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Pacific Northwest Camp
August 2-9, 2015
Dear Parents of Campers:
Enclosed is information regarding Pacific Northwest Camp (PNWC) along with the 6-page application package
to register for camp. Pre-registration begins now! To be pre-registered, the application must be completed and
a pre-registration fee of $100 must be postmarked by June 1, 2015. But why wait until June 1? Camp is an
experience of a lifetime and camp fills up quickly. This year, the camp theme is Truth or Consequences from
John 17:17b “Thy Word is Truth”
We are committed to providing the best counselors and camp program! All volunteers and staff members for
PNWC are chosen carefully. They each submit to a background check and have been recommended by the
leadership of the church where they regularly attend. Each volunteer also completes mandatory camp and
child protection training prior to serving. You can count on caring counselors and staff who are committed to
helping campers grow in their Christian walk. We desire camp to be a positive experience for all campers and
staff; a time of spiritual growth and a time they look back on with fond memories. Your prayers are essential for
spiritual enrichment of the young people entrusted to us at camp.
Did you know that campers can learn their verses before they get to camp? Many of our campers come ready
to pass every verse on Sunday. Give your camper a head start by downloading a verse card on our website.
(Versions: KJV, NKJV, NIV 1984, and ESV). Trek verses: Ephesians 6:10-11, Ephesians 6:12-13, Ephesians
6:14-15, Ephesians 6:16-17, Ephesians 6:18-19. Journey Verses: Romans 1:20, John 1:1 & 1:14,
1 Corinthians 15:19-20, 2 Peter 1:16, Acts 4:12 & John 14:6.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding Pacific Northwest Camp or visit our website,, for a closer look at camp life.
Because Campers Matter to God!
Pacific Northwest Camp Committee
Phone: (206) 486-5947
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Pacific Northwest Camp
A weeklong event that could impact your camper for eternity
August 2-9, 2015 Sunday through Sunday (New this year)
Cedar Springs Camp, 4820 SR 92, Lake Stevens, WA 98258
(Address for sending mail to Campers during week of camp)
• Campers who are active in an Awana program.
• Campers entering 6th grade or higher in Fall 2015 including 2015 high school graduates. Age
restrictions may apply.
• First time campers must have completed one year of Awana curriculum.
• Returning campers must complete one year of Awana curriculum in the current progression.
NOTE: Journey must complete 2 Bible Studies.
New this year:
• All campers who worked through a Trek or Journey book must also have read a minimum of 8
Books of the Bible, completed the required summaries for each book, as well as the required
Verse for each book.
• Camp is fun and Camp makes a difference.
• Campers will experience age-appropriate Bible Studies, evening chapel, and cabin devotions
which will deepen their love for God and help them make important decisions for Christ.
• Campers will be part of an exciting and fun 4-color team competition and other dynamic activities
unique to Camp.
• Gutter ball, Gaga ball, volleyball, basketball, and crafts will be available daily for their free-time
enjoyment. Swimming, climbing wall, low zip line, pendulum swing, rally cars and archery will be
available on selected days.
• Campers have the opportunity to meet new friends.
Total camp cost is $310.00 (6th-9th) or $330.00 (10th-Grads).
Application fee of $100.00 (nonrefundable) must be postmarked by June 1, 2015.
Remaining balance ($210.00 or $230.00) must be postmarked by July 1, 2015.
Important: After July 1, 2015 late registrations or unpaid balance add an additional $25.00 late fee
NOTE: These fees do not include transportation to the camp or spending money while at camp. High School Outing fee is included in
the $330.00 camp cost.
Mail completed application to:
(All 4 pages)
Pacific Northwest Camp
Makes checks payable to: Pacific Northwest Camp
PO Box 570
(Returned checks will be subject to $20.00 NSF)
Arlington, WA 98223
(Please do not send camper mail to this address)
Camp can fill up quickly, so apply early. Fees include the cost of all study materials, lodging, meals, awards, and the colored
team T-shirt designed just for this Camp.
