) and work toward becoming a full ROWP Planner. OWRP Planner Information Sheet – Fall 2012 1 4. Items to be reviewed - each project file submitted should contain the following: Complete the checklist below. 1. Record of Sewerage System Form 2. Design Rationale 3. Client Contact Information 4. Client Expected Usage 5. Land Title 6. Copy of Easement / Covenant / Right-of-Way / Health Order if applicable 7. Site Survey Information 8. Building Plan (if system is for new building) 9. Site Assessment Documentation (including location of utilities) 10. Soils Log 11. Permeability Testing Log 12. Design Calculations 13. Site Plan / System Drawings 14. Cutaway Drawings 15. System Specifications 16. Component Specifications 17. System Commissioning Notes 18. Letter of Certification by Planner 19. As-Built Drawing 20. Operation & Maintenance Plan 21. Photographic & Related Documentation 5. Please provide a list of all of the tools and equipment you have and use during the planning of an onsite system: Such as measuring devices, drawing software, inclinometer, etc. OWRP Planner Information Sheet – Fall 2012 2 Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Category Information Sheet – Installer Complete and return this form to ASTTBC with your application I Want To Install Onsite Systems... What does a ROWP Installer do? An Installer constructs an onsite wastewater treatment system following the plan created by the ROWP Planner or Professional, and to the standards and requirements of the BC Standard Practice Manual (SPM). Installers, like all ROWPs, must also follow all ASTTBC policies. What do I have to do to become a ROWP Installer? 1. Record any training: Record the names of any courses you have successfully completed and attach all transcripts and detailed course outlines. 2. Complete the ASTTBC application package: Make sure to read and fill out the application form carefully. Use the checklist below. Application Form Courses Completed Privacy Statement Reference Contact Information Stamp Application Form Contact a ROWP Form 3. Complete the required experience: Currently, the experience required to become a ROWP Installer is as follows: 5 Complete project files that demonstrate the range of system types the applicant has experience with. (Actual Sites) **If you do not have enough experience, you may be registered as an Onsite Wastewater Trainee (see the Trainee Category Information Sheet) and work toward becoming a full ROWP Installer. OWRP Installer Information Sheet – Fall 2012 1 4. Items to be reviewed - each project file submitted should contain the following: Complete the checklist below. 1. Copy of Construction Drawing from Planner 2. Copy of Component Detail / Cutaway Drawings 3. Client Contact Information 4. Planner Contact Information 5. Photographic and Related Documentation 6. Verification Sand Meets SPM Quality Standards (if applicable) 7. Installer Letter of Certification 5. Please provide a list of all of the tools and equipment you have and use during the installation of an onsite system: Such as laser or builders level, measuring devices, utility locating devices, etc. OWRP Installer Information Sheet – Fall 2012 2 Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Category Information Sheet – Maintenance Provider Complete and return this form to ASTTBC with your application I Want To Maintain Onsite Systems... What does a ROWP Maintenance Provider do? A Maintenance Provider is responsible for following the Operation & Maintenance Plan created by the system Planner, following the minimum maintenance requirements set out in the BC Sewerage System Regulation (SSR) and the BC Standard Practice Manual (SPM), determining the needs of the property owner/user and working with the Planner to customize the O&M Plan where needed, and creating a simple maintenance plan for any system which was installed under a regulation in place before the SSR. Maintenance Providers are responsible for monitoring and maintaining the entire onsite system as well as reporting on the work to the client in a manner that is suited to a lay-person. Maintenance Providers, like all ROWPs, must also follow all ASTTBC policies. What do I have to do to become a ROWP Maintenance Provider? 1. Record any training: Record the names of any courses you have successfully completed and attach all transcripts and detailed course outlines. 2. Complete the ASTTBC application package: Make sure to read and fill out the application form carefully. Use the checklist below. Application Form Courses Completed Privacy Statement Reference Contact Information Stamp Application Form Contact a ROWP Form 3. Complete the required experience: Currently, the experience required to become a ROWP Maintenance Provider is as follows: 5 Complete project files that demonstrate the range of system types the applicant has experience with. (Actual Sites) **If you do not have enough experience, you may be registered as an Onsite Wastewater Trainee (see the Trainee Category Information Sheet) and work toward becoming a full ROWP Maintenance Provider. OWRP Maintenance Provider Information Sheet – Fall 2012 1 4. Items to be reviewed - each project file submitted should contain the following: Complete the checklist below. 