WEBINAR + 2014 Holiday E-commerce recap + Tips for 2015 from marketing leaders Brett Robbins, Head of Business Development, Custora Ryan Urban, CEO, BounceExchange 1 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . WEBINAR + 1. Hello 2. Holiday recap (survey + prizes) 3. 3 trends for 2015 4. Great holiday strategies 5. Using those strategies in 2015 6. Q & A Brett Robbins, Head of Business Development, Custora Ryan Urban, CEO, BounceExchange 2 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . WEBINAR 2014 Holiday E-commerce recap + Tips for 2015 from marketing leaders Brett Robbins, Head of Business Development, Custora 3 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . We’reto Intro working Custora with sharp teams. Custora is a predictive analytics platform that helps retailers improve customer acquisition and retention. Tools This is our sweet spot Teams 4 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . Data We work with sharp teams. 5 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . Now we’re talking 1. Holiday 2014 Recap 2. 3 trends for 2015 6 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 2014 Holiday E-commerce Recap 1. Revenue growth 2. Mobile e-commerce 3. Marketing channel performance Data based on The Custora E-Commerce Pulse: Tracks real-time e-commerce transaction data from over 100 US retailers, over 100 million online shoppers, & over $40 billion in e-commerce revenue. 7 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . GROWTH 1. Revenue growth “People are realizing it’s a season of shopping that is no longer limited to one or two days. People are turning it from a day-long occasion to a month long occasion.” Newegg CMO 8 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 1. Online growth, broader calendar US e-commerce holiday revenue was up 15.6% vs 2013 9 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 1. Online growth, broader calendar US e-commerce holiday revenue was up 15.6% vs 2013 REVENUE BY DAY CYBER MONDAY +15.4% BLACK FRIDAY +20.6% CYBER TUESDAY +13.7% TURKEY DAY +17.7% GREEN MONDAY +0.7% SILVER MONDAY? +12.4% 03 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 NOV 10 25 27 29 01 03 DEC QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 05 07 09 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 Note: 2013 dates are shifted by one day to enable year-over-year alignment. MOBILE 2. Mobile e-commerce “We know that 75 percent of our digital traffic will come from mobile by the holidays so it’s an incredibly important “front door” for Target.” Target CEO 11 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 2. Mobile e-commerce growth MOBILE ORDERS BY DATE, 2013 v 2014 SHAR E (%) OF MO B I L E O R D ERS O N H O L I DAY OV E RA L L One out of four online purchases (24.5%) came from a mobile phone or tablet 75.5 81.4 DES KTO P TAB L ET PHONE 10.7 10.4 8.2 2013 12 QUESTIONS? 13.8 24.5 TOTA L M O B I L E % 2014 C H AT T H E M . Mobile shopping increased 32% from 2013 (Up from 18.6%) CHANNELS 3. Marketing channel performance “The targeted ads I get from Google are just so good! Especially around the holiday season they’re always showing the things that I want. They’re all up in my brain!” Kirk, a shopper from NYC 13 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 3. Email & search win the holidays ORDERS BY MARKETING CHANNEL SHAR E (%) OF HOL I DAY E- CO MMERCE O R D E RS BY M A R K E T I N G C H A N N E L Other 5.5 Direct 24.9 Display 0.8 Affiliate 10.9 Social 1.9 Search leads the way Email stays strong 14 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . Email 17.7 Paid 17.5 Organic 21 3. Email & search win the holidays Email drove the most orders for the biggest holiday shopping days Black Friday Cyber Monday Turkey Weekend 27.3% 23.9% 23.1% Orders from email 15 QUESTIONS? Orders from email C H AT T H E M . Orders from email SHARE Survey Break 16 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . Survey: Your plan for 2015 For 2015, we’re prioritizing: A. Customer segmentation B. Unifying data from multiple sources C. Optimizing campaigns using customer lifetime value D. Customer insights and analytics E. Testing and automating email campaigns All attendees are eligible to win the raffle for a $50 Amazon Gift Card + 1 Hour 2015 Planning Session from Custora 17 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . Looking ahead for 2015 1. Insights 2. Acquisition 3. Retention 18 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . INSIGHTS 1. Getting data out of “silos” “This helps us provide more focus on the in-store opportunities. Instead of asking ‘How can we grow online sales?’ we focus on ‘How can we drive overall sales, regardless of where the transaction occurs?’” GameStop EVP of strategic business and brand development 19 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 1. Getting data out of “silos” Combined online purchase data with offline loyalty programs. Surfaced insights to drive marketing across channels (e.g. email) BROOKYN ARIZONA CLV 20 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . ACQUISITION 2. Optimizing with CLV (Customer Lifetime Value) “2015 priorities: Data mining to better understand channel acquisition attribution and customer value.” Liveoutthere.com Marketing Team 21 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 2. Acquisition analysis with CLV Evaluate channels more accurately with CLV vs single purchase revenue/conversions BaubleBar saw that their best customers came from Facebook. 22 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 2. Acquisition analysis with CLV Evaluate channels more accurately with CLV vs single purchase revenue/conversions BaubleBar saw that their best customers came from Facebook. First purchase Search Facebook 23 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 2. Acquisition analysis with CLV Evaluate channels more accurately with CLV vs single purchase revenue/conversions BaubleBar saw that their best customers came from Facebook. First purchase Search Facebook 24 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . Lifetime RETENTION 3. Personalization & Segmentation “We don’t need more customers — we need the customers we have to spend more time with us.” Macy’s CMO 25 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 3. Segmentation & personalization Identify “product affinity segments” to deliver more personalized emails. 26 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . We’re working Looking to 2015 with sharp teams. How often What to send Reduce unsubscribes and increase conversions Personalize communications in email, display, social When to send things Which devices Optimize communications to increase orders Right items on the right devices to increase conversion CLV Churn Optimize ad spend for long-term high value customers reach out at the right time to save customers 27 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . Add’l educational resources Custora E-commerce Pulse Custora U Courses Customer-Centric Marketing Customer Lifetime Value Segmentation Lifecycle Marketing Cohort Analysis Predictive Analytics 28 QUESTIONS? 2014 Holiday E-commerce Recap Report C H AT T H E M . 29 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . 30 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . WHAT DID ELITE MARKETERS DO THIS HOLIDAY SEASON? Plan the promotional schedule early AT LEAST 3 MONTHS IN ADVANCE Consumers think about shopping as early as Halloween. Your messaging should be tailored to catch them in the pre-holiday shopping mindset Promotions and deals are not limited to only Friday and Monday People typically start shopping right after the holidays, so start your promotions at least 7 - 10 days before or better yet start right after halloween. Add Specific Email Capture for BF / CM Access “GET ACCESS” TO BLACK FRIDAY AND CYBER MONDAY DEALS Ask people to opt-in to email even if they are already a on your list. They are showing a sign of commitment. Have a bit more assertive email capture strategy. Create hype and urgency. Tell the people on the email list that they’ll get an email with a countdown to access the BF / CM deals Avoid Daily Deals BECAUSE THEY NEVER WORK You’re wasting valuable online real estate space on both your email and your website for deals that may be only relevant to <10% of your audience. It takes a ton of time to put together with no real return Try Sitewide Sales with a Coupon Code CAST A WIDE NET Your sale can either be a specific $ amount or a %. The 2nd option is preferable. You can include exceptions. People will naturally add more to cart during this period so don’t limit their choices Let your audience know about the sale (Tip: don’t just put it on your homepage) Structure Deals for Dual Benefits GET THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS Setup tiered deals based on your average order value (Tip: Best practice is 3 tiers) Use different deals for customers and prospects This raises both conversion rates and average order value HOW DO YOU RECOVER IN Q1 2015? Get Creative with the “Holidays” WHO SAYS CYBER MONDAY AND BLACK FRIDAY GET ALL THE FUN? Don’t wait until the Q4 holidays to offer your best deals. We thought of a few below to get you started this quarter. Make your customers’ shopping experience fun through games. Create scavenger hunts that unlock mystery deals throughout the site (Tips: Hide codes around the site--in product descriptions, names, images, set magical thresholds to see the next level) Gets visitors to look at a lot of pages, including products they would have skipped otherwise. Also preps them for later sales. Make CRO a priority in 2015 Recommended Growing and Mid-Market to Enterprise Stacks A/B Testing Behavioral Email Triggers Heat Maps SMB / Mid Enterprise SMB / Mid Enterprise SMB / Mid Enterprise - Optimizely - Visual Website Optimizer - Optimizely - Maximyser - SiteSpect - Visual Website Optimizer - Crazy Egg - GA - Hot Jar - Formisimo - Clicktale - Vero -Triggermail - Autosend.io - Smarter Remarketer - Bounce Exchange - Customer.io Lead Capture SMB / Mid Enterprise - FancyBox - Hello Bar - Bounce Exchange Predictive Analytics SMB / Mid Enterprise - Custora - RJ Metrics - Kissmetrics - Mix Panel Video Hosting SMB / Mid Landing Page Software Enterprise Wistia Live Chat SMB / Mid Enterprise SMB / Mid Enterprise LeadPages Unbounce Marketo HubSpot Ion Interactive Olark LivePerson Enterprise Only Behavioral Automation CRO Agencies Wire Framing Life Cycle Marketing Bounce Exchange Conversion Rate Experts Wider Funnel SiteTuners Balsamiq Custora Utilize Advanced Marketing Channels Advanced retargeting High frequency email automation Facebook custom audience Plan your A/B Testing Roadmap 6 MONTHS IN ADVANCE Plan in 3 phases, not months High Impact Tests (no button color) Talk to Customer Service/Sales C H AT U S + Q&A 31 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M . WEBINAR + More questions? Fun gifs? info@custora.com profit@bounceexchange.com Brett Robbins, Head of Business Development, Custora Ryan Urban, CEO, BounceExchange 32 QUESTIONS? C H AT T H E M .
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