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Pacific Northwest Camp Application (August 2-9, 2015)
Please use a pen and print clearly!
We recommend that you keep a copy of this application for your records.
Applicant's Full Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ___________ Age: ____
Preferred Name/Nickname (if different from above): _________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City: _____________________________________________________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ___________
Home Phone: (_____)___________________ Parent/Guardian Names – Father:________________________ Mother:_________________________
Parent Email:________________________________________________ Father Cell: _____________________ Mother Cell : __________________
Grade next fall (circle one): 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Graduate
Citation Award yes no
(Circle one)
Adult Shirt Size (circle one): S M L XL XXL
Roommate preference (only ONE name will be considered) __________________________________________________________________________
You and your roommate preference must request each other. Campers must be in the same grade. Roommate request cannot be assured; we'll do our best, but cannot guarantee it.
Club Church: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Church Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City:________________________________________________________________________________________ State: _________ Zip:__________
My Home Church (if different from above):__________________________________________________________
NOTE: All campers must be active in an Awana Ministry. First time campers must be entering the 6th grade or higher in 2015 including 2015 high school
graduates, and completed one Awana handbook. Returning camper must complete an additional handbook/manual in the current progression each year.
Handbook(s) completed this year: T&T Book #_______; Truthseekers Series ______________Trek Series___________; (please indicate at least one)
Journey Bible Study 1__________________________; Journey Bible Study 2_______________________(Journey must complete 2 Bible Studies)
Did applicant meet 8 Bible reading minimum requirement? Yes_______ or No________
I confirm that this Applicant has met camp eligibility requirements and recommend her/him for the Pacific Northwest Camp. I further confirm that the Applicant and/or the Applicant's family have
completed this Application and have provided all necessary signatures and information, and that I have not signed on behalf of the Applicant or parents/guardians unless the Applicant is my
child. I also confirm that this Applicant has already completed the above indicated handbooks/manuals or will have completed them before they will attend PNWC 2015.
Print Name
Commander or Director Signature (required for acceptance)
Phone number (of signatory)(______)______________ Email (of signatory)_____________________________________________________________
Total camp cost is $310.00 (6th-9th) or $330.00 (10th-Grads).
Application fee of $100.00 (non refundable) must be postmarked by June 1, 2015.
Remaining balance ($210.00 or $230.00) must be postmarked by July 1, 2015.
Important: After July 1, 2015 late registrations or unpaid balance add an additional $25.00 late fee
NOTE: These fees do not include transportation to the camp or spending money while at camp. High School Outing fee is included in
the $330.00 camp cost.
Mail completed application to:
Pacific Northwest Camp
PO Box 570
Arlington, WA 98223
Makes checks payable to: Pacific Northwest Camp (or PNWC)
Payment Date___________
Payment Date__________
Payment Date __________
Check # _______________
Check # _______________
Check # _______________
Signed by: _____________
Signed by: _____________
Signed by: _____________
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Pacific Northwest Camp
Camp Rules
No friends may visit any camper or staff.
Parents may only visit if prior arrangements have been made 24 hrs in advance with the Camp Director.
All visitors must check in at the PNWC nurse’s station and must wait for a Camp escort.
Visitors must be accompanied at all times by a PNW Camp escort for liability reasons.
CLOTHING: The dress code is rooted in the desire to encourage campers to dress in a manner that reflects Christian modesty and
stewardship of what the Lord has given. Our goal is also for campers to dress appropriately for the activities of a typical camp day.
Modesty is an issue for both the boys and the girls. Some of the clothing styles today are not designed with modesty in mind. Keeping
this in mind, these are the dress code guidelines for all campers and staff attending PNWC.
No visible undergarments. Leggings, yoga pants, denim leggings and other tight apparel can only be worn if covered by other
camp appropriate apparel.