1. Client Contact Information 2. Client Expected Usage / Needs Form 3. Copy of System Details/Plan/Filing/Permit 4. Copy of Easement / Covenant / Right-of-Way / Health Order if applicable 5. Copy of Any Correspondence with System Planner 6. Copy of Operation & Maintenance Plan 7. If System Installed before SSR, O&M Plan Created by MP 8. Copy of Effluent Sample Results (if applicable) 9. Documentation of Maintenance – Photographic & Field Notes 10. Report Contains: the date of the work, file or reference number, name of the client, address of the site 11. Report Contains: Evaluation of the Filing document, O&M Plan or original permit, in relation to the actual system found and the current usage 12. Report Contains: General description of the system type and components 13. Report Contains: Summary of what was or was not located and tested with explanation if it was not 14. Report Contains: Thorough evaluation of the system’s current performance in lay-man’s terms using standard performance terminology 15. Report Contains: Listing of required repairs and recommended improvements with explanation of what it means for the system and the urgency or importance 16. Correct Use of Stamp with Signature and Date 5. Please provide a list of all of the tools and equipment you have and use during the maintenance of an onsite system: Such as sampling tools, testing devices, flow meters, etc. OWRP Maintenance Provider Information Sheet – Fall 2012 2 Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Category Information Sheet – Private Inspector Complete and return this form to ASTTBC with your application I Want To Inspect Onsite Systems... What does a ROWP Private Inspector do? A Private Inspector inspects existing onsite wastewater treatment systems for performance and compliance, and must follow the ASTTBC Standard Practice Guidelines for Private Inspectors and the BC Standard Practice Manual (SPM). Private Inspectors, like all ROWPs, must also follow all ASTTBC policies. What do I have to do to become a ROWP Private Inspector? 1. Record any training: Record the names of any courses you have successfully completed and attach all transcripts and detailed course outlines. 2. Complete the ASTTBC application package: Make sure to read and fill out the application form carefully. Use the checklist below. Application Form Courses Completed Privacy Statement Reference Contact Information Stamp Application Form Contact a ROWP Form 3. Complete the required experience: Currently, the experience required to become a ROWP Private Inspector is as follows: 5 Complete project files that demonstrate the range of system types the applicant has experience with. (Actual Sites) **If you do not have enough experience, you may be registered as an Onsite Wastewater Trainee (see the Trainee Category Information Sheet) and work toward becoming a full ROWP Private Inspector. OWRP Private Inspector Information Sheet – Fall 2012 1 4. Items to be reviewed - each project file submitted should contain the following: Complete the checklist below. 1. Client Contact Information 2. Client Expected Usage / Needs Form 3. Copy of System Details/Plan/Filing/Permit 4. Copy of Easement / Covenant / Right-of-Way / Health Order if applicable 5. Copy of Operation & Maintenance Plan 6. Copy of Effluent Sample Results (if applicable) 7. Documentation of Inspection – Photographic & Field Notes 8. Report Contains: the date of the inspection, file or reference number, name of the client, address of the site, description of inspection type 9. Report Contains: Evaluation of the Filing document, O&M Plan or original permit, in relation to the actual system found and the current usage 10. Report Contains: General description of the system type and components 11. Report Contains: Summary of what was or was not located and tested with explanation if it was not 12. Report Contains: Thorough evaluation of the system’s current performance in lay-man’s terms using standard performance terminology 13. Report Contains: Listing of required repairs and recommended improvements with explanation of what it means for the system and the urgency or importance 14. Report Contains: Basic drawing or photographs for client showing component locations if performance inspection 15. Report Contains: Detailed drawing for client showing component locations with confirmed setback distances and all applicable details if compliance inspection 16. Report Contains: Explanation of maintenance requirements w. O&M Plan (if one does not already exist) 17. Report Contains: System use & care information 18. Report Contains: Letter of Assurance (if applicable) 19. Correct Use of Stamp with Signature and Date OWRP Private Inspector Information Sheet – Fall 2012 2 5. Please provide a list of all of the tools and equipment you have and use during the inspection of an onsite system: Such as pipe and tank cameras, pipe locator, testing devices, etc. OWRP Private Inspector Information Sheet – Fall 2012 3 Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner Category Information Sheet – Trainee Complete and return this form to ASTTBC with your application I Want To Become a Trainee Now and a ROWP Later... What can a Onsite Wastewater Trainee (OWT) do? A Trainee may plan, install, maintain or inspect onsite wastewater treatment systems under the supervision of an Authorized Person. The Authorized Person (called a mentor) is fully responsible for the quality of the OWTs work. The Trainee must have completed the training required for the category in which they are working, i.e. a Trainee carrying out maintenance must have completed the maintenance courses. Does a Trainee get a stamp like a ROWP? No. A stamp is only issued to ROWPs. Is a Trainee an Authorized Person (AP)? No. A Trainee is not a ROWP or a Professional, and therefore, is not an Authorized Person under the Sewerage System Regulation. How long does it take for a Trainee to become a ROWP? A Trainee can apply to become a full ROWP as soon as the minimum experience requirements are met for the category they wish to apply for. This means that it may take weeks, months or years, depending on how much work the Trainee does. What do I have to do to become a Trainee? 1. Record any training: Record any training you have completed for the category(ies) of ROWP registration that you wish to work towards. 