Spring Recital 2014- STRONGER!

Spring Recital 2014- STRONGER!
Only 12:00 Shows:
Adult Jazz
Ballet 2/3
Ballet 4
Character 2
Character 4
Character 6
Choreography 1
Contemporary 2
Contemporary 4
10. Contemporary 6
11. Contemporary 7/8
12. Contemporary Teen
13. Hip Hop 2
14. Hip Hop 4
15. Hip Hop 5
16. Jazz 2
17. Jazz 4A
18. Jazz 4B
19. Jazz 6
20. Modern 2
21. Pointe
22. Show Choir 2
23. Tap Teen
24. Sami Coale Solo
Only 5:00
Adult Contemp.
Adult Hip Hop
Ballet 5
Character 1
Character 3
Character 5
Choreography 2
Contemp/Ballet 1
Contemporary 3
Contemporary 5
Hip Hop 1A
Hip Hop 1B
Hip Hop 3
Jazz 1
Jazz 3
Jazz 5
Jazz 7/8
Modern 1
Tap 1
Show Choir 1
Mus. Theatre Tap
Becca Lee Solo
Perform in Both Shows:
1. Ballet 6
2. Character 7
3. Contemporary 9
4. Hip Hop 6
5. Jazz 9
6. Tap 2/3
7. Tap 4
8. Tap 5
9. Company (Sat only)
10. Senior Dance (Sun only)
11. Finale
May 20th
1. Jazz 3
2. Contemp 3
3. Character 3
4. Hip Hop 3
5. Tap 2/3/4
6. Pom
7. Jazz 4A
8. Jazz 4B
9. Character 4
10. Contemp 4
11. Choreo. 1
12. Show Choir 2
13. Company
May 20th
1. Hip Hop 6
2. Hip Hop 4
3. Jazz 7/8
4. Adult HH
5. Contemp 7/8
6. Jazz 9
7. Contemp 9
8. Character 7
9. Tap 5
10. Choreo 2
11. Jazz 5
12. Cont 5
13. Adult Cont.
14. Adult Jazz
15. Character 5
16. Senior Dance
May 21st
1. Jazz 1
2. Hip Hop 1A
3. Hip Hop 1B
4. Cont./Ballet 1
5. Tap 1
6. Character 1
7. Jazz 2
8. Hip Hop 2
9. Cont. 2
10. Character 2
11. Modern 1
12. Show Choir 1
May 21st
1. Ballet 2/3
2. Ballet 4
3. Ballet 5
4. Ballet 6
5. Pointe
6. Modern 2
7. Contemp 7/8
8. Jazz 9
9. Contemp 9
10. Character 7
11. Character 6
12. Tap 5
13. Jazz 6
14. Contemp 6
15. Teen Tap
16. Teen Cont.
17. Hip Hop 5
18. Mus. Th. Tap
May 27th
1. Jazz 3
2. Contemp 3
3. Character 3
4. Hip Hop 3
5. Tap 2/3/4
6. Pom
7. Jazz 4A
8. Jazz 4B
9. Character 4
10. Contemp 4
11. Choreo. 1
12. Show Choir 2
13. Company
May 27th
1. Hip Hop 6
2. Hip Hop 4
3. Jazz 7/8
4. Adult HH
5. Contemp 7/8
6. Jazz 9
7. Contemp 9
8. Character 7
9. Tap 5
10. Choreo 2
11. Jazz 5
12. Cont 5
13. Adult Cont.
14. Adult Jazz
15. Character 5
16. Senior Dance
May 28th
1. Jazz 1
2. Hip Hop 1A
3. Hip Hop 1B
4. Cont./Ballet 1
5. Tap 1
6. Character 1
7. Jazz 2
8. Hip Hop 2
9. Cont. 2
10. Character 2
11. Ballet 2/3
12. Modern 1
13. Show Choir 1
May 28th
Ballet 4
Ballet 5
Ballet 6
Modern 2
Contemp 7/8
Jazz 9
Contemp 9
Character 7
10. Character 6
11. Tap 5
12. Jazz 6
13. Contemp 6
14. Teen Tap
15. Teen Cont.
16. Hip Hop 5
17. Mus. Th. Tap
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Please go over the costume info below. Each dance is listed on the back with the
costumes the dancers will wear. Items in bold are ones that the dancer is responsible for
providing themselves. All costumes that Rhythms provides must be returned in classes
during the week after the show. If you need to buy anything for this show, we
recommend DiscountDance.com. They are affordable, sell great products, and have
almost everything in stock. We have found that they are very quick too; you should
get your items in plenty of time if you order now. There is also a store in Southern
Novato called Marin Dance and Theatrical Supply. The staff is very helpful!