Shorts must at least reach your fingertips when held directly at your side.
Skirts and dresses should be knee length or longer at all events including the Citation Ceremony.
All forms of clothing (except swimwear for males) must cover the wearer’s midriff front and back.
No tank tops, spaghetti straps, camis, or low-cut necklines.
No lewd clothing which exhibits alcohol, drug, tobacco products, satanic symbols, inappropriate language, or other offensive
No clothing which displays text or images that draw inappropriate visual attention to discreet parts of the anatomy.
For females, a modest suit, covering midriff with no low-cut necklines is required while swimming. Thong, g-string, and high
French-cut styles are not acceptable.
For males, a “boxer” style suit with at least a 5 inch inseam & nylon or mesh liner is required while swimming
No display of body piercing (other than earrings for females).
Footwear is required at all times except in the showers, cabins, and while swimming. Athletic shoes are required for Team
Activity Time.
Public displays of affection are out of place at camp. Do not spend your days exclusively with one particular member of the
opposite gender.
Once the chapel service has started, do not leave your seat to visit the restroom. These things should be taken care of
beforehand. All counselors are expected to sit with campers and their team in the main section of the Chapel.
Hats, sunglasses, and swimwear are inappropriate in Bible Class, chapel, and the dining hall. No food in Bible Class and
Use quiet voices while outside after dark.
No personal electronic devises are allowed. This includes Radios, CD players, iPods, Cell Phones, electronic games, etc. All
electronic items will be confiscated by the Camp Director and held until the end of camp. Cell phones are NOT acceptable
alarm clock devices, or cameras. Other digital or film cameras are allowed.
A Camper violating any of the above policies will meet with the Camp Director and a designee to resolve the violation. Failure
to comply with any of the policies will result in being sent home.
The use of all tobacco, alcohol, illegal drugs and firearms is prohibited at camp.
10. Hazing and pranks are not allowed.
11. The interpretation of these rules will be decided by the Camp Director or his/her designee and that decision is final. Anyone
determined to be in violation of these rules will be asked to correct his/her behavior and if not willing to do so, will be asked to
leave the camp. If a minor is asked to leave camp, his or her parents/guardians will be contacted immediately to arrange
I have read and agree to joyfully comply with the above rules.
Print Name
Camper Signature
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Pacific Northwest Camp
Parental Consent and Release of Liability
(Please Print and Provide All Information Requested)
Camper Name
Host Camp: Cedar Springs, 4820 SR 92, Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Dates Camper Will Attend Camp: August 2-9, 2015
I understand and agree that participation in the Pacific Northwest Camp at Cedar Springs Camp (“Camp”) is a privilege to which
my minor child named above (“Camper”) is not otherwise entitled. In consideration for that privilege, I am signing this Parental
Consent and Release of Liability.
Consent to Attend Camp
I hereby give permission for Camper to attend and participate in the Camp.
Release, Waiver, and Indemnity Agreement
I acknowledge that participation of Camper in the activities that occur within the general expectation of a camp environment may
involve risk of personal injury, illness or even death.
By signing this Parental Consent and Release of Liability, I warrant that the Camper is fully capable of safely participating in all
Camp activities, and I expressly assume all risks of Camper’s participation, whether such risks are known or unknown to me at
this time. I further generally release PNWC and the associated individuals in this camp ministry from any and all claims that I
may have against them as a result of the Camper participating in Camp activities which are conducted in a prudent manner.
The undersigned parent or guardian represent that he/she has read this Release, and is fully aware of and understands the
terms and the legal consequences of the signing of this Release. The undersigned parent or legal guardian intends his or her
signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law and if any portion of the
Release is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance, shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.