2. Complete the ASTTBC application package: Make sure to read and fill out the application form carefully. Use the checklist below. Application Form Courses Completed Privacy Statement Contact a ROWP Form How do I get experience? As Trainees cannot work without supervision, you must arrange for a Professional or a ROWP registered in the category you are working towards, to mentor you and supervise your work. The Professional or ROWP will likely charge a fee for their mentoring services. Trainees are provided with a Career Log, which sets out required competencies and is used to confirm experience. OWRP Trainee Information Sheet – Fall 2012 ASTTBC Onsite Wastewater Registration Program Application Information Sheet What happens to my application? Who looks at my application? When ASTTBC receives an application, office staff will prepare it to be reviewed by multiple file reviewers and by the Onsite Wastewater Registration Board (OWRB). The file reviewers will compare the application against the registration requirements set out in ASTTBC policy and provide their recommendations to the OWRB. If the file reviewers identify that the application is incomplete in some way, they will direct ASTTBC staff to contact the applicant and request further information. This is why it is important to ensure your application is complete to avoid any delay in processing. ASTTBC takes it’s privacy responsibilities seriously and your information will be kept secure. All file reviewers and members of the OWRB who may see your application are bound by a confidentiality agreement. What is the Onsite Wastewater Registration Board? The OWRB is a body of individuals with specialist knowledge or skills that are responsible for reviewing applications, and providing input to ASTTBC policy. The membership of the OWRB, except for the Chair, is kept confidential to protect the OWRB from attempts of influence or intimidation. If an applicant is in any way connected to a Board member, the member will excuse themselves from the review and decision process. This ensures that each application is examined in a fair and objective manner. The current Chair of the Board is Brent Schofield CTech, ROWP. Past Chairs include Jim Anderson, ROWP, Karen Halliday, ROWP and Frank Hay, ROWP. The OWRB meets every two months to review applications and make decisions about registration. At this time, the members of the Board will review the recommendations of the file reviewers as well as the application itself. They then discuss the recommendations and ask any questions they may have of the Manager, OWRP. The OWRB members then make a decision regarding the type of registration that will be granted. What does the Manager of the Onsite Wastewater Registration Program do? The Manager has many industry related duties, but in relation to registration applications, the Manager, OWRP presents the application file to the Board, acts as an advocate for the applicant during the OWRB meeting, and is responsible for assisting the OWRB with questions regarding ASTTBC policy. The Manager’s role as advocate means that the Manager may correspond directly with the applicant prior to the OWRB meeting and will provide background and support to the application during the meeting. It should be noted that the Manager cannot participate in the vote on an application at the OWRB meeting. How long does it take to get registered? As the OWRB meets every two months, the completeness of the application will determine the speed with which it can be processed and made ready to be reviewed in time for the upcoming meeting. The importance of completing the application carefully and responding quickly to any OWRP Application Information Sheet – Fall 2012 1 further requests cannot be emphasized enough. An application must be received a minimum of three weeks before the upcoming OWRB meeting to allow enough time for references to respond and for the entire application to be reviewed by multiple reviewers. Contact Julie Li, Coordinator, Technical Specialist Registrations at jli@asttbc.org or 604-585-2788 local 249, to confirm the date of the next meeting. Is experience considered in lieu of training? The Board will review the nature and extent of the experience and may award credit for it depending on it’s relevance to the category of registration that has been requested and how current it is. Due to the significant changes in practice required by the Sewerage System Regulation and the Standard Practice Manual as well as the rigours of the professional reliance program, it is often difficult for an applicant whose experience was accumulated many years ago to prove competency without appropriate and current training. Who should I use as references? Under the current registration policy, all applicants for ROWP registration must provide at least one reference from an Authorized Person. The Authorized Person should be a ROWP or Professional that you have been supervised or mentored by, and who can verify your current and/or past experiences in the category and competency level of registration that you are applying for. A questionnaire will be sent to each reference identified in your application. The individual will complete the form and return it to ASTTBC for consideration by file reviewers and the Board. Ensure that you provide accurate contact information for the reference to prevent delays. An email address or fax number will likely result in the fastest response time. Will I need to take an exam to be registered? All technical exams are given through the training providers at the time courses are taken. The only testing that must successfully be completed is the ASTTBC Jurisprudence examination, which is a verification of familiarity with the roles, limitations, code of ethics and regulations as they apply to ROWPs. How is experience determined? To be considered for registration, an applicant must