Mentor and Model of Christlike Hearts

Mentor & Model
Ave Maria, Ave
In the Quiet, Liam Lawton, GIA Publications (2002)
Who so kind might step into our lives.
Who so fine might walk with us in life.
Words of hope, you breath within our hearts.
Words of love to call us from the dark.
Guide us on the journey.
Show to us the way.
Be our home of resting,
Our comfort when we stray.
Who so good might humbly bow to God.
Guide us in your wisdom
Saying YES, accepting of the Word.
And your blessing share,
Crowned with love, you offer us God’s peace.
As we come rejoicing,
O that we might come and taste the feast!
Ave Maria, ave!
Guide us on the journey.
Show to us the way.
Be our home of resting,
Our comfort when we stray.
Guide us in your wisdom
And your blessing share,
As we come rejoicing,
Who so young might know when fear comes near.
Standing close, you long for us to hear
Words of MERCY that tell about your Son,
Words of CALM to heal the broken one.
Ave Maria, ave!
Guide us on the journey.
Guide us on the journey.
Show to us the way.
Show to us the way.
Be our home of resting,
Be our home of resting,
Our comfort when we stray.
Our comfort when we stray.
Guide us in your wisdom
Guide us in your wisdom
And your blessing share,
And your blessing share,
As we come rejoicing,
As we come rejoicing,
Ave Maria, ave!
Ave Maria, ave!
Full-hearted Acceptance
Receptivity – Openness -- Readiness
can this be . . . ?”
Emptiness to listen
Humility, Servant-response
Gave up her reputation
Non-defensive manner of receiving interruptions to her plans
Focus on the issue at hand vs. reactionary remarks
“I am
the servant of the Lord . . .”
Courage & Faith:
(1) No master plan was detailed,
(2) Faced stoning, (3) No “Pollyanna”
She had the freedom to say “No.”
announcements or interruptions to personal plans can evoke
anxiety. Mary replaced fear with faith.
• How do I receive interruptions to my plans?
• How do I respond to messengers who bring life-altering
• When I am the messenger of God for another person, does
my manner evoke fear or faith?
“My being proclaims
the greatness of the Lord. . .”
Selfless . . . Compassionate
Notoriety, public honor,
talent, or giftedness can easily engage the “false self.” Called
to be an instrument in salvation history, Mary recognized that
she was the blessed beneficiary of the graciousness of God.
Rather than bask in personal honor, she focused the glory on
God and gave her energy to the need of Elizabeth.
Ability to put things in perspective
Ability to prioritize needs vs. wants
Outreach to need in the midst of her own need
Humility that highlights God’s covenant
Knowledge of Scripture (Magnificat)
“Present moment” over “agenda” . . . Stayed three months
“Mary treasured
all these things
and reflected on
them in her
• How responsive am I when the needs of another person come
to my attention?
• In times of success and failure, do I glorify God by recalling
who I am and Whose I am?
• Is it my practice to validate the action of God within the
souls of others?
Obedient . . . Did not seek exception . . . No complaint
Experiences vulnerability and the mercy of others
Knows inconvenience and hardship . . .
Accepts and appreciates whatever God provides
Willing to share the Infant Jesus . . . Non-possessiveness
Better vs. Bitter
Patient Endurance
As gracious with the poor as she is with the wealthy
Like Mary, we are called to give
birth to Christ in our daily living. The human heart can
be a crowded inn or a receptive manger.
• Is my heart today a crowded inn or a receptive
manger ?
• Am I a bearer of Good News to persons bound by fear?
• Where in my life do I need to hear God’s angel say, “Do
not be afraid”?
“. . . and you
yourself shall
be pierced with
a sword . . .”
Luke 2: 22-35
• Obedient to lawful authority
• Respectful of rite, ritual, and customs of faith tradition
Luke 2: 33
• In a continual process of learning,
discovery . . .
• Not acting out a script
• Living with questions
• Acceptance without understanding
Luke 2: 34
• Responded with trust in the face of challents
• Long-suffering vs. bitterness & paralysis
• Lived in the present; trusted the future to Divine Providence
Flight into Egypt
“Get up . . .
and flee into
Egypt. Stay
there until
I tell you
Prophetic voices, validating feedback, and
comforting messages are graced interventions.
Mary accepted with open hands and heart the twoedged sword of prophecy.
