Neighborhood Council Funding Program APPLIGATION for Neighborhood Purposes Grant (NPG) FMPOWER rl ffi This form is to be completed by the applicant seeking the Neighborhood Purposes Grant and submitted to the Neighborhood Council from whom the grant is being sought. All applications for grants must be reviewed and approved in a public meeting.The Neighborhood Council, upon approval of the application, shall submit the approved application along with all required documentation to the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment. Name of Neighborhood Council you are seeking the grant from: Council Name Motor Avenue Foundation 45-4505527 1Al Organization Name Federal l.D. # (Elt{#) CA 09t2012 State of Incorporation Date of 501(c)(3) Status (if applicable) 1B) 1c) 1D) 3751 Motor Avenue #341248 Los Angeles Organization Mailing Address City Busrness Address (lf different) City Sfafe Zip Code City Sfafe Zip Code Address of Affiliated Organization (lf applicable) Name and address of person designated to receive official/legal notices: CA 90034 Zip Code Name: 2l Sfreef City Sfafe Zip Code 3) Type of organization- Please select one: (Organizations must be located within the City of Los i tr puOtic School hot to inctude private schoots) or itr r 501 (cX3) Non-profits (other than religious institutions) Attach Letterhead Attach IRS Determination Letter 4) Please describe the Neighborhood lmprovement Project for which the grant is intended. Angeles) This grant is to help assist with the continuation of the Motor Avenue Urban Garden and Farmers Market Program by securing materials and construction of the Palms Elementary and Palms Middle School edible gardens. 5) How will this grant be used to primarily support or serve a non-discriminatory, public purpose and benefit the public at-large. The Motor Avenue Farmers Market has developed an urban garden program to promote the health, synergy, and self-reliance of its local community. Benefits of these urban gardens include: equitable food quality and nutrition, community health and sustainability, opportunities for recreation, exercise, therapy and education, heightened social interaction, crime reduction, preservation of green space, enhanced quality of life, community development and beautification, and resource efficiency and independence. This grant is essential to continuing and growing this program and the benefits associated with it. City of Los Angeles, Department of Neighborhood Empowerment NPG APPLICATION Paqe 2 6A) Requested of NC , 5,000 l-otal Proiected Gost $ s8,s45.oo D D 68) Requested of NC Construction materials of Palms Elementary and Palms Middle School ( lumber, soil, plants, decomposed granite) Total Projected Cost 5,000 $ 28,733.b1 $ D o 7l ls the implementation of this specific program or purpose described in box 4 above contingent on any other factors or sources or funding? 'D Yes, please describe below U trto Source of Fundinq Amouni County of Los Angeles ti 70.000 l\4otor Avenue lmprovement Associatton R 20,000 E 10,00 JMB Enterprises, lNC. fotal Proiected Gost $ 8) What is the TOTAL amount of the grant funding requested with this application: e) What is the expected completion date? 04 t 01 t 2015 (mmidd/yyyy) $ 10,000 (required) Provide the name, telephone number, fax and e-mail address (if applicable) of the person(s) responsible for the funds and proqram(s) listed in Section ll of this application. Lee Wallach 10A) Frrsf Name (310)202-e002 Telephone Number Last Name (310)202-0433 Fax Number Polizzotto 10Bl First Name Last Name (310)202-9002 E-mail Nikki Telephone Number MI MI (310)202-0433 Fax Number member? [ the Office of the City Attorney? fl Yes il No 11) ls there a former or existing relationship between your organization and a NC board 11A) lf yes, did you and/or the board member consult fvoe of Relationship Board Member Name Example: Former board member So Conflicted Yes gNo City of Los Angeles, Department of Neighborhood Empowerment NPG APPLICATION Paoe 3 I hereby affirm that, to the best of my knowledge, the information provided herein and communicated otherwise is truly and accurately stated. I further affirm that I have read Appendix A, "What is a Public Benefit," and Appendix B "Conflicts of lnterest" of this application and affirm that the proposed project(s) and/or program(s) fall within the criteria of a public benefit project/program and that no conflict of interest exist that would prevent the awarding of Two signatures required 12A) Executive Director of Non-Profit Corporation or School Principal Lee Wallach Executive PRINT First Name/ Last Name Title Director "1,.*,;,r Signature j,/' t" ,.-/ -i-gt/ly' Date I 12B) Secretary of Non-profit Gorporation or Assistant School Principal Nikki Polizzotto Project Manager i. PRINT First Name/ Last Name Title Date iReviewer Name 'i , rjj Date Reviewed I lneverweR's NorES I lDate submitted to Funding lJnit Funding Unit Notes: P-9NE-Pslp--s-{ernp-E-eg-ef-t------------------i -j Palms Middle School Budget Materials Item Name: Unit Price: Quantitv: Total Price: Raised Garden Bed Material Planter Box Mix Soil Landscape Fabric 60 528.00 51,680.00 4 546.89 s187.s6 145 st3.12 s1,902.40 30 57.74 5232.20 5 s2s.00 s30.00 s12s.00 7 Recycled Pallets 4 51s.00 577.00 560.00 Screws 1lb box 2 58.s0 517.00 Decomposed Granite Decomposed Granite with Stabilizer 1. s2,100.00 52,100.00 Delivery Fee 1 Ssoo.oo ss00.o0 10 s14.99 s149.90 3 s10s.00 1008 53s.00 s8.00 s1.00 so.7s 10 $gs.oo 53s0.00 2XIOX12 Doug Fir W.ood 4X4X8 Douglas Fir S4S Lumber Wood Sealant (5 eal) Deck Mate Screws (5lbs per box) Compcist Bin s210.00 Grip-Rite 8X3 Coarse polyumer coated steel Trees and Plants Native Plants (1 gallon) Fruit Trees (15 gallon) for Fruit Trees Kellog Ammend Soil 3 s00 Seeds Seedlings Native Plants (5 gallon) lrrieation Supplies Va lves/Pa rts/Fitti ngs s1,600.0c So.+s s3S4.oo s1,000.00 Bench Seatine Cambridge 4' Flat Bench 2 s1e2.oo Polly Tuff Easy Access 6' Picnic Table 1. S1,ooo.oo Tools Wheelbarrows s7s6.00 s800.00 150 2,500 PVC Line 524.00 Ssoo.oo s1,630.00 1. Cages, Stakes, Trellising Materials Miscellaneous Tools Shears 1. Shovels 2 Butcher Block Table 1. Greenhouse L Wine Barrel Planters Misc cooking tools 4 I s1so.00 s200.00 s2oo.oo sso.00 s40.00 s380.00 s4s0.00 s4o.oo Sgso s1s0.00 5200.00 5200.00 sso.oo s4o.oo Sgso Paint (gallons) Varnish (gallons) s3s.00 s100.00 s100.00 s7s.00 Paint Brushes and Rollers LA City Mural Registration Fee s3s0.00 s300.00 s100.00 s7s.00 Materials Grand Total Labor. Allocations Hours Corpsmembers (5) per day Technical Oversight Landscape Planning Artist Compensation (3) per day Program Director Coordinator Additional Labor (DG and lrrigation) Additional Labor (Excavation) Additional Labor (Backfill) Labor Rate: Tota Labor Cost: 330 s27.OO 40 Soo.oo s2,400.00 40 58s.oo 120 S3o.oo s3,4oo.oo S3,6oo.oo L25 530.00 53,750.00 75 s40.00 s27.00 s3,000.00 258 100 527.O0 95 $27.00 Labor Grand Total Added Cost Hours: Unit Price: Added Cost Grand Total Grand'Total: 537,295.00 Total Price: $o.oo 551,700.56 s27,508.56 517,692.00 544,7O0.56 ( 3i3U I rn l, - -l Y:|: ^lO -lo 6lo > + rn eflr- X 2=n 4;o @,: a = fr= 5 F o' h ee (') = g O o -l =-l zfr 3e z' =-. l!