CPSC 457: Assignment 1 CPSC 457: Principles of Operating Systems Assignment 1 due May 28, 2015 Assignment Objectives This an individual assignment. You must submit your own work. This assignment has two objectives: (1) review important concepts covered in lectures so far, and (2) practice on C programming in a Linux environment. For the programming question, please structure and document your code properly. Start the assignment early and avoid procrastination. Deadline • Written part: 9:00am on May 28, 2015 (delivered in class). • Programming part: 10:00pm on May 28, 2015 (uploaded on D2L). Helps Available • The second tutorial session in the week of May 20 will be dedicated to providing helps on this assignment. • Forum for Assignment 1 on Piazza provides a platform for online discussion for this assignment. Cyriac James (TA) will be in charge of this forum. • TA office hours: Cyriac James (TA) will offer two office hours, 2pm - 3pm on May 25 and May 27. You may find him at CT desk in MS computer lab. • Cyriac James (TA) will be available at CT desk in MS computer lab from 3pm to 5pm on May 28. • The instructor is also available during office hours (TR, 12pm - 1pm) or by appointment. PART 1: Written Questions (25 marks) 1. (5 marks) What is the difference between timesharing and multiprogramming systems? 2. (5 marks) Instructions related to accessing I/O devices typically can be executed in kernel mode but not in user mode. Give a reason why it is better to run these instructions in kernel mode. 1 CPSC 457: Assignment 1 3. (5 marks) To a programmer, a system call looks like any other call to a library procedure. Is it important that a programmer know which library procedures result in system calls? If so, why? 4. (5 marks) A computer system has enough room to hold five programs in its main memory. These programs are idle waiting for I/O 40% of the time. What fraction of the CPU time can be utilized if multiprogramming is used? 5. (5 marks) Is it possible for a process to go directly from ready state to blocking state? What about going directly from blocking state to running state? Explain your answer. PART 2: Programming Question (40 marks) In this part of assignment, you must write a program in C or C++ language and upload the source file (ps457.c or ps457.cpp) to D2L Dropbox. ps is a Unix / Linux command that reports a snapshot of the current running programs, called processes. For example, if you login to your RAC virtual machine and run ps, the output will be similar to this: [fedora@cpsc457 ~]$ ps PID TTY TIME CMD 17846 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 18113 pts/0 00:00:00 ps where the PID column shows the process identifier. If you need more information about the running programs including those run by the operating system, you can use ps -All and the output will be like this: [fedora@cpsc457 ~]$ ps F S UID PID PPID 4 S 0 1 0 1 S 0 2 0 1 S 0 3 2 1 S 0 5 2 1 S 0 6 2 1 S 0 7 2 1 S 0 8 2 1 S 0 9 2 ... -All C PRI NI ADDR SZ 0 80 0 - 12437 0 80 0 0 0 80 0 0 0 60 -20 0 0 80 0 0 0 -40 - 0 0 80 0 0 0 80 0 0 WCHAN ep_pol kthrea smpboo worker worker smpboo rcu_gp rcu_gp TTY ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? TIME 00:00:04 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:06 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:04 CMD systemd kthreadd ksoftirqd/0 kworker/0:0H kworker/u8:0 migration/0 rcu_bh rcu_sched The goal of this programming question is to develop a customized version of command ps, called ps457. To do that, you need to extract the information that the operating system keeps about the processes. This information can be extracted by looking at a virtual directory located at /proc. Along with some other information, there is a directory for each process inside /proc, where the name of the directory is the id of the process. 2 CPSC 457: Assignment 1 [fedora@cpsc457 ~]$ ls /proc 1 185 280 36 78 10 186 284 37 8 1063 2 287 38 80 11 20 29 46 805 12 21 3 499 808 13 219 30 5 81 15 22 31 6 89 15064 220 310 63 9 16 22154 312 64 acpi 17 23 313 65 asound 17842 231 318 66 buddyinfo 17845 241 32 660 bus 17846 246 320 67 cgroups 179 25 322 7 cmdline 18 26 323 722 consoles 182 27 33 727 cpuinfo 18260 278 34 76 crypto 184 28 35 77 devices diskstats dma dri driver execdomains fb filesystems fs interrupts iomem ioports irq kallsyms kcore keys key-users kmsg kpagecount kpageflags loadavg locks mdstat meminfo misc modules mounts mtrr net pagetypeinfo partitions sched_debug scsi self slabinfo softirqs stat swaps sys sysrq-trigger sysvipc timer_list timer_stats tty uptime version vmallocinfo vmstat zoneinfo In this list, we are only interested in directories where the name is numerical, i.e., a process identifier. Inside each process information folder, we are interested in three files: stat, statm and cmdline. [fedora@cpsc457 /]$ cd /proc/17846 [fedora@cpsc457 17846]$ ls attr cpuset loginuid autogroup cwd map_files auxv environ maps cgroup exe mem clear_refs fd mountinfo cmdline fdinfo mounts comm io mountstats coredump_filter limits net ns numa_maps oom_adj oom_score oom_score_adj pagemap personality root sched sessionid smaps stack stat statm status syscall task timers wchan [fedora@cpsc457 17846]$ cat stat 17846 (bash) S 17845 17846 17846 34816 18673 4218880 2196 21462 0 19 5 6 32 26 20 0 1 0 27587284 118120448 516 18446744073709551615 4194304 5096916 140736478801008 140736478799688 139957905249852 0 65536 3686404 1266761467 18446744071579274898 0 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 7196144 7232144 29679616 140736478805624 140736478805630 140736478805630 140736478805998 0 3 CPSC 457: Assignment 1 [fedora@cpsc457 17846]$ cat statm 28838 516 419 221 0 120 0 [fedora@cpsc457 17846]$ cat cmdline bash In this assignment you must write a program that can browse the /proc directory and extract a small set of information from aforementioned process report files. Program Features Your program supports features implemented by the following options: • -p <pid> Display process information only for the process whose number is pid, hereafter called target process. If this option is not present then display the requested information for all processes of the current user. • -s Display the single-character state information about the target process(es). This information is found in the stat file in process’s directory, looking at the state field, which is the third space-separated field. If this option is not present, do not display this information. For process 17846, the state is S: 17846 (bash) S 17845 17846 17846 ... • -U Display the amount of user time consumed so far by the target process(es). This information is found in the stat file in process’s directory, looking at the utime field, which is the 14th field. This option defaults to be true, so if it is not present, then this information is displayed. For process 17846, the value of utime is 5: 17846 (bash) S 17845 17846 17846 34816 18673 4218880 2196 21462 0 19 5 6 32 26 ... • -S Display the amount of system time consumed so far by the target process(es). This information is found in the stat file in process’s directory, looking at the stime field, which is the 15th field. This option defaults to be true, so if it is not present, then this information is displayed. For process 17846, the value of stime is 6: 17846 (bash) S 17845 17846 17846 34816 18673 4218880 2196 21462 0 19 5 6 32 26 ... • -v Display the amount of virtual memory currently being used (in pages, we will talk about memory pages when we cover Chapter 3) by the target process(es). This information is found in the statm file in process’s directory, looking at the size field, which is the first field. For process 17846, the value of size is 28838: 28838 516 419 221 0 120 0 • -c Display the command-line that started the target process(es). This information is found in the cmdline file in process’s directory. Be careful on this one, because this 4 CPSC 457: Assignment 1 file contains a list of null (zero byte) terminated strings. This option defaults to be true, so if it is not present, then this information is displayed. For process 17846, the command line that started the process is bash. Tip: You may also see this webpage for more information on process information files in /proc: http://www.mjmwired.net/kernel/Documentation/filesystems/proc.txt • For statm file format, see Table 1-3 (line 254) • For stat file format, see Table 1-4 (line 269) Program Output If all the information is requested for a process, as follows, then the output should provide each process in one line and each piece of information in one column, with the order shown in this example: [fedora@cpsc457 ~]$./ps457 -p 17846 -s -U -S -v -c PID state utime stime vmem cmdline 17846 S 5 6 28838 bash [fedora@cpsc457 ~]$./ps457 -p 17846 -S PID stime 17846 6 As a reminder, if the process identifier is not given, your program must list all the processes that have a representative numerical folder in /proc and print the information according to the given input parameters. Please note that your program should accept the input parameters in any given order. The order of columns in the output must not change. Please make sure that the name of your source code file is “ps457.c” or “ps457.cpp”. Listing Files and Directories To get the name of files and directories that are located in /proc, you are allowed to use system function from standard C library (you will need to include stdlib.h), pass a shell command such as ls to this function, and parse the return string. Trivially, you can also use other standard C functions to browse the directory structure of Linux, such as readdir function from dirent.h library. Testing Your Program First test the separate parts of your program, such as processing command line options, listing process information directories in /proc, and reading and parsing the individual files in a process’s /proc directory. Next, start assembling these pieces into a whole program, testing the options one at a time. 5 CPSC 457: Assignment 1 Deliverables Please upload your program (ps457.c or ps457.cpp) to D2L Dropbox before 10pm on assignment due date (May 28). Note that you must test your programs on your Fedora virtual machine on Rapid Access Cloud. The standard Fedora virtual machine on RAC will be used to compile and test your programs by your TAs. 6
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