Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q1 As a patron/parent in the district, are you satisfied, dissatisfied, or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with the Fulton 58 School District? Answered: 290 Skipped: 5 Extremely satisfied Moderately satisfied Slightly satisfied Neither satisfied no... Slightly dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Extremely satisfied 13.10% 38 Moderately satisfied 13.10% 38 Slightly satisfied 10.00% 29 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 7.59% 22 Slightly dissatisfied 13.10% 38 Moderately dissatisfied 19.66% 57 Extremely dissatisfied 23.45% 68 Total 290 1 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q2 Are there problems with the Fulton 58 School District? Answered: 291 Skipped: 4 Extreme problems Normal problems Very few problems No problems 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Extreme problems 54.98% 160 Normal problems 36.08% 105 Very few problems 6.19% 18 No problems 2.75% 8 Total 291 2 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q3 Is there anyone to blame for the problems at Fulton 58 (choose as many as are appropriate)? Answered: 243 Skipped: 52 Teachers Building Principal(s) Assistant Superintendent Superintendent Parents Students Other Fulton 58 Staff School Board Community 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Teachers 37.04% 90 Building Principal(s) 45.68% 111 Assistant Superintendent 45.68% 111 Superintendent 75.31% 183 Parents 31.69% 77 Students 20.16% 49 Other Fulton 58 Staff 9.88% 24 52.26% 127 22.63% 55 School Board Community Total Respondents: 243 3 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey # Other (please specify) Date 1 Problems happen in all districts and applaud the administration for their diligence and manner in which they handle all issues 4/14/2015 6:14 PM 2 everyone plays a role in problems and solutions 4/14/2015 9:11 AM 3 This really depends on the school. Each group (except students) could be the problem at any given time. School and situation, can't get the line back to add situation to school. 4/12/2015 10:16 AM 4 No one in particular 4/9/2015 6:58 PM 5 Fulton Middle School Nurse 4/9/2015 5:57 PM 6 Public education 4/8/2015 8:30 PM 7 High degree of poverty creates a lot of problems that schools must deal with 4/8/2015 5:09 PM 8 All of the above. 4/8/2015 2:56 PM 9 cowherd 4/8/2015 2:25 PM 10 state government lack of appropriate funding 4/8/2015 10:20 AM 11 FHS principal 4/7/2015 10:15 PM 12 not sure depends on situation 4/7/2015 10:11 PM 13 The high percentage of poverty in the community 4/7/2015 6:22 PM 14 All the above. Every one needs to work together. 4/7/2015 5:56 PM 15 Dept of education 4/7/2015 4:30 PM 16 Some teachers 4/7/2015 2:29 PM 17 leadership is sorely hurting. money only interest.very confrontational,no one listens 4/7/2015 1:24 PM 18 Very broad question. I would say there are a few of each in every category. 4/7/2015 12:47 PM 19 jac cowheard 4/7/2015 12:39 PM 20 I think we are just learning about problems and where they really are coming from - it is too early to ask this kind of far it is all emotion and hear say talking 4/7/2015 12:16 PM 21 Mrs.engle 4/7/2015 11:46 AM 22 All equal.. Live in broken world 4/7/2015 10:20 AM 23 Special Education Personnel 4/7/2015 6:48 AM 24 Social media 4/7/2015 6:23 AM 25 I think some of the parents get too worked up and aren't happy unless they are causing problems. 4/7/2015 5:23 AM 26 I do not believe that there is a problem 4/6/2015 10:20 PM 27 Special Ed Teacher 4/6/2015 10:16 PM 4 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q4 How comfortable do you feel talking to District Administrators (Superintendent and Asst. Superintendent) about problems at Fulton 58? Answered: 261 Skipped: 34 Extremely comfortable Very comfortable Moderately comfortable Slightly comfortable Not at all comfortable 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Extremely comfortable 10.73% 28 Very comfortable 9.58% 25 Moderately comfortable 18.01% 47 Slightly comfortable 16.09% 42 Not at all comfortable 45.59% 119 Total 261 5 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q5 How comfortable do you feel talking to School Board members about problems at Fulton 58? Answered: 260 Skipped: 35 Extremely comfortable Very comfortable Moderately comfortable Slightly comfortable Not at all comfortable 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Extremely comfortable 9.62% 25 Very comfortable 16.15% 42 Moderately comfortable 26.92% 70 Slightly comfortable 16.92% 44 Not at all comfortable 30.38% 79 Total 260 6 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q6 How comfortable do you feel talking to Building Administrators (Principals) about problems at Fulton 58? Answered: 260 Skipped: 35 Extremely comfortable Very comfortable Moderately comfortable Slightly comfortable Not at all comfortable 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Extremely comfortable 22.69% 59 Very comfortable 20.77% 54 Moderately comfortable 23.08% 60 Slightly comfortable 16.15% 42 Not at all comfortable 17.31% 45 Total 260 7 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q7 According to Missouri's Educator Evaluation System, a District Superintendent is supposed to "engage in actions that provide a quality educational and instructional program that positively impacts student learning." What grade would you give the current Fulton 58 