Striving to Further Enrich the Children of Oxford OXFORD PTO To Whom It May Concern, This June, Oxford PTO will be part of the Oxford Park & Rec’s Food and Art Fest. Our silent aucFons will be held on Sunday, June 7th, 2015 at the PTO area between the schools on Great Oak Rd, from 12-‐6pm. Our hope is to raise $10,000 to go toward support of various children’s programs including field trips, educaFonal enrichment and other events, to date we have distributed close to $27,000. May We Count On Your Support? We’re looking to local business and individuals in our community to help us reach our goal. DonaFons are needed for all kinds of items including services, aUracFon passes or Fckets, restaurant cerFficates, jewelry, home furnishings, giW baskets, etc. No dona'on is too small or too large! Anything you feel is appropriate would be appreciated. As a donor, you will receive publicity prior to and during the event including on our website & Facebook page. In addiFon, your donaFon is tax deducFble with Oxford PTO Tax Id# 06-‐1064984. Please use the a4ached 2015 Auc'on Dona'on Form to describe your dona'on. We would be happy to pick up your item at your convenience or if you would prefer, you may send it to Kathleen Glass, 11 Silva Terrace, Oxford, CT 06478. Please submit your donaFon no later than 5/29/15 to ensure proper recogniFon in the program and at the event. Thank you for your support of the Oxford PTO and our children! Sincerely. Kathleen Glass, Chair Lisa Su`le 203-‐463-‐0188 Oxford PTO President 203-‐217-‐0500 P.S. If you would prefer to make a monetary dona'on, those contribu'ons will be used to help underwrite miscellaneous event costs such as prin'ng, etc. All underwriters will be recognized prior to and in the event program. 2015 Oxford PTO Silent Auction - Donation Form Sunday, June,7 2015 Great Oak School 12-6pm Donor /Business Name Contact Information Name: Contact Phone: Email: What are you donating? Donation Type: Please choose one Physical Item ____ $ Value Gift Card/Certificate ____ Service/Experience _____ below) Other_____ (specify If service or experience, will you be providing us a certificate or voucher good for your donation? YES_____ NO______ Donation Details (be as specific as possible include any restrictions) Approximate Value $ Item Supplied with this form? YES_____ NO______ All donations MUST be received by 5/29/15 PTO Rep --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------All donations, including physical items, gift certificates and voucher certificates must be received by 5/29/15. Please contact co-chairs with any questions. Thanks for your support! Please mail this form or drop off your auction items to Kathleen Glass, 11 Silva Terrace, Oxford, CT 203-463-0188 Lisa Suttile 1 Sarah Dr, Oxford, CT 203-217-0500 Striving to Further Enrich the Children of Oxford OXFORD PTO
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