CAMP ROXY! AT MUSKOGEE’S HISTORIC ROXY THEATER ROXY ARTS INTENSIVE AGES 13-16 ! !"#$%&"'()"*+%,-(%,%%."/%0( ! 1/,2"/2"/,(3.4,(*"5*&./6(577"8%(3&,(%3+-,/3%(3"(8"#$(8.3&('#"),%%."/57%(3"(',#),*3(%$.77%(./(3&,.#( '#,),##,-(5#,5(")()"*+%0(( ! 9+,(3"(3&,("/,2"/2"/,(*"5*&./6:(!"#"$%&'()*+%'"('*,*"!*-!%.( ! ;,6.//,#%(5#,(8,7*"4,0( ! <#"),%%."/57(<,#)"#4,#%:(="*57(>"5*&,%:(5/-(>&"#,"6#5'&,#%(8.77(*"/-+*3(8"#$%&"'%(5/-("/,2"/2 "/,(*"5*&./60(( ! ?@',#.,/*,-(<,#)"#4,#%(8.77(5*3(5%(*"+/%,7"#%(3"(6+.-,(3&,(%3+-,/3%(./(3&,.#(A"+#/,B0( ( !!!!"#$!"%&#'&%(!!)*+,-!./0.12!34/5!6787!9!.:4/5!;787<! !"#$%&'())&#*$+),$&-.&#(&)/&0$1"#2*3".$%+*&,0$4+)$5"/6*$")$+$.+#7(/68+#$+#&+9$7&/3)(/+8$73&+7&#:$;6*(/:$ ;"<&;&)7:$,+)/&:$+#7*:$+),$+/7()'0$ ! ! Performance: Friday, July 17 th at 5:30p.m. !!!!&=>?@AB>C!>D!?BD&!)*+,-!:50:E2!34/5!6787!9!.:4/5!;787<! !"#$%&'())&#*$+),$&-.&#(&)/&0$1"#2*3".$%+*&,0$4+)$5"/6*$")$+$.+#7(/68+#$+#&+9$7&/3)(/+8$73&+7&#:$;6*(/:$ ;"<&;&)7:$,+)/&:$+#7*:$+),$+/7()'0$ Performance: Friday, July 24 th at 5:30p.m. ____________________________________________________________________________________ CAMP ROXY Performance Camp AGES 6-12 ! CD1E(;?FGHH?DI(J1(?K<?DG?H>?9L( ! ?5*&(8,,$(.%().77,-(8.3&(CMH:(IGHFGHF:(9NH>GHF:(N>JGHF:(5/-(>DNCJIL( ! J&,4,-(9#,%%2M'(95B%L(O,573&B(J,54(>"4',3.3."/%L( ! I3+-,/3%(8.77(7,5#/(3&,(,%%,/3.57%(")(',#)"#4./6L( ! F5./(%,7)2*"/).-,/*,(5/-(%356,('#,%,/*,(./(5/(,@*.3./6(85BL( ! 9.P.-,-(./3"(+/.Q+,(56,(6#"+'%L( >CF&!@G>C!#!AB'&!!)*+,-!./0.12!.!;787!0!H!;787<! $ =76,&)7*$>(88$3+<&$+)$6)5"#'&77+%8&$5+(#?@7+8&$&-.&#(&)/&$+*$73&?$.#",6/&$+$73&+7#(/+8$."#;+)/&A$ ! ! Performance: Friday, July 17 th at 5:30p.m. ! #%>@C"!AI&!J>%?"!BC!H!"#$(!)*+,-!:50:E2!.!;787!0!H!;787<! =76,&)7*$>(88$3+<&$73&$".."#76)(7?$7"$&-.8"#&$+$<+#(&7?$"5$,(55&#&)7$;6*(/$*7?8&*$+),$7&/3)(B6&*:$.#",6/()'$+)$+>&@ ()*.(#()'$;6*(/+8$."#;+)/&A$ Performance: Friday, July 24 th at 5:30p.m.$ $ A Product of “Avery Frix’s Summer Performance Camps” | Produced by Oxford Productions P.O. Box 1039 Muskogee, OK 74402 | 918-608-5903 | 1 CAMP ROXY! AT MUSKOGEE’S HISTORIC ROXY THEATER ENROLL ONLINE: —OR— ENROLL BY MAIL: Camp Roxy, P.O. Box 1039 Muskogee, OK 74402 ROXY ARTS INTENSIVE AGES 13-16 Mark the camps you wish to attend. KKK"#$!"%&#'&%(!!)*+,-!./0.12!34/5!6787!9!.:4/5!;787<! !"#$%&'())&#*$+),$&-.&#(&)/&0$1"#2*3".$%+*&,0$4+)$5"/6*$")$+$.+#7(/68+#$+#&+9$7&/3)(/+8$73&+7&#:$;6*(/:$ ;"<&;&)7:$,+)/&:$+#7*:$+),$+/7()'0$ ! ! Performance: Friday, July 17 th at 5:30p.m. KKK&=>?@AB>C!>D!?BD&!)*+,-!:50:E2!34/5!6787!9!.:4/5!;787<! !"#$%&'())&#*$+),$&-.&#(&)/&0$1"#2*3".$%+*&,0$4+)$5"/6*$")$+$.+#7(/68+#$+#&+9$7&/3)(/+8$73&+7&#:$;6*(/:$ ;"<&;&)7:$,+)/&:$+#7*:$+),$+/7()'0$ Performance: Friday, July 24 th at 5:30p.m. $ CAMP ROXY Performance Camp AGES 6-12 KKK>CF&!@G>C!#!AB'&!!)*+,-!./0.12!.!;787!0!H!;787<! $ =76,&)7*$>(88$3+<&$+)$6)5"#'&77+%8&$5+(#?@7+8&$&-.&#(&)/&$+*$73&?$.#",6/&$+$73&+7#(/+8$."#;+)/&A$ ! ! Performance: Friday, July 17 th at 5:30p.m. KKK#%>@C"!AI&!J>%?"!BC!H!"#$(!)*+,-!:50:E2!.!;787!0!H!;787<! =76,&)7*$>(88$3+<&$73&$".."#76)(7?$7"$&-.8"#&$+$<+#(&7?$"5$,(55&#&)7$;6*(/$*7?8&*$+),$7&/3)(B6&*:$.#",6/()'$+)$+>&@ ()*.(#()'$;6*(/+8$."#;+)/&A$ Performance: Friday, July 24 th at 5:30p.m.