How to find us in Cologne: Bundesamt für Güterverkehr Federal Office for Goods Transport Federal Office for Goods Transport Werderstraße 34 50672 Cologne Phone 02 21 / 57 76 – 0 Fax 02 21 / 57 76 – 17 77 P.O. Box 19 01 80 50498 Cologne Roadside Checks Federal Office for Goods Transport List of Addresses Roadside Checks by the Federal Office for Goods Transport As of: January 2005 Branch Offices: Addresses: Phone: Fax: Schwerin Bleicherufer 11 19053 Schwerin 0385 / 5 91 41 - 0 0385 / 5 91 41 - 290 Hannover Goseriede 6 30159 Hannover 0511 / 12 60 74 - 0 0511 / 12 60 74 - 66 Münster Grevener Straße 129 48159 Münster 0251 / 5 34 05 - 0 0251 / 5 34 05 - 99 Erfurt Bahnhofstraße 37 99084 Erfurt 0361 / 6 64 89 - 0 0361 / 6 64 89 - 66 Dresden Bernhardstraße 62 01187 Dresden 0351 / 8 79 96 - 0 0351 / 8 79 96 - 90 Mainz Rheinstraße 4 B 55116 Mainz 06131 / 1 46 72 - 0 06131 / 1 46 72 - 75 Stuttgart Schloßstraße 49 70174 Stuttgart 0711 / 61 55 57 - 0 0711 / 61 55 57 - 88 Munich Winzererstraße 52 80797 Munich 089 / 1 26 03 - 0 089 / 1 26 03 - 321 Kiel Willestraße 5-7 24103 Kiel 0431 / 9 82 77 - 0 0431 / 9 82 77 – 88 or - 89 Bremen Bürgermeister-Smidt-Str. 55-61 28195 Bremen 0421 / 1 60 82 - 0 0421 / 1 60 82 - 55 Saarbrücken Mainzer Straße 32-34 66111 Saarbrücken 0681 / 9 67 02 - 0 0681 / 9 67 02 - 90 The Federal Office wishes you a safe journey! The Federal Office for Goods Transport (BAG) is a higher federal authority in the area of responsibility of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing and discharges a host of tasks related to the transport of goods by road. A visible advertisement for the Cologne-based authority are the roadside checks it carries out. Conducting more than six hundred thousand checks on lorries and buses a year, the BAG supervisors make a major contribution to increasing safety on Germany's roads. They regularly detect infringements of regulations, notably vehicle driver regulations concerning aspects such as driving and rest periods. This information leaflet is intended to provide vehicle drivers an overview of provisions and help to reduce the number of infringements. The Federal Office supervisors are authorised to stop German and foreign goods vehicles for the purpose of checking them. During mobile checks, drivers are beckoned to proceed to the nearest parking lot, while stationary checks are performed at parking areas on federal motorways. Checks are also conducted on highways and ordinary roads. Checks are often performed in co-operation with other authorities such as the police, the customs and the trade supervision authority. Cross-border co-operation is also of special importance. So the Federal Office for Goods Transport cooperates at international level with other authorities, especially with the supervising authorities of the countries neighbouring Germany. You will find further information on the work of the Federal Office for Goods Transport – not only on roadside checks - on the internet under You can also contact staff at the 11 branch offices of the Federal Office. You will find the addresses at the end of the leaflet. During goods vehicle checks, supervisors focus on - the official documents required to be carried on the vehicle under the Road Haulage Act (license, accompanying documents, record of liability insurance for damages of the transported goods), - the control equipment, record sheets and/or printouts of digital control equipment as well as other mandatory records of working hours, - compliance with certain provisions of the law governing the right of residence, work permits and social security, - dimensions, axle loads and total weights as well as cargo securing means and the technical condition of tractors, trailers and vehicle combinations, - compliance with the provisions governing the transport of dangerous goods, - compliance with certain provisions of the Motor Vehicle Tax Act and the Turnover Tax Act, - compliance with provisions of the International Convention for Safe Containers, - compliance with certain provisions of the law on food products and wine, - compliance the certain provisions of the law on waste, - compliance with noise limits and limits for pollutants in exhaust emissions of goods vehicles. Dangerous goods provisions The transportation of dangerous goods by road requires special documents to be carried on the vehicle. The documents required depend of the mode of transport or vehicle concerned and include: - the transportation document, - written instructions (accident instruction sheets), - the driver’s training certificate, - a description of the route for transports of extremely dangerous goods, The Federal Office informs the competent authorities of any infringement of road traffic, animal transport and social welfare legislation. - Whenever discrepancies or deficiencies are detected, supervisors take action in accordance with the type and severity of the violation concerned: They prepare check records, demand bail – from foreign drivers - issue cautions. Whenever they detect serious violations of certain safety regulations, they prohibit drivers from continuing their journeys. Depending on the type and quantity of the goods transported and the vehicle used, the transport units must be