3/19/2015 Nintendo Madness! - IGN.com (Puzzle 20150316259525) Nintendo Madness! - IGN.com 1 2 d 4 s a f 3 5 a 7 D d 8 d f a d f d a 6 15 12 R 11 19 R 21 24 E 25 27 26 K 29 30 U 17 31 23 10 14 9 13 16 20 d 32 22 28 18 33 A Across: 2. The big N's Down: 23. Animal http://www.puzzlefast.com/en/puzzles/20150316259525 1. Beloved N64 14. The original 1/4 3/19/2015 4. 5. 8. 15. 19. 20. 21. Nintendo Madness! - IGN.com (Puzzle 20150316259525) HQ Transforming pink puffball Punch his stomach! Mega Microgame$ collection Majora's Mask land Banjo-Kazooie World 2 Overshadowed plumber Link's returning power-up 24. 26. 27. 30. 31. 32. 33. Crossing entrepreneur Mario's Dinosaur pal You get these in Zelda dungeons The Legend of _____ It's-a me, _____! Original "Do a Barrel roll!" game Bongocontrolled platformer Tiny disk console 3. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. first-person shooter The Legend of Zelda: _____ of Time Kid Icarus transformation Donkey Kong Country 2 Newcomer Mario's nemesis Push & pull puzzler Swat flies & make art 100 tiny helpers The Princess is in another _____ 16. 17. 18. 22. 25. 28. 29. Mario Maker Find Mario 64's Penguin here GBA Metroid remake Overpowered Advance Wars CO First Punch-Out foe Super _____ Bros. Popular water type Pokemon starter Luigi's trusty tool © 2015 PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only http://www.puzzlefast.com/en/puzzles/20150316259525 2/4 3/19/2015 Nintendo Madness! - IGN.com (Puzzle 20150316259525) Nintendo Madness! - IGN.com 1 G 2 K Y O T 3 O 4 K I 8 W C A R B N A R C 23 T 31 S 16 I O O U D T 7 15 L K I 20 5 Y I I O W A R O L D E N G H M N P P I E P R M K O N G Y E I I K M I N N O O 13 14 A T S 19 M R E L 21 E B 24 K Y I Y A Z E L O O O 25 S D O W S E R M E H K A R F O L A N T R A N 11 U M S H 17 M O E Y V A 29 S H M J A A R I C L A S S J O E E C R O M I S A R O N N G L E G A M E L T 28 S I O N C L N E A E I M A S B V P U U 18 I 33 I V 30 32 X G Z 22 N R 26 M P E P I U T 10 G T M U G 27 S O E M O L 9 B C O X 12 6 I E C O U B Q U I R T L E N Across: 2. The big N's Down: 23. Animal http://www.puzzlefast.com/en/puzzles/20150316259525 1. Beloved N64 14. The original 3/4 3/19/2015 4. 5. 8. 15. 19. 20. 21. Nintendo Madness! - IGN.com (Puzzle 20150316259525) HQ Transforming pink puffball Punch his stomach! Mega Microgame$ collection Majora's Mask land Banjo-Kazooie World 2 Overshadowed plumber Link's returning power-up 24. 26. 27. 30. 31. 32. 33. Crossing entrepreneur Mario's Dinosaur pal You get these in Zelda dungeons The Legend of _____ It's-a me, _____! Original "Do a Barrel roll!" game Bongocontrolled platformer Tiny disk console 3. 6. 7. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. first-person shooter The Legend of Zelda: _____ of Time Kid Icarus transformation Donkey Kong Country 2 Newcomer Mario's nemesis Push & pull puzzler Swat flies & make art 100 tiny helpers The Princess is in another _____ 16. 17. 18. 22. 25. 28. 29. Mario Maker Find Mario 64's Penguin here GBA Metroid remake Overpowered Advance Wars CO First Punch-Out foe Super _____ Bros. Popular water type Pokemon starter Luigi's trusty tool © 2015 PuzzleFast.com, Noncommercial Use Only http://www.puzzlefast.com/en/puzzles/20150316259525 4/4
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