provide examples of recent work relevant to the category of registration that is being applied for. The file reviewers and OWRB will examine these examples and compare them with set requirements from the Sewerage System Regulation, the Standard Practice Manual, occupational Competencies and any other ASTTBC policies that may apply. The Board will also examine the Career Log as completed by the applicant. What is a Career Log? At this stage you may not have a formal career log, but you probably have daily notes, a daily calendar/work diary or similar records that can be used to support your application. Start a more formal career log as soon as possible to document your work experience. It will provide ASTTBC with a clear picture of your responsibilities and achievements. This will support your initial application for registration and any future applications for advanced categories of reclassification as your career progresses. It will also help you report continuing professional development as required by ASTTBC’s Code of Ethics. OWRP Application Information Sheet – Fall 2012 2 What if I don’t have enough experience? If the OWRB identifies that an applicant does not have enough experience to be registered as a ROWP, the OWRB may choose to register the applicant as an Onsite Wastewater Trainee (OWT). See the Trainee Category Information Sheet. What if I don’t have enough training? If the file reviewer identifies that an applicant does not have adequate knowledge, different recommendations may be made depending on the circumstances. The OWRB may decide to approve the application pending successful completion of specific training, or the applicant may be required to acquire specific training or knowledge and their application held over to the next OWRB meeting. What is a “Practice Restriction”? If the application shows that the applicant has particular limited training and experience, such as only having installed lagoon systems, the OWRB may choose to register the applicant with a practice restriction on their registration. That means that this person, for example, would only be allowed to install lagoons. Every effort is made by ASTTBC staff to assist those with practice restrictions in becoming full, unrestricted ROWPs. What happens next if my application is approved? After the Board approves your registration, you will receive a letter outlining the category and competency level of registration that has been granted and any competency upgrades required along with a registration certificate. Your stamp will be ordered at this time and then sent directly to you when produced. You must follow the guidelines included with your stamp as a Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner. You can now practice and advertise your services as a ROWP. When you have begun your first job, contact the Manager, OWRP to begin your Initial System Review (ISR). Do not wait until the job is completed to contact the Manager. What is an Initial System Review (ISR)? As specified within the Onsite Wastewater Registration Program Policy, an ISR is an evaluation of a practitioner’s compliance in relation to their responsibilities as set out in the Regulation, the BC SPM, occupational competencies, and approved training programs, as well as ROWP responsibilities as dictated by ASTTBC Policies. The Initial System Review examines the documentation of the first system of each type that a Practitioner is involved with. If the work meets expectations, the ROWP will be encouraged to continue, possibly with a few recommendations for improvement. If the work does not consistently meet expectations, the ROWP will be forwarded to the Practice Review Board and may become subject to a full Practice Assessment. The review must be successfully completed before the ROWP Planner files the plan with the Health Authority, before the system is backfilled for ROWP Installers, and within one week after maintenance or inspection works commence for ROWP Maintenance Providers and Private Inspectors. Contact Ron Hein, Manager, Onsite Wastewater Registration Program at 604.585.2788 local 231 for more details. OWRP Application Information Sheet – Fall 2012 3 What happens if my application is not approved? The Board will respond with a letter outlining the reasons that your application was unsuccessful and the steps to take towards having your application accepted. If I do not agree with the OWRB decision, can I appeal it? You may appeal the decision to the Registrar who will appoint a reviewer(s) to consider your appeal. Appeals must be made, in writing, within thirty days of the original decision. For what period of time is my registration valid? Registration is based on the understanding that you continue to practice in the field and are able to competently perform work in the category and at the competency level of registration granted. Registration is renewed annually (annual renewal fees apply) unless circumstances warrant a further review by the Board. Annual renewal fees are reduced for ROWPs who are also AScT and CTech members. The billing period for annual renewal fees is from June 1st through May 31st. What is covered by the application fee? The non-refundable application fee that you submit with your application pays for a full and comprehensive review of your education, training and experience qualifications, any other relevant information and a registration certificate, if approved. Are there any benefits to ASTTBC membership? Membership benefits include ASTTBC Newsletter, Annual Report & Directory, website contact listing, Compensation Survey, Employment Assistance Program, Group Programs (insurance, RRSP, RESP), and special purchase plans. Visit the main ASTTBC website at www.asttbc.com for further information and clarification of membership benefits. Any other questions? If