2015 Rainbow Council Adult Leader Guide Cub Scout Day Camp Gadgets, Gizmos, & GOO DAY CAMP COORDINATORS! If you have any questions or would like to schedule a Day Camp Promotion for your unit, please contact Camp Director A.J. Galli at CubScoutDayCamp15@gmail.com Rainbow Council features Nationally Accredited BSA Day Camps DAY CAMP 2015 RAINBOW COUNCIL, BSA Camp Dates Name Address Dates 1st Day Arrival Time 2nd – 4th Day Arrival Time Departure Time Bolingbrook Village Hall 375 W. Briarcliff Road June 8– June 11 8:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:30 p.m. New Lenox Francis Field 521 E. Francis Road June 15June 18 8:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Kankakee River Road Park 1895 River Road June 22– 2:30 p.m. June 25 2:45 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Shorewood Hope Lutheran Church 305 E. Black Road June 29– July 2 8:30 a.m. 8:45 a.m. 3:30 p.m. Morris Rainbow Scout Reservation 2600 N. Winterbottom Rd. July 13 – July 16 2:30 p.m. 2:45 p.m. 8:30 p.m. Payment Schedule Rate Early Bird Deposit Early Bird Final Regular Rate Late Rate Cost $25 $55 $95 $105 Due Date April 3 Due by May 8 April 4 – May 8 After May 8 Rainbow Council Contact Information Boy Scouts of America Rainbow Council 2600 N. Winterbottom Road Morris, IL. 60450 Phone – (815) 942 – 4450 Fax – (815) 942 - 6716 2 DAY CAMP 2015 RAINBOW COUNCIL, BSA Volunteers Needed! In order to make this the best experience possible for your son, we need your help! Each pack is required to provide enough adult leadership to supervise Scouts each day. Please work with your pack coordinator to ensure that this requirement is met. The Adult to Scout ratio is 1:8 A minimum of 2 adults per rank is required from your Pack to maintain the “Two-Deep Leadership” principle. All Tiger Cubs must have an adult partner (18+) Tiger Cub Adult to Scout ratio is 1:1 Adult Leader forms are available online at www.rainbowcouncil.org Camping Day Camp Forms (please return to your Pack Coordinator) Adult Volunteers There are two different types of adults present in camp: Staff Members and Day Walkers: STAFF MEMBER - assists in the running of specific camp activities and is stationed at a particular camp area DAY WALKER - works with the details of getting the boys from station to station, as well as handling any den paperwork to assist the Camp Director (i.e. attendance) YOUTH Volunteers There are also two different ways for youth to participate in volunteering at Day Camp: DEN CHIEF - helps the Day Walker carry out duties as assigned *Must be a Boy Scout or Venturer and at least 14 years old* PROGRAM AIDE - helps the Staff Member in a program area and carries out duties as assigned. Program aides must be able to demonstrate and teach. *Must be at least a Star Scout or Venturer and at least 14 years old* 3 DAY CAMP 2015 RAINBOW COUNCIL, BSA Training Your Pack Coordinator should notify you when and where Day Camp training will be held. All training will offered prior to be beginning of camp. Your Pack Coordinator will pass this information to the parents that will be participating as volunteers. Training will include both Camp Staff and Day Walker orientations. All Camp Staff & Day Walkers are required to attend training which will include: Youth Protection Review Emergency Procedures Camp Policies Station Activities Station Locations Schedules Attendance at training ensures a more productive and successful camp experience for the boys. The Camp Director, Program Director and/or Council Advisors will be on hand to answer any questions. “All Camps” staff training will be held at the discretion of the Day Camp Leadership. Two-Deep Leadership One of the fundamentals of Scouting is "Two Deep Leadership." This means that there must always be at least two adults with the Scouts at all times. If there are not two adults in every Den, contact the Camp Director and another adult will be assigned to the group. Youth Protection Requirement All Staff Members & Day Walkers should take the online Youth Protection Training and must provide a copy of their certification to their Camp Coordinator before camp begins: http://www.scouting.org/Training/youthprotection.aspx 4 DAY CAMP 2015 RAINBOW COUNCIL, BSA Day Walker Responsibilities Attend a training session to review any changes to camp this year Arrive at camp early each day per camp specifications (usually 20 minutes) Recommended: Bring a cooler with ice packs to store lunches, and possibly a blanket for sitting on at lunch with your Den Take attendance each morning, and report absences to the Camp Director Escort the Scouts from activity to activity, ensuring the Scouts get to their program