Superintendent on the following indicators from the Missouri's Educator Evaluation System: Answered: 241 Skipped: 54 8 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey "Establish the vision, miss... "Implement the vision, miss... "Promote positive... "Provide effective... "Ensure continuous... "Manage the organization... "Lead personnel" "Manage resources" "Collaborate with familie... "Respond to community... "Mobilize community... "Personal and professional... "Understand the larger... "Respond to the larger... "Influence the larger context" "Increase knowledge an... 0 "Establish the vision, mission and goals" "Implement the vision, mission and goals" "Promote positive culture in the district" 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 A B C D F 15.00% 36 15.83% 38 28.75% 69 18.75% 45 21.67% 52 240 1.84 10.46% 25 12.13% 29 26.78% 64 21.34% 51 29.29% 70 239 1.53 9.54% 23 13.28% 32 14.94% 36 17.43% 42 44.81% 108 241 1.25 9 / 20 Total Weighted Average Parents for Fulton Schools "Provide effective instructional programs" "Ensure continuous professional learning" "Manage the organizational structure" "Lead personnel" "Manage resources" "Collaborate with families and other community members" "Respond to community interests and needs" "Mobilize community resource" "Personal and professional responsibility" "Understand the larger context" "Respond to the larger context" "Influence the larger context" "Increase knowledge and skills based on best practices" SurveyMonkey 9.17% 22 13.33% 32 27.50% 66 22.50% 54 27.50% 66 240 1.54 12.45% 30 19.92% 48 23.65% 57 16.60% 40 27.39% 66 241 1.73 9.58% 23 14.58% 35 17.50% 42 22.08% 53 36.25% 87 240 1.39 10.00% 24 11.25% 27 17.50% 42 19.58% 47 41.67% 100 240 1.28 13.92% 33 16.03% 38 25.32% 60 18.14% 43 26.58% 63 237 1.73 10.00% 24 7.08% 17 15.42% 37 18.33% 44 49.17% 118 240 1.10 9.21% 22 7.11% 17 18.83% 45 17.57% 42 47.28% 113 239 1.13 6.69% 16 11.30% 27 22.18% 53 22.18% 53 37.66% 90 239 1.27 11.81% 28 9.28% 22 17.72% 42 20.25% 48 40.93% 97 237 1.31 12.29% 29 8.47% 20 19.07% 45 21.19% 50 38.98% 92 236 1.34 8.47% 20 10.17% 24 16.95% 40 21.19% 50 43.22% 102 236 1.19 7.63% 18 11.44% 27 16.95% 40 21.61% 51 42.37% 100 236 1.20 11.81% 28 10.55% 25 23.21% 55 18.14% 43 36.29% 86 237 1.43 10 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q8 Are you aware of the "Claim It" activity at Fulton Middle School on March 20th? Answered: 243 Skipped: 52 Yes No 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Yes 98.35% No 1.65% Total 239 4 243 11 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q9 Based on your current understanding of the "Claim It" activity, are you satisfied, dissatisfied, or neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with how the School District handled the incident? Answered: 244 Skipped: 51 Extremely satisfied Moderately satisfied Slightly satisfied Neither satisfied no... Slightly dissatisfied Moderately dissatisfied Extremely dissatisfied 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Extremely satisfied 6.15% 15 Moderately satisfied 6.56% 16 Slightly satisfied 4.51% 11 Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied 9.02% 22 Slightly dissatisfied 6.15% 15 Moderately dissatisfied 13.52% 33 Extremely dissatisfied 54.10% 132 Total 244 12 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey Q10 Do you have any suggestions for Fulton 58? Answered: 137 Skipped: 158 # Responses Date 1 More responsibility needs to be placed on teachers and building administrators. The superintendent should not be blamed for the claim it survey. I was impressed with how it was handled. I believe there should be more emphasis with teachers and building administrators on what is appropriate 4/14/2015 6:17 PM 2 Parents need to be involved all of the time, not just when there is a problem 4/14/2015 9:13 AM 3 Common sense, worry less about making people happy & concentrate on what is right for the children regardless of whether it's easy or politically correct. 4/13/2015 10:15 PM 4 understand why school board hired and continues to believe in and support our superintendent. he was passed over for promotion twice by Columbua Public Schools and then forced to leave his position as asst. superintendent. he then stepped away from education for a number of years. He has little integrity, is difficult to work with, denies teachers/other staff their rights by utilizing Professional Improvement Plans as a retaliatory measure and subjecting teachers and staff to petty, vindictive actions including bullying, threats, intimidation and lies. he has caused more than one good teacher to leave the district. 4/13/2015 7:49 PM 5 Make child safety a priority. 4/13/2015 6:42 PM 6 I'm very satisfied with the way the Fulton Schools operates. I don't believe this survey to be voiced in a fair manner. 4/13/2015 6:01 PM 7 It is in my opinion as well as many other parents and teachers that this is an administration problem and that it is beyond the time to ask for the superattendant to step down or be asked to resign. He knowing allows a child abuser into our schools after parent and staff complaints as well as on the news smirkes and comes across as arrogant on libe tv about the claim it activity. I feel for fulton to move past this and to come out on top again a change in the leadership is a most needed starting point. There are oroblems in many school systems but Fulton should have pride and start new with a new outlook and a fresh leader. . 