General Costume Notes:
Label all costume pieces including shoes. It tends to get a little messy backstage,
and if you don’t label your items properly we won’t be able to return things to you
when you lose them.
We recommend using a big zippered Ziploc bag for all accessories so they don’t
get lost.
Wear tan tights if your legs will be showing at all during the show. We have
some available for purchase at Rhythms for $10. You can also purchase them at
discountdance.com, D’lynnes Dancewear in San Rafael, or at Marin Dance and
Theatrical Supply in Southern Novato at 5420 Nave Drive, Unit D.
Make sure your shoes are in good shape. If you are buying any new shoes, please
ask your teacher which she recommends.
No visible undergarments are allowed. We shouldn’t see bra straps or
underwear hanging out from your costume. It even looks great to avoid
underwear lines. Again we recommend the unitights or bras with clear straps.
No jewelry is allowed. Girls who are in 6th grade or older will borrow rhinestone
earrings for most dances. If you have sensitive ears, please wear your own
rhinestone earrings.
Hair should be pulled away from face with no wispies. Use hairspray.
We recommend wearing a little makeup on stage. It gives dancers a polished
look. Do your hair and makeup at home; there is limited space at the theatre.
Costumes by Class
Kids who did not come to special rehearsal: wear your own purple and
black outfit; the more purple the better! Jazz shoes or sneakers.
Kids who came to the finale rehearsal:
Kelly: purple shorts (borrowed from studio), your own white tank top (any style,
no writing), black jazz shoes
Mariah: your own white dress or white top and skirt, think pretty and graceful,
tan jazz shoes
Sign Language: your own purple and white outfit, black or tan jazz shoes
Posters: your own purple and white outfit, black or tan jazz shoes
Adults: your own purple and white outfit, black or tan jazz shoes
***Dad Dance***
Dads: gray t-shirt, black pants or shorts, sneakers, accessorize with hats,
bandanas, and sweat bands if you like. Brad- don’t forget your special
Daughters: your own white tank, pink shorts, whistle, sneakers (white is
Ballet 2/3/4, Its DeLovely:
Red Leo-Dress, hair accessory, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, hair in ballet
bun, rhinestone earrings
Ballet 5, The Sweet Nightingale
Lavender Leo-Dress, hair wreath, pink tights, pink ballet slippers, hair in
ballet bun, rhinestone earrings
Ballet 6, Tie Your Mother Down,
Red Leotard, Black arm tights, red/black tutu, pink tights, pink ballet
slippers, hair in ballet bun with red headband
Pointe 1 and 2 Giselle,
Light Blue leotard, cream tutu skirt, leotard broach, pink tights, pointe shoes,
hair in ballet bun, accessory TBD, rhinestone earrings
Modern 1, You Could Keep me Talking
Yellow dress, bootie shorts, yellow hair ribbon, hair in half pony, foot thongs
Modern 2, Awan N’La:
Yellow OR Orange Leotard, blue leggings, braided headband
Character 1, Long As I’m Here With You:
Girl characters: red dress, boa, black booty shorts, tan tights, black jazz
shoes, hair half ponytail with white feather clip
Boy characters: white dress shirt, black slacks, red vest, red bow tie, black jazz
shoes, black socks, hair in a low ponytail
Character 2, Muppet Medley:
Kermits: green dress, green leggings, black booty shorts, black jazz shoes,