equipped with danger plates, placards, fire extinguishers, protective equipment and self-standing warning signs and the vehicles must meet certain technical requirements. The payment of toll charges levied under the Federal Motorway Toll Act on is controlled by toll control personnel of the Federal Office for Goods Transport. licenses, for example for tank lorries, demountable tank and tank battery carrier vehicles as well as EX II and III vehicles. Provisions for Road Haulage For transports subject to the provisions of the Road Haulage Act, the following documents must be carried: Mode of Transport Permit / EU License / Approval Log Book Accompanying Document or other Certificate 1) Permit or EU license no yes EU license no yes Commercial Road Haulage Inland transport 2) Companies based in the Federal Republic of Germany International transport to - EU / EEA states and Switzerland (CH) - CEMT member states - third states (except CH) Combined transport Own-account transport 3) CEMT approval yes yes permit no yes no but record of occupational qualification and entitlement to market access no yes and record of combined transport no no no Commercial Road Haulage Inland transport 2) by Companies based - companies from EU/EEA states EU license4) no yes abroad - companies from third states not permitted - - EU license no Cross-border transport by - companies from EU / EEA states - companies from CEMT member states - companies from third states (except CH) - companies from CH Combined transport Own-account transport 1) 2) 3) 4) 3) yes CEMT approval yes third state approval or transit license for companies from RO or BG if specified in the approval yes Swiss license no yes Special provisions granting certain easing apply. The same provisions as for inland transport apply. Accompanying documents or other certificate must contain information on the transported goods, loading and unloading places and the customer. For inland transport, valid certification of a liability insurance covering damages to the transported goods must be carried. Not applicable for removal transport under CEMT removal approval Not currently applicable for companies from Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and Hungary. yes Provisions for vehicle drivers Maximum permissible dimensions, axle loads and gross weights Width 2.55 m Width of refrigerated vehicles with specified body wall thickness 2.60 m Height 4.00 m Length - - Single vehicle (except semitrailers) 12.00 m Articulated vehicle for vehicles with semitrailers not exceeding maximum permissible partial lengths 15.50 m Tractor-trailer combination for combinations of one tractor and one trailer not exceeding specified maximum permissible partial lengths 18.00 m 16.50 m Single axle load - not driven - driven - tractor trailer Triple axle load depending on axle distance 11.5 – 19.0 t 11.0 – 20.0 t Item Control Equipment and Graphs Break in driving period At least 45 minutes after 4 1/2 hours at the latest This break can be split into 3 periods of at least 15 min Tractors and trailers with up to two axles - Vehicles with more than two axles - - - - 18.0 t 24.0 t Vehicles with more than three axles 32.0 t Vehicle combinations with up to three axles 28.0 t If there are two drivers: 8 hours within a period of 30 hours Weekly rest period Vehicle combinations with four axles - Tractor trailer combination (2-axle tractor + 2-axle trailer) 36.0 t - Tractor- trailer train 36.0 – 38.0 t Vehicle combinations (tractor-trailer combinations and articulated vehicles) with more than four axles Minimum of 11 hours This period can be reduced to 9 hours 3 times a week, but the reduction must be made up by the end of the following week – or 12 hours if it is split into two or three periods, one of which must be at least 8 hours, within a period of 24 hours. 25.0 – 26.0 t trailers Maximum of 9 hours This period can be increased to 10 hours twice a week. Daily rest period - tractors (depending on the design) Daily driving period 21.0 – 24.0 t Gross weight *) • 18.75 m According to EU Regulations and the European Agreement concerning the work of vehicle drivers engaged in international road transport (AETR), the following provisions apply: Tandem axle load depending on axle distance • - 10.0 t 11.5 t The aim of these provisions is to improve road safety and occupational safety of the drivers. Eventually they regulate competition on the market. The provisions apply both for employed and self-employed drivers. 40.0 t *) Regulations for single axle loads and single vehicles must be observed The list does not include special regulations. Minimum of 45 hours, including a daily rest period. It can be reduced as follows: - 36 hours at driver’s location or place of residence - 24 hours at other locations Driving period between two weekly rest periods Maximum of 56 hours Driving period within two successive weeks Maximum of 90 hours Working hour records to be carried on the vehicle Record sheets or printouts for the current week and the last working day of the week before produced by the digital control equipment and/or driver’s card. In certain cases, national regulations apply instead of EU regulations and AETR.
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