4/13/2015 1:54 PM 8 There are great teachers at every school. Remember to thank them and focus in the positive along with working to fix the negative. These people are motivators and positive for our children: Melissa Speer, Camie Webb, Laura Brunk, Amy Crane, Jan Baley, Coleman Lee, Mr. Schnoeblen, 4/12/2015 10:23 AM 9 People need to remeber that "Claim it" was the second survey in a month that violated student rights. The first was the the bomb survey & the school is still covering that up and trying to pretend it didn't happen. Also, the student to teacher ratio is too high. They need more teachers. And according to Cowherd's budget, they have the money. 4/11/2015 10:13 AM 10 take responsibility and hold those that are truly accountable responsible. the "enforcer" needs to be held accountable. 4/9/2015 9:35 PM 11 no 4/9/2015 9:25 PM 12 The School board needs to step up and remove the Superintendent and Asst. Superintendent from their duties. They seem to think they can lie to and fool the public, lie to the school board, fabricate data to give false appearances to school board, public and DESE. They fail to adequately recognize excellence in performance of teachers and administrators, while falsely dismissing personnel without proper cause resulting in financial liability costs to the district, the taxpayers, ultimately hurting our students. 4/9/2015 8:39 PM 13 Get rid of the teachers coaches responsible 4/9/2015 8:00 PM 14 Bush School & all if it's components is perfect, my problems lie with the Fulton Middle School Nurse, and the continuous unaddressed bullying that goes on at the Middle School!!!!!!!!! 4/9/2015 6:01 PM 15 Accountability!!!! The teachers that were involved need to address the parents and community along with superintendent. The superintendent should of handled this immediately instead of making the parents WAIT. If he read what was sent out to the parents he should've known it wasn't appropriate!!! 4/9/2015 5:52 PM 13 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey 16 Use common sence, get teachers in that want to help the students and stop worring so much about sports and talking about sports and doorknobbing rapist when they should be helping the student's learn! Ask the students how they can be helped and how they feel the teachers can improve, get their opinion! I can go on, I am very disapoionted with Fulton right now and it is mainly the middle school! 4/9/2015 4:55 PM 17 Get new Principals 4/9/2015 4:48 PM 18 Take responsibility for actions, and don't "pass the buck" and blame the scapegoat. 4/9/2015 10:00 AM 19 more proactive in all aspects of an AAza÷ state wide school district 4/9/2015 7:53 AM 20 elect new blood into the school board. stop the school board from lining the pockets of their buddies. and the superintendent/board needs to be accountable for actions they implimented, and stop blaming their staff. 4/8/2015 11:48 PM 21 Raise teacher salaries. Fire the superintendent and pay his replacement no more than the highest paid teacher in the district. Same for building principals. 4/8/2015 10:54 PM 22 Terminate Dr Cowherd, Dr Hull, Mr. Crane, Coach Youse and Coach Masek. 4/8/2015 9:46 PM 23 when are you Fulton 58 stepping down 4/8/2015 9:23 PM 24 I feel that both the district and the community could do a better job of supporting our teachers and students in the classroom. I feel the district administration and school board do not engage the community in the ways that it should including creating task force of community members to help address identified problems and create creative solutions for providing resources to students and teachers. I feel that in general the community has fallen down when it comes to being actively engaged in the learning environment of all children not just their own. My experience with my children's teachers over the years has been an extremely positive one. Fulton has great teachers. The district and community need to do a better job of removing obstacles so that our teachers can focus on teaching not having to solve them problems today's youth face- we ad a community should be doing helping to address those problems and the administration should be leading the way in identifying those problems and reaching out to the community for help. This community is full of talented, caring, generous individuals with great ideas on how to build involvement and efficiently run businesses, let them help develop strategies so that teachers don't have to worry about how to resource a lesson. 4/8/2015 9:03 PM 25 Grades are artificially high. Stop making high school so easy. 4/8/2015 8:34 PM 26 According to the FPS Vision Statement "the FPS District is to be a model educational leader ...". Dr. Cowherd and Dr. Hull have violated the FPS policy on harassment which states "... harassment is verbal or physical conduct which is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive that it affects ones ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program of activity or creates an intimidating, threatening, or abusive educational environment". Both Dr. Cowherd and Dr. Hull have intimidated and threatened FPS staff with loss of jobs, loss of benefits, etc... I am extremely dissappointed in the school board who does not question anything and who takes everything our administrators tell them for being the truth. Data submitted to DESE was incorrect, yet Dr. Cowherd insisted it was