• Where am I needed to provide life-giving support
• Who have been the Annas and Simeons in my life
• How well do I honor the rituals of my faith
Believe in dreams and intuition
Refugees, Immigrants
New Beginnings
Negotiated “unknowns”
Without family, friends, support system . . .
??? If they knew, how did they feel that the Innocents
were sacrificed for the sake of Jesus?
Flight into Egypt
The Return to Nazareth
Herod considered Jesus as a
competitor, a threat to his power and control. Innocents
were murdered to calm his fear. Jesus was saved because
Joseph trusted his dream-intuition and took his family to
Egypt for safety. When “herods” threaten the life within,
God advises the soul to flee to Egypt. Egypt is wherever the
soul finds security.
• What am I afraid of losing? What fear(s) hold my heart
captive like Herod?
• Who or what is a “Herod” to me, seeking to smother life
within me?
• Where is my “Egypt”— the place I seek for safety?
“ They set out for
the land of Israel.”
“ Because of a
warning received in
a dream . . .
Galilee. . . in a town called Nazareth.”
Readjustments / Transitions
Reunited with Family
Assimilation into mixed population of Jews and Gentiles
Re-establish relationships
(after 10 years)
Long memories of hometown villagers
The Return to Nazareth
Joseph discerned that it was safe to
return to Nazareth – to a place of family and friends but also
to small villagers with long memories! For some, Jesus would
always bear the reputation of being conceived outside of
marriage. Probably Mary and Joseph met with disapproval,
suspicion and judgment from some folks. Regardless, they
lived the peace that is the fruit of doing the will of God.
• Do I receive the opinion of others as information or definition?
• When is my heart most “at home”?
Informed by – but not defined by – public opinion
Fulfilled the Scripture: “He will be called a Nazarene.”
Finding in the Temple
“Son, why have
you done so to
us ? . . .”
“His mother,
meanwhile, kept
all these things
in memory.”
Finding in the Temple
• What do I need to leave behind in order to come home to my
Sociability… traveled with friends
Victim of fear; worry
Victim of assumptions:
“I thought he was with you.”
Acknowledges / “owns / feelings (sorrow, fear)
Communicate directly; Clarify and isolate
issue; Speak only what is necessary [true,
necessary, helpful); Speak the truth in
love [with-hold punches/ stings]; let it go
after you deal with it
TEACHABLE MOMENT: Gives reason for reproof which
can teach empathy
Wedding at Cana
Loss of
something precious motivates searching, retracing steps,
looking for clues, and surrender. It often brings us to the
temple of the soul to reclaim treasure.
“They have
no more wine.”
• Am I about the Father’s business?
• Have the losses in my life led me to the temple of my
• Do I combine respectful assertiveness and direct
communication in a Mary-like way?
“Do whatever he tells you.”
Group Work
1.  READ the Scripture Passage aloud.
2.  DISCUSS: What personality traits or
virtues of Mary “pop out” to you? Use
the “Round Robin” custom to share them
with the group.
Jesus replied, “Woman, how does this concern of
yours involve me? My hour has not yet come.”
His mother instructed those waiting on table, “Do
whatever he tell you.” As prescribed for Jewish
ceremonial washings, there were at hand six stone
water jars, each one holding fifteen to twenty-five
“Fill those jars with water,”
Jesus ordered, at which they
filled them to the brim. “Now,”
he said, “draw some out and
take it to the waiter in charge.”
The Wedding at Cana, Jn. 2: 1-11
On the third day there was a
wedding at Cana in Galilee, and
the mother of Jesus was there.
Jesus and his disciples had
likewise been invited to the
At a certain point the wine ran out, and Jesus’
mother told him, “They have no more wine.”
They did as he instructed
them. The waiter in charge
tasted the water made wine,
without knowing where it had
come from; only the waiters
knew, since they had drawn
the water.
Jesus performed this first of his signs at Cana
in Galilee. Thus did he reveal his glory, and
his disciples believed in him.
Then the waiter in charge called the groom over
and remarked to him: “People usually serve the
choice wine first; then when the guest have been
drinking awhile, a lesser vintage. What you have
done is keep the choice wine until now.”
Wedding at Cana
Awareness of others and their needs
Anticipates another’s need
Empathy and Compassion
Proactive; Takes initiative!
