Printed on recycled paper PACOLET AREA CONSERVANCY saving the places you love since 1989 828-859-5060 NEWS April 2015 “The history of every nation is eventually written by the way in which it cares for its soil.” - Franklin Delano Roosevelt PAC Annual Meeting is Tuesday, April 21st Guest Speaker is Renowned Author and Conservationist PAC’s annual meeting will be held at the Tryon Youth Center Tuesday, April 21st at 5:00 p.m. All are invited! If you’re not currently a member, please come and learn about the great work we are doing “Saving the places you love!” If you are a member, bring a friend, neighbor or family! Our guest speaker will be author and conservationist Jay Leutze. Leutz lives in Minneapolis, North Carolina and is an attorney and trustee of the Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. With gripping tales, Leutze has managed to guard some of the most beloved places in the state, including rare highelevation mountain balds in the Roan Highlands. And he’s often done so with scarce resources, such as a cliffhanger of a project in 2012 in which he raised $3.9 million in twelve days to protect 600 acres on Grassy Ridge. In his book Stand Up That Mountain: The Battle to Save One Small Community in the Wilderness Along the Appalachian Trail, Leutze chronicles a five-year struggle to halt an illegal mining operation. Leutze will have his book for sale on the 21st and be available to sign copies. Pizza and salad will be served, along with beer, wine, and tea. The cost is $10 per person, just enough to pay for the food and the rent. Executive Director, Mary Walter, says “This is not a fundraiser for PAC, but rather, a chance to inform our members of the work we are doing, and hopefully to gain new members to our organization. PAC has accomplished much in its twenty-six years. It is important that the communities around us know how important land conservation is. We do this for us now but more importantly, for future generations. I’d like to think that years from now, people will look back and say ‘thank goodness this land was protected when it was.’” Our “Volunteer of the Year” will be recognized, as well as others who have made substantial impacts on PAC. Please make reservations by calling the PAC office at 828-859-5060 or e-mail us at, or simply mail us a check with your names to PAC, 850 N. Trade Street, Tryon, NC 28782. We hope to see you there! Author and conservationist, Jay Leutze, will be the speaker at PAC’s annual meeting Tuesday, April 21st. GO TAKE A HIKE! . . . with your PAC friends • Friday, April 17th - hike on a PAC protected property located on the Green River • Saturday, April 18th - Earth Day - Hike with PAC and Foothills Humane Society at Ashmore Heritage Preserve • Friday, May 1st - hike the Smokemont Loop at the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Please call the PAC office at 828-8595060 to let us know you’re coming and check out the website, for more information. PAC Officers and Board of Directors PAC Adds Two New Board Members Vard Henry and Ron Katalinich have joined the PAC Board of Directors and will serve three year terms. “Vard” Henry, short for Brevard, was born in Charlotte and grew up in Greensboro, N.C. She graduated from Chatham Hall prep school and got a BA from Hollins University in English literature. She married after college and had two children. Her son lives in Asheville and works as the athletic director at Carolina Day School and her daughter lives in Seattle and works as a teacher at a private school there. She proudly states that she has four outstanding grandsons. Vard’s work experience includes employment at a bank in Richmond, VA, and managing a horse facility in Boone, NC, where she worked as an adjunct professor at Appalachian State University in their physical education department. She PAC Staff developed and taught a horsemanship and riding program for them. She moved to the Tryon area because Mary Arrington Walter, of her lifelong interest in horses and because of a deep Executive Director Pam Torlina, Director of Stewardship need to live in an area where the natural world was easily accessible. Vard says that her interest in PAC stems from and Land Protection this need and from her desire to protect the beautiful Debra Hansborough, Office Assistant place we live in for years to come. Susan Kelley, Office Volunteer Ron Katalinich was born in southeast Wisconsin and raised in one of the Gretchen Verbonic, Office Volunteer original federally developed “green belt” communities of Greendale. He says that is was the perfect place to grow up - on the edge of the growing metropolitan area of Milwaukee. “I don’t believe I ever spent a day indoors ____________ when the weather was nice. There was plenty of nature to explore.” After high school he enlisted in the Navy The mission of the Pacolet Area “before my draft number was called.” While in the Navy, Conservancy is to protect and he entered the Nuclear Power program and after two conserve natural resources with years of training reported to the USS Swordfish, a fast emphasis on the lands and attack nuclear submarine. After leaving the Navy in 1981, he attended the University of Cincinnati in their electriwaterways with scenic, cal engineering program. In 1984 he joined Duke Power ecological and agricultural (now Duke Energy) as an instructor. Catawba Nuclear significance in the North Pacolet Station was just coming into being at that time and he and Green River watersheds. joined the training staff there as a