$ Student Information: Name:_________________________________________________ T-Shirt Size:___________ Age:__________ Date of Birth:_____________________ Gender:________ Please state any conditions, medications and any allergies of which the Roxy staff needs to be made aware. ______________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent / Guardian Information: Name ___________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address_________________________________________________________ Phone (home)______________________ (cell)________________________ A Product of “Avery Frix’s Summer Performance Camps” | Produced by Oxford Productions P.O. Box 1039 Muskogee, OK 74402 | 918-608-5903 | 2 CAMP ROXY! AT MUSKOGEE’S HISTORIC ROXY THEATER E-Mail Address___________________________________________________ In Case of an Emergency Contact: 1) NAME___________________________PHONE________________________________ 2) NAME___________________________PHONE________________________________ Authorization of Emergency Care: I hereby authorize any physician, surgeon, or dentist on the medical staff of the nearest medical facility in Oklahoma, to administer any emergency treatment procedure or medicine necessary or advisable when Oxford Production’s staff accompany my child to the emergency room at the nearest medical facility. I also authorize Oxford Production’s staff to secure the use of an ambulance, if necessary for transporting my child to the hospital. I further agree to pay the hospital, doctors, and ambulance service for all services rendered to the above named patient. I request that this authorization remain in force as long as my child is enrolled as a participant in Oxford Production’s CAMP ROXY. Signature_____________________________________________________________ Photo Release: I hereby give Oxford Productions the authority to use any photograph/video tape footage of my child for public relations purposes. Signature________________________________________________________ Liability Release: I am the parent/guardian of _________________________________who is participating in Oxford Production’s CAMP ROXY. It is my understanding that Oxford Productions and all persons acting on its behalf will do their utmost to assure that my child will be safe at all times. Nonetheless, I understand that this camp involves a high level of physical activity and Oxford Productions cannot assume responsibility for any injury which may occur. Signature________________________________________________________ Cost: " Early Bird Tuition: $60.00 per week (If Enrolled by June 1, 2015) " Standard Tuition: $65.00 per week (If Enrolled after June 1, 2015) o Includes Camp T-Shirt, Daily Snack and All Performance Materials " A deposit payment of $30.00 is required to reserve your spot in the camp, the remaining balance will be due the first day of camp. Payment Options: Please attach one of the following payment forms to the application ! Full or Partial Scholarship (Attach Scholarship Application) ! Check (Payable to Oxford Productions) ! Cash ! Credit Card *Transactions will be charged a processing fee. Name on Card: ____________________________Visa / Discover / Master Card / AMEX Exp. Date:___/____/___ Card Number: ______ ______ ______ ______ 3-Digit Code on Back __________ Zip Code ____________ Return Forms: # CAMP ROXY: P.O. Box 1039 Muskogee, OK 74402 A Product of “Avery Frix’s Summer Performance Camps” | Produced by Oxford Productions P.O. Box 1039 Muskogee, OK 74402 | 918-608-5903 | 3
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