123rd PARHAM FAIR AT THE PARHAM FAIRGROUNDS August 21st & 22nd, 2015 FREE PARKING ON THE GROUNDS www.parhamfair.ca Hosted by the Parham Agricultural Society 1|P ag e Table of Contents YARD DISPLAY CONTEST ……………………………………………………….3 YOUNG ARTISTS FAIR BOOK GRAPHICS CONTEST ………..……….4 PEOPLE OF THE FAIR....………………………………………………………….5 ENTRY TAGS AND ENTRY FORMS..…………………………………………9 RULES AND REGULATIONS ………………………………………………….10 HORSE DRAW ……………………………………………………………………..13 MINIATURE HORSES ……………………………………………………………14 PETTING ZOO ………………………………………………………………………14 CLASS D – CATTLE – BEEF …………………………………………………….15 CLASS E – CATTLE – DAIRY ……………………………………………………16 JUNIOR CATTLE SHOW …………………………………………………………17 4H – 100th ANNIVERSARY …………………………………………………….18 CLASS H – GRAIN ……………………………………………………………..….19 CLASS I – ROOTS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS …………………………20 CLASS I – GIANT PUMPKIN SPECIAL ………………………………………21 CLASS J – FORAGES ……………………………………………………………….21 CLASS K – HOME GROWN HERBS ………………………………………….21 CLASS L – FLOWERS ………………………………………………………………22 CLASS M – HONEY AND MAPLE SYRUP ………………………………… 24 CLASS N – BOTTLED GOODS ………………………………………………….24 CLASS P – PHOTOGRAPHY …………………………………………………….26 CLASS Q – BAKING ………………………………………………………………..27 CLASS R – DOMESTIC NEEDLEWORK …………………………………….29 CLASS S – QUILTS …………………………………………………….…………..30 CLASS T – CRAFTS ………………………………………………….……………..31 CLASS TT – ADULT ARTWORK ……………………………………………….31 CLASS TTT – ADULT EGG SECTION ………………………………………..32 CLASS U – CHILDREN’S SHOW …………………………………………….33 CLASS UU – HIGH SCHOOL SHOW ………………………………………..34 CLASS UUU – POSTER COMPETITION ……………………………………35 CLASS V – JUNIOR BAKING CONTEST …………………………………… 35 BEST DRESSED COWBOY / COWGIRL …………………………………….36 COUNTRY FAIR GAMES …………………………………………………………38 PET SHOW ……………………………………………………….……………………39 MIDWAY ……………………………………………………………………………….40 MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT ……………………………….………………….40 2015 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS ………………………………………………….41 2014 PARHAM FAIR SUPPORTERS …………………………………………42 *Cover artwork by Owen Tryon 2|P ag e Yard Display Contest Chairpersons: Wendy Parliament, Karyn Roberts Help us advertise the Parham Fair by constructing a display on your property. Open to ANYONE including private residences, schools, organizations and businesses (but only one entry per property please). No Entry Fee is required. Sponsored by: Austin & Loretta Cronk, Chad and Allie Roberts, George & Darlene Conboy, Suzanne Regan – ReMax Real Estate, Richard Goodfellow, Robert Storing – Century 21 RULES: 1. Display (using any materials – e.g. bales of straw/hay, vehicles, machinery, flowers, etc.) to represent something you would see at the fair. 2. Display must face a public road but must be at least 10 feet back, for road allowance. 3. Display must advertise the Fair and include a sign that states “Parham Fair - August 21st – 22nd, 2015”. 4. Display must be in place by Friday, July 31st and remain until August 22nd, 2015. 5. Judging will take place the week of August 4th – 7th, 2015. 6. Display may be set on another person’s property if written permission of the owner accompanies the application. 7. Judging will take place on site. 8. A photo will be taken, and put on display at the Fair. 9. Entries must be in by Wednesday, July 15th, 2015. 10. TO ENTER: Send a note including: your name, phone number, mailing address and detailed directions to your location. Please submit the following by mail or email. Mail: PARHAM FAIR, PO Box 38, Parham, Ont., K0H 2K0 Email: president@parhamfair.ca Judging Criteria: 1. Overall Appearance 20% 2. Originality 30% 3. Visibility of Dates 30% 4. Suitability to Category 20% Prizes: $100 per category One winner for each of these categories: 1. Most Humorous 2. Most Creative 3. Most Original 4. Most Representative of the Parham Fair 2015 3|P ag e CALLING ALL YOUNG ARTISTS! We’d like to offer this fair book art assignment to talented young artists between ten and seventeen years of age. All entries are welcome and encouraged. Help design artwork to promote the next Parham Fair; win a prize, and infamy in your community! CONTEST RULES: Prize: ❶ $10 1. Entries must be submitted on regular letter sized paper. Please be aware of the size specification. 2. Entries must be in black and white. 3. Text titles are optional. If you choose to include text titles the following must be on the submission: “124th Parham Fair”. 4. Any format or type is acceptable but it must be artwork of your own creation. 5. All submissions will become the property of the PAS, for use only in promoting the 2016 Fair. 6. Entries must be submitted to the Palace at the fair grounds on Thursday evening, August 20th between 5 and 8 pm. Artwork designed by Taylor Babcock 4|P ag e Want to Help Out? We could use someone, just like you! We are always looking for supporters and volunteers. Whether you can spare an hour, a day, or a week of your time we would love to have you on the team. Any age, any background. Your talents will always be appreciated. If you have money, but not the time, and would like to sponsor an event, class, or piece of entertainment, we’d be happy to share your generosity with the community. Please get in touch with a current member … you won’t regret it! Parham Fair Ball Team – Fundraiser May 2014 HONOURARY MEMBERS PARHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Roy Benn Mary Cronk Melville Good Fred & Sue Lloyd 5|P ag e Frank Goodfellow Fred Smith King Stinchcombe Bill Lee Glen Stinson Dorothy Verbeek PARHAM AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY EXECUTIVE 2015 President: Wendy Parliament (613) 375-6443 1st Vice President – Carol Wagar (613) 659-3315 2nd Vice President – Owen Tryon (613) 375-8277 Secretary – Wendy Parliament (613) 375-6443 Treasurer – Teresa Hicks (613) 484-0377 Officer at Large – Mark Howes (613) 375-6220 Officer at Large – Sasha Baillargeon (613) 888-5793 DIRECTORS Savannah Cronk, Dawn Hansen, Brad Hicks, Karyn Roberts, Lisa Wilhelm, Bill Zwier, Linda Zwier PAST PRESIDENTS 2014 2013 2010 – 2012 2008 – 2009 2002 – 2007 1996 – 2001 1995 1990 – 1992 1987 – 1989 1985 – 1986 1984 1982 – 1983 1975 – 1981 1971 – 1974 1970 1968 – 1969 Wendy Parliament 1965 – 1967 Carol Wagar 1964 Dan Cunningham 1911962 – 1963 John Waddingham 1959 – 1961 Frank Goodfellow 1957 – 1958 (Jr.) 1955 – 1956 Phillip Smith 1953 – 1954 Mark Howes 1950 – 1952 Sperry Lee 1949 Lori Howes 1947 – 1948 Richard Benn 1946 Gerald Howes 1945 Lynn Cronk 1943 – 1944 Ken Howes 1942 Glen Stinson 1940 – 1941 King Stinchcombe 1939 Frank Goodfellow 1938 (Sr.) 1936 – 1937 Arthur Howes Melville Good William Jeffrey Fred Smith Nigel Howes Norman Cronk Cecil Goodfellow Lyle Cronk Mervin Howes James Bray Roy C. Benn C. Stan Ball Sam Stinchcombe Andrew B. Howes W.H. (Bill) Simonett G. Mel Drew W.H. (Bill) Simonett Hilyard F. Howes Otis D. Cronk The publishing of the Parham Fair Book and the administration costs of the fair are sponsored by: Alan Thompson, Central Frontenac Township, Doug’s Antennae, Eco Alternative Energy, Levac Propane, North Frontenac Telephone Company, Scott’s Waste Removal, Seeds and Company, and the Ontario Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Rural Affairs. 6|P ag e CHAIRPERSONS 2015 Cattle Show – Richard Benn, Lynda Clow, Karyn Roberts Entertainment – Wendy Parliament Grounds – Richard Benn, Owen Tryon Heavy Horses – Bill Lee Palace - Dawn Hansen, Dave Hansen, Linda Zwier, Bill Zwier Youth Country Fair Games - Savannah Cronk, Karyn Roberts Adult Country Fair Games – Wendy Parliament Memberships – Teresa Hicks, Wendy Parliament Volunteers – Lisa Wilhelm, Carol Wagar Parking – Mark Howes Gates - Lisa Wilhelm, Carol Wagar Lawnmower Races – Richard Benn Vendors – Wendy Parliament Yard Display Contest – Wendy Parliament, Karyn Roberts Calling All Young Artists – Carol Wagar, Lisa Wilhelm Grain – Richard Benn, Mark Howes Roots, Vegetables and Fruits – Richard Benn, Mark Howes Forages – Richard Benn, Mark Howes Home Grown Herbs – Richard Benn, Mark Howes Flowers – Savannah Cronk, Mary Cronk Honey and Maple Syrup – Dawn Hansen, Linda Zwier Bottled Goods - Carol Wagar Photography – Dawn Hansen, Linda Zwier Baking – Carol Wagar Domestic Needlework – Dawn Hansen Quilts – Dawn Hansen Crafts - Lisa Wilhelm Adult Artwork – Lisa Wilhelm Adult Egg Section – Lisa Wilhelm Children’s Work – Savannah Cronk, Karyn Roberts Children’s Baking – Carol Wagar Cherry Pie Champion – Savannah Cronk, Karyn Roberts Best Dressed Cowboy / Cowgirl – Wendy Parliament Pet Show – Savannah Cronk, Karyn Roberts 7|P ag e http://www.omafra.gov.on.ca/english/ Central Frontenac Council http://www.sharbotlakepharma.ca/ http://goodfellowsfuneralhome.com/ Parham General Store – Hope’s Place Bill Lee & Family Neadow Construction Vaughn’s Auto Repair Thank you to our Gold Level sponsors for their ongoing support of the Parham Fair. 8|P ag e Entry Tags Entry Tag Class – this refers to the Classes in the Fair Book. For example, Class N is the ‘Bottled Goods’ Class. The letter codes help our Palace volunteers set up the displays. Entry Tag Section – this is usually a number. For example, Section 5 in Class N is the Strawberry Jam (Cooked) section. Article – brief description from fair book Exhibitors Number – this is your fair membership number Year – 2015 Name – Full name please Address – Full address please Entry Forms Entry forms are included with your fair book. Please have your Entry Form filled out before you arrive at the Palace on Thursday, August 20th to deliver your entries. Volunteers will then receive your work and check off that all items are entered. If you require more entry forms they are available on our website or at the Parham General Store – ‘Hope’s Place’. All Palace Exhibits shall be brought in on Thursday night (between 5 – 8 pm) allowing the judges Friday morning to judge and the Exhibit Palace to be open all evening Friday and all day Saturday. All entries are to be picked up Saturday evening between 6 pm and 8 pm or Sunday morning between 9 am and 10 am. Please indicate on your Entry Form which Prize Money Option you would prefer. **There are three options to claiming prize money from Palace Competitions: 1. Present membership card at Fair Office from 9 am to 6 pm on Saturday of the fair to claim prize money as cash. 2. Have prize money mailed to you in the form of a cheque. Note, mailed prize money will have postage and handling fees subtracted. No cheques under $5 will be mailed. 3. If you intend to donate your prize money back to the Agricultural Society indicate so on your Entry Form. 9|P ag e FAIR RULES AND REGULATIONS GENERAL RULES 1. An annual membership of $10.00 shall constitute a 2015 membership, if paid before 8 pm, August 20th to the Treasurer. A JUNIOR membership is free to children under 12 and entitles the Junior member to exhibit in classes U & V only. If a child enters a non-junior category they must pay the $10.00 entry fee. 2. Only members who have paid their memberships are entitled to compete. 3. IMPORTANT – Entry forms can be mailed to the Secretary at the following address: Box 38, Parham, ON, K0H 2K0 or delivered to the Palace on Thursday evening between 5 and 8 pm. All entry forms shall be left with the Secretary on or before Thursday, August 20th, at 8:00 pm. 4. The sum of $10.00 will be retained from each exhibitor winning prize money for the following year’s membership fees. Each exhibitor winning prize money will be charged 15% of the amount won to help cover grounds expenses. The 15% of the amount won does not apply to special prizes, classes D,E, U, & V. 5. In case of there not being sufficient money in the treasury to meet all demands, prizes will be paid at whatever percentage the funds will allow. 6. Parties exhibiting goods not owned by them shall forfeit all prize money. 7. No person shall act as a judge in any class in which he/she is an exhibitor. 8. No person shall be allowed to interfere with the judges while in discharge of their duties. Exhibitors interfering will forfeit their right of any premium to which they may be otherwise entitled. 9. The Judges are requested to use proper tickets on their awards and not to place a “First Prize” ticket on an animal or article entered as “extra” or “special”. 