Certified Senior Reactor Operator. At Catawba he taught all aspects of nuclear reactor and steam plant operation, working with engineers in support of the training simulator, collecting PAC has helped protect over plant data, helping make software improvements to the simulated plant model, and 8,606 acres of our area’s then testing the software changes. He retired from Duke in 2013. valuable natural resources. While living outside of Charlotte, Ron and wife, Jill, bought a home in PAC holds conservation Tryon in 2006 as a “getaway destination.” They had been coming to the area for easements on 60 protected over twenty years and knew they’d one day settle here. properties and owns 25 properties. Ron’s passion for the outdoors and nature expanded during college in PAC is responsible for southwest Ohio, where he had access to a large forest. He learned some lifelong monitoring 68 easements annually, land managment skills and began to grow and preserve his own food. After moving 7 of which are held by the state of to Tryon he says, “I was trying to find a meaningful cause to support and discovNorth Carolina and one which is ered PAC, and more importantly, the commitment of PAC members. These traits in held by The Nature Conservancy. this organization drew me into the group.” Another interesting thing about Ron - he is an avid cyclist! You’ll probably see him out riding. We want to send out a big shout of thanks to board members Dibbit Lamb PAC is a proud member of: and Gerald Pack, who rotated off, after years of service. Gerald will continue to serve on the Land Committee. Dibbit will continue to serve on the Land and Blue Ridge Forever Finance Committees. Dibbit served as PAC’s President for the past two years. Land Trust Alliance Before that, she served as Chair of the Land Committee and Secretary of the Conservation Trust for North Carolina Board. Babs Strickland, President Renée McDermott, Vice-President Alan Leonard, Secretary Jay H. Davies, Treasurer Elizabeth “Dibbit” Lamb, Immediate Past President Vard Henry Ron Katalinich Janet Peterson Ford Smith Upcoming Nature Education Programs PAC is proud to be able to bring you free nature education programs at Walnut Creek Preserve’s Anne Elizabeth Suratt Nature Center each and every month: April 25th – The Re-introduction of the Peregrine Falcon to Western NC Zora Rhodes, presenter Rhodes is formerly a Conservation Education Specialist for the NC Wildlife Resources Commission. May 16th – The American Chestnut Tree Don Surrette, presenter Don will present a program on the efforts to create a blight resistant American Chestnut, of which an estimated four billion were destroyed by Chestnut Blight in the early 20th century. September 26th – The Best 460 Native Plants for the Garden Larry Mellinchamp, presenter Mellsinchamp is author of “Native Plants of the Southeast: A Comprehensive Guide to the Best 460 Species for the Garden.“ June 26th – Bears & Bear Reproduction Bill Boone, presenter Bill will present a program about the natural history of bears and bear reproduction. October 31st - The Magic of Waterfalls and Wildflowers in the Southern Appalachian Mountains Tim Spira, presenter Spira is a professor of Biological Sciences at Clemson University and author of “Wildflowers and Plant Communities of the Southern Appalachian Mountains and Piedmont” (2011) and his new book “Waterfalls and Wildflowers in the Southern Appalachians-thirty great hikes” (2015) July 11th – Mushrooms! Charlotte Caplan, presenter Why are fungi so fascinating and how do you go about identifying them? August 29th – Predator/Prey Relationships in Western NC Toby Jenkins, presenter Jenkins is a North Carolina Wildlife Resource Officer. He will talk about wildlife habitats in Polk County. Programs are made possible, in part, by a grant from Delores Lastinger. Thanks to our Wonderful Volunteers in 2014! Becky Barnes Carole Bartol Holly Boyce Glenn Brady Roger Clifton Darrin Cronan and grandson, Jackson Beryl Dade Jay Davies Liz Dicey Cindy and John Boyle Jay Geddings Rainey Graves Elizabeth Habel Barbara Hall Melinda Holland Ron Katalinich Susan Kelley Rebecca Kemp Steve and Marie King Carrie Knox Dibbit Lamb Joyce Lamb Gayle and Scott Lane Alan and Susan Leonard Tommy Lytle Renee McDermott Nancy McKinstry Carol Meeske Betsy Miner Greg Miner Dot Moyer Nadine Naujoks Gerald Pack Janet Peterson Eva Pratt Zora Rhodes Judith Royer Alex Salley Don Schlegel Ford Smith Babs and Bob Strickland Cynthia Terwilliger Lois Tirre Bob Tobey Lois Torlina Upstate SC Geocachers Association Gretchen Verbonic Christel Walter Ellen Walter Rob Wilder Bonnie Wood Congregational Church “Hands of Change” Youth Service Group Volunteers Make the World a Much Better Place OLET ARE PAC A CONSERVANCY Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 529 Spartanburg, SC 29306 Saving the places you love 850 North Trade Street Tryon, North Carolina 28782 828-859-5060 On Saturday, February 7th, about 60 people attended the American Chestnut Memorial Planting in honor of Mara Smith at Harmon Field. Four, hopefully blight resistant, American Chestnut trees have been reintroduced into the landscape, both at Harmon Field and at the PAC protected Norman Wilder Forest (eight trees in total). It was a beautiful day! Thank you to Ford Smith and his family, the American Chestnut Foundation, and the Town of Tryon and Harmon Field for helping to make this happen! Mara’s husband, Ford Smith, left, speaks to the group.
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