correct. Dr. Hull openly lied to the school board during the December board meeting. Dr. Cowherd lied to the public in a recent article in the Fulton Sun about the re-assignment of the FMS principal. This type of behavior by Dr. Cowherd and Dr. Hull is not acceptable and results in a loss of integrity and trust with the district employees. The school board's job is to manage the Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent for the betterment of the FPS patrons. The Strategic Plan Goal #5 states: govern the LEA/District in an efficient manner providing leadership and representation to benefit the students, staff, and patrons of the district". If the board doesn't act now, they are basically reinforcing the intimidating, harassing, threatening, and lying behavior of the top adminstrators and not supporting the staff who works tirelessly to educate our district's children 4/8/2015 7:19 PM 27 Replace superintendent, problems start at the top. 4/8/2015 6:57 PM 28 "Claim It" has been going on for at least 4 years. Unfortunately the teachers who administered "Claim It" need to be fired & their immediate supervisors. Why didn't the supervisors know? Aren't lesson plans reviewed? Of course teachers directly involved are devastated, they realize their jobs & careers are at risk. More parents getting involved by helping, actually doing volunteer work & not criticizing ought to start a new process that would benefit the community. The superintendent has a huge job, daily lesson plans are teachers' & teacher supervisors' responsibility, not the superintendent's. 4/8/2015 6:57 PM 29 I believe that the teachers that were involved in the claimant activity should be held accountable and should address the parents of the community. I also feel that the teachers should have stood up and refused to do such activity 4/8/2015 6:56 PM 30 Implement a system for teachers to get approval for assignments of a sensitive nature with guidance counselors, parents, or the principal before implanting them. 4/8/2015 6:37 PM 14 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey 31 Fire murdee 4/8/2015 6:00 PM 32 TRUTH from all sides!!!!! 4/8/2015 5:49 PM 33 Continue and expand the fine work that the district is doing in the STEM field. The FAB lab is awesome and has given a number of high school students a life-changing educational experience. 4/8/2015 5:13 PM 34 change up the people in charge 4/8/2015 4:36 PM 35 Stop focusing on teaching only for MAP scores!!! This is hurting our kids and their education. Institute disciplinary measures. My child has to put up with many disruptive students and stay with those students most of the day with the new scheduling this year. Stop drug use in FMS restrooms. 4/8/2015 4:24 PM 36 starting thinking about your student body and getting them ready for college!! 4/8/2015 3:44 PM 37 clean house, start over, get a legitimate administration together. 4/8/2015 2:27 PM 38 Our school district is failing. There are terrible, awful things going on in the middle and high school level by the students that are being completely masked by the teachers, the staff, the administrators, superintendent and the school board. There is a "Good 'ole boys" club and entirely too many politics that do not need to be in the school district! I understand that it is easier to ignore the problems than to actually acknowledge that there is one and to fix it, but that doesn’t help anyone! You do not want the community to know that there are hard core drugs being used in the halls, that there is sex going on during school hours in the bathrooms, that there is a MAJOR truancy problem. There is a veil of secrecy in our schools. The Administrators and Superintendants are hiding things from our community that will make the district look bad, and that is NOT okay. I would rather hear that there is a problem and that you are working to fix it, rather than finding out on my own that there was a problem that was being covered up. That is ridiculously dishonest and unfair to the parents and to the community. Who is looking out for our kids if they’re not? I cannot be with my children during the 8 hours a day they’re at school. I need to KNOW that they are in good hands, that they are being cared for and that they are being taught. I have even heard from many substitute teachers in the district who absolutely refuse to teach at certain schools because they aren’t in the “popular clique”. If our regular teachers and administrators are okay treating substitute teachers this way, then how to we expect to reduce bullying with our kids? The entire school system needs to be completely revamped. I pray to God that it happens sooner rather than later. It is okay to say that we have failed our students and that there is a problem with the way we’ve been doing it. Change is a good thing people. I hope that the school board will do the exact same 4 things that I teach my kindergartner to do: 1. Recognize that they have made a mistake and that there is a problem, 2. Apologize for that mistake or problem, 3. Fix that mistake or problem, 4. Learn from that mistake or problem. It is time for the School Board to take responsibility. 