10. All entries must be made on proper forms which accompany the Prize List, or furnished by the Secretary, on application. Please make entries early. All exhibits must be at the Exhibit Palace by 8 pm Thursday Night. The Society has decreed that all Palace Exhibits shall be brought in on Thursday night (between 5 – 8pm) allowing the Judges Friday morning to judge and the Exhibit Palace to be open all evening Friday and all day Saturday. All entries are to be picked up Saturday evening between 6 pm and 8 pm or Sunday morning between 9am and 10 am. 11. In the absence of competition in any section, or if stock or other articles exhibited are of inferior quality, the Judges are instructed to award only such premium as they think the article deserves. They will exercise their discretion as to whether they will award the First, Second or any premium. 12. There are three options for the disbursement of Palace prize money: i) Present membership card at Fair Office from 9 am to 6 pm on Saturday of the fair to claim prize money as cash. ii) Have prize money mailed to you in the form of a cheque. Note, mailed prize money will have postage and handling fees subtracted. No cheques under $5 will be mailed. iii) If you intend to donate any prize money back to the Parham Agricultural Society please indicate so on your Entry Form. Cattle Show Prize money will be awarded with the Ribbon Presentation during the event. 10 | P a g e A Society Membership Card will entitle the card holder admission to the show grounds. The exhibitor must show the membership card when entering the grounds. Membership cards are non-transferable. Children 12 and under are free all weekend. All other tickets will be rated as follows: Friday $5 - Saturday $5 13. While the Directors will take every possible precaution under the circumstances to ensure safety of articles sent to the Fair, they wish it to be understood that the owners themselves must take the risk of exhibiting them, should any articles be accidentally injured, lost or stolen, the Directors will give all assistance in their power towards the recovery of the same, but will not make any payment thereof. 14. All complaints regarding illegal entries etc. to be sent to the Secretary in writing within one week of the fair date, with a fee of $5.00. Said fee to be forfeited to the Society if the protest is not sustained. 16. No Exhibitor may enter more than one exhibit in any section of any Class of this Prize List – except in Children’s Work or Livestock. 17. All parties exhibiting in Specials must be members of the Parham Agricultural Society with the exception of Sports in which any person may compete. 18. Any Exhibitor will be allowed to placard any exhibit after awards have been made by the Judge. 19. The board of a society may pass by-laws. (a) prohibiting any theatrical, circus or acrobatic performance; and (b) regulating the sale of goods and produce, on exhibit grounds operated by the society or within 275 meters thereof on the day of an exhibition organized by the society. Agricultural and Horticultural Organizations Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.A.9,s.31. EXHIBIT HALL (The Palace) 20. All clothes and manufactured goods to be manufactured and owned by the exhibitor. 21. All bags with grain or other articles must be without a mark. 22. A tickets or tags must be attached to each and every article put on exhibition with class number, class description, exhibitor number and name. Any hall exhibits not having entry tags on will not be judged. 23. Fruits, vegetables and dairy products must be raised or made by the exhibitor during the present year. Grains must be entered or raised in 2014-2015 and grown by the exhibitor. The year must be stated. 24. All entries winning prizes in Class R,S & T must not be exhibited more than two years at this fair. 25. All entries exhibited in the Hall to be placed by the Chairman of the sections pertaining to the entries. 26. Entries must be brought between 5:00 – 8:00 pm Thursday, and removed between 6:00 and 8:00 pm on Saturday or 9:00 – 10:00 am Sunday. 11 | P a g e LIVESTOCK 27. All stock to be properly secured and not allowed to run at large. 28. As the object of the Society in giving prizes on livestock is to promote improvements in breeding stock, the judges, in making awards will be instructed not to take into consideration the present value of the butcher of the animal exhibited, but to decide according to their relative merit for the purpose of breeding. 29. Officers and Directors are requested to remove their badges while exhibiting stock. 30. No animal, unless having one pure cross from purebred pedigree, can be entered as a grade. 31. Registration papers for all “Purebred Stock” must accompany Exhibitor and be produced on request by the Judge. 32. Directors request all stock awarded a prize to form a parade in front of the Grand Stand with the prize ribbon. 33. Proof of Liability Insurance on all animals must be shown. Great family fun for everyone! 12 | P a g e HORSE DRAW Friday Evening – August 21st – 7:00 pm Main Ring CHAIRPERSON – Bill Lee Sponsored by: Leonard Fuels, Sharbot Lake Pharmacy, Vaughn’s Automotive, Willows (Harrowsmith), TCO Agromart, Sharbot Lake Dental Office, Frontenac Home Sales RULES: The draw is governed by the current rules of the Ottawa Valley Horse Draw Association. (Web page available here on our website – www.parhamfair.ca) Categories: 1) Light Team Pull 2) Heavy Team Pull PRIZES: ❶ $150 ❷ $125 Hitch Money - $100 3) Best Dressed Light / Heavy Team - Prize Sponsored by Lynda & Oliver Clow The Parham Fair Horse Pull is a popular event! Year after year this event has been organized and promoted by Bill Lee. Thank you for your efforts Bill! 13 | P a g e MINIATURE HORSES Saturday Afternoon – August 23rd – 1:00 – 2:30 pm Main Ring + Meet and Greet All Day “Celebrating the Versatility of the Miniature Horse” This is a demonstration show put on by Miniature Horse enthusiasts in front of the main grandstand. The demonstration will be followed with a meet and greet throughout the grounds. Come along to see the show and then meet the horses and their families up close and personal! Sponsored by: Harrowsmith Horse Country, Eastern Cowboy, Wilton Tack, Frontenac Home Sales PETTING ZOO Saturday, August 23rd – 10 am – 4 pm West Winds Ranch will have their zoo set up in Critter Corral. Come meet the animals! Take the time for a pony ride. Entrance to the zoo, pony rides and treats to feed the animals are free with your fair admission! Sponsored by: Don and Debbie Garrett, Lake District Realty, Verona Foodland, Mary Cronk, Jessie Cronk, Goodfellow Funeral Home, The Grindstone 14 | P a g e CATTLE SHOWS SPONSORS: Corrine Howes, Local Family Farms, Chris Martin, Carol & King Stinchcombe, Glenn & Mary Stinson, Frontenac Cattleman’s Association, Frontenac County Holstein Club, Lennox and Addington Cattleman’s Association CLASS D – CATTLE - BEEF Saturday – 10 am – Main Ring All Breeds Show CHAIRPERSONS: Lynda Clow, Karyn Roberts, Richard Benn RULES: 1. Exhibitors will become members of the Society, $10 fee. 2. Proof of liability insurance must be shown with Entry Form. 3. Refer to livestock rules at the front of book. PRIZES: ❶ $20 ❷ $15 ❸ $10 ❹ $7 SECTIONS 1. Bull Calf born in 2015. 