4 OX BOW ELEMENTARY 23525 CR 45 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM THE NURSE REGARDING MEDICATIONS: I have a large amount of both over-the-counter medication and prescription medication parents have brought in during the year remaining here at school. School policy mandates that children in grades K-8 may not take medication home from school. This includes both prescription and non-prescription medications. If your child has medication at school, I am asking parents to stop by the school during the month of May to pick-up any medications that are not needed on a daily basis. You may want to wait until the end of the month so the medication is available if your child needs it. If your child takes medication daily, please stop by the school to pick-up the extra medication by the last day of school. Since we are quickly approaching the last day of school, when bringing in medication to be taken daily, please bring in only enough to last through the last day of school. Any medication left at school after June 3rd will be disposed of unless special arrangements are made with me by the end of the school day on June 2nd. ELKHART, IN 46516 PH:(574)875-8538 FAX:(575)875-4108 WWW. CON CORD.K 12. IN. US KENT MYERS, PRINCIPAL JULIE DAWSON, ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Bus Route Information Parents are encouraged to go to the Concord website at: http:/ox bow.concord.k12.in .us/ Click on Bus Stop Information and follow the directions. If you have problems or questions, please contact our Transportation Department at 875-6577. INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Lost & Found 2 Thank you for your time. Please call me if you have any questions. We Give Wednesday 2 My hours are daily, 7:30- 4:00. Meal Costs 2 Lunch Times 2 Science Sleuths 2 Attendance 2 Parent Input Forms 2 CHS Music Program Dates 3 Lunch Accounts 3 Volunteer Thank You 3 Stacey Malcolm, R.N, Ox Bow School Nurse Lunch Menu (see insert) Breakfast Menu (see insert) School Schedule 8:25 Student Arrival 8:25-8:45 Breakfast 8:50 Day Begins 3:35 Day Ends 3:45 Buses Leave Tuesday Schedule 8:55 Student Arrival 8:55-9:15 Breakfast 9:20 Day Begins 3:35 Day Ends 3:45 Buses Leave Ox Bow News Working Together to Provide Hope for our Children M AY / J U N E , 2 0 1 5 If you haven’t checked out the videos produced by our 3rd/4th grade Ox Bow News Team, go to Facebook and check them out. Other items that we have posted on our account include trips to Ox Bow Park, activities in the room, awards received by students, and other great news about Ox Bow. Either go to Facebook and search for Concord Ox Bow or use the QR code to the right to take you right to our page! Summer Learning This summer your kids need to learn, but do they need to constantly read and practice math? No way! Our children learn so much by play and through experiences. So while you shouldn’t take the summer off from reading and should find a way to incorporate it daily to your schedule, you shouldn’t focus on it. Some suggestions for learning might include: 1. Take a trip. You don’t have to go somewhere exotic for students to learn. Go to the dunes, to a museum in Chicago, the Curious Kids Museum in St. Joe, Michigan. Just someplace different for them to explore and learn. 2. Go to the library. Check out books each week. This is special to many kids as they know you care about them and their education. 3. Play, create, and build. Build or create something. Give them a bunch of loose items at home and have them create something. Or consider having them build something using instructions! 4. Cook together. How better to learn what 1/8 teaspoon is? Or 3 cups? Then you can eat the project! :) Important Dates to Remember April 27—May 15 ISTEP Testing-Multiple Choice May 1 Progress Reports Home South Bend Cubs’ Reading Club Night May 5 PTO Meeting @ 6:30 (come vote for incoming officers) May 6 We Give Wednesday May 11—15 Staff Appreciation Week By Kent Myers, Principal 5. Give kids chores and an allowance. Hold them accountable for a few daily chores. Then pay them a little. This will help them learn how to be responsible both with time and money. 