.." I Q,:.*....1,. -'ii';,_. ' 'ii { mai *".*" ".!i ttt t.1 tr -.'-. .i" ''a; ^'- a J . L.L.-lc - :i ] ,l.p' t''.,,,.n,:.i r: k;,Iji:''*.,*",i,1.' ' q* ,: 'ia MTECH nI *'1' a,E 't. _'t 'd rt :r :i1 : :l Cert{tcate of Compfunce f* 'f, { F;i * t;' ''' *,. *l We confirm that the technical documentation for the below mentioned product (medical devices of the Class according to the Council Directive 93/42nEC I) ,.4 :'t 'rfr t}: li Non-Sterile Reusable Surgical Instruments and Accessories f-. J,.+ !t" t 'a'r], tr $ *i (For detailed specifications refer to Annexure of this Certificate, Page 1) li i,3 Manufactured by company .! -k .i. PAREVA MEDICAL SYSTEMS A-1, PRANEEL C.H.S., LINK ROAD, OPP. ESKAY RESORTS, BORTVALI (WEST), MT'MBAI - 4OO IO3, nL INDIA .i* "f complies with the applicable requirements of the Directive93/42{EEC. il: Referring to the intended use, the Certification Body has conducted with successful results the review of the manufacturer's technical documentation of the certified product according to above mentioned Directive and appropriate Harmonized European Standards. ": 1*- 1 {i ' .c' t.i This Certificate is issued under the following conditions: i.' The manufacturer's technical documentation, as required for class I devices, has been reviewed and found to comply with the requirements in Annex VIl, Section 3. # It applies only to the mentioned models of the medical devices. /ii The manufacture is obligated to assure conformity of all the medical devices of the respective model to the type assessed by the mean of this Certificate. The Certificate validity is conditioned by the positive results of the *1 ". ,l surveillance audits. .*,. Any significant changes in the design or process used to manufacture the product, or revision to the Directives or :d standards referred above may require special audit by Eurotech Assessment and Certification Services Pvt. Ltd. The IA ;!;!; product liability rests with the manufacturer or his representative in accordance with council Directive. .i After fulfilling the relevant EU legislation requirements, the manufacturer shall affix to each medical device, of the fl*i dr above referenced models, CE-marking according to the following example: ,t, 'gt tt f.i ..ti l. 2. {: 3. 4. 5. :g' :i"' 'r.iil ''+ ii fi {. (€ #,r \' drF \r# ',. ,* . \ \ { 1., 1 t. .,\' \, 1 .. !r! .* \, -r'-'t :- 'i* t .r#' It-- : Issue l)ate : ExpiryDate : certificateNo. {* -f. *.":i xb ET/Iv{DDl20l0l7zl November 25,2410 November24,2015 Authorized Signature Eurotech Assessment and Certification Services Pvt Ltd. *$ .B i'h .,- . *,. ( 1 The Certificate remains the property of Eurotech Assessment and Certification Services h/t. Ltd. to whom it must be returned on request. URL: www.eurotechworld.net; E-mail: info@eurotechworld.net /.f. '-i* si' ,"$ * r-.-q , .'1" --:.' -.. 7.\ -4 , t.y-.: ..- h * t',*.. - ... -o b:...i:*t;" n -- I . ri.-_.,*Jt. . / ,t t4*-3*"*4 iF ' .- t --. , "* ? I 'a}! . i*", :*: .!'.1;*-,r -.,:,,:d;:" ] ];1ttt:t'*l{itrt']* ,.jP 'I MTECH *4 ,t lt' aco I 'f ,*i !A tr! '& :.i:rl .1,: 1!! .flnneryre to Cert{tcate . dd f, te 'xF :t $ PAREVA MEDICAL SYSTEMS s sa l.$ List of the medical devices covered by the EC certificate: i{ ;b 'l* & f:.. ;!: Product Group Product I Forceps- It' Jaw Inserts o=;f" vf{ ifiti Non-Sterile Reusable Surgical fnstruments & Accessories TYne of Model Forceps Handles, Forceps & Forceps Tube Shaft & (Non-Sterile) , Gyanecological Instruments !! ""f irt q ir,1; ri (Non-Sterile) ,s -|g\ ti Manipulators (Non-Sterile) ^* '* Retractors (Non-Sterile) .f" ttg f ,,, t"il * C lip Applicators (Non-Sterile) i;, , fi' Needle Holder (Non-Sterile) : ql (Non-Sterile) Probes tr '.,F'*' iilt {* Suction irrigation Cannula 1k' ,#, ** *t & Dissectors (Non-Sterile) a,l f,. Sheath & Bridges (Non-Sterile) ' f-+ Pre Bent Instruments (Non-Sterile) Accessories (Non-Sterile) t 1p- a( r.&. sl Clamps (Mono Polar 's & Bipolar/ Cables (Mono Polar & Bipolar)i .j -, ReducerV Bend Aoplicator/ Vaeinal Tubes ,.'',i*, Needle for Aspiration & 3ir ti f1 ,!*, ,r!. a .\.!. . \ i'", ",. ^ \.-,,t'\ \,u,\*" i , -" ,':,#, tb. F c.? $ .k..': d.' l,{,1 .ti, & .',f IrrigationV PCOD Needle/ Elevators/ Introducerv ,q d.'\ q*|, \gl. dt c,? Cables for Fiber Optic Endoscopes/ Connectors/ Adapters/ WasherV Working Element (Active & Passive/ CapV Protection CoverV Holding Instruments/ Hollow .iiil. ' , .qi Flexible, Semi Rigid, Articulating & f" ]F i;J; Trocar Cannula (Non-Sterile) *lr ..a 't' Dilators (Non-Sterile) s 'f *,\ 9t Bipolar Forceps & Instnrments s;. ..s x 1- {Non-Sterile) f, 'i:*i Jr A-1, pRAI\tf,EL C.H.S., Ln{K ROAD, OPP. ESKAY RESORTS, BORTVALT (WEST), MTIMBAI - 4OO IO3,II\DIA *.i * ri' llii '{* t; f.* t aL Issued for the company: 5| '.*i Its f,;* ..s No. ET/lVIDDlz0l0l7zl i*' '{ ,i: No. : IssueDate : Expiry Date : Certificate ETA4DDl20l0l72l November25,20l0 November24,20l5 "r i r(rf ' 15 'ki: $': Authorized Signature Eurotech Assessment and Certifrcation Seruices f hrt rb ..t_ Ltd. .dD f s 0l of01 :d , .The Certificate remains the pmperty of Eurotech Assessment and Certification Services Pw. Ltd. to whom it must be returned on request. ,;'& .'t - * '1*.r..,'-tt ...r:. hflq.t .'_..oo."'-.-.'!*rt info@eur-otechworld.net , tl--,* ,t n... ' ; r':*\-.br-': ".u ,lqi ---.r^".- I tO*"I URL: www.eurotechworld.net; E-mail: 'r 1,,--+ ,, -l ,,,..'. * " , *,... .j*{O / _;*\ *, ..n:ioi ;r - ';a
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