April 2015 - Cheshire Shared Services Website & Email Service

Copy for May 2015 edition
to Parish Clerk by 14 April
Mobberley Parish
The next meeting of Mobberley Parish Council will be at
7.30pm on Monday, 13 March at the Rajar Building. Please feel
free to attend this meeting; however, if you wish to ask any
questions that evening, please submit them in writing to the Clerk at least three clear working days before the date of the meeting.
Annual Open Parish Council Meeting
Each year the Parish Council holds an Open Parish Meeting whereby all residents are
invited to attend and hear what the Parish Council has achieved or undertaken during the
past year, and receive an update on ongoing matters. This year’s Annual Open Parish
Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 28 April at the Rajar Building at 7pm. If you have
any specific questions, you must notify the Clerk three clear days before the meeting – that
is, by 24 April.
Election Date – Thursday 7 May
As you will no doubt be aware, Parliamentary, Borough and Parish Elections are being held
on Thursday, 7 May 2015. Please take this opportunity to register your vote. The polling
station for the election will be the Rajar Building, which will be open 7am to 10pm. Details
of all candidates will be published on the noticeboard outside the Rajar Building and on the
Parish Council’s website.
Mobberley Open Front Garden Competition
As mentioned in the March edition of the newsletter, Mobberley Parish Council will once
again be holding the bi-annual Open Front Garden competition this year, with judging taking place throughout July and August, and winners being announced in September.
There will be two categories:
1. Parishioners’ gardens.
2. Commercial properties.
Planning meetings—please visit the Parish Council website for future dates.
Clerk to the Parish Council and Editor:
Mrs Sarah Sherwood
42 Birches Lane, Lostock Green
Northwich CW9 7SN
Tel: 01565 872333
Email: clerk@mobberleyparishcouncil.co.uk
Web: www.mobberleyparishcouncil.co.uk
Dates for your diary
More information in the newsletter
8 – Mobb Assoc Church Fellowship (RB)
13 – Parish Council Meeting (RB)
16 – Mobberley WI (MMC)
28 – Open Parish Council Meeting (RB)
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Family History Society of Cheshire
Our Research Centre in the Rajar Building is staffed by knowledgeable
volunteers five days a week. Whether you’re a beginner or have some experience in researching your family history, we can help you get the most out
of our extensive records, which aren’t confined to Cheshire.
We are open Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. If you’re already a member,
just come along; no need to make an appointment.
If you aren’t a member of the Society but would like to use our research facilities,
please make a booking by calling 872210 and at your first visit provide two forms of
Charity quizzes at the Railway Inn
The date of the next charity quiz at the Railway Inn is Friday, 10 April.
There is a charge of £2 to enter and the event starts at 8.30pm. Tables can be
booked by calling 873155.
Cheshire Textiles at Little Moreton Hall
‘No Straight Lines’
Cheshire Textiles is a well-established group of textile artists who regularly exhibit their
work in and around Cheshire. Their latest exhibition shows how they have given the
historical Tudor theme a contemporary twist.
Please come and see us at Little Moreton Hall between 13 May and 12 July, but check
opening times with the National Trust.
If you would like more information about Cheshire Textiles, which meets regularly at the
Rajar Building, please visit the group’s website at www.cheshiretextiles.org.uk.
Urgent help needed
As featured in the last edition of this newsletter, we urgently need
help with the delivery of the of the newsletter to all the distributors located throughout Mobberley.
Councillor Peter White has agreed to undertake half of the round
and we are looking for a volunteer to assist him. The role will involve distributing bundles of newsletters to about 20 Mobberley
homes on the circulation list. This is done 10 times a year and is
towards the end of each month.
We would welcome hearing from anybody who feels they may be able to help with this
vital role. If you can help, please contact the Parish Clerk (details on the front page).
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Mobberley Victory Hall Trust Deed Committee
Message from Martin Sayell, Chair of the Victory
Hall Trust Deed Committee:
At the last meeting of the Trust Deed Committee, we
discussed the results of the surveys that had been
commissioned to look into the condition of the building. They show that the building is viable and with
significant investment should continue to be a part of
the village for the foreseeable future.
Two sub committees were created, one to deal with the here and now, such as
maintenance and bookings and the other to look into the finance needed to secure
the future of the building.
The front railings have been painted by the Community Pay Back scheme.
Significant progress has been made, however the Trust Deed Committee still needs
the support of the village.
Please consider hiring the Victory Hall when planning your events.
1st Mobberley Brownie News
March has been a busy month at Brownies. After
successfully completing their World Culture badges in
February, the girls hosted a party to celebrate their
achievement. This was an opportunity for them to host
an event their parents could attend and watch them be
presented with their badges. It was lovely to see so
much support from the parents and the girls thoroughly
enjoyed playing waitress for the evening, being
responsible for making and serving cups of tea and cake.
