GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY : 1 The Translation Strategies Employed by the Translator in Translating Marketing Terms into Indonesian Latifa Noviana (10607063) Abstract—ABSTRACT Latifa Noviana, The Translation Strategies Employed by the Translator in Translating Marketing Terms into Indonesian: Faculty of Letter : English Department. Gunadarma University. Skripsi. Advisor (1) Prof. Yuhara Sukra, M.Sc; (2) Drs. Ichwan Suyudi, MM. Key Words : Translation, Term The reason why this research made is to find how English term, particularly Marketing term translated into Indonesian. The data taken from the marketing book and its translation also some other data like dictionaries. The aims of this study are : (1)To identify the equivalent of Marketing terms in Indonesian.(2)To Describe the Translation strategies used by the translator of Marketing terms and(3)To find out the most common strategy used by the Translator to translate Marketing terms. This research using qualitative research method which produce descriptive data in the form of word or word of mouth of people and behaviors that can be observed. The result of the result are the translator employed direct translation, the combination of direct translation and naturalization, naturalization and descriptive translation strategy. The most common strategy is direct translation (48.2 I. Chapter 1 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Problem Language is an important thing in society. People communicated through language all over the world. Language could also be the facility to develop culture and to share knowledge also the newest technology. One of the ways to bring it into reality is by reading books, articles, magazines, or literary works created by the foreigners that describe or discuss about those aspects. The act of translator is very significant here in transforming the meaning of source language (SL) into the right meaning of receptor language (RL) in order to result the correct equivalent or meaning which could be understood by all readers. As Eugene A. Nida and Charles Taber (1989 : 11) stated Translating consist in reproducing in the receptor language the closest equivalent of the source language massage, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. Therefore translation is not about deliver words or sentences but is about deliver meaning. Indonesia has colonized by some countries before has its independence. One of those was England which influence our country in some aspects including in a form of language. English has big influence in the forming and development of Indonesian vocabularies. Many words in Indonesia were loan form English such as tren, oposisi, krim and many more. 1 Day by day there are more and more vocabularies that are loan from English. Some are entirely loan, and some are naturalized to the spelling and pronunciation of Indonesian. Sayoga (2001 : vii) in his book Pengaruh Bahasa Inggris pada Pembentukan Kosa-Kata Baru Bahasa Indonesia mentioned that word that can be categorized by loanwords or borrowed words are : 1. The words and terms that have become the official part of Indonesian 2. The words or terms....... For further detail, please visit UG Library ( II. Chapter 2 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2.1 Definition of Translation Larson (1984 : 3) stated that translation consist of transferring the meaning of source language into the Receptor language. This is done by going from the form of the first language to the form of second language by way semantic structure. It is meaning which is being transferred and must be held constant. Translation, then, consist of studying the lexicon, grammatical, structure, communication, situation, and cultural context of the source language text, analyzing it in order to determine its meaning, and then reconstructing this same meaning using the lexicon and grammatical structure which are appropriate in the receptor language and its cultural context. According to Newmark (1984 : 7) translation is a craft consisting in the attempt a written massage and/or statement in one language by the same massage and/or statement in another language. While McGuire defined translation is the turning of SL into the TL in which the surface meaning of the two languages have to be similar and that structures of the SL have also have to be maintained. Catford (1969 : 20), translation may be defined as the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in one language (TL). He also stated that translation is an operation performed on languages for a text in another. 7 So the writer conclude that translation is the process of transferring the meaning of source language (SL) to the target language(TL) by replacing the textual material with the appropriate equivalent in the target language. 2.2 Kinds of Translation Larson (1984: 17) stated that there are two main kinds of Translation : 1. Literal Translation Literal translation is a form-based translation which attempt to follow the form of the source language. It is also known as....... For further detail, please visit UG Library ( III. Chapter 3 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 3.1 Research Design Qualitative researchers seek answers to their questions in the real word. They gather what they hear,see 2 GUNADARMA UNIVERSITY LIBRARY : and read from people and places and from event and activities. They do research in natural setting rather than in laboratories or through written surveys. Their purpose is to learn about some aspect of the social world and to generate new understandings. Rossman Rallis, (2003 : 68) see that qualitative research is a broad approach to the study of social phenomena; the approach is naturalistic and interpretive, and it draws on multiple methods of inquiry. That is, qualitative research is conducted in natural setting rather than controlled ones; it assumes that human use what they see and hear and feel to make meaning of social phenomena and it relies on a variety of data-gathering techniques. The common characteristics of qualitative research: 1. In qualitative research the data collected in the original or natural conditions (natural setting). 2. Researchers as a research tool, means that the researcher as the primary tools of collecting data by method of data collection based on observations and interviews. 25 3. In a qualitative study a researcher tries to use data collection descriptively then write the report. Data obtained from this research are in the form of words, pictures, and not a number. 4. Qualitative research is more concerned with process than results, meaning in the data collection is often about the results and effects of various variables that affect each other. 5. Research the meaning of the background of attitude or act. Thus, what lies behind human behavior is essential for qualitative research. Prioritize the data directly, or ”first hand”. Qualitative research demands as much as possible to researchers to conduct their own research activities in the field. 6. In....... For further detail, please visit UG Library ( IV. Chapter 4 CHAPTER IV RESULT OF STUDY AND DISCUSSION 4.1 Introduction In this chapter the writer presented the result of her research and also the discussion. The data will describe in a pie chart which shows the comparison of the quantity of the strategy which employed by the translator then followed by the discussion of some terms of the categories of translating term strategy. The writer focused her research in analyzing English term, that is marketing terms into Indonesian. The result of this research is there are 508 marketing terms in English and Indonesian found by the writer and the strategy which used to translate the marketing terms are : direct translation, the combination of direct translation and naturalization, naturalization and descriptive translation The terms consist of 230 terms which translate by using direct translation strategy, 205 terms translate by using the combination of direct translation and naturalization, 60 terms translate by using naturalization and 13 terms translate by using description strategy. The proportion of those strategies could be seen in the following table and pie chart. The Table of Strategy of Translation No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Translation Strategy Quantity For further detail, please visit UG Library ( V. Chapter 5 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 5.1 Conclusion After analyzing the data that has been discussed in chapter four, the writer conclude that there are four translation strategies employed by the translators in translating Marketing terms into Indonesian which are direct translation, combination of direct translation and naturalization, naturalization, and descriptive translation. Direct translation strategy is employed when the source language terms have their right equivalence in the target language terms, while the combination of direct translation and naturalization is used because the term cannot translate only by direct translation or naturalization only, but need the combination of them both. While naturalization strategy employed where the appropriate equivalences of the terms are not available in target language so the term need to be adjusted. And the last strategy is descriptive translation. In employing this strategy the translators give some explanations to the terms to get the correct meaning of the terms and avoid confusion when the terms are read by the reader. Furthermore, most of the Marketing terms are rendered into Indonesian by using direct translation. The second most frequent strategy is combination of direct translation and naturalization. then naturalization in the third most common strategy. And the least frequent strategy is descriptive translation. 47 5.2 Suggestion Since the research focused on the translation of English terms into Indonesian, the writer suggest that if someone interest to take term as his or her research, to take another kind of term that is close to our daily life and has not been analyze before like banking terms, medical terms, or psychological term. 48 ....... For further detail, please visit UG Library (
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