you have any other questions regarding the registration process, please contact the Julie Li, Coordinator, Technical Specialist Registrations at 604-585-2788 local 249 or e-mail jli@asttbc.org. OWRP Application Information Sheet – Fall 2012 4 THIS APPLICATION FOR STAMP MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR REGISTRATION FOR REGISTERED ONSITE WASTEWATER PRACTITIONER Once your application is reviewed and if registration is approved, ASTTBC will produce your personal stamp. APPLICATION FOR STAMP Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner – ROWP #OW________________ (to be entered by staff) NAME:_________________________________________ (Family name) _____________________________ (First Name) ADDRESS:______________________________________ (Street No. and Name, Box, etc.) ________________________________ ___________ (City and Province) (Postal Code) PHONE: Home:____________________ Business:______________________ _____________ (Initial) E-Mail:____________________ * Please PRINT your name on the line below as you wish it to appear on your stamp Name on your stamp:____________________________________________________________________________ * Please SIGN your name on the line below as it will appear when signing your stamp Name on your stamp:____________________________________________________________________________ DECLARATION: I agree to only apply my stamp to works and services provided by me or under my supervision that is in the category of Registered Onsite Wastewater Practitioner (ROWP) in which I have been certified, and which meets all requirements of the ASTTBC Code of Ethics. The charge for a member seal or stamp is a lease fee for an indefinite period, provided you remain in good standing with ASTTBC. This seal or stamp remains the property of ASTTBC and must be returned promptly at the request of the Registrar of ASTTBC. Should a new stamp be required, payment for the stamp must be received prior to ordering the new stamp. In addition, the old stamp must be received by ASTTBC before the new stamp will be ordered. Should your stamp become misplaced or lost, ASTTBC will require a notarized affidavit (at the Practitioner’s expense) as to its disposition, as well as, prepayment of the new stamp is required before the new stamp will be ordered. By your signature below, you agree to these conditions and any further modifications to these terms as may be determined from time to time by the Council of ASTTBC. ___________________________________________________ Name (Print full name) ___________________________________________________ Signature Karen/Forms/OWRPstampapp Revised – February 2006 _________________________________ Date GST NO. R106719081 Waived Requirements 1. As an Applied Science Technologist (AScT) or Certified Technician (CTech) you are exempted from completing the following: ASTTBC Professional Practice and Ethics Exam. * If you have not already completed this Exam with your ASTTBC certification you will be required to complete this prior to ROWP registration. * 2. Certified ASTTBC members are exempt from providing the required References, as defined in the Onsite Wastewater Registration Program Application Information Sheet, but are required to complete the following: Provide two (2) references verifying their Onsite Wastewater experience. If you should have any questions concerning the waived requirements, please contact the Registrations Assistant at (604) 585-2788 local 249 or e-mail jli@asttbc.org PRIVACY STATEMENT… ASTTBC safeguards all information provided to the Association by applicants and members. This information is confidential except as required by law. Details that are solely related to determining certification level (eg. Educational qualifications, employment history, references) will be used for internal administrative purposes and assessment of qualifications. ASTTBC uses contact information to send registrants information that, in our opinion, could be beneficial to a significant portion of the membership (e.g. professional practice, recognition, careers and group services for members). ASTTBC does not sell or trade the mailing list of registrants. Information on member services that are offered by third parties is only sent from ASTTBC pre-approved affinity partners and only with prior permission from ASTTBC and is done under terms of strict confidentiality. ASTTBC posts to our web site registrant information that in past years was published in our annual directory. The publication of at least this minimum of information for all registrants is a requirement of the ASTT Act. You may choose to opt out of receiving information from ASTTBC, except that information directly relating to your registration. Examples would be your Annual Invoice, Notice of the Annual General Meeting or other information directly relating to your certification and responsibilities under the ASTT Act & Regulations. Opting out may require you to proactively visit www.asttbc.org for other information concerning Association business. In the meantime please indicate your preference to the options listed below. Please check the appropriate box if you wish to be excluded from receiving the following: No 3rd Party Mailings No Broadcast Emails No E-News (ASTTBC Newsletter) If you have any questions or concerns, please visit the ASTTBC website at www.asttbc.org or e-mail: privacy@asttbc.org. I have read and understood ASTTBC’s privacy policy and wish to receive all Association correspondence. Name (In Print) ________________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________ Date _________________________ 10767 – 148th Street, Surrey, BC Canada V3R 0S4 • Telephone (604) 585-2788 • Facsimile: (604) 585-2790 • E-mail: techinfo@asttbc.org Web: www.asttbc.org
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