/ to) to l= In la, t\) l l i _c 6 n = -trn 0 sil-r1 o I _{, _t l, <t) !20 r.l x T< I l\) s Zo\o{=o, o -l >>* o l- T c) rn @ 7(J<ttl A illo I . c)== o z -rll du) -o frz >; -{rn i-': .It !_ rn U)T C)T :n l- G-r-\a c:C)f,1 (f3 TfF9= rn o D 4i a fTl U) rl.t=-{^crn z.n zfn=( a1lz-d6@9 TT o:c)-{-r(D -Fn >3 tEhp#g zfn rn # z. ^ nfi rnP;@ -{ r-a u) € 7 Tl n U) C) - o o t- PALMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Materials Item Name: Iotal Price: Unit Price: Quantity: 575s.78 Raised Garden Bed Material 24 Planter Box Mix Soil 528.00 s46.89 2 Landscape Fabric 5672.00 $gs.zs s77.00 Compost Bin Recycled Pallets 4 s1s.00 560.00 Screws Llb box Grip-Rite 8X3 Coarse polyumer coated steel 2 s8.s0 Srz.oo s246.00 Outdoor Sink and Work Table Mustee E. L.& Sons lnc L8in X 34 In Plastic Laund 2X4Xl2 Douglas Fir Boards 3/4 Plywood Soil Delivery Charge Shaded Area t 6 1 1 588.00 s4.oo s34.00 s100.00 s88.oo s24.00 s34.oo Sloo.oo 52,888.07 t Shade Sail System Outdoor Shed 3utdoor Storage Building 4X6 I s400.00 s400.00 54,200.00 Decomposed Granite Decomposed Granite with Stabilizer Delivery Fee t 1 s3,700.00 ss00.00 s3,700.00 ssoo.00 Trees and Plants Native Plants (1 gallon) Fruit Trees (15 gallon) 5 S14.9s L 574.9s s3s.oo 3 s3s.00 s8.oo 53s.oo s800.00 516.00 150 50.4s Kellog Ammend Soil for Fruit Trees Native Plants (5 gallon) t 5 lrrigation Supplies Hose Bibs Va lves/Pa S64.oo 51,600.00 rts/Dri p/Fitti ngs 2,500 PVC Line Copper Pipe 58.00 517s.00 s2,061.00 S33o.oo S162.1s Bench Seating 572.7s 1X6X8 Douglas FirlHem Board 1.5 2X4X8 Premium Kiln Dried Whitewood Stud Deck Mate Screws (5lbs Per Box) 12 s4.8s 52.4s $2e,40 2 S3o.oo 560.00 Wheelbarrows 2 1 51s0.00 s20o.o0 5200.00 ss0.00 s40.0o S3oo.oo Cages, Stakes, Trellising Materials Miscellaneous Tools Tools t Shears 1 Shovels 4 S2oo.oo s20o.oo Sso.oo s160.0o PALMS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL wine barrel planters 15 ss0 STso Butcher block table Indiction burners 5300 2 5300 5100 Misc cookine tools 1. S3so 10 s35.oo 3 Sloo.oo s3s0 s82s.00 53s0.00 s300.00 1) 5100.00 Sloo.oo 1) s7s.00 Szs.oo MuralMaterials Paint (gallons) Varnish (gallons) Paint Brushes and Rollers LA City Mural Registration Fee Materials Grand Total Labor Allocations Corpsmembers (5) per day Labor Rate: Hours 5100 5'J.4,327.95 Tota Labor Cost: 300 527.OO S8,i.oo.oo Technical Oversight 40 40 s6o.oo s8s.oo s2,400.00 Landscape Planning S3o.oo s3,600.00 530.00 540.00 S3,75o.oo Artist Compensation (3) per day Program Director Coordinator 120 125 Labor Grand Total Added Cost Scissor Lift (per day) 3 Iotal Price: s200.00 Added Cost Grand Total Grand lmmediate ln-Kind Contributions mmediate Budgetary Needs Future Garden Enhancements I lmmediate Budeetarv Needs Total Materials Cost Total Labor Cost Total Garden Budget lcost: I 511,900.00 I 58,100.00 Total: So.oo s21,250.00 Unit Price: Quantity: 53,400.00 s600.00 Sooo.oo 536,177.95 ($) Pa ruM.MflMBeffiM$ &rdem lrws ta [d d le,-Sch ool NN NN NNN NN*N NNN NNN NN W 1e The gorden ot Polms Middle School is not currently being utilized. We will help restort the gorden progrom by increosing stoff involvement ond clossroom integrotion for students. There ore l4 gorden boxes olreody in ploce. The gorden will be equipped with o DG Poth, shoded teoching oreo, odditionol seoting, o secure storoge shed, designoted compost oreo ond exponded drip irrigotion. I IIilIERNAL RFVENUE P. O. CINCINNATI, oare, SERVTCA DgfAhrwGNf'*l'msiassny BOX 2s08 OIt 45207- gfp 27 78t12 nmployer fdentif ication Nrunber : 45-5405527 DI,N: .. . , .:li. L70;l$ffi53 77'692 MOTOR A\I.ENUE rouuoanroN 37s1 MOiOR A\rE gTE 341248 IJOS ANGELES, CA 90034 contti6t personi GERRY R MCLAUGIUJIN ID# Contact Telephorle Nurnber: (8zz)'329-5t6 Aacourlglng