Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid) Vitamin C receives a great deal of discussion and coverage in the media. Let’s discuss why it is important, especially to you, the athlete. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the human body. Please know this is a water-soluble vitamin, compared to Vitamins A, D, E, and K, which are fat-soluble vitamins. Our bodies can’t make Vitamin C, so we have to get it from outside sources. The best way to obtain Vitamin C is through the diet. You guessed it; fruits and vegetables. Kiwi fruit, oranges, berries, and spinach are just a few notable foods which supply this vitamin. You may also get it into your body through supplements, such as a MultiVitamin. I always recommend obtaining necessary nutrients through food if at all possible. This way, you reap all the benefits a food has to offer, versus a supplement. For example, you may receive Vitamin C by eating a certain food, but you also may obtain additional nutrients, such as protein, iron, and fiber, for example. Food contains many beneficial, additive nutrients not found in supplements, and this is a take home point. Your body can only store a certain amount of Vitamin C, so fresh supplies must be consumed. Many sources are referenced concerning how much Vitamin C you need, but let’s use RDI, which is Reference Dietary Intake. It is defined as the minimum amount of a vitamin or mineral the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) recommends a person consumes each day. The RDI for Vitamin C is 100 mg/day. This is just to prevent problems associated with deficiency, ( such as Scurvy), not the amount recommended for excellent health. My research has found this number to be anywhere from 300 mg to 2 g/day. I think under normal circumstances, a reasonable amount would be 300-500 mg/day. For the sake of mentioning it, too much Vitamin C may lead to gastro-intestinal symptoms such as gas, bloating, and diarrhea. Excess levels have also been associated with kidney stones. Now, we’ll get into the benefits of Vitamin C: Anti-Oxidant-we cover this about every article, and for good reason. Vitamin C is arguably the most important anti-oxidant for the human body. Collagen Synthesis-This is a protein found in connective tissue, (tendons, ligaments, skin), bone, cartilage, blood vessels, and the gastro-intestinal system. Please note how collagen health is vital for all of us, but especially athletes. Please also consider how collagen forms the scar after injury or surgery. It is how you heal. This is why Vitamin C and protein intake must increase during these stressful times. Cardio-Vascular Health-prevents against heart valve damage, heart attack, strokes, and hypertension. It may strengthen collagen of the arteries, raise HDL Cholesterol, lower total Cholesterol, and inhibit platelet aggregation, which may lead to dangerous plaque within your blood vessels. Lung Health-It appears Vitamin C intake correlates inversely with the occurrence of asthma. In other words, when Vitamin C intake is low, the rate of asthma is high. So, if you have asthma, it might be a good idea to increase your intake of Vitamin C. Some sources recommend taking in 1000 mg, or one gram, per day, in patients with asthma. Immune System-Vitamin C is reported to have anti-viral/anti-bacterial activity, enhance White Blood Cell, (WBC) response and function, and increase Interferon, (special chemical which fights viral infection and cancer) activity. There is a high concentration of Vitamin C in immune cells, and it is consumed quickly during active infections. This is why Vitamin C intake needs to increase during acute illness. It should also be noted Vitamin C has anti-histamine activity. Histamine is a compound in the human body which triggers the inflammatory response. So, the anti-histamine properties of Vitamin C are beneficial. Common Cold-This gets a great deal of press and has for as long as I can remember. The latest literature I read concluded Vitamin C does not reduce the incidence or severity of the common cold, but it may decrease the duration of the illness. It is estimated a dose of 1-6 grams per day may decrease the duration of cold episodes by a full day. I would say, if a person wanted to put this to use: He or she would take this recommended dose at the first onset of cold symptoms. You can make the call yourself, but this seems a reasonable approach. I also want you to realize there are many drugs which deplete Vitamin C levels in the human body. I’ll mention a few, just so you know about it; aspirin, (anti-inflammatory drugs), estrogens (hormone replacement therapy), and Nicotine, (tobacco products, Nicotine patches). Just one reason out of many: DON’T USE TOBACCO PRODUCTS. NEVER SMOKE, DIP, OR CHEW! Please recall my previous article about missing breakfast. The USDA concluded the major components missing from our breakfasts are: PROTEIN, IRON, AND VITAMIN C. This is why we made French Toast Pro Bites. The snack is a great source of protein and iron. Couple Pro Bites with juice or a piece of fruit in the morning, and you at least have a good start on the day. Remember: When you take great care of your body; it takes great care of you, especially under the stress of illness, injury, or athletic competition. Thank you. Dr. Steve Dr. Steven L. Snodgrass, M.D., F.A.C.S. is a former Chief of Surgery, member of the American Medical Association, Fellow of the American College of Surgeons, father of two athletic sons, and the son of a cancer survivor. Because of his experiences, he created a healthy protein snack to help both athletes and patients meet their specific needs. His new product, Nutri Snax will be available, soon. A portion of sales proceeds will be used to support The Minnie Pearl Cancer Foundation. For more information visit
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