Consent to Medical Treatment
If Camper experiences an injury or illness, or has other medical needs, I authorize the Camp’s employees, volunteers, and
agents to make such arrangements for Camper’s health and safety, including but not limited to first aid, emergency medical
care, ambulance or other transportation to a hospital, medical office, or clinic, testing and examination, and hospital care, and
other medical care and treatment (including dental care) as they feel are appropriate in the circumstances. I further agree that I
am fully responsible to pay all charges and expenses relating to such care, transportation and treatment and I hereby fully
release PNWC and its directors, officers, employees, volunteers and agents from any claims, including claims for medical
charges, prescription costs and other expense I might have as a result of such care, transportation and treatment. My signature
below also serves to indicate my willingness for my Health Insurance Company (please provide details in the Medical
Information section) to be billed for any and all medical fees and services should they be needed. I agree that I will pay all
charges and expenses not covered by insurance.
Other Releases and Acknowledgements
I understand and hereby grant PNWC, staff and counselors, permission that, while Camper is participating in Camp activities,
photographs, film, audio recordings and videotape of Camper may be taken for use in brochures, videos, various PNWC
publications and other work products.
I understand that transportation to or from the Camp is not provided.
I will ensure Camper only brings clothing that adheres to the Camp Dress Code or similar policy included as part of this package
or to be sent in the acceptance package. If Camper fails to abide by established rules, standards of conduct and/or Camp Dress
Code, Camp staff reserves the right to send Camper home. If it becomes necessary to send Camper home, I hereby agree to
provide transportation or to make travel arrangements for Camper and to assume the cost of these expenses.
To the extent any provision of this document is found to be unenforceable, such provision shall be deemed severable and shall
not affect the enforceability of any other portion of this document, and shall be reformed to be in compliance with the law and
construed to most nearly reflect the intent of the parties.
(Be sure to fill out medical information on back)
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Name of Camper: ________________________________________________________ Camper’s Date of Birth:___________________________
Medical Information
Medical Insurance Co.:______________________________________________________ Policy Number:________________________________
Phone: (___)__________________________ Insured’s Name:___________________________________________________________________
Doctor’s Name:________________________________________________________________ Phone: (___)______________________________
Date of last tetanus:____________________
Date of last physical: ______________________
Medication Information (For the care and safety of your child, some information may be shared with camp staff as applicable.)
Will Camper be under any medication* while at camp? If yes, please list details. NOTE: Please list over the counter
medications you are sending with your child as well.
Medication Name: ________________________________________________________________ Dose Amount: _____ mg _____ ccs _____mls
Frequency: _________________________
times a day at
as needed
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Medication Name: ________________________________________________________________ Dose Amount: _____ mg _____ ccs _____mls
Frequency: _________________________
times a day at
as needed
Comments: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please list any additional medications, dosages and frequency on separate paper. *All medications are to be in original bottle or mediset filled
by parent and checked in with the camp nurse. Medical information may be amended the day of camp registration.
No The camp nurse has our (my) permission to provide Camper with non-prescription medicines: i.e. Tylenol, Ibuprofen etc.
deemed necessary. Please list any over-the-counter medicines that should not be given to camper.______________________________________
No Does Camper have any physical condition or limitations that would restrict participation in any camp activities? If yes, please
provide details:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
No Is there anything else we should know? List any medical/food allergies or behavioral problems (sleep walking, bed wetting,
depression, etc.) of Camper. If yes, please provide details.
Medical/food allergies: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Behavior/emotional needs: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
I represent and warrant that I am a parent or legal guardian and have the full power and authority to enter into this Parental Consent and Release of Liability on
behalf of the Camper. By signing below, I acknowledge that this document has been read and understood by me, and also represent that all information provided is
accurate. The legally responsible parent/guardian is required to sign below.
Parent or Guardian Signature __________________________________________________
Date Signed _____________________________
Parent or Guardian Printed ____________________________________________________
Daytime Phone (___) ______________________
Home Phone _______________________________________________________________
Cell Phone (___) _________________________
Emergency Contact (if parent cannot be reached) ______________________________________________________________________________
Emergency Contact Phone (___) __________________________
Cedar Springs Camp Waiver and Release from Liability must accompany the application.
