Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Strand #2: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs (ATOD) 2.1 Describe short-term & long-term health consequences of ATOD use. 2.2 Clarify myths regarding the scope of ATOD use among adolescents. 2.3 Locate resources in one’s community & online; and services regarding ATOD use prevention & cessation. 2.4 Apply strategies to access & get help for self & others. 2.5 Demonstrate skills to avoid tobacco exposure & avoid or resist use of ATOD. 2.6 Describe financial, political, social, & legal influences regarding ATOD. 2.7 Analyze internal & external pressures to use of ATOD. 2.8 Apply decision-making & problem-solving steps to problems related to ATOD use. 2.9 Demonstrate ways to support others who want to stop using ATOD. 2.10 Advocate for ways schools & communities can promote a tobacco-free environment. 2.11 Present a persuasive solution to the problem of ATOD use among youth. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Tobacco Intro List Pre-Test 1. What is tobacco? 2. List short-term effects of tobacco use. 3. List long-term effects of tobacco use. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Tobacco Tuesday Presentations -What is tobacco? -What is tobacco addiction? -Is nicotine the only harmful part of tobacco? -How many teens abuse tobacco? -How does tobacco deliver its effects? Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs -What happens when someone uses tobacco for a long period of time? -What are the other adverse health effects of tobacco? -How is tobacco addiction treated? Find two resources for help in our community. -Additional Notes: Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Short- & Long-Term Effects of Tobacco __________–Term Effects: - A person's blood pressure and heart rate are __________. - Blood flow to the body's extremities, such as _______and ______ is reduced. - There is short-term stimulation to the brain and _________ system. - Reduced __________is seen in some people. - Smokers get more ______ and _______ due to a reduced immune system. - Reduced potency in men and fertility in women. - Bad effects on _________women and their unborn babies. Physical Appearance can ________, smoking can create: - foul breath - stained _______ and ________ - Intense coughing - Reduced or ______ of taste and smell - Smoking affects the largest organ in the body, the ________ and makes people look ________, earlier. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs _______- Term Effects: - Smoking can Cause __________Diseases: - Pneumonia - Chronic bronchitis - Incurable __________ and in some cases fatal - Due to the heart overworking and vascular decease, _________disease is common, which leads to _______ attacks. Some Cancers related to smoking include: - Lung, ______, throat, ________, bladder, and _________. - Due to the reduced _______ flow to the body's extremities like the legs and feet, vascular disease in these areas can cause painful ________ that are often impossible to cure. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Journal: Please write yourself a letter on the next blank page. The letter should include why you will not smoke any type of tobacco. Give specifics reasons from what you’ve learned. No fewer than 4 sentences. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Drugs Using kidshealth.orgàTeensàDrugs&AlcoholàDrugsàDrugs: What You Should Know These days, drugs can be found everywhere, and it may seem like everyone's doing them. Lots of people are tempted by the excitement or escape that drugs seem to offer. But learning the facts about drugs can help you see the risks of chasing this excitement or escape. Here's what you need to know. The Deal on Substances (page 1; please write 3 facts) W hy People Take Drugs (page 2; please write 3 facts) Amphetamines (page 3) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Cocaine & Crack (page 4) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Cough & Cold Medicines (page 5) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Depressants (page 6) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Ecstasy (page 7) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: GHB (page 8) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Heroin (page 9) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Inhalants (page 10) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Ketamine (page 11) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: LSD (page 12) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Marijuana (page 13) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Methamphetamine (page 14) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Rohypnol (page 16) Definition: Street Names: How They’re Used: Effects & Dangers: Addictiveness: Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Journal Reflections-What Did You Learn? 1. Anyone Can Become Addicted to Drugs? a. b. c. 2. Life’s Complicated a. b. 3. Why Are Drugs So Hard to Quit? a. b. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs 11 Facts About Teen & Drug Use 1. More teen dies from prescriptions than heroin & cocaine combined. 2. 22.7% smoke weed, 16.3% smoke cigs 3. THC (Active ingredient in weed that causes addiction) is 5x stronger. 4. ⅓ of teens who live in states with medical marijuana laws get their pot from other’s prescription. 5. US represents 5% of world’s population & 75% of prescription drugs taken. 60% of teens who abuse prescriptions get them free from friends. 6. 5.4% in 2009 & 7.5% in 2014 for Adderall Use 7. 54% don’t think steroids are harmful 8. 8th grade- 28% alcohol, 15% cigs, & 16.5% weed 9. Learn about risks from parents=50% less to use 10. 6.5% of seniors smoke weed daily. <20% think it’s harmful. <40% see regular use harmful. 11. 50% of HS seniors do not think it’s harmful to try crack/cocaine. 40%-heroin. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Prescription Drugs Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Steroids Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Alcohol -What To Do Why do young people drink…… Why drink when we could…… If someone pressures a teen to take a drink, you could…… Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs -What’s Your Alcohol IQ? 1. Alcohol is a stimulant. 2. Under the influence of alcohol, everything may appear to be fuzzy; drinkers may slur their words and have difficulty hearing, tasting, and smelling. 3. Under the influence of alcohol, a drinker’s ability to think, speak, and move may slow way down. 4. Under the influence of alcohol, drinkers are usually calm, thoughtful, and easygoing. 5. Drinking alcohol over a long period of time may damage a person’s self-control and ability to plan, think, and make decisions. 6. Alcohol does not affect memory. 7. Alcohol may make it difficult for drinkers to keep their balance or hold on to things. 8. Under the influence of alcohol, a drinker may be emotional and weepy. 9. Alcohol will help a person sleep. 10. Drinking alcohol will help a person lose weight. 11. People attending a winter football game should drink alcohol to keep warm. 12. The more alcohol people drink, the hungrier and thirstier they will become. Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs Unit #5: Alcohol, Tobacco, & Other Drugs
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