period Ending: 3111.s Decentber 3l public Charity Status: 1?o ibt (1iTAi'(vii Forn 990 Required: Yes Effectlve Date of March L2, ZO:-,z E5cemption: ContrLbution Deductib{1 ity : Ye€r Addendum AppLies: No Dear Applicant,; we are pleased to inform you ttrat upon review of your appticatibn for tax exempt statua lte lrave determl-ned that you are exenpt from pederal income cax under section 501(c) (3) ot the rnternal Rev$rue code. contrtbutiona to yoll are deductlble under secLion 1?0 of the Code. You are aloo qualified to ".e*irre tax deductible bequesta, devi€e6. transfer€r or gifca under section 2055, 21,08 ot 2522 of the Code. Becauee this let,ter coul"d heJ.p quest,Lon6 regarding your exempt status, you ehould keep it, 1n your perman€nE recorids. organizationg exempt under sectiod 501(c) (3) or the cod.e are furiher cLassified ae either pr.rbllc charLtie'b or private foundatione. we dduetind.ned that, you are a Publie charity ril:ldsr the code 6e@,tiion(s) 1{eAe"d tn trner.{piStBng,@,6 ,,t&&s f€gter.. P]ease see encLoged publication 4a2t-pc, conpltance cuide for s01(c) (3) Fulrlic charitiea, for some hetpful information about your reaponeibilit, aa an exempt organlzatlon. Letter 947 (DO/CG) ry MOTOR AVENUE FOIINDATIOT,I srncerely, {1,(!,o lr^ irorlyY. uaz A Director, nxempt Organj-zations Rulings and Agreemenbs Encl0sure: publicatioil 4221-pC Let Ler 94? (DO,/CG) Form w-9 Request for Taxpayer ldentification Number and Certification (Rev. P ugust 201 3) -freasury Departr nent of the Intemal Revenue Service Give Form to the requester, Do not send to the lRS. Name (as shown on your incomo tax return) Motor Avenue Foundation N o Motor Avenue I Association Exemptions {see instructions): Check appropriate box-for federal tax classification: I ^,Y i.b E-s eo '6 o 6 o lndividual/sole proodeior E] C Coriroration n S Corporation I Partnership I TrusVestate Exempt payee code (if ! Limiteo liability company. Enter the tax clas$ification (c=c corporation, s=s corporation, P=pannership) ! Other lsee instructions) > any)_ Exemption from FATCA reporting code (if any) > Address (number, street, anal apt- or suita no.) Rsquester's name and address (optional) 3751 Motor Ave #341248 City, state, and ZIP cods a{) Los Anoeles. CA 90034 List account number(s) here (optional) Ta your TIN in the appropriate box. The TIN provided must match the name given on the "Name" line Enter your to avoid backup withholding. For individuals, this is your social security number (SSN). However, for a resident alien, sole proprietor, or disregarded entity, see the Part I instructions on page 3, For other entities, it is your employer identification number (ElN). lf you do not have a number, see How lo get a I/N on page 3. Social aecurity number [Ln m nrl Note. ll the account is in more than one name, see the chart on page 4 for guidelines on whose number to enter. Certification Under penalties of perjury, I certify that: 1. The number shown on this form is my correct taxpayer identification number (or I am waiting for a number to be issued to me), and 2. I am not subject to backup withholding because: (a) | am exempt from backup withholding, or (b) | have noi been noti{ied by the Internal Revenue Service (lRS) that I am subject to backup withholding as a result of a failure to report all interest or dividends, or (c) the IBS has notified me that I am no longer subject to backup withholding, and 3. I am a U.S. citizen or other U.S. person (defined below), and 4. The FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that I am exempt from FATCA repofting is correct^ Certification instructions. You must cross out item 2 above