Knowledge of her son
Ability to predict her son’s responsiveness
Advice for the ages – “Do whatever he tells you.”
“Near the
of Jesus
there stood
Mother. . .”
Containers for water one minute are the
next minute vessels of wine. The containers remained
unchanged while their contents were transformed. The
touch of Christ made the difference.
• How Mary-like am I in sensitive awareness and
anticipation of the needs of others?
• Am I intentional about following Mary’s advice: “Do
whatever he tell you”?
• When need is brought to my attention, is my response full
measure or half-hearted?
Inablity to right a wrong!
Strong, silent presence
She does what she CAN rather than
be paralyzed by what she CANNOT
Inadequacy, Impotency = Poverty
“Being” versus “Doing”
Faithful Witness – the First Disciple
Standing Near the Cross
SILENT SENTINEL: Powerless to affect change or to
intercede for her son, Mary did what she could do. She
stood in silent solidarity and she suffered with Jesus.
“ . . . There were some women
in their Company, and Mary
the mother of Jesus. . .”
• Is it my practice to do what I can to alleviate suffering
rather than allow myself to be paralyzed by what I cannot
• Do I let sorrow transform me into a person of compassion
or a person of bitterness?
• In what ways do I cultivate an adult relationship with
Mary of the Cenacle
Source of Unity
Model of Forgiveness
Demonstrated the meaning of
“forgive and forget”
The apostles abandoned Jesus
in his hour of need. Judas betrayed him, Peter denied him, and
all but John scattered and stayed out of view. And yet there is
no hint of reproof or recrimination in Mary. She unified the
group. She modeled the forgiveness taught by her son. She
became the agent of their on-going formation.
• How well do I give public witness to my relationship with
• Am I an agent of unity?
Formation Directoress for the Early Church
• Do my faults and sin lead me to self-hatred or to develop a
sense of compassion?
• How often do I contribute to the spirit of community prayer?
ANNUNCIATION . . . A poem by Ann Johnson
Miryam of Nazareth: Woman of Strength and Wisdom
(Ave Maria Press, pp. 72-73)
The Visitation . . .
“To My Surprise”
by Rory Cooney, Gary Daigle, Theresa Donohoo
North American Liturgy Resources, 1988
Look at me, hardly a woman
Yet life within me grows each passing day
A daughter of my Father’s house
I have trusted that God’s love would light my way.
And to my surprise my God has seen me
A servant of his household did he see
And my heart aflame shall magnify his name
For love has kept its promises to me.
He fills the poor with good things
Look at me, your father’s big sister
And you wouldn’t say exactly “in my prime.”
All my life did I wait for him
For I know he comes to rescue us in time.
And to my surprise my God has seen me
A servant of his household did he see
And my heart aflame shall magnify his name
For love has kept its promises to me.
Who are we? Children of Israel!
Only captives of the Eagle and the Sword.
And the rich have empty hands
He slays the high and the mighty
And the poor shall have their land.
Eyes are full; we heed our call
To live and die as servants of the Lord.
And to our surprise Our God shall see us
The servants of his household shall he hear
Let your hearts proclaim and magnify his name
For love will keep its promise to appear
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you.
Gabriel (Lk. 1:28)
Blessed are you among
women and blessed is
the fruit of your womb.
Elizabeth (Lk. 1:42)
Holy Mary, Mother of
God, pray for us sinners
now, and at the hour of
our death.
Look at me! Look at us! God’s love is here!
15th Century Church
Rejoice, Mary, full of grace
the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among
women, and blessed is the
fruit of your womb Jesus. . .
“Who Clausal”
“The center of gravity in the Hail
Mary, the hinge as it were which
joins its two parts, is the name of
Jesus. …
Pope Paul VI drew attention…to the
custom…of highlighting the name of
Christ by the addition of a clause
referring to the mystery being
On the Most Holy Rosary, #33
. . . Whose presence
within you caused the
child within Elizabeth’s
womb to leap for joy.
. . . Because of Whom your own soul
was pierced “so that the thoughts of
many hearts could be laid bare”.
. . . Who lived a hidden life with
you and Joseph in Nazareth and
there grew in “wisdom, age and
. . . Who accepted
the cross in silence
and began his Via
Dolorosa through
the narrow streets
of Golgatha.
