The Edith Hughes ABOUT THE PROGRAM COMMUNITY WORKSHOP When Edith Hughes died at age 79, in Sept. 2011, she was serving as director of community relations for Trib Total Media, Pittsburgh, as well as editor of two magazines. She spent 65 years as a reporter, proofreader and executive editor. A skilled writer and tough editor, Hughes trained several generations of young reporters working at Gateway community newspapers in Monroeville, mentoring, teaching and influencing their fledgling careers. Hughes was a very active and committed member of PSNE coordinating the Weekly Renewal Workshop for many years. She was also instrumental in updating and enhancing the Keystone Press Awards, always with a keen eye for recognizing community and weekly papers. Take A Closer Look at Best Practices A one-day workshop for community newspaper editors and reporters. \ In honor of Edith’s memory, the yearly Weekly Renewal Workshop was renamed to include community newspapers. With the sponsorship of Trib Total Media, the PNA Foundation and PSNE unveiled an expanded and enhanced program in 2012. THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2015 P E N N S Y L V A N I A A S S O C I A T I O N Pennsylvania Society of News Editors 3899 NORTH FRONT STREET, HARRISBURG, PA 17110 PHONE: (717) 703-3000 t WW.PANEWSMEDIA.ORG 9:30 a.m. - 3 p.m. Only $19. Lunch included. PNA Headquarters, Harrisburg P E N N S Y L V A N I A A S S O C I A T I O N WORKSHOP AGENDA The Edith Hughes Community Workshop 2015 REGISTRATION FORM The Edith Hughes Community Workshop TENTATIVE: Please check our website for updates. 9:15 A.M. REGISTRATION AND COFFEE 9:30 A.M. WELCOME 9:30 - 10:45 A.M. BEST PRACTICES: AWARD-WINNING WAYS PLEASE COMPLETE ONE FORM PER REGISTRANT. Name__________________________________________________________ Title____________________________________________________________ Keystone Press Award winners from various categories share their secrets of success in finding the stories that engage readers and touch communities, even with limited staffs and budgets. Great headlines, riveting features and vibrant sports stories can make your newspaper and website a mustread. Eye-catching page design and unique niche publications can also grow readership. News Company_________________________________________________ 11 - 11:30 A.M. Phone__________________________ Fax____________________________ BEST PRACTICES: VIDEO ON THE FLY What are the basics of shooting video from your smart phone? Get some tips from those who understand how to work from a small newsroom on a shoestring budget. 11:45 A.M. - 12:15 P.M. BEST PRACTICES: CALM IN THE STORM It’s not always easy being the face of your local community’s news source. Readers are often upset, angry and confrontational. How do you maintain your cool while getting the story? 12:15 - 1 P.M. LUNCH 1 - 2 P.M. BEST PRACTICES: DIGITAL STRATEGIES From Facebook to Twitter to SEO to blogs to newsletters, how can you enhance your online presence in your community? 2:15 P.M. BEST PRACTICES: LEGAL, ETHICAL DECISIONS In today’s digital world, news companies face unprecedented decisions. From news briefs published online to anonymous comments to mugshots, what can you do and what are you legally required to do? Is it an ethical choice or a legal requirement? Following a review of defamation law, PNA attorneys will share answers to questions they often hear on the PNA Legal Hotline including take-down requests, expungements and pardons of criminal records, mugshot litigation, unmasking of unnamed commenters, among other topics. 3 P.M. ADJOURN This inexpensive day of valuable training is brought to you by the PNA Foundation and PSNE with the generous support of Trib Total Media, Pittsburgh. We encourage reporters and editors of weekly publications, community newspapers and community sections to attend. You’ll enhance your skills, talk with colleagues and be re-energized! For more info, visit PNA’s website at And, you may be eligible for a $150 travel scholarship. See enclosed details! Address________________________________________________________ City_________________________ State________ Zip___________________ E-mail__________________________________________________________ Need an overnight room? Contact the Days Inn North, conveniently located just minutes away at 3919 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, at (717) 233-3100. Mention you’re with the “Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association” to receive the special rate of only $59.99 (+tax). PAYMENT METHOD: $19 PER PERSON INCLUDES LUNCH Payment must accompany registration. r Check (payable to PNA Foundation) r Visa r MasterCard Credit Card Number ____________________________________________ Expiration Date ___ ___ / ___ ___ Name on credit card ____________________________________________ REGISTRATION DEADLINE: MAY 1, 2015 PLEASE MAIL OR FAX YOUR COMPLETED REGISTRATION FORM TO: Pennsylvania NewsMedia Association Foundation Attn: Edith Hughes Community Workshop 3899 North Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110 Fax: (717) 703-3008 Or email a copy to Kathleen at
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