areas on time, and assist in program areas as needed Review each program area for any Scout’s belongings before leaving a station Encourage the Scouts to come up with a Pack cheer or song, which they can sing while walking and ensure that all of the Scouts use the buddy system Ensure that all medications have been checked-in with the Medical Staff. Medical Staff must administer all medications. Asthma inhalers and bee sting kits may be carried with the Scout. Report ALL injuries immediately to the Medical Officer! Please keep your Den away from the “Off Limits” areas Please encourage your Scouts to participate in the events (but do not force them), and praise the Scouts for “doing their best” Be prepared for rain - camp will not be cancelled due to rain! Use Den clipboard to review medical and emergency procedures. Also, keep track of Scouts who do not have permission to participate in specific events, etc. Check out Scouts at the end of the day to adults authorized to pick up those Scouts Continually take head counts to verify that all group members are present. In the event that a Scout or child is discovered “lost,” notify the Camp Director immediately so that appropriate procedures can be implemented to find them When in doubt, call the Camp Director! Day Walking Leaders are encouraged to bring frisbees or balls for the Scouts to play with during free time and unanticipated short-term down time. This will help to keep Scouts busy with constructive activities! 5 DAY CAMP 2015 RAINBOW COUNCIL, BSA Gadget Support Services At each Day Camp, “Gadget Support” will be available for non-scouting youth (up to age 14). All Gadget Support attendees MUST BE POTTY-TRAINED. Use of Gadget Support will cost $10 per child, per day Gadget Support is $5 per child, per day for the children of parents who volunteer as a Staff Member or Day Walker for all four days of Day Camp (*two child maximum) Adult Gadget Support Volunteers are needed – please contact CubScoutDayCamp15@gmail.com if interested! Family Day 2015 All Cub Scout Day Camp attendees and their families are invited to attend Family Day to celebrate the conclusion of a successful Day Camp season. There will be entertainment, food, and lots of family fun! The festivities will conclude with a campfire program. Dinner is included with each admission ticket. $7 per person (ages 11 and up) $5 per person (ages 10 and under) (children under 2 are FREE) DATE – Friday, July 17th 2015 TIME – 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM (*campfire at 7:00) LOCATION – Rainbow Scout Reservation 2600 N. Winterbottom Rd. Morris, IL . 60450 * Registration and payment may be submitted by THURSDAY during each week of camp 6 DAY CAMP 2015 RAINBOW COUNCIL, BSA Cub Scout Discipline Cub Scouts are expected to respect themselves and others at all times while at Day Camp. If a Scout’s behavior jeopardizes the safety of him or others, or doesn’t portray the proper Scouting values, he should be asked to stop. Day Walkers are responsible for maintaining order within the Den. Any and all disciplinary actions will be judged on a case-by-case basis by the Camp Director in consultation with the Council Staff Advisor. When issues arise, the following guidelines will be followed: > First Offense: Warning by Day Walker or Staff Member > Second Offense: The Scout will spend one rotation with the Camp Director and will miss that scheduled activity. The activity will NOT be made up. Incident is documented and notification will be given to parent/guardian at the end of the day > Third Offense: Immediate notification of parent/guardian. Incident is documented and camper may be sent home and not permitted to return to camp Physical discipline is NOT allowed at Day Camp (even with your own Scout) Scouts are not to be insulted, degraded, or demoralized through verbal discipline Miscellaneous Information NEVER LEAVE YOUR SCOUTS ALONE! DO NOT leave Camp until all Scouts and Tots from your Pack have secured proper homebound transportation, and until you have returned your Pack’s attendance sheets/clipboards to the Camp Director. If there are any questions, contact the Camp Director. Contact your Pack’s Camp Coordinator if you cannot make it to Camp on your scheduled day. Someone from your Pack MUST be with the Scouts at all times. Tobacco and alcohol products are prohibited at all BSA activities. There must not be any smoking, chewing tobacco, or drinking alcoholic beverages on camp grounds. Also, please refrain from using your cell phone while at camp (unless it’s an emergency). Most importantly, HAVE FUN with your Scout and his friends! 7
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