Our Events - Oxford Museum Association

PO Box 184
Oxford, OH 45056
Winter 2015
Adult Education Classes
The Oxford Museum Association is offering three different adult education classes this
spring. Each class is limited to 10 people on a first come basis. A waiting list will be established if the classes fill, and additional classes will be added if necessary. Most of the
cost of each class is underwritten by a grant from the Smith Family Trust of Oxford. To
sign up, email oxfordmuseumassociation@gmail.com or call 513-324-5942.
Broom Making – March 21, 9-noon or 1-4 at the Doty Pioneer Farmstead Howard
Shed. Learn how to make a broom and have one to take home with you. There will be two
sessions on the 21st, so when you sign up, indicate morning or afternoon. Cost is $10 per
Oilcloths – April 18, 9:30-3:00 p.m. at the Doty Pioneer Farmstead Howard Shed.
Learn to make oilcloths, also known as enameled cloth or American cloth. Oilcloths were
widely used in the 18th and early 19th centuries for floor coverings, table cloths and weather
proof items and clothing. Class is $30 a person, and
covers your supplies to make a placemat oilcloth that
you will be able to take home. Please bring a sack
lunch. Refrigerator space and microwave is available
for your lunch.
Open Hearth Cooking – May 9, 10:00-2:00
p.m. DeWitt Log House. Learn the basics of open
heart cooking while preparing lunch for the group.
You will be making bread, stew, and a dessert, along
with learning about food preparation and preservation
in the 1800s. Cost is $10 per person.
Upcoming Events
Maple Syrup Festival
Howard Lecture
49th Annual Maple Syrup Festival
50th Annual Arts & Crafts Fair
51st Annual Apple Butter Festival
Hours at the Pioneer Farmstead and DeWitt Log
Except for upcoming special events, both the Pioneer
Farmstead and the DeWitt Log House are closed for the
season. However, we will open for special tours and groups
upon request. If you’d like to visit either location, please give
Ed Creighton a call at 513-523-8005 or 513-324-5942 and
leave a message.
Membership renewal
Please check your mailing label to see if we have
received your 2015 membership. All memberships
expire on December 31. If your label has a 2015
following your name, you are good for 2015,
otherwise, your membership is now due.
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Oxford Museum Association
Medicine in the 1800s
Curious as to what medicine was like in the 1800s?
Check this one off your bucket list at the Lane Library,
Oxford, on February 26 at 7:00 p.m. Kathy Creighton,
Executive Director of the Butler County Historical
Society will visit the era of bleed, blister and purge and
tell you why people avoided the doctor, if at all possible!
We’re on the Web!
Maple Syrup Festival
OMA is again partnering with the Hueston Woods State Park to host the Maple Syrup
Festival, March 7-8 and March 14-15. Guests will again be parking at the Pioneer Farmstead to board the hay wagons for the trip to the “Big Woods”. The Doty House, Township
House and Pioneer Barn will be open for guests to visit, and we will be serving food in the
Howard Shed.
Volunteers are needed for all four days. We need people to help with parking, work in
the concession stand, and be located in the house, township house and barn. If you are
willing to help, please contact oxfordmuseumassociation@gmail.com.
Volunteer Training
Looking for something to do? OMA is looking for volunteers! We will be holding a
volunteer training session on April 25, 2015 from 10 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We will talk
about the various volunteer opportunities that are available at both the Pioneer Farmstead
and the DeWitt Log House for both special events and during the summer. Some of
these include giving tours, working concession stands, being parking attendants and
maintenance work. Sound exciting? Please call Ed Creighton at 513-324-5942 or email
him at oxfordmuseumassociation@gmail.com so he knows how much handout material to
Oxford Museum
Board of Trustees
Rick Costello, President
Michelle Costello, Vice
Sarah Miller, Secretary
Clay Hock, Treasurer
Bob Carmean
John Clover
John Curry
Rebecca Evans
Joe Hookey
Bill King
Gail Paveza
Executive Director
Ed Creighton
Apple Butter Festival
Bob Carmean
John Curry
Arts & Crafts Fair
Bob Carmean
Joe Hookey
Bill King
Rick & Michele Costello
Rebecca Evans
Oxford Museum Assn.