4/8/2015 1:22 PM 39 get rid of cowherd 4/8/2015 1:08 PM 40 children should be able to share with teachers if they are getting bullied and I as a parent have experienced my children getting bullied. They are affraid to communicate with teachers because the golden rule for teachers is "if your not bleeding or hurt then it is considered tattle taling. I think there should be a better plan in place for children who are getting bullied because children who try to communicate getting bullied are being considered tattle tales and then they dont speak up and bullying just contimnues to happen. This has been my experience as a parent and I have had teachers validate the no tattling rule to me as well. This makes me uncomfortable to feel likemy child os not being protected at school and it is causing social emotional issues. 4/8/2015 12:49 PM 41 Teachers administering the activity, guidance counselors who were aware of the activity, principals aware of activity and the asst superintendent responsible for curriculum all need to go. This was inexcusable and has done irreparable damage to my child. 4/8/2015 12:27 PM 42 it needs to have a job shadow program for high school students 4/8/2015 11:16 AM 43 Everyone, community, teachers administrators, parents, and students, are responsible for the level of competence of the schools. 4/8/2015 11:09 AM 44 Fire Cowherd!!! Start at the top - if he had more involvment and was respeceted as an individual, I do not feel this would have happened. He has no involvment - its all about collecting a paycheck - he should have never been hired 4/8/2015 10:52 AM 45 Change top leadership personnel 4/8/2015 10:20 AM 46 Fire those coa hes 4/8/2015 7:03 AM 47 Stop passing the buck and take some responsibility 4/8/2015 6:43 AM 48 Needs a complete culture change based on student learning engagement and start building a learning organizational structure throughout the staff. 4/8/2015 6:39 AM 15 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey 49 Be better. 4/7/2015 11:47 PM 50 start at the top and work the way down Fulton needs all new administration and school board period. 4/7/2015 11:20 PM 51 not at this time I'm disgusted 4/7/2015 11:07 PM 52 Administration and school board need to be visable in the schools, they need to be spot checking all the schools, they need to be in charge and out there so they can see what is going on instead of hiding in their offices. 4/7/2015 10:42 PM 53 The school board must verify what is being told to them by top administrators. Information that does not add up should be questioned and corrected if determined to be inaccurate or false. Should intentional deception be discovered, then appropriate administrative actions to address any fundamental lack of future trust must be addressed by the board. 4/7/2015 10:39 PM 54 Clean out administration and school board members. 4/7/2015 10:20 PM 55 ensure kids are safe from drugs and the teachers find ways to help kids learn who have difficulties. they need to build kids confidence. I have been really impressed with some teachers and others not so much. 4/7/2015 10:15 PM 56 Teachers do not have the ability to teach anymore. They are held accountable for standardized test results, yet they are not supported in disruptive and behavioral problem children. At a recent parent teacher conference, I was told that my child's teacher was very proud of how my child handled disruption in the class room. Because the disruptive child "wanted" to be removed from the class, the teacher instead ignored the disruption, and students bothered by the disruption were to leave the class. So, a child that was wanting, and willing, to learn, as well as others, left the room, removing themselves from the lesson being taught as well as the disruptive student. How can this be conducive to learning? The emphasis is clearly on funding, based on attendance, rather than learning, yet the teacher is still accountable for ALL of the student's tests scores. Secondly, teachers are forced to adopt, and adapt, to the latest and greatest curriculum fads. Teachers are continually removed from their classroom for continous training on the new programs, leaving substitutes to teach their class. This not only creates a shortage of subs, but more importantly, costs the district for training and travel, but takes the professional out of the classroom. Again, these teachers are still held accountable for their standardized tests scores. Lastly, due to inconsistent practices by the administration, and board, teachers fear for their jobs and their morale is suffering because of it. 4/7/2015 10:04 PM 57 Less favoritism for staff's children. Disciplinary action for the middle school coaches 4/7/2015 9:50 PM 58 eliminate the teachers and person involved 4/7/2015 9:45 PM 59 new super and asst super; asst super is in charge of curriculum...why isn't she under the gun for this "Claim It" debacle as well??? 4/7/2015 9:23 PM 60 Ignore the self-appointed "representatives" of the parents. Listen to the results of the election. 4/7/2015 8:56 PM 61 My concerns are with "learning" There is a disconnect between GPA and ACT and PSAT scores. Looking over scores on other tests there are declines in reading comprehension starting in middle school. There are too many honors students with average to low test scores. This should worry those responsible for learning which includes administrators, parents, teachers and students. 