We were also excited to learn that the Fire Brigade would be coming to give us a talk
on Fire Safety. If your daughter would be interested in finding out about joining 1 st
Mobberley Brownies, please contact Caroline Smith on 07765 084848.
Mobberley Association of Church Fellowships
Barbara Foster gave an excellent talk about the transformation of Dunham Massey
in to a military hospital to recreate the convalescence hospital that Lord Stanford
opened in 1917. This gave injured and battle weary soldiers sanctuary from the
Wednesday, 8 April at 2.30pm at the Rajar Building
Speaker Bob King – Musical Hall Comedy
All visitors are welcome.
Call Jean Godber on 872801 for more infor-
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Mobberley footpaths
Councillor David Swan’s responsibility on Mobberley Parish
Council is to ensure all public footpaths are maintained and to investigate any footpath issues reported to the Parish Council.
One issue that Councillor Swan (pictured left) has noticed in the
past is where footpaths cross landowners’ fields and would like to
remind all residents of the Countryside Code, whose key subjects
are Respect, Protect and Enjoy:
Respect other people
Consider the local community and other people enjoying the outdoors
Leave gates and property as you find them, and follow paths, unless wider access is available
Protect the natural environment
Leave no trace of your visit and take your litter home
Keep dogs under effective control
Enjoy the outdoors
Plan ahead and be prepared
Follow advice and local signs.
Mobberley Scouts’ annual jumble sale
Saturday, 12 September 2015.
Collections started as from now. Donations much appreciated. Please
call Barbara on 873132.
The Mobberley Trust
The Mobberley Trust is a local charity that exists to help you. It can make grants to
Mobberley residents and to organisations that benefit the people of Mobberley.
Naturally, confidentiality is utmost when considering and making grants, which is why it
often finds it difficult promoting what it does.
The Trust normally makes one-off payments for essential items or work that people or
groups can’t afford. You can contact the Mobberley Trust by emailing its Secretary, the
Revd. Ian Blay, at ianblay@btinternet.com, or, if you prefer a more direct approach,
please feel free to speak in confidence with Dr Tim Mallon, Terry Mitchell (873738) or
Mike McDonald (873145), all of whom are also Trustees. Don't worry if you lose these
contact details because each month there’ll be a Mobberley Trust advert in this newsletter, so you’ll always be able to contact them.
If you have a problem, if no one else can help, then you can find the Mobberley Trust.
Don't be shy and don't worry unnecessarily; the trust is here for you.
Mobile library
The mobile library will be visiting Edenfield Close between 2pm and 3pm
and Bernisdale Road between 3.15pm and 4pm on 24 April.
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Mobberley Victory Hall
Monday night bingo Every Monday night from 8pm is bingo night in the Hall. Visitors
are always welcome to this fun evening, with cash prizes to boot. This event is organised by the Mobberley Senior Citizens’ Social Club.
Snooker League matches are played every Tuesday and Thursday night from
8pm. Some Wednesdays have competitions; see the noticeboard for details.
For more information on events at the Victory Hall, visit www.mvhmc.net.
Mobberley senior citizens
Forthcoming events:
Tuesday, 28 April – Trip to Bakewell, calling at Buxton; cost £8.
Tuesday, 9 June – Annual outing to Llandudno; free to all Mobberley senior citizens.
Monday, 29 June – All-prize bingo at the Victory Hall.
For more information please contact Joyce Eyres (872324), June Curbishley (872243)
or Dorothy Edwards (873699).
Community pride
Councillors continue to be vigilant in their litter picking and
ask for your co-operation, even if it’s just tidying the area
in front of your home. Some of the things found in the
hedgerows of our village are amazing, namely a foot spa!
The phone box in front of the Rajar Building has now been
adopted for the village by the Parish Council and is due to
be repainted shortly. We await confirmation about the red
phone box outside the Victory Hall, as an application has
been submitted to adopt this box too.
The benches, bins
and noticeboards
are to be given
makeovers shortly.
We remain committed to putting the pride back
into our village, and look for your help and
(Pictures show volunteers cleaning and tidying
areas within the village.)
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Mobberley Women’s Institute
Mobberley Women's Institute meets at Mobberley Methodist
Church Hall.
Upcoming meetings:
Thursday, 16 April at 7.30pm. Speaker: Roger Jepson – An
Evening of Mystery
Thursday, 21 May at 7.30pm RESOLUTIONS evening.
Every year The WI debates a subject of topical interest, the resulting conclusion being passed to county, national and to government. Watch this space!
New members always welcome.
Secretary: Gwyneth Moores (873239).
Mobberley Pre-School celebrates World Book Day
Children came dressed as their favourite character from their favourite
book or nursery rhyme and brought into Pre-School a book to share with
everyone on World Book Day!
Highlights of the spring term so far
We kick-started the term with our music and movement daily activity. All
the children were leaping, stretching, dancing and
singing along with the ‘Sticky Kids’ songs.
Each week we concentrated on a letter from the alphabet, linking sounds