2. Bull Yearling born in 2014. 3. Grand Champion Male and Reserve Grand Champion Male (RIBBONS ONLY) (1st and 2nd placing from Sections 1 and 2) 4. Heifer born in 2015. 5. Junior Yearling from April 1 to December 31, 2014 6. Senior Yearling from January 1 to March 31, 2014 7. Female born between January 2013 and December 2014 with 2015 calf at her side. 8. Female born before January 2013 with 2015 calf at her side. 9. Grand Champion female and Reserve Grand Champion Female (RIBBONS ONLY) (1st and 2nd Placing from Sections 4,5,6,7, and 8) 10. Breeders Herd – a group of 4 (both sexes represented) 11. Future Prospect Steer born 2014. SPECIALS 12. Person exhibiting the largest number of cattle on show day. $25.00 13. High Point Trophy. 15 | P a g e CLASS E – CATTLE - DAIRY Saturday – 10 am – Main Ring All Breeds Show CHAIRPERSONS: Lynda Clow, Karyn Roberts, Richard Benn RULES: 1. Exhibitors will become members of the Society, $10 fee. 2. Proof of liability insurance must be shown. 3. Refer to livestock rules at the front of book. PRIZES: ❶ $20 ❷ $15 ❸ $10 ❹ $7 SECTIONS 1. Junior dairy heifer (any breed). a. Calf born March 1, 2015 until fair date. b. Calf born December 1, 2014 to February 28, 2015. c. Calf born September 1, 2014 to November 30, 2014. d. Calf born June 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014. e. Calf born March 1, 2014 to May 31, 2014. 2. Intermediate Dairy heifer born December 1, 2013 to February 28, 2014 (any breed). 3. Senior Dairy heifer born September 1, 2013 to November 30, 2013. 4. Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Dairy heifer (RIBBONS ONLY) (1st and 2nd placing from Sections 1a-1e, 2, and 3) SPECIALS 5. Group of Three (RIBBONS ONLY) 6. Person Exhibiting the Largest number of Dairy Cattle on Show Day. - $25.00 7. High Point Trophy for Dairy Cattle. 16 | P a g e JUNIOR CATTLE SHOW Saturday 10:00 am - All Breeds Show CHAIRPERSON: Lynda Clow, Karyn Roberts, Richard Benn RULES: 1. Proof of liability insurance must be shown. 2. Refer to livestock rules at the front of book. 3. Showmanship Age Categories as of January 1st 2015 Novice 9-11 Junior 12-14 Intermediate 15-17 Senior 18-21 PRIZES: ❶ $10 ❷ $8 ❸ $6 ❹ $4 SECTIONS 1. Novice Beef Showmanship 2. Junior Beef Showmanship 3. Intermediate Beef Showmanship 4. Senior Beef Showmanship 5. Champion & Reserve Beef Showmanship (RIBBONS ONLY) (1st and 2nd Placing from Section 1,2,3,4) 6. Novice Dairy Showmanship 7. Junior Dairy Showmanship 8. Intermediate Dairy Showmanship 9. Senior Dairy Showmanship 10. Champion & Reserve Dairy Showmanship (RIBBONS ONLY) (1st and 2nd Placing from Section 6,7,8,9) 11. Grand Champion & Reserve Grand Champion Show Person (RIBBONS ONLY) SPECIALS 12. Old Timers Showmanship (RIBBONS ONLY – OPEN) 13. Future Farmers (under 9 years of age) $5 - Sponsored by Corinne Howes 17 | P a g e Salute to 4H 100 YEARS! I pledge my Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, My Health to better living For my club, my community and my country. 4H clubs provide opportunities for youth to develop skills in a wide range of areas. It is a grassroots organization that encourages a balanced lifestyle and reminds participants to aim to be a good friend, mentor, community member and citizen. 4H relies on adult leaders to share their skills with today’s youth. The Parham Fair salutes those leaders who have given so much of their time and energies to make our local 4H clubs possible. Thank you! 18 | P a g e CLASS H - GRAIN CHAIRPERSONS: Richard Benn & Mark Howes Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society RULES: 1. Class 1 to 6 must be grown in 2014-2015 growing season. 2. Exhibitor may enter only one entry per section. Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Fall Wheat, 10 lbs., named Spring Wheat, 10 lbs., named Oats, 10 lbs., named Fall Rye, 10 lbs., named Barley, 6 Row, 10 lbs., named Barley, 2 Row, 10 lbs., named Buckwheat, 10 lbs., named 6 Ears, Grain Corn, named 6 Ears, Ensilage Corn, named Alfalfa Seed, 10 lbs. Red Clover Seed, 10 lbs., named Timothy Seed, 10 lbs., named 1 Sheaf Corn, 8 stalks 1 Sheaf Oats, 4 Inch Diameter 1 Sheaf Barley, 4 Inch Diameter 1 Sheaf Fall Wheat, 4 Inch Diameter 1 Sheaf Spring Wheat, 4 Inch Diameter 19 | P a g e CLASS I – ROOTS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS CHAIRPERSONS: Richard Benn & Mark Howes Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. 4 qt or 3 L. Basket Red Potatoes, named 2. 4 qt or 3 L. Basket Early Potatoes, named 3. 4 qt or 3 L. Basket Late Potatoes, named 4. 3 English Cucumbers (1/4 inch stems on) 5. 4 Cucumbers, Green (1/4 inch stems on) 6. 6 Cucumbers, Small Pickling (1/4 inch stems on) 7. 5 Tomatoes, Red (leave calyx on) 8. 5 Tomatoes, Green (leave calyx on) 9. 6 Cherry Tomatoes (leave calyx on) 10. 4 Parsnips (trim to ½ inch above crown) 11. 6 Carrots, Table use (trim ½ inch above crown) 12. 2 Turnips, Table Use(trim ½ inch above crown) 13. 4 Beets, Red (trim ½ inch above crown) 14. 12 Beans, Green 15. 12 Beans, Yellow 16. 4 Peppers, Green 17. 4 Peppers, Red 18. 4 Peppers, Hot 19. 1 head of Cabbage, Red 20. 1 Head of Cabbage, White 21. 1 Cauliflower 22. 1 Bunch Broccoli 23. 3 Onions, Large Spanish 24. 6 Onions, From Seed 25. 6 Onions, From Sets 26. 1 Squash, Acorn 27. 1 Squash, Zucchini 28. 1 Squash, Any other variety 29. 1 Pie Pumpkin 30. 1 Field Pumpkin 31. 1 Cantaloupe 32. 1 Watermelon 33. 6 Ears of Sweet Corn, Named (1/3 Husked) 34. 6 Ears Popcorn, Named (1/3 Husked) 35. 6 Ears Ornamental Corn (1/3 Husked) 36. 