Annual Refugees Are Welcome Sponsored Walk

Oxford Refugee Week 2015 and Refugee Resource are
pleased to announce our
2nd Annual Refugees Are Welcome
Sponsored Walk
Saturday, 20th June 2015
Route: Oxford city centre to Campsfield House
(Optional return for the ambitious, to maximize sponsorship funds)
Meet up will be between 9AM-10AM in Bonn Square for a start time of
All service providers, planning committee staff and
registered volunteers are welcome to participate!
For more information about Oxford Refugee Week 2015 events visit us at
To receive a registration & sponsorship packet please email us at
Thank You!
Welcome to the 2nd Annual Oxford Refugee Week
Refugees Are Welcome community sponsored walk 2015
Our 2nd annual sponsored walk is an opportunity for us as service providers, volunteers and local
organizers to highlight our continuing commitment to the rights of refugees and asylum seekers
around the world and here in Oxford. Though participation in this walk is not open to the general
public, you can still get involved and show your support by being a sponsor!
Our goal is to help raise a minimum of £2,000 to fund local Oxford initiatives supporting refugees
and asylum seekers. Specifically we are raising money for Refugee Resource in order to help fund
the Women’s Group. Now in its 8th year, the Women’s Group provides a safe, friendly, and
educational space for refugee women who seek companionship, support and learning. However, as
of March last year our regular funding came to an end and we are looking for ways to bring the
program into long-term self-sufficiency. This annual sponsored walk is one of many ways we plan to
accomplish our goal.
If we can get even as few as 20 people to raise £100 each, we will achieve our goal. The more
contributions you raise, the more successful we’ll be at achieving our plans of becoming an
established yearly community event.
Thank you very much for your participation!
1. All Participants must complete and return the Registration Form and Waiver Form at the end
of this document to Refugee Resource: The Old Music Hall, 106-108 Cowley Rd, Oxford
2. Participants may start collecting pledges as soon as they receive the pledge sheets.
Reminder: Pledge sheets need to be turned in on the day of the walk, Saturday 20th of June
3. Pledges may be made by anyone. However, participants may not ask for pledges from any of
the members of the Oxford Refugee Week Planning Committee. Please ask everyone who
pledges if their company has a matching gift fund policy. Companies who do match pledge
gifts should be listed on the back of the pledge sheet.
4. Each sponsor making a pledge should write their own name, pledge per mile, and maximum
pledge. Participants may collect the pledge in advance but must keep pledges until all are
collected after the event.
5. On the day of the walk, all participants will begin together. At each mile mark, official
Marshals will give participants a different coloured sticker to place on their mile marker tag
(given out before the walk begins), thereby keeping track of the number of miles completed.
6. Upon completion of the walk, participants will hand in their mile marker tags. A volunteer
will record each individual’s mile total on their pledge sheet and return it. Participants may
then collect outstanding pledges. Please return pledge sheets with the money to Refugee
Resource within two weeks of the completed event. Deadline: Friday, July 3rd 2015.
7. No running or jogging will be allowed. Participants are encouraged to wear hats and
sunscreen if it’s sunny or bring rain gear if it’s rainy.
We look forward to all our participants having a great time! For questions or concerns, or to
volunteer, please email us at
Welcome to the 2nd Annual Oxford Refugee Week
2015 Refugees Are Welcome community sponsored walk!
Saturday 20th of June 2015
Number of Miles Completed:
Dear Potential Sponsor,
I am participating in the Oxford Refugee Week 2015 sponsored walk Refugees Are Welcome. All proceeds will help fund
Refugee Resource in their commitment to support Refugees and Asylum Seekers in our local Oxford community. The
walk will take place from Oxford City Centre to Campsfield House (6.5 miles with the option to walk back to Oxford
city centre, for a total possible 13 miles of sponsorship.) You can sponsor me for an amount per mile and can name a
maximum amount that you are willing to contribute. After the walk, I will return to tell you how many miles I
completed and collect your contribution. Please make checks payable to Refugee Resource. All contributions are taxdeductible.
I plan to walk at least [_____] miles for Oxford Refugee Week 2015 in support of Refugee Resource.
Thank you!
Name of Sponsor
Pledge per
Collected from
Maximum Pledge Sponsor
To reach our goal, we hope that each participant finds at least 5 sponsors.
Please bring this form to the meet-up on the day of the walk, Saturday June 20th.
Matching Pledge Amount?
Refugees Are Welcome sponsored walk
Full Name:
Title: Mr /Ms /Miss
Date of Birth:
Organisation Name:
Postal Code:
Phone Number:
Please send me other event updates and
information from member groups in the
□ Yes
□ No
Emergency Contact Name:
Emergency Contact Phone Number:
Please list any medical conditions, allergies or other important information that may be needed in case
of an emergency:
Refugees Are Welcome sponsored walk
Waiver and Release of Liability: In recognition of the risk of injury while participating in the Oxford Refugee Week
Refugees Are Welcome sponsored walk, and as consideration for the right to participate in the sponsored walk, I
hereby for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, or personal representatives knowingly and voluntarily
enter into this waiver and release of liability agreement and hereby waive any and all rights, claims or causes of action
of any kind whatsoever arising out of my participation in the Refugees Are Welcome sponsored walk, and do hereby
release and forever discharge Refugee Resource, Oxford Refugee Week planning committee members, and all other
participating organisations, sponsors and/or beneficiaries of the Refugees Are Welcome sponsored walk (collectively
Hosts), and all their affiliates, managers, members, agents, attorneys, employees, volunteers, representatives,
predecessors, successors and assigns et al from any and all liability, claims, demands, damages, actions, or causes of
action now existing or which hereinafter may arise as a result of my participation in the Refugees Are Welcome
sponsored walk whether any injury is caused by the negligence of the Hosts, the negligence of myself or third parties,
the conditions of the course or any other cause.
Agreement against suits/other legal action against Hosts: I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Hosts against
any and all claims, suits or actions of any kind whatsoever for liability, damages, compensation or otherwise brought by
me or anyone on my behalf, including attorney’s fees, if litigation arises on account of claims made by me or anyone on
my behalf.
Physical Health: I attest that I am physically fit and have trained sufficiently for the Event. I will not knowingly push
beyond my physical limits at any time during the Event.
Photography: I recognize that various photographs, video recordings, and other media will be taken during the Event. I
agree to grant the Hosts full permission to use any photographs, video recordings, or other media of the Event that
contain my likeness for the purpose of promoting Oxford Refugee Week and Refugee Resource or the Refugees Are
Welcome sponsored walk, or for any purpose deemed appropriate by the organizations.
Note: If you have a strong objection to your image being used for any promotional/public purposes please
check this box to opt out ____
Safety: For safety purposes, I agree to refrain from using headphones (and/or cellular phones) during the Event unless
absolutely necessary (i.e. medical emergency)
Acknowledgement: I acknowledge that this Agreement is the entire agreement between the Hosts and me, and that
this Agreement cannot be modified or changed in any way by representations or statements of the Host or by me.
Declaration: I hereby declare that I have read and fully understand this Agreement in its entirety and that by signing
below, I assent to all of the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement.
By signing below, I agree to the terms above in entirety and assent to all conditions contained in this Agreement.
Participant Full Name (Print)
Participant Signature