4/7/2015 8:54 PM 62 go to hell 4/7/2015 8:48 PM 63 Fire the superintendent, assistant superintendent, and high school principal and the teacher and guidance counselor at the middle school involved in the claim it activity 4/7/2015 8:47 PM 64 Fire superintendent and assistant superintendant 4/7/2015 8:45 PM 65 Take into consideration learning needs/interest for students who gravitate toward ag/techincal trades. Rotate ag/practical arts classes so that students attending votech have the opportunity to take all classes available, schedule lunch so students going to votech actually have time to get their food and eat it before having to rush to the bus 4/7/2015 7:14 PM 66 Have a open door policy to everyone and to be concerned and listen and follow up 4/7/2015 6:57 PM 67 Start taking responsibility! It's all too obvious that the ONLY reason the District self-reported the recent violations of Federal law was that officials finally realized they had been caught flat-footed and had no way out. Cowherd certainly didn't have the sense to consult with the school attorney about 4/7/2015 6:36 PM 68 Don't allow a tiny, but vocal, group of parents to drive the agenda. 4/7/2015 6:26 PM 69 Time to hire a new superintendant. 4/7/2015 5:59 PM 16 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey 70 Superintendent should resign 4/7/2015 5:57 PM 71 while the schools are trying to do "surveys " , they need to work on the "no child left behind" how many kids have dropped out or not graduated in the past five years. 4/7/2015 5:14 PM 72 I would like to know why administrators have to clear with the superintendant what they want to discuss with the school board first. This needs to end!!!!! 4/7/2015 5:03 PM 73 Most problems facing the district stem from years of no child left behind, tenure and poor parenting students, parents as well as Fulton 58 need to take personal responsibility for actions, behaviors and outcomes. Blaming everyone else and thinking getting rid of 1-2 people is going to fix things, is the wrong approach. 4/7/2015 4:35 PM 74 The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent need to be replaced. There is no more trust for them throughout the district neither from the staff/faculty nor the community. 4/7/2015 4:21 PM 75 Shouldn't hv asked them such invasive question a. Not all pertain to middle school age group kids. 4/7/2015 4:08 PM 76 new leadership, return of alternative school. 4/7/2015 3:06 PM 77 Clean your house out!!!!!!!!!! 4/7/2015 2:31 PM 78 talk with both the parents not just one I have a daughter that goes to school at bush and stays with her dad during the week and even tho I'm not living in Fulton I have joint legal and joint custody and I have talked 2 the teacher and princable and I still don't have a clue what's going on with my kid 4/7/2015 2:11 PM 79 Remember the best resources you have are the teachers and the students. 4/7/2015 2:10 PM 80 I think they blew the claim it activity all out of proportion 4/7/2015 2:03 PM 81 I think it's terrible that next year the students can only take one elective. Those that were picked as office aides or library aides aren't able to do that because they want to be in band. You have students that wanted to do choir and band and now they're not allowed to do that. It's really not right that the students can't have these opportunities. 4/7/2015 1:49 PM 82 find leadership that cares about all children, staff; it starts at the top! 4/7/2015 1:31 PM 83 Eliminate all who had any knowledge of "Claim It". 4/7/2015 1:28 PM 84 If your wrong your wrong don't try to cover it up! 4/7/2015 1:10 PM 85 Fire superintendent and asst superintendent 4/7/2015 12:55 PM 86 Administer is highly over paid. The assistant superintendent is highly over paid, and does nothing to help parents. 4/7/2015 12:53 PM 87 Review the curriculum being taught and have established curriculum approval procedures. 4/7/2015 12:52 PM 88 There are great teachers and administrators in each building. There are some that are not up to par. We also have a disinterested client base, but also a very engaged parent groups that would like to do more but are afraid of being shot down. 4/7/2015 12:51 PM 89 Putting the blame on one person does not solve the problem. The teachers who performed this activity needs to go too. 4/7/2015 12:49 PM 90 starting with the Superintendent because he is not improving the district. It's all about money not teaching our kids. The teachers do a great job but no support for them. 4/7/2015 12:44 PM 91 I feel that there are things that shouldnt do nor say to the kids. The teachers go about some of there things all wrong. 4/7/2015 12:44 PM 92 Enforce the mo tolerance policy for bullying, learn how to keep track of all your students, especially in the elementary schools, find a different discipline system because the PBS system does not work! 4/7/2015 12:44 PM 93 get rid of the superintendent 4/7/2015 12:34 PM 94 Drug testing students in extracurricular activities 4/7/2015 12:30 PM 17 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey 95 I have a ton of suggestions for the Fulton 58 district and I plan to continue and increase my involvement. Discipline in the schools is my bigger concern. I don't think there is enough discipline and I don't think the teachers are allowed to discipline enough. With regard to the "claim it" I am appalled that someone now, March 20 or even back 9 years ago thought this would be appropriate. If Data needed to be collected using these questions, they should have been anonymous and volunteer. I don't think there is enough parent involvement on a positive or negative note. I think the public and parents need to step up and get more involved. Bad things happening should NOT be the reason parents get involved. They should be involved all along! 