6. Attend Camp Concord Summer School. For ms ar e due May 1 so turn them in soon. It’s a great experience. Whatever you do, enjoy the summer and spend time with your kids. I know you are busy, but soon you will look back and say, I wish I would have taken the time to do this with my child. Do it now. Have a great summer but first let’s have a great end to this school year. May 22 All Library Books Due May 25 — NO SCHOOL Memorial Day Observance May 15 (7:45-8:45 am) SOAR Volunteer Breakfast May 29 Field Day (June 1—Rain Date) May 20 (in the Gym) 1st Grade Spring Concert 6:15-6:45 … AND 3rd Grade Spring Concert 7:00—7:45 June 2 (ANTICIPATED ) LAST DAY OF SCHOOL Dismissal at 3:35 Report Cards Home 3 2 Lost and Found If your student has lost a coat, hat, mittens, gloves, glasses, lunch box, etc., please have him/her check the lost and found. All items will be donated at the end of school. Meal Costs: Concord Elementary K-4 student meals costs: Breakfast Full Price—$ .90 Reduced Price—$ .30 Lunch Full Price—$1.80 Reduced Price—$ .40 Extra Milk: $ .40 (for all) If you believe you might qualify for the federal free or reduced breakfast/lunch program, please contact the Ox Bow Elementary Office. To qualify for the program, you must meet certain income expectations as well as complete the application every year. Lunch Times: 4th Grade —11:15 -11:35 Kinder —11:40 -12:00 2nd Grade —12:05 -12:25 3rd Grade —12:30 -12:50 1st Grade —12:55 - 1:15 We Give Wednesday! May is our last month of collecting money to donate to Ox Bow Park! Let’s make it a great one Ox Bow! Wednesday, May 13th: Tropical Wear Wednesday Bring 50 cents and wear all your tropical attire! Leis, Hawaiian shirts, flip flops, sun hats, and shorts! Upcoming Events from our High School Music Department May 4 53rd Annual All-School Orchestra Festival @ 7:30 pm/CHS Gym May 11 53rd Annual All-School Band Festival @ 7:30/CHS Gym May 15-16 Vocal Pops Concert @ 8:00/BPAC May 19 Dance Club Recital (K-12) @ 7:30/BPAC May 19 & 20 Orchestra Instrumental Open House (for Incoming 5th graders) @ 4:00-7:30/CHS/Music Department May 22 Jazz Café @ 7:00/CHS Gym (all clothing must align with school dress code: shorts must be to the knees, shoulders must be covered, etc.) Ox Bow County Park’s “Science Sleuths” program will continue its afterschool activities for students 69 years old on May 18 entitled, “Animal Classification” from 45:30pm. Cost is $4 student. Preregistration is required one week before class date by calling 535-6458. More info at: www.elkhartcountyp arks.org Attendance Update for March: PARENT INPUT FORMS Forms are inserted within this newsletter to give you a voice about the kind of teacher you think 94.60% of Ox Bow stu- your child might fit with dents had NO tardies in the best in 2015-2016. They, however, are not March. intended for parents to Let’s congratulate Mrs. request specific teachers. Sallee’s class AGAIN on Much thought and care winning the Attendance goes into the placement of Ribbon for the month of every student and that inMarch. Way to go Mrs. cludes your input and Sallee’s class. We are thoughts from his teacher proud of you and of all this year. 95.91% of Ox Bow students were at school every day in March! the students who do their best to get to school everyday, on time and ready to learn. At this time, Miss Helm’s class will need to pass on the Attendance Ribbon to Mrs. Sallee’s room. Have a great day, Eagles! We want what is best for every child, and we will try to create 20152016 classes in which every child can grow and learn. Parents/Guardians: Please make sure to check your child’s book bag for his/her lunch account balances. You may also check online to see if they need money added to theie account. They may only be in the red up to three (3) lunches. If you go more than the three lunches, we are required only to give your child a peanut butter sandwich and milk. Three paid lunches cost: 3 x $1.80/lunch = $5.40 Three reduced lunches cost: 3 x $0.40/lunch = $1.20 Please feel free to contact me at 875-8538, x 82660. Thank you, Peggy Myers, Food Service Manager ~~VOLUNTEERS~~ Ox Bow has an amazing treasure! We can’t keep it a secret though…it’s our Fantastic Volunteers! We couldn’t do what we do each day without our remarkable, dedicated volunteers who work both behind the scenes and within our walls. We are so grateful for the multiple hours that have been given again this school year by our PTO participants, our classroom parent helpers, S.O.A.R. Tutors, TaeKwonDo class leader, library/book fair assistants, and more! These finishing touches help our school run smoothly and be welcoming but they also help our students learn, develop new skills and prepare for the future. We offer you our most sincere thanks for all you do. You are most heartily appreciated! ~~The Ox Bow Staff THANK YOU ~~ THANK YOU ~~ THANK YOU ~~ THANK YOU ~~ THANK YOU
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