PO Box 184
Oxford, OH 45056
The Oxford Museum Association
In 1953, a group of alumni and faculty from Miami
University gathered to discuss the possibilities of forming an
organization dedicated to preserving the rural agricultural
history of southwest Ohio. From this initial meeting, the Oxford
Museum Association was born, formally opening in 1959 with
the newly-restored Doty House as the center of historic
Since then, the organization has grown to steward not only the Doty House and Pioneer Barn, but the historic
Oxford Trustees’ building, the Doty Settlement Cemetery, the 1805 DeWitt Log House and the Black Covered
As a non-profit organization, the Oxford Museum Association is dependent upon the generous funding of its
members and the community. Grants are available to cover programming and special restoration projects, but do
not cover day-to-day operations. Please consider a special donation to the Oxford Museum Association today, so
that future generations will be able to appreciate the unique agricultural history of southwest Ohio.
A New Look for the Doty House
Painting and wall restoration is currently underway in the Doty House, thanks to a grant from the Smith Family
Trust of Oxford. Research has been done to determine the historic colors that would have been used in the mid
1800s, along with how the painting would have been done. The ceiling down to the picture rail would have been
one color, with the remaining wall under the picture rail a different color was the traditional way to paint in the
1800s. Traditional colors, such as the dining room being painted green, have been used. Stop by during the
Maple Syrup Festival to see the new look!
Howard Lecture/OMA Annual Meeting
The 2015 Howard Lecture and OMA Annual Meeting will be held at the Knolls of Oxford on Tuesday, March
10, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Our talk will be “Old Miami, New Miami – A Look at our Campus History”, presented by
Mr. Robert Keller.
Robert Keller was the University Architect & Campus Planner at Miami University from 1989 until retirement
in October 2012 where he served as the director of the Division of Planning, Architecture & Engineering
overseeing long range capital planning and all phases of major construction for all campuses. In 2010 Mr. Keller
was appointed to the position of Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning & Operations of the university
when his responsibilities were expanded to include the management and operation of all utility systems, building
maintenance, grounds, custodial services, and special facilities.
Prior to his position with the University, Mr. Keller was in private architectural practice for fifteen years in
Dayton, Ohio with an emphasis on corporate architecture and interior design.
Mr. Keller remains active at Miami as University Architect Emeritus working part-time as Planner & Designer
for the division of Planning Architecture & Engineering specializing in campus memorial designs such as the
Freedom Summer Memorial and specialty small scale projects such as the Great Seal in the Armstrong Student
Oxford Museum Association Membership
Your membership is essential to the activities of OMA, including educational programming, the annual
Arts & Crafts Fair and Apple Butter Festival, and property upkeep. Please make sure that your
membership is up-to-date, or consider becoming a member today. Your gift goes a long way toward
helping OMA preserve the heritage of the Oxford community as we receive no state or local funding.
Check your mailing label, if it DOES NOT SAY 2015 after your name, your dues are now due. If
you think your dues are current and your label does not indicate as such, please contact Ed Creighton so
we can look into the matter.
Family Membership $40.00
Individual Membership $25.00
I’d like to make an additional donation of $
Mail completed form and check to:
Oxford Museum Association, P.O. Box 184, Oxford, OH 45056
Scenes from Holidays at the
Pioneer Farmstead 2014
Our Collections Are Now Protected
Thanks to a grant from the Smith Family Trust and donated labor from B & B Construction, a heating and air
conditioning unit has now been installed on the 2nd floor of the Doty House. We are now able to temperature
control the 2nd floor which now protects our collections and makes the 2nd floor more friendly and usable.
Vacancies on the OMA Board
There are currently two vacancies on the OMA Board that will be filled at the Howard Lecture/Oxford
Museum Association Annual Meeting on March 10. If you would be interested in serving on the Board, please
contact any of the current board members.
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