4/7/2015 12:24 PM 96 I think the superintendent who has been in charge of curriculum for years should be held accountable. I do not believe the principals at the Middle School have ever had the support they need to be successful. It is embarrassing that we have teachers in the district who can collaborate with each other and decide together that this activity is okay to use a classroom filler. Holding a principal, who has never had any support from administration, responsible for this incident should also be criminal. 4/7/2015 12:21 PM 97 Dr. Suzanne Hull needs to go. She is not honest. She is easily fooled by building administrators. She aligned claim it to the MO standards. She is responsible for many issues the district has. 4/7/2015 11:58 AM 98 Superintendent and Aasistent Superintendent need to be terminated. Cowherd is incapable of responding appropriately rather than whitewashing. Hull is either negligent or incompetent, as evidenced by her failure to establish curriculum standards that would have stopped the "Claim It" activity years ago because the methodology and some of the questions violate Federal law. 4/7/2015 11:52 AM 99 Board do their job hire a superintendent that will not threaten a parent with their child's education if you stand up against him. I vote a write in for Bill Simpson he was a great teacher who understands what needs to be done for our kids education. 4/7/2015 11:52 AM 100 Get someone in the Super seat who cares and isn't there to hold a name and get new members who actually care on the school board. Period. Fix your curriculum, go back to the old grading policy and quit being so worried about a kid failing. That is how we learned amd we are all functioning members of society. You are teaching these kids that if you are smart it doesn't matter amd if you don't quiet get it we will give it to you anyway...... Common Core tactics need to go.... now 4/7/2015 11:45 AM 101 The school board and district administrators need to take responsibility for what happens in the district, they Are the ones in charge of it. 4/7/2015 11:35 AM 102 Eliminate incentives for attendance that penalize those with medical conditions and encourage kids to come to school sick further compromising the health of those at greatest risk. Also, eliminate common core 4/7/2015 11:31 AM 103 recall board, fire Hull, and vote no confidence in the Coward 4/7/2015 10:50 AM 104 Do not extend the Superintendent's current contract. Hold the public officials (Board, Sup, Asst. Sup) accountable. Change the current makeup of the Board. 4/7/2015 10:48 AM 105 More communication w parents please 4/7/2015 10:23 AM 106 I believe that Fulton District needs to bring in a new superintedent for our students and to give us, as parents, reassurance. There has been many issues that have been pushed under the rug since Cowherd became part of our team. Out with the Old and In with the New. 4/7/2015 9:13 AM 107 Get rid of Jacque Cowherd 4/7/2015 8:57 AM 108 replace current central office administration 4/7/2015 8:29 AM 109 I am not a patron of Fulton Public Schools and could take this survey. I don't even reside in Fulton. Your survey design is sure to skew results and therefore make the data meaningless. 4/7/2015 8:14 AM 110 Remove the current Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent from their positions. As a former student of FPS, I am appalled by the direction the district is heading. Attendance and MAP scores should not be our primary focus. The focus should be proper education and to prepare our young people to enter the world. Since taking his position, Dr. Cowherd has shifted the focus of this district to the disadvantage of our students and families. 4/7/2015 7:36 AM 111 Fire Mr Cowherd. Poor leadership of the district, poor working relationship with teachers, parents and students. When elections cycle around, take a close look at board members and remove them as needed. 4/7/2015 7:33 AM 112 get rid of cowherd 4/7/2015 7:28 AM 113 Clean house 4/7/2015 7:12 AM 114 The parents, need to stop bringing in so much drama.. Ecspesially with the claim it game.. It's ridiculous... Yes it was wrong but why take it this far. 4/7/2015 7:06 AM 18 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey 115 I'd like to see random and unannounced monitoring of classros for teacher effectiveness. At FMS, you have two teachers that I'm personally aware of that routinely have little involvement in the class. For example, putting in s book on tape and expecting any audience to be engaged, I feel is unacceptable. Engage the students and get them intetested; role play, etc. In order to involve all. The same goes for simply reading strAight from text book and then giving class a study guide with prefilled answers! If monitoring occurs it needs to be unannounced with arrival to the classroom after class has begun. 4/7/2015 6:41 AM 116 Replace the superintendent, get rid of lazy teachers, and stop letting go of good quality teachers, make the district a place teachers want to stay rather than just a stepping stone for their career. 4/7/2015 6:38 AM 117 own up to your mistakes instead of burying your heads in the sand 4/7/2015 6:24 AM 118 No 4/7/2015 6:22 AM 119 Clean house with all administrators, the problem occurs in all buildings with principals bullying teachers with their power. 