hair down with headband (provided)
Miss Piggies: pink dress, pink leggings, pearl necklace, pink gloves, black booty
shorts, black jazz shoes, hair down with piggy headband (provided)
Character 3, I Wanna Be a Producer:
Red bloomers, white dress shirt, vest, silver beret, red ascot, clapboard, black
jazz shoes, tan tights, hair in low ponytail, rhinestone earrings
Character 4, Little Shop of Horrors:
Fuchsia glitter dress, plant, tan tights, black jazz shoes, hair down with
headband (provided), rhinestone earrings
Character 5, Strongest Suit:
Blue bathrobe, turbie twist, glitter dress, fabulous hat, black booty shorts,
black leotard, tan tights, tan jazz shoes, hair in turbie twist, rhinestone
Character 6, Ladies’ Choice
White ombre dress, colored sneakers, white bobby socks, white booty
shorts (if you don’t have some, you can borrow them), tan tights,
strapless or clear strap bra, rhinestone earrings, hair in high pony with clip
Character 7: Rebellious Children
White dress shirt, sweater vest, neck bow, skirt, white socks, book, black jazz
shoes, black booty shorts, tan tights, rhinestone earrings?, hair totally crazy
Character 7: I Can Cook Too
Polka dot dress, apron, bowl, spoon, cookie tray, tan jazz shoes, black booty
shorts, strapless or clear strap bra, tan tights, rhinestone earrings, hair
down with headband (provided), red lipstick
Choreography 1: On My Way Around the World
Indian: red skirt, yellow leotard, red top, veil (Bobby pins), bracelets, no shoes,
hair down
Polynesian: red leotard, yellow hula skirt, red hula skirt, yellow belt, flower
accessories, hair down with accessory, no shoes
Brazilian: feather dress, red leotard, no shoes, hair in high ponytail
African: yellow pants, dashiki, head wrap, black leggings, no shoes
Choreography 2: All of Me Will Wait
Gray dress, hair down, tan jazz shoes, tan tights
Contemporary/Ballet 1, Someday My Prince Will Come:
Princess dress, white shorts, tan tights, black jazz shoes, hair down with tiara
Contemporary 2, Let’s Go Fly a Kite:
Pink dress, kite, black booty shorts, tan tights, black jazz shoes, hair in
half ponytail with bow (provided)
Contemporary 3, The Rose:
Blue and white dress, blue sash, tan tights, tan jazz shoes, hair in low pony
tail with ribbon (provided), rhinestone earrings
Contemporary 4, Safe and Sound:
Blue leotard dress, tan convertible or footless tights, tan foot thongs, hair
in half pony with hair bow (provided)
Contemporary 5, Your Song:
Cream and black dresses, black leotard, black booty shorts, tan tights, tan jazz
shoes, hair in half pony with hair bow (provided) rhinestone earrings
Contemporary 6, Human:
Teal dress, teal shorts, black leotard, tan tights, no shoes, puppet strings,
hair in low pony with head scarf (provided), rhinestone earrings
Contemporary 7/8, Cross that Line:
Navy shorts, navy top, tan convertible tights, tan footies, hair in high bun
(bun donuts encouraged), rhinestone earrings
Contemporary 9, Pompeii:
Orange or yellow skirt, red top, red booty shorts, no tights, strapless bra or
bra with clear straps, no shoes or tan footies, hair in ponytail with center
Teen Contemporary, Lovely:
Orange dresses, black booty shorts, tan tights, no shoes, hair in half pony
with hair bow (provided), rhinestone earrings.
Adult Contemporary, Hallelujah:
Maroon dresses, grey leggings, no shoes, hair can be however you want,
rhinestone earrings.
