Mrs. Hall - Paoli Community Schools

Reading Theme: 6.2 Untold Stories
Freedom at Fort Mose and Valley of the Moon
(historical fiction)
Comprehension Strategy: Reread
Comprehension Skill: Theme
Vocabulary: depicts, detested, discarded, eldest,
ignored, obedience, refuge, treacherous
Math- Chapter 10: Decimals
Decimal Review on Monday
Chapter 10 Test on Tuesday
Begin Chapter 3: Data & Graphing
Social Studies: Unit 4: Slavery in Indiana
Important Vocabulary Words: secede, Union, states’
rights, civil war, Confederacy, technology, Emancipation
Proclamation, Underground Railroad
Science: I step Review Activities
Comparing with Adverbs
Spelling: 6.2 Homophones
Please help your child study for our weekly spelling test
on Friday.
New Words: root, route, tail, tale, wade, weighed,
prince, prints, doe, dough, moose, mousse, we’ve,
weave, who’s, whose, bolder, boulder, patience,
Review Words: cotton, muffin, eleven
Challenge Words: straight, strait
Our class will be PRACTICING for
online ISTEP testing on Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
mornings after the announcements.
Please try to be sure
your child to school on
time on these days to
ensure a prompt finish
to practice tests.
Bingo for Books Tuesday, April
14th from 6-7 the
Throop Café. FREE BOOKS
Justice Adams
Apr. 21
Tabby Apr. 26