6 Fall Apples, named 37. 6 Crab Apples 38. Garlic, Any Variety, 3 Bulbs 39. 6 Ornamental Gourds SPECIALS 41. Longest Cucumber - $7 42. Most Attractive Arrangement of 6 Vegetables ❶ $10 ❷ $7 43. Freaky Vegetable – All Purpose Miracle Grow – 3 pounds donated by Tamworth Pro Hardware LARGEST VEGETABLES - $7 each 44. Largest Zucchini 45. Largest Onion 46. Largest Tomato Sarah Good Memorial Special – Most Points in Class I - $10 20 | P a g e CLASS I – GIANT PUMPKIN SPECIAL CHAIRPERSONS: Richard Benn & Mark Howes Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society RULES: 1. Pumpkins to be at the Parham Fairgrounds by Thursday August 21, 2014 between 5:00 – 8:00 pm. 2. Pumpkins to be grown by the exhibitor. 3. Exhibitors must be a member of the Society, fee $10.00. 4. The largest pumpkin will be determined by weight. 5. The Parham Agricultural Society is not responsible for breakage. 6. Decisions of the Judge will be final. PRIZES: ❶ $15 ❷ $10 7. Giant Pumpkin Junior Division (Under 16 years of age) 8. Giant Pumpkin Senior Division (16 years of age and older) CLASS J - FORAGES CHAIRPERSONS: Richard Benn & Mark Howes Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. First Cut Alfalfa – 85% or more alfalfa. First Cut Other Legume – 85% or more legume. First Cut Mixed Legume and Grass – 70/30 either way. First Cut Grass – 85% or more grass. Second Cut Alfalfa or Other Legume – 85% or more legume. Second Cut Mixed Legume and Grass – 70/30 either way. CLASS K – HOME GROWN HERBS CHAIRPERSONS: Richard Benn & Mark Howes Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society RULES: 1. Exhibits must be in vase with water. PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. Sage 2. Savoury 3. Thyme 4. Parsley 5. Dill 21 | P a g e CLASS L - FLOWERS CHAIRPERSONS: Mary Cronk and Savannah Cronk Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society RULES: 1. All flowers are to be real, not artificial, unless otherwise specified. 2. All potted plants must have been potted 6 weeks prior to Fair. PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Potted plant with small leaves Hosta, three leaves of same variety Impatient plant Fuchsia in bloom Geranium Mixed table arrangement Gladioli, all one colour, 3 spikes Sweet peas, 8 stems Aster, 6 blooms Single petunias, 6 blooms Double petunias, 6 blooms Cosmos, 6 blooms Dahlias, 6 blooms Zinnias, 6 blooms Flowering begonia African violet, any colour, one crown only Marigolds double, 6 blooms Snap dragons, any colour, 6 stocks Pansies, 8 blooms Dried flower arrangement (home grown) Rose in a bowl Cactus (1) or succulent Salvia, 6 stems Phlox, mixed, 6 stems Hanging basket, 10 inches Novelty Plant, named 22 | P a g e CLASS L – FLOWERS - SPECIALS 27. Sunflower – largest head – 1st : $7 28. Sunflower – tallest – 1st : $7 29. Miniature Arrangement of Mixed Flowers (to be less than 5” in height) – 1st: $7 30. Special Occasion – Dining room table centrepiece (Named Occasion) – 1st: $7 31. Best Arrangement of Gladioli in a Suitable Container – $30 Gift Card – Village Hair (Marilyn Orser) - Verona 32. “Pot of Gold” – An arrangement using shades of gold or yellow with appropriate foliage – 1st: $7 33. “Sunny Days” – An arrangement using sunflowers in an appropriate container – 1st Gift Certificate Harmony Esthetics – Diane Etheridge - Verona 34. “Blue Glow” – An arrangement in shades of blue and yellow with appropriate foliage – 1st: $7 35. An arrangement of flowers and decorations in an appropriate container to advertise the Parham Fair. Words, numbers and other materials may be included in the arrangement. 1st $15 2nd $10 Prize donated by Mary Cronk 36. “Reflecting on our Past” Granny’s Garden – an arrangement using flowers in a suitable container, evoking times past. Accessories allowed. 1st $15.00 2nd $10.00 Prize donated by Mary Cronk 37. “Lonesome Beauty” – an arrangement using a single bloom and other plant materials. 1st - $7 MOST POINTS IN CLASS L - $10.00 23 | P a g e CLASS M – HONEY AND MAPLE SYRUP CHAIRPERSONS: Dawn Hansen and Linda Zwier RULES: All bottled goods must be in 1 pint jars. Sponsored by: George and Darlene Conboy & Don and Debbie Garrett PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. 1 Pint Maple Syrup 2. One-Half Pound Cake Maple Sugar 3. 1 Pint Honey 4. 1 Pound Comb Honey CLASS N – BOTTLED GOODS CHAIRPERSON: Carol Wagar Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society PRIZES: ❶ $10 ❷ $6 ❸ $4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Wild Jam, named Raspberry Jam (frozen) Strawberry Jam (frozen) Raspberry Jam (cooked) Strawberry Jam (cooked) Apple or Cranberry Jelly Grape Jelly Red Currant Jelly Cranberry Sauce Beans, canned Tomatoes, canned Chili Sauce Icicle Pickles Salsa, tomato based Pickled Beets Hot Dog Relish Dill Pickles Bread and Butter Pickles Corn Relish Mustard Pickle Pickled Cucumbers, 9 Day Pickled Eggs Red Pepper Jelly 24 | P a g e CLASS N – BOTTLED GOODS 37. BERNARDIN Gift Pack Competition - Best Gift Basket 1st Prize - $20 Gift Certificate and Rosette Entries must include at least 3 filled BERNARDIN mason jars with BERNARDIN SNAP Lids and be submitted in an appropriate container, not necessarily a basket. Maximum cost of container and components not to exceed $20.00. Entry may be decorated for any theme (Holiday, get well, etc.) and may include appropriate additional items such as soap, candles, candy, soup mixes etc. Judges select winner based on creativity, quality of home canned products, perceived value and appropriateness of presentation. 38. BERNARDIN Jam/Jelly Award Best jar of jam or jelly using BERNARDIN pectin. 1st Prize - $20 Gift Certificate and Rosette Please attach proof of purchase (UPC Symbol) to entry tag. Note CERTO is not a BERNARDIN Product! 39. BERNARDIN “Best of Show” Home Canning Award – Adult Classes 1st Prize - $30 Gift Certificate and Rosette The “Best of Show” winner will have accumulated the highest points in Class N excluding Specials. As a minimum, the winner of this award must have three entries in Class N and have used Bernardin mason jars and SNAP lid. Most Points in Class N - $15.00 Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society 25 | P a g e CLASS P - PHOTOGRAPHY CHAIRPERSONS – Dawn Hansen & Linda Zwier Sponsored by – SHARBOT LAKE & DISTRICT LIONS CLUB Grand Prize – Sponsored by Allie and Chad Roberts RULES: 1. Photos will be judged on imagination, focus, exposure, composition and interest. 