1 CNV Brochure 1114

Campaign Nonviolence
Building a Culture of Peace
Campaign Nonviolence is a long-term movement to
mainstream nonviolence and to foster a culture of
peace free from war, poverty, the climate crisis, and
the epidemic of violence. Campaign Nonviolence
invites us to:
• Practice nonviolence toward ourselves, toward all
others, and toward a world longing for peace,
economic justice, environmental healing, and
effective nonviolent solutions
• Explore, study, and unleash the principles and
methods of nonviolence in our lives, our
communities, and our societies
• Connect the dots and join forces in the long-term
struggle to abolish war, end poverty, reverse the
climate crisis, and take a stand against all violence
and for a culture of nonviolent options, and
• Discover and deepen the power of nonviolence,
including the vision and tools for nonviolent
change that Mohandas Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther
King, Jr., and many other people and movements
have activated for social and personal
Campaign Nonviolence launched this long-term
movement September 21-27, 2014 with 238 actions in
all fifty states. Marches, rallies, vigils, prayer services,
fasts and festivals took place over seven days in
September. Building on this national mobilization,
Campaign Nonviolence is inviting people everywhere
to study nonviolence, practice nonviolence, and take
nonviolent action September 21-27, 2015!
Initiated by Pace e Bene, Campaign
Nonviolence has been endorsed by national and
local peace, justice, environmental and religious
organizations, including:
Peace Action, Pax Christi USA, War Resisters
League, Veterans for Peace, School of the
Americas Watch, Code Pink, Fellowship of
Reconciliation, Baptist Peace Fellowship,
Muslim Peace Fellowship, Franciscan Action
Network, Shomer Shalom Network for Jewish
Nonviolence, National Religious Campaign
Against Torture, Hip Hop Caucus,
Nonviolence International, and manyGandhi
Host or join a local nonviolent action during
CNV Action Week, September 20-27, 2015
Practice nonviolence in your life and community
Host a nonviolent action training
Attend the CNV National Conference in Santa Fe,
New Mexico, August 6-9, 2015
Hear John Dear, Kit Evans-Ford and others speak
on active nonviolence
Read John Dear’s book, The Nonviolent Life
Form a Campaign Nonviolence study group
Spread the pledge!
Become a local or state CNV organizer
Connect the dots and form CNV coalitions
Ask organizations to endorse
Like CNV on Facebook.com/CampaignNonviolence
Join Campaign Nonviolence -- Take the Pledge!
Study Nonviolence
Yes! I pledge to join Campaign Nonviolence!
I solemnly pledge to take a stand against violence and to help build a culture of active nonviolence. I will
strive to:
Practice nonviolence toward myself
Practice nonviolence toward all others
Practice nonviolence by joining the global movement to abolish war, end poverty,
stop the destruction of the earth, and foster a just and peaceful world for all
To suppor t this commitment, I will:
Learn more about active nonviolence
Attend or host a CNV speaking event
Spread the news about CNV
Take nonviolence training
Start a CNV study group
Mainstream nonviolence in my community
Take nonviolent action in my community
September 20-27, 2015
Name (Print) _________________________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________________________________
City ________________________________________________State __________ Zip/Postal Code ___________
Email _______________________________________________________________________________________
Phone _______________________________________________________________________________________
Organization _________________________________________________________________________________
Organizational endorsement ____________________________________________________________________
Please list my name on the Campaign Nonviolence website
Take Nonviolence Training
Become a CNV organizer in my state or city
Activate Nonviolence
You can also sign the pledge at CampaignNonviolence.org
To support Campaign Nonviolence, I am making a tax-deductible contribution of:
____ $35 ____ $50 ____$100 ____$250 ____$500 ____$1000 Other $__________________________________
I am making a ____monthly ____quarterly donation of: ____$10 ____$25 ____$50 ____$100 Other $________
Visa/Mastercard #___________________________________________ Expir. Date_________ 3-digit code_____
Please make checks payable to Pace e Bene
The CNV Pledge commits us to begin or renew
Sign and mail to:
our efforts to take up the way of active
Pace e Bene Nonviolence Service
nonviolence practiced by Mahatma Gandhi and
P.O. Box 1891, Long Beach, CA 90801
Martin Luther King, Jr. Everyone is invited to
510-268-8765 info@paceebene.org
take this pledge and join this new movement for
peace with justice for humanity and the earth!
For information about
CNV study groups, speakers,
books and action resources:
paceebene.org 510-268-8765