if you have been notified by the IRS that you are currently subject to backup withholding because you have failed to report all inierest and dividends on your tax return. For real estate transactions, item 2 does not apply. For moftgage interest paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured property, cancellation of debt, contributions to an individual retirement arrangemont (lRA), and generally, payments other than interest and dividends, you are not required to sign the certification, but you must provide your correct TlN. See the instructions on page 3. Sign Here s,ignatureor- U.S.person) ..--- _.-,.1t -t# "rr/ /L-/Jr/ - Dste> General Instrubiions Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code unless otherwise noted. Future developmenls. The IRS has created a page on for information about Form W-9, atwww.irs.govlwg. Information about any luture developments affecting Form W-9 (such as legislation enacted after we release it) will be posted on that page. tt "'/ '/=: - z Jt*1 withholding tax on foreign partners' share of effectively connected income, and 4. Certify that FATCA code(s) entered on this form (if any) indicating that you are exempt from the FATCA reporting, is correct. Note. lf you are a U.S. person and a requestgr gives you a form other lhan Form W-9 to request your TlN, you must use the requester's form it it is substantially similar to this Form W-9. Definition of d U,S, person. For lederal tax purposes, you are considered a U.S. Purpose of Form person if you aro: A person who is required to file an inrormation return with the IRS must obtain your correct taxpayer identification number (flN) to report, for example, income paid to you, payments made to you in settlement of payment card and third party network transactions, real estate transaclions, mortgage interest you paid, acquisition or abandonment of secured propedy, cancellation of debt, or contributions you made to an lRA. A partnership, corporalion, company, or association created qr organized in the United Statos or underthe laws of the United States. . An estate {other than a loreign estate), or . A domestic trust (as definod in Regulations section 301 .7701 -7)- Use Form W-9 only if you are a U.S. person (including a resident alien), to provide your correct TIN to the person requesting it (the.equestef) and, when applicable, to: 1. Certify that the TIN you are giving is correct (or you are waiting for a number to be issued), 2. Certify that you are not subject to backup withholding, or 3. Claim exemption from backup wilhholding if you are a U.S. exempt Payee. lf applicable, you are also certifying that as a U.S" person, your ailocable share of any partnership income from a U.S. trade or business is not subject to the . . An individual who is a U.S. citizen or U.S. resident alien, Special rules tor partnerships, Partnerships that conduci a trade or business in the United States ars generally required to pay a withholding tax under section 1 446 on any foreign partners' share of elfoctively connected taxable income from such business, Further, in cartain cases where a Form W-9 has not been recaived, the rules under section 1 446 require a partnership to presume that a partner is a foreign person, and pay the section 1 446 withholding tax- Theretoro, ii you are a U.S. person that is a partner in a partnership conducting a trade or business in the United States, provide Form W-9 to the partnership to establish your U.S. status and avoid section 1 446 withholding on your share of partnsrship income. Cat. No. 10231X Form W-9 {Rev. 8-2013)
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