2. Photos can be black and white OR colour. 3. One picture per category. 4. Size of photo can be up to 5 inches by 7 inches. 5. Pictures must be mounted on Bristol board with a 1 inch border around photo. Therefore a 5” by 7” photo including the 1 inch border will total 7” by 9”. 6. New photos only (i.e. those not shown before) PRIZES FOR SENIOR – 13 years and above ❶ $25 ❷ $15 ❸ $10 Special Grand Prize - $25 Categories: 1. Greenest of Greens 2. Down on the Farm 3. Funny Stuff 4. Creepy Crawlies PRIZES FOR JUNIOR – 12 years and under ❶ $25 ❷ $15 ❸ $10 Category – Wildlife – Sponsored by: Dave Hansen 26 | P a g e CLASS Q – BAKING CHAIRPERSON: Carol Wagar Sponsored by: Angie Fowler – The Grindstone, Local Family Farms, and Mom’s (Verona) RULES: 1. Exhibitor must be a member of the Society. 2. Specials must be a separate entry, unless otherwise specified. 3. Attach entry tags to each article. 4. Entries to be displayed on a paper plate enclosed in a clear plastic bag. Cakes may be covered with clear plastic wrap. 5. Cakes and bread are to be on foil covered heavy cardboard. Butter icing only. 6. Bread yeast only – no frozen dough. 7. All loaf pans standard size, approximately 8 ¼” X 4 ¼” X 2 ¼” 8. Entries requiring recipe must include method. PRIZES: ❶ $10 ❷ $6 ❸ $4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Bread, Whole Wheat ½ loaf Rolls, Cloverleaf – 3 Rolls, Whole Wheat (60%) 3 Muffins, Bran – 3, no cupcake liners Muffins, Banana – 3, no cupcake liners Banana Loaf, ½ loaf Date and Nut Loaf, ½ loaf Zucchini Loaf, ½ loaf Raspberry Pie, 1 large piece Apple Pie, 1 large piece Cherry Pie, 1 large piece Blueberry Pie, 1 large piece Chocolate Cake, iced Chelsea Buns Doughnuts – 3 Chocolate Brownies with nuts, iced – 3 not larger than 2” square. Matrimonial Squares (Date Squares) - 3 Peanut Butter Cookies – 3 Sugar Cookies, Rolled – 3 Oatmeal Cookies, Drop – 3 Chocolate Chip Cookies – 3 Shortbread Cookies - 3 Best Plate, 5 kinds of cookies Best 3 cupcakes, iced and decorated 27 | P a g e CLASS Q – COUNTRY FAIR BAKING CONTEST Rules for Country Fair Baking Contest Section 1. The sponsor’s Logo must be cut from the package and accompany each entry, as well as the recipe. 2. All entrants into the contest must bake and submit only articles made with the sponsor’s products. 3. Winner’s names, addresses, and recipes will be submitted to the sponsor. Any prize money will be paid by the Parham Agricultural Society. 4. A picture of each Grand Prize Winner will be submitted to the sponsor. 5. All first place winners must sign a release form giving the sponsor permission to use the winner’s name and/or photography in any other advertising or publicity without payment. 26. Robin Hood “Family Favourite Recipe” Baking Contest Best Homemade Decorated Cake (edible decoration only) 1st Prize: $25 Product Gift Certificate 2nd Prize: $10 Product Gift Certificate 27. Robin Hood Family “Best Lunchbox Snack” Contest Best Homemade cookies, squares or bars. Judging will be Based on appearance, taste, texture and recipe creativity. 1st Prize: $15 Product Gift Certificate 28. Crisco “Family Favourite Recipe Baking Contest” Best Homemade Butter tarts (tray of six). Judging will be Based on appearance, taste, texture and recipe creativity. 1st Prize: $25 Product Gift Certificate 2nd Prize: $10 Product Gift Certificate www.robinhood.ca 28 | P a g e www.criscocanada.com CLASS R – NEEDLEWORK CRAFTS CHAIRPERSON: Dawn Hansen Sponsored by: Janet’s Clip It, Parham Agricultural Society PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. 2. 3. Sewing Tooth Fairy Pillow Purse Tote bag Knitted Wear Children’s Socks Scarf Slippers 2 Piece Baby Set (Bonnet, Sweater) 10. Adult’s Mitts 11. Children’s Mitts 6. 7. 8. 9. 4. 5. Season Theme Towel Apron - Full 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Tea Cosy on a Tea Pot Toque Pet Sweater Adult’s Cardigan Men’s Socks Afghan, Knitted Adult Sweater 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Afghan, Crocheted Place Mats Slippers Stuffed Toy Doily Crocheted Articles 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Hat Crib Blanket 2 Piece Baby Set 1 Fancy Potholder Pillow Case with a crocheted edge CLASS R - SPECIALS 29. Finger Puppet – 1st Prize: $7.00 30. Best Hand Puppet – 1st Prize: $7.00 29 | P a g e CLASS S - QUILTS CHAIRPERSON: Dawn Hansen Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society PRIZES: ❶ $10 ❷ $8 ❸ $6 1. Quilt, Pieced & Appliqued 2. Quilt, Pieced 3. Quilt, Appliqued 4. Quilt, Fancy Quilting 5. Crib Quilt, Pieced 6. Quilt, Machine Quilting 7. Quilt, not quilted by Exhibitor (ie. Pieced by exhibitor quilted by group or vice versa) O.A.A.S. Annual Championship Quilt Competition Enter your quilt in the 2015 Parham Fair and be eligible for this competition. Quilts must be a least 324” along the perimeter. A grand champion and reserve grand champion will be selected from the available quilts in Section 1-4 to complete at the district level in the fall. This District winner will compete at the provincial level in February of the following year. Most Points in CLASS S - $25.00 30 | P a g e CLASS T - CRAFTS CHAIRPERSON: Lisa Wilhelm Sponsors: Parham General Store, Tarasick Carpentry PRIZES: ❶ $10 ❷ $5 1. 2. 3. 4. A craft made out of old silverware A gift basket for a family movie night. A pottery creation. A fall centrepiece for a buffet table (one-sided) made of all natural materials. 5. An article for the garden (stepping stone, sign, etc.) 6. An item made using school colours. Please note school on tag. 7. Scrapbooking – “At the Fair Theme” (2 pages,1 side only, more than one photo per page). 8. Arrangement centred around a candle 9. Table favour for a wedding 10. A bird house SPECIAL: 11. Best Door Decoration – $20 Gift Certificate - donated by Tamworth Drug Mart CLASS TT – ADULT ARTWORK CHAIRPERSON Lisa Wilhelm Sponsored by: Sharbot Lake Country Inn, Tarasick Carpentry, Knowler Plumbing, and Bishop Electric Rules: 1. All work must be the original creation of the entrant. 