Pages 3-6 complete the application. Send all four (4) application pages with pre-registration fee before the deadline.
They shall become part of the permanent record of the camper for the 2015 camp.
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Cedar Springs Camp ‐ MINOR August 2‐9, 2015 WAIVER AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY (TO BE COMPLETED BY PARTICIPANT) This agreement is made this ____________day of ______________, 2015 between Cedar Springs Camp and______________________________ ("Participant") I understand and agree that participation in the Pacific Northwest Camp at Cedar Springs Camp (“Camp”) is a privilege to which my minor child named above (“Participant”) is not otherwise entitled. In consideration for that privilege, I am signing this Parental Consent and Release of Liability. 1.
Subject. Participant recognizes and expressly agrees that participating in any adventure, sport or activity associated with the out‐of‐doors is an inherently dangerous activity. Further, Participant recognizes that certain safety precautions must be followed, yet even strict adherence to those procedures does not guarantee nor does Cedar Springs Camp guarantee Participant's safety. 2.
Waiver and Release from Liability. Participant understands that Cedar Springs Camp assumes no responsibility for injuries or illnesses that Participant may sustain, a) as a result of Participant's physical condition, b) resulting from Participant's participation in the activity, c) as a result of another participant's or third person's actions, or d) as a result of participant's use of Cedar Springs Camp facilities, field, and/or equipment in connection with this activity. The Participant releases and agrees to hold harmless, defend and indemnify Cedar Springs Camp and it directors, officers, employees and agents from and against any and all claims for personal injury (including loss of life) and all other losses or damages (except those caused entirely by the gross negligence or intentional conduct of Cedar Springs Camp) that the Participant may suffer as a result of his or her participation and /or enrollment in Cedar Springs Camp activities. 3.
Medical Consent. Participant grants permission to Cedar Springs Camp and its employees and agents to take the Participant to a licensed physician for medical treatment, emergency surgery, or hospitalization if Participant becomes ill, sustains an injury, or otherwise requires medical treatment or attention and Cedar Springs Camp is unable to contact the Emergency Contact listed by Participant. The Participant gives consent to any licensed physician to administer drugs or medicine or to perform such medical procedures as that physician determines necessary for the relief of pain and to preserve the Participant's life or health. Participant further authorizes Cedar Springs Camp to give first aid, CPR or other treatment by a qualified staff member to Participant. 4.
Property Loss. Participant understands and agrees that Cedar Springs Camp is not responsible for personal property that is lost, damaged, or stolen in connection with this activity. 5.
Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon Participant, his or her heirs, estate, successors, and legal representatives. 6.
Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by an agreement in writing signed by both parties. 7.
Acceptance. If any portions of this waiver and release are held to be invalid, Participant agrees the remaining terms shall continue to be in full legal force and effect. Participant understands and agrees that this Waiver and Release is binding upon me and my heirs, estates and legal representatives. Photo Release: I grant Cedar Springs Camp the absolute right to copyright, re‐use, publish and republish by any medium, including electronically, any photos of my child or in which they may be included, that may be taken while participating in Cedar Springs Camp activities.
Yes: ____________ No: ___________ I understand that transportation to or from the Camp is not provided. I will ensure Participant only brings clothing that adheres to the Camp Dress Code or similar policy included as part of this package or to be sent in the acceptance package. If Participant fails to abide by established rules, standards of conduct and/or Camp Dress Code, Camp staff reserves the right to send Camper home. If it becomes necessary to send Participant home, I hereby agree to provide transportation or to make travel arrangements for Participant and to assume the cost of these expenses. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS A RELEASE AND WAIVER OF LIABILITY. I have read and voluntarily signed this Waiver and Release of Liability. ______________________________ _____________________ Parent Signature Date Rev. 03-17-15 Page 7 of 7