. . . Who said:
behold your Son.
Son, behold
Your Mother.“
. . . Whose
bruised, lifeless
body you cradled
in your arms.
Second Life-Lesson
1. Be Non-defensive in the
Face of Mistreatment
2. Accept Human Support
3. Choose to Love Regardless
of Circumstances
4. Overcome Evil with Love
5. Rely on Divine Providence
4th Station: Jesus Meets his Mother
5th Station: Simon helps Jesus
Accept Human Support
Jesus and Mary met along the path of pain. Both
were inadequate to relieve the suffering of the other
but both were willing to bear the suffering in trust.
Motivated by expediency soldiers forced Simon to
assist Jesus. Through their tears and cries, women
protested the inhumane cruelty inflicted on Jesus. For
one woman, empathy overshadowed fear of reprisal
and she dared to wipe Jesus’ bloodied face.
Compassion comes in many sizes. It blesses the one
who receives and it stretches the one who gives.
consists of:
1. “Hail Mary . . . Jesus”
2. A “Jesus Clause”
3. A “desired grace”
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb Jesus . . . . . . whose weakened condition continued to
deteriorate, making the cross unmanageable
6th Station: Veronica helps Jesus
Give me the humility to resign myself to
personal inadequacy. 11
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women
blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
Jesus Clause
Desired Grace
Jesus Clause
! Develop within me empathy and compassion for others who suffer. ! Whose unjust suffering pierced your soul. Desired Grace
! Whose glance met yours and communicated purpose. ! Teach me to be present to the needs of others. 1
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women
blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
Desired Grace
Jesus Clause
Desired Grace
!  in Whose passion you shared. Jesus Clause
!  Give me the grace to embrace my own suffering without complaint. ! Whose physical stamina was mortally impaired 3
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
! Give me paDent endurance when I encounter health problems or feelings of diminshment. 4
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women
blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
Jesus Clause
! Who was given the help of Simon because the soldiers feared he would die along the way and escape the torture of crucifixion Desired Grace
Jesus Clause
! Increase my faith in God’s providence to make all things work together for my good – even the impure moDvaDons of others. 5
! Who accepted Simon’s help and shared the burden of the cross Desired Grace
! Move me to allow others to help me. 6
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women
blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
Jesus Clause
Desired Grace
! Who invites me to be a Simon for others who struggle under the weight of a cross Jesus Clause
! SensiDze me to the burdens that another person carries. 7
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
Desired Grace
! Who was refreshed and affirmed by the sensiDvity of Veronica ! Move me today to serve as a Veronica to someone. 8
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you;
blessed are you among women
blessed are you among women
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus . . .
Jesus Clause
Jesus Clause
Desired Grace
! Who calls me to grow in compassion and service ! Stretch my heart to imitate you. 9
Desired Grace
! Who challenges me to ! Hone in me the be a Veronica to humility to place both others and do what I my strengths and my can to alleviate limitaDons in the suffering instead of service of the Gospel. being paralyzed by what I cannot do 10
Ave Maria, Ave
Holy Mary,
In the Quiet, Liam Lawton, GIA Publications (2002)
Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
Now and at the hour of our death.
Who so kind might step into our lives.
Who so fine might walk with us in life.
Words of hope, you breath within our hearts.
Words of love to call us from the dark.
Glory be to the Father . . .
Guide us on the journey.
Show to us the way.
Be our home of resting,
Our comfort when we stray.
Who so good might humbly bow to God.
Guide us in your wisdom
Saying YES, accepting of the Word.
And your blessing share,
Crowned with love, you offer us God’s peace.
As we come rejoicing,
O That we might come and taste the feast!
Ave Maria, ave!
Guide us on the journey.
Show to us the way.
Be our home of resting,
Our comfort when we stray.
Guide us in your wisdom
And your blessing share,
As we come rejoicing,
Who so young might know when fear comes near.
Standing close, you long for us to hear
Words of MERCY that tell about your Son,
Words of CALM to heal the broken one.
Ave Maria, ave!
Guide us on the journey.
Show to us the way.
Be our home of resting,
IHM Formative Support for
Parents & Teachers
Our comfort when we stray.
Guide us in your wisdom
Dr. Patricia M. McCormack
And your blessing share,
As we come rejoicing,
Ave Maria, ave!