2. All work must be mounted on stiff card stock or framed such that it would be easily hung on display. PRIZES: ❶ $15 ❷ $10 1. Oil Painting 2. Water Colour Painting 3. Stained Glass Article 4. Zentangle (www.tanglepatterns.com) Try this new art pastime! 5. Pencil Sketch of ‘Summer Fun’ 6. Homemade card – any medium 7. Portrait (Human) – any medium 8. Portrait (Animal) – any medium 9. Abstract Artwork – any medium 10. Mixed Media Artwork (art that uses more than one medium) MOST POINTS IN CLASS T / TT – Gift certificate for a dinner and show at the Sharbot Lake Country Inn 31 | P a g e CLASS TTT – ADULT EGG SECTION CHAIRPERSON: Lisa Wilhelm Sponsored by: Gary and Jane Drew RULES: 1. All eggs must be displayed in a suitable holder. 2. All eggs must be hard boiled or blown. PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 1. A centerpiece made from eggs. 2. Best decorated egg. 3. An egg decorated for a special occasion. 32 | P a g e CLASS U – CHILDREN’S SHOW CHAIRPERSONS: Karyn Roberts and Savannah Cronk Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society RULES: 1. NO MEMBERSHIP FEE REQUIRED. 2. Work to be done at level of pupil’s June Grade and must be pupil’s own work. 3. Grade 1,2,3, writing should be done on printing paper. 4. Grade 4-8 writing should be on a sheet of loose-leaf (binder-style) lined paper. 5. Paper cutting should be freehand. PRIZES: ❶ $3 ❷ $2 ❶ $1 Kindergarten 1. Crayon Drawing – Me and My Family 2. Cutting and Pasting – An animal made from shapes. 3. Puppet – made from a paper bag. 4. A bunny’s breakfast on a small foam plate – decorate plate. 5. Down on the Farm (floral arrangement in a boot) Grade One 6. Crayon Picture – A leaf rubbing using primary colours. 7. Painting – Your favourite season accompanied by a sentence telling why it is your favourite. 8. Clown Face – made from a paper plate. 9. “Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head” – decorated using other vegetables. 10. Marshmallow Creature Grade Two 11. Coloured Pencil Picture – My favourite thing to do at the fair accompanied by a minimum of two sentences describing your favourite activity. 12. Sculpture – Animal made from plasticine (on a sturdy base). 13. Painting – My favourite nursery rhyme. 14. Barn made from twigs. 15. Homemade rain stick. Grade Three 16. Diorama (scene in a shoe box) – A farm 17. Picture – made from torn construction paper. 18. Painting – Your favourite flower, with parts labelled, accompanied by a list describing the job each part does to ensure the flower’s survival. 19. A cob of corn dressed as a baby. 20. Decorated pine cone. Grade Four 21. Painting – A monster using your hand prints and fingers only. 22. Writing – Rewrite ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb’ so that Mary has a new animal and she is taking it somewhere other than school. (min 4 stanzas) 23. Design and Build – A flag pole using a pulley system (no larger than 30cm) 24. “Something for Nothing” (arrangement of field flowers in a recycled container, max 24” high x 18” wide.) 25. Stuffed glove creature. 33 | P a g e Grade Five 26. Design and Make – Wind chimes using recycled material 27. Poster – No Bullying 28. Write – Acrostic poem using the words “Parham Fair” 29. Animal made from leaves 30. Drawing of a landscape Grade Six 31. Writing – My adventure to the moon. (minimum 3 paragraphs) 32. Recreate – A famous work of art, labelled. 33. Design and Make – A model airplane from popsicle sticks. 34. Disney character drawn on an 8 ½” by 11” paper, then mounted. 35. Handmade bracelet Grade Seven 36. Poster – Improving Our Environment 37. Writing – Collection of original poems in three styles 38. Create – Mixed media self portrait 39. Collection of leaves (pressed, mounted and labeled on a sheet of Bristol board – include drawing of tree silhouettes to match) 40. Decorated wooden spoon Grade Eight 41. Poster – Design a concert poster for your favourite singer or group. 42. Design and Build – a simple machine that will pick up a ping pong ball – include blueprint and explanation 43. Writing – Should fourteen year olds be able to drive self-driving cars? (minimum 4 paragraphs) 44. Decorated fly swatter 45. Handmade necklace – any medium CLASS UU – HIGH SCHOOL SHOW PRIZES: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❶ $2 Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society 1. Reproduction of a famous piece of artwork – any medium 2. Artwork based on an environmental theme – any medium 3. A digital collage representing life in a rural area – any medium 4. Poetry – any style – based on the theme “Climate Change” 5. Three dimensional artwork based on the theme “Animal Lives” 6. A mock up advertisement for a business in Central Frontenac – any medium – presented on 8 ½” by 11” paper 7. Poster promoting agriculture based on the theme ‘From Farm to Table’ 8. A decorated hat for a hobby enthusiast – you choose the hobby! 9. A comic strip featuring an original cast of characters 10. “Portrait of a Modern Teenager” – any style – any medium 34 | P a g e CLASS UUU – POSTER COMPETITION POSTER COMPETITION – Promoting the Parham Fair Sponsored by: The Parham Agricultural Society Divisions: Junior (up to Gr 4) – Intermediate (Gr 5 – 8) – Senior (Gr 9 – 12) Rules: 1. Name and date of fair must be clearly shown on poster. 2. Must be hand drawn. 3. Poster size – Minimum – 22cm x 28cm, without border Maximum – 28 cm x 44 cm, without border 4. Each entry must be centred on cardstock or Bristol board exposing a 5.5cm border on all four sides. Judging Standards: 1. Overall Appearance – 20 points 2. Attract and hold attention – 25 points 3. Promote Your Fair theme clear – 40 points 4. Quality materials/end product – 15 points Prizes: ❶ $5 ❷ $3 ❸ $2 CLASS V – JUNIOR BAKING CONTEST CHAIRPERSONS: Karyn Roberts, Savannah Cronk Sponsored by: Corinne Howes CHERRY PIE CHAMPION PRIZES: ❶ $15 + plaque ❷ $10 + plaque DIVISIONS: Junior - 10 – 13 years of age - Senior – 14 – 16 years of age RULES: 1. Entries displayed on a paper plate enclosed in a clear plastic bag. 2. Pies are to have a lattice-top. 35 | P a g e BEST DRESSED COWBOY & COWGIRL CHAIRPERSON: Wendy Parliament Sponsored by: Karyn Roberts Competition to take place Friday Night starting at 5:30 pm as part of the Opening Ceremonies in the Main Ring in front of the grandstand. PRIZES: 