***Hip Hop***
Hip Hop 1A, Popular:
Pink and white shirts, pink skirt, Jean Jacket, Pink Bow, Black Leotard, White
tennis shoes, Tan tights
Hip Hop 1B, Swag it Out:
White pants, yellow tank, plaid shirt, black leotard, black booty shorts, white
hat, white tennis shoes, hair just needs to be pulled back out of face (may not
wear it down)
Hip Hop 2, We Run the Night:
Black track jacket, pink shorts, pink tube socks, black leotard, hair in low side
pony with hair bow (provided), white tennis shoes
Hip Hop 3, That’s Not My Name:
Jungle leggings, blue shirt, black leotard, white tennis shoes, hair in half
pony with tulle headpiece
Hip Hop 4, ThatPOWER:
Metallic hooded jacket, black tanktop/under shirt, black leggings (boys
black shorts), black shoes and socks, metallic gloves, hair high ponytail
Hip Hop 5, Ne-Yo Mix:
Grey pants, pink stretch top, white cami, hip hop shoes, hair can be however
you want, but not down
Dino: Grey sweats, white t-shirt, hip hop shoes
Hip Hop 6, Rhythm Nation:
Black studded vest, black tank top, black harem pants, black/brown
combat boots, hair high ponytail
Adult Hip Hop, Can You Feel The Beat:
Colorful top (matches shoes), blue jeans, Workout shoes
Jazz 1, Happy:
Girls: Minion dress, goggles, black booty shorts, tan tights, black jazz
shoes, hair down with headband
Boy: Minion costumes, goggles, gloves, black jazz shoes
Jazz 2, At the Hop:
Colored dress, matching hat, tan tights, black jazz shoes, hair in low pony
with hair bow (provided)
Jazz 3, Wavin Flag:
Brown purple pink sparkly shirts, brown shorts, brown ribbon, black leotard,
tan tights, tan jazz shoes
Jazz 4A, We want the Funk:
Black and green shirts, Green hats, green earrings, Black spaghetti strap
leotard, black jazz shoes, tan tights, black booty shorts
Jazz 4B, Love Song:
Turquoise dress, black leotard, black booty shorts, tan tights, tan jazz
shoes, hair in half pony with hair bow (provided), rhinestone earrings
Jazz 5, Trouble:
Black and white top, neon leggings, black skirt, black jazz shoes, black
spaghetti strap camisole or leotard under top, no bra straps showing,
hair in wig cap with neon wig secured, rhinestone earrings, black headband,
hot pink lipstick
Jazz 6, Superspy:
Red jacket with belt, zebra hat, black leotard, or camisole, black leggings
(mid calf), tan tights, black jazz shoes, hair in low ponytail, hat secured to
head, rhinestone earrings
Jazz 7/8, Circus:
* Striped jacket, black leotard, red booty shorts, black bustle, tan tights, tan
jazz shoes, hair bun w/poof in front, eye makeup design
* Striped Bustle Biketard, tan tights, tan jazz shoes, hair bun w/poof in front,
eye makeup design
* Red/Gold Cami Top, black booty shorts, black bustle, tan tights, tan jazz
shoes, hair bun w/poof, eye makeup design
Jazz 9:
Love Me Again:
String Symphony:
Jean vest, black leotard, black booty shorts, tan tights, fishnet tights,
black jazz shoes, gold bling, hair down
Brown top, brown booty shorts, tan tights, tan jazz shoes
Adult Jazz, Stray Cat Strut:
Leopard top, leopard fedora, black leggings, black camisole, tan tights,
black jazz shoes, hair however you like it, hat secured to head, rhinestone
earrings, red lipstick
Pom, Megamashup:
Purple cheerleading uniform (skirt, and top), tan tights, black leotard, white
ankle cuffed socks, white tennis shoes, hair in HIGH pony with purple hair
bow (provided), rhinestone earrings.
Tap 1, Singin’ in the Rain:
Polka dot rain jackets, pink leggings, white tank, colored umbrella, black tap
shoes, hair in pig tails with pink hair bows (provided)
Tap 2/3 and Tap 4, Warriors:
Green leotard, black skater skirt, black satin sash, braided headband, tan
tights, black tap shoes, hair in bun, rhinestone earrings
Tap 5, Puttin on the Ritz:
Tuxedo (pants, shirt, vest, jacket, red bowtie), red socks, black tap shoes, hair
needs to be somewhat down, just make sure it doesn’t get in your face,
rhinestone earrings
Teen Tap, Singin’ in the Rain:
White jackets, red umbrellas, blue ankle length jeans, black tank, black tap
shoes, hair in half pony with red bandana (provided)
Musical Theater Tap, 42nd Street:
Red sequin dress, black booty shorts, strapless bra or clear strap bra, tan
tights, black heeled tap shoes with shoe bows, hair down and pretty with red
sequin headband
Rhett: red suspenders, red bowtie, black dress shirt, black slacks, black
socks, black tap shoes
***Show Choir***
Show Choir 1, Bop to the Top:
Blue dress, blue shorts, tan tights, black jazz shoes, hair in a ponytail with
flower clip (provided)
Show Choir 2, Halo and Princess Medley:
skater dress, apron (Princess Medley only), belt (Halo only), tan tights, black
booty shorts, black jazz shoes, hair in a half ponytail with bow clip (provided)