4/7/2015 5:57 AM 120 The district curriculum administrator should be held accountable for the health curriculum. No excuses. 4/7/2015 5:36 AM 121 Having misleading statements to the media, only to have DESE publicly denounce them is irresponsible and embarrassing. Accountability is lacking for the superintendent on this issue and many others that have taken place. He is ultimately responsible for the issue. Having an already outgoing principal take the fall for the incident adds to the insult of the situation. The board needs to make the superintendent accountable immediately. 4/7/2015 5:33 AM 122 Allow better community access to school facilities 4/7/2015 3:16 AM 123 Get rid of the current leaders bring in some that care for our kids instead of money!! I find it crazy they call me 5 times a day for my child being absent but when he was in a fight I got one message and he was sent back to class 4/7/2015 2:12 AM 124 Start communicating with parents, and start listening to the students about problems they are having no matter their family's financial situation. Learn to be the leadership you set out to be when you first wanted to be in this field. 4/7/2015 12:49 AM 125 Fire the superintendent. 4/6/2015 11:37 PM 126 Your survey sucks. I can't even express my concern. 4/6/2015 11:17 PM 127 Claim it. Claim all of it. 4/6/2015 11:00 PM 128 I have so many suggestions; however, I did not last year, nor do I currently, feel any of the teachers, staff or administration I encountered were either willing to hear my suggestions nor have the desire to make the changes I deem necessary. Because of this, I not only quit working for FPS, but also pulled my kids out after only a year, choosing instead to send them to KCA. Best decision EVER! I would NEVER recommend Fulton Public Schools. EVER. Not only was the whole experience a huge disappointment, but also a HUGE regret. I should've withdrawn my kids at Christmas of last year, if not sooner. I always knew I would not send my kids to the middle school (BTW, why is no one discussing the elephant in the room? the herion.cocaine problem at the middle school? or the students there threatening the teachers?); however, I truly thought the elementary school would be fine. Wow, was I wrong. If these parents saw and heard what I did in a day or what my child came home and told me, there would be a change -- parents would be horrified and PISSED! 4/6/2015 10:55 PM 129 kids nust come first with quality educational resources meeting todays culture, topics, tools for getting the best education 4/6/2015 10:53 PM 130 The 3 coaches should be removed from the school for multiple reasons. Their lack of common sense, the fact that they did not follow what was on their lesson plan, having no consideration for what these children go through at home and with their peers, violating the trust of their students and parents, and setting these children up for failure. The Superintendent lost all respect when he lied, chose to speak to media before letting parents know, and sending a vague email to parents that didn't give us enough information to ask our children what class it happened in. My child assumed that it must have been ok to do this "game" because the teachers were doing it. My child trusted those teachers to never make her question their authenticity. This is unacceptable and all persons involved in this will be removed from the school or these parents will continue to pursue action to make sure that happens. 4/6/2015 10:51 PM 131 Ask and follow advice of Chris Crane re ongoing parental communication. worry as much about parental consent as you do about child statements re possible criminal activity. move hull into superintendent position....asking her to remember her days at fms and the great job she did there. place high dropout rates at the top of our list of concerns and reach out for solutions....get something in place now and make dropping out a dumb decision. let's teach these kids and prepare them for a future that includes a career. 4/6/2015 10:51 PM 19 / 20 Parents for Fulton Schools SurveyMonkey 132 not to feel attacked as parent 4/6/2015 10:49 PM 133 Take action to provide a better education to children. Earn respect from the community by accepting responsibility of failures and take real actions to improve them. Hold staff and administration accountable for their own actions and failures. Positively recognize great actions and skills by staff and administrators. 4/6/2015 10:36 PM 134 Treat great teachers better. Let the teaches know they're appreciated and respected. 4/6/2015 10:28 PM 135 Fire the Superintendant for his lack of ability ! Also fire all teachers involved with "claim it" they had to of known those questions would break laws and I think if their morels and values are low enough to ask those questions to children they shouldn't be teaching anyway! Just stating the obvious to the school board ! 4/6/2015 10:26 PM 136 Start putting the needs of the students first. Understand without them, there would be no district. Take parents serious and start showing them respect. Many parents are taking their children out of this district and it makes me wonder how many kids would be left if all the parents that would like to relcoate could. I am embarressed that my children even attend school here and if I could afford to relcoate I would. 4/6/2015 10:21 PM 137 Pay teachers more. 4/6/2015 10:19 PM 20 / 20
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