1st Prize $10.00 + Trophy 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2nd Prize $5.00 + Trophy Best Dressed Cowboy ages 6-10 years old. Best Dressed Cowgirl ages 6-10 years old. Best Dressed Cowboy ages 11-16 years old. Best Dressed Cowgirl ages 11-16 years old. Best Dressed Cowboy ages 3-5 years old. Best Dressed Cowgirl ages 3-5 years old. 36 | P a g e The Parham Agricultural Society is a volunteer group that works throughout the year W to provide an affordable, fun and educational event that celebrates our rural heritage. We hope that you and your family have a great time! 37 | P a g e COUNTRY FAIR GAMES CHAIRPERSONS: Savannah Cronk, Wendy Parliament, Karyn Roberts These are some of the most popular and fondly remembered activities at the fair. Come on out and join in on the fun! FRIDAY NIGHT in the Main Ring @ 5:30 pm Hay Bale Rolling Contest – Sponsored by The Maples Cow Calling Contest – Sponsored by Randy McCullough SATURDAY in the Main Ring from 2:30 – 4:30 pm - Children’s Games Sponsored by Paul and Janice Coffey Egg Toss, Pie Eating, Running Races, Nail Hammering, Shoe Kick, Sack Races, 3-Legged Races, Bubblegum Blowing - Adult Games – Sponsored by Rivendell Golf Club, Ram’s Esso, Verona Hardware, Vanness Automotive Log Sawing, Egg Toss, Nail Hammering 38 | P a g e PARHAM FAIR PET SHOW CHAIRPERSON – Karyn Roberts Sponsors – Melville Good and Allie and Chad Roberts FRIDAY EVENING Registration at 5:00 pm Show at 6:00 pm RULES: 1. All animals must be on a leash and in control at all times. 2. Children 12 and under must be accompanied by a parent. 3. $2.00 First Prize for each category and ribbon. 4. Participants must be 13 years of age or under. Categories DOGS Longest Ears Curliest Hair Prettiest Largest Smallest Dog that can do the most tricks Dog that can sit the longest Best Dressed Dog Dog with the longest tail FISH Smallest Goldfish Biggest Goldfish Fish with the most colours Best Decorated Fish Bowl (accompanied by a fish) CATS Longest Hair Biggest Cat Most Unusual Colours Best Dressed Cat Smallest Kitten GENERAL Best Dressed, other than cat/dog Largest Frog Frog Jumping Contest Turtle Race Biggest Rabbit Smallest Rabbit Rabbit with the Longest Ears Rabbit with the Shortest Ears Rabbit with the most colours Most Unusual Pet Pet Show Specials 1. Youngest Girl Exhibitor in Pet Show - $2.00 2. Youngest Boy Exhibitor in Pet Show - $2.00 3. Best Dressed owner and pet to represent a Nursery Rhyme or Fairy Tale 1st: $15.00 2nd: $10.00 Prize Donated by Mary Cronk 39 | P a g e Midway by Gable Brothers Ride All Day Saturday for $22 Advance Sales Bracelets @ local merchants Check website and newspaper for details. Bracelets available July 2015. ($33 if purchased at the Fair) Friday Night – Come enjoy the tunes of Old Habits from 7:00 – 8:30. Then HD Supply will take the stage from 8:45 – 10:00. Great local talent! The stage is rockin’ on Saturday night! Check out ‘One Busted Ego’ from 6:30 to 8:00 and then Shawn McCullough and friends from 8:00 to 10:00. 40 | P a g e 2015 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS FRIDAY, AUGUST 22ND 5:00 Registration for Pet Show 5:30 Opening Ceremonies – Main Ring Hay Bale Rolling Contest – Cow Calling Contest Best Dressed Cowboy – Best Dressed Cowgirl 6:00 Pet Show 7:00 Horse Pull 7:00 Old Habit’s – On Stage 8:30 HD Supply – On Stage + Midway by Gable Brothers + Palace Displays - Crafts, Baking and Horticulture Contests SATURDAY, AUGUST 23RD Petting Zoo – 10 am to 4 pm Cattle Show – 10 am to 1 pm Miniature Horse Show – 1 pm – 2:30 pm Farm Critter Demonstrations All Day Oxen Pair by Lynn Cronk Check out the games in Critter Corral! Farrier Jeff Atkinson Hay Wagon Rides Petting Zoo Vendor’s Alley and Crafts Displays Bring along some extra dollars for great one of a kind finds in our local artisans and crafts displays. Country Fair Games – 2:30 – 4:30 Main Ring **includes ever popular contests for all ages egg toss, pie eating, nail hammering, log sawing, foot races. Grass Hogs Lawn Tractor Racing 4:00 to 6:00 pm One Busted Ego @ 6:30 to 8:00 pm on Stage Shawn McCullough @ 8:00 to 10:00 pm on Stage Great local musical talent! Midway by Gable Brothers Purchase a ‘Ride All Day’ Bracelet for Great Savings Palace Displays - Crafts, Baking and Horticulture Contests FREE PARKING ON GROUNDS **Don’t forget your lawnchair** www.parhamfair.ca Thank you to Darryl & Gail Fox and Randy McCullough for the use of their field for our parking spaces. Your generosity is appreciated! 41 | P a g e 2015 PARHAM FAIR SUPPORTERS GOLD LEVEL SPONSORS Bill Lee and Family - Central Frontenac Township Council Goodfellows Funeral Home – Nedow Construction Sharbot Lake Pharmacy - Ontario Ministry of Food and Agriculture Parham General Store – Hope’s Place – Vaughn’s Automotive SILVER LEVEL SPONSORS Cairns / Parliament Family – Frontenac Home Sales Don and Debbie Garrett – Lake District Realty North Frontenac Telephone Company – Scott’s Waste Removal Seeds and Company – Verona Foodland – Richard Goodfellow Sharbot Lake Country Inn - Sharbot Lake & District Lions Club BRONZE LEVEL SPONSORS Alan Thompson Alice Smith Angie Fowler - The Grindstone Asselstine Hardware Atkinson Hardware Austin Fox Plumbing & Heating Richard and Wanda Benn Bishop Electric Lynda and Oliver Clow Paul & Janice Coffey Austin and Loretta Cronk Jessie Cronk Mary Cronk Davy Well Drilling Gary and Jane Drew Eco Alternative Energy Diane Etheridge Eastern Cowboy Frontenac Cattleman’s Assoc Gibson’s Garage Godfrey General Store Dave Hansen Harrowsmith Horse Country Hip Hop Farms Melville Good Corinne Howes Janet’s Clip It Jim’s Auto Knowler Plumbing Leonard Fuels Levac Propane Local Family Farms 42 | P a g e Randy McCullough Mom’s Verona Nicole’s Gifts Marilyn Orser Village Hair Rams Esso Revell Ford Lincoln Rivendell Golf Course Suzanne Regan ReMax Karyn Roberts Phillip Smith King and Carol Stinchcombe Glen and Mary Stinson Robert Storring Century 21 Sydenham Veterinary Tamworth Drug Mart Tamworth Pro Hardware Tarasick Carpentry TCO Agromart The Maples Travis Jackson Chad and Allie Roberts TJ Contracting Vanness Automotive Verona Hardware Willows (Harrowsmith) Wilton Tack Woodward Stevens Ireton Fletcher and Glenda Young
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