English - Accredited Laboratories

RCMP Forensic Science & Identification Services
NPS Lab Building, 1200 Vanier Parkway
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0R2
Accredited Laboratory No. 435
(Conforms with requirements of CAN-P-1578 , CAN-P-4E (ISO/IEC 17025:2005))
Ms. Helena Louie
+1 613 990 8909
+1 613 952 0156
Police officers, both RCMP and municipal, in Ontario and other
Provinces / Territories, as well as members of other Government
Enforcement Agencies; and the Courts.
Counterfeits, Firearms / Toolmarks, Forensic Biology / DNA,
Forensic Chemistry / Trace Evidence, Forensic Toxicology,
Questioned Documents Examination
Alternate Contact:
Christine McEachern
+1 613 993 5846
Ashifa Hassam
+1 613 998 5190
This laboratory is a party to a SCC Group Accreditation with the following facilities in accordance with the
SCC PALCAN Handbook CAN-P-1570 Appendix B Policy on Group Accreditation:
The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do
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Standards Council of Canada Accredited Laboratory No. 435
• RCMP Forensic Science & Identification Services - NATIONAL CENTRE FOR FORENSIC
SERVICES - ALBERTA, Accredited Laboratory No. 337;
• RCMP Forensic Science & Identification Services - NATIONAL FORENSIC SERVICES VANCOUVER, Accredited Laboratory No. 395;
• RCMP Forensic Science & Identification Services - FORENSIC SCIENCES AND
Description of Activities:
These activities are carried out by the National Anti-Counterfeiting Bureau (NACB). Refer to Forensic
Discipline Questioned Documents Examination.
Firearms / Toolmarks
Description of Activities:
• Identification, functional assessment and classification of firearms, firearms components, ammunition
and prohibited devices
• Comparison and identification of firearm toolmarks on ammunition components
• Probable type and make assessment
• Muzzle to target distance determination, bullet impact damage assessment and bullet path analysis
• Non-firearm toolmark comparison and identification
• Restoration of serial numbers
• Physical match comparisons and identification
• Off Site/Crime Scene Attendance
• Acquisition, analysis and correlation of firearm toolmarks acquired from fired bullets and cartridge
cases using an Integrated Ballistics Identification System (IBIS), and participation in the Canadian
Integrated Ballistic Identification Network (CIBIN)
Techniques for which laboratory is accredited:
a. Chemical spot tests and etching
b. Electrolytic and magnetic testing
c. Macroscopic and microscopic examination, comparison and identification
d. Measurements; linear, mass, force, velocity, sound level
e. Mechanical and shock discharge assessment
Forensic Biology / DNA
Description of Activities:
(1) Examination of evidentiary material for the presence of biological material, possible biological material
and non-biological material;
The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do
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Standards Council of Canada Accredited Laboratory No. 435
(2) Nuclear STR DNA analysis of biological material recovered from evidentiary material, which included the
extraction, purification and quantification of human and male DNA, the amplification of DNA and the
resolution of DNA typing profiles using capillary electrophoreses;
(3) Interpretation of DNA typing results to establish associations between individuals and crime scene
samples, as well as paternity/parentage and other relatedness relationships;
Techniques for which laboratory is accredited:
1. macroscopic and microscopic examination;
2. body fluid examination and identification using biochemical and/or microscopic procedures;
3. hair identification and determination of suitability for nuclear STR DNA typing;
4. DNA extraction, purification, quantification, Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification using AmpFLSTR® Profiler Plus®, AmpFLSTR® COfiler® , AmpFLSTR® Identifier Plus® PCR
Amplification Kits, and capillary electrophoresis;
5. interpretation of DNA typing profiles;
Forensic Chemistry / Trace Evidence
Description of Activities:
(1) Recognition, detection and identification of explosives, explosive residues, related materials and the
analysis of gunshot residues such that the information can be used to aid an investigation
(2) Examination and analysis of (generally non-biological) material in questioned samples and comparison to
known samples in order to:
a. identify the questioned material and/or
b. determine the likelihood of their common origin with the known sample
Techniques for which laboratory is accredited:
b. Determination of physical and chemical characteristics
d. Ion Mobility Spectrometry
e. Mass Spectrometry
f. Selection, extraction and recovery of target materials
g. SEM/EDX/WDX (qualitative and semi-quantitative)
Forensic Toxicology
Description of Activities:
The Toxicology Section carries out the following examinations/analyses:
(1) Body fluid and tissue screen and quantification for volatile substances including ethanols.
(2) Body fluid and tissue screen and quantification for drugs and poisons.
(3) Analysis of drugs, poisons and other toxic materials in or on clothing, foods, pharmaceuticals and
miscellaneous exhibits.
(4) Verifies the ethanol concentration of alcohol standard used in breath testing.
The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do
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Standards Council of Canada Accredited Laboratory No. 435
Techniques for which laboratory is accredited:
a. Gas chromatography
b. Immunoassay
c. Macroscopic examination
d. Mass spectrometry
e. Sample preparation, extraction and general chemical and physical tests
f. Ultra/High-performance liquid chromatography
Questioned Documents Examination
Description of Activities:
These activities are carried out by the National Anti-Counterfeiting Bureau (NACB).
Examination of any evidence that may present itself in the form of a "document". A document, in its broadest
sense, is "any material bearing signs, symbols or markings which are either visible, partially visible or
invisible which convey a message or meaning to someone."
The Counterfeit portion of the NACB conducts examinations of documents which generally fall under the
definition of "Security Documents". These are documents of value such as banknotes and other negotiable
instruments, travel documents, payment cards and other types of printed matter. NACB also examines coins
and equipment suspected of having been used in counterfeiting.
Examination types may be categorized as follows:
(1) Examination of currency and other negotiable instruments to determine authenticity
(2) Examination and comparison of handwriting to determine authorship (Voluntary Suspension)
(3) Examinations of documents (including passports, immigration documents, visas, identification cards) to
determine authenticity and alterations, erasures and obliterations on documents, the detection and
decipherment of un-inked impressions on documents and the physical matching of paper products
(4) Examination of payment cards to determine authenticity and alterations
(5) Examination of coins to determine authenticity
(6) Examination of printing and graphic arts equipment & supplies suspected of having been employed in
production of currency or negotiable instruments or any other document to determine make and model,
method of production, identification of a suspect device, differentiation of inks, date of production and any
other related information
Techniques for which laboratory is accredited:
a. classification of counterfeit banknotes, travel documents and payment cards
b. digital imaging capture techniques
c. macroscopic and microscopic comparisons
d. measurement of physical properties of coins
e. special lighting techniques
CAN-P-1578: Guidelines for the Accreditation of Forensic Testing Laboratories
CAN-P-4E (ISO/IEC 17025): General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration
Laboratories (ISO/IEC 17025-2005)
The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do
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Standards Council of Canada Accredited Laboratory No. 435
Chantal Guay, ing., P. Eng.
Vice President, Accreditation
Date: 2015-04-15
Number of Forensic Techniques: 28
SCC 1003-15/539
Partner File #0
Partner: None
The approved and most recent version of this document can be viewed on the SCC website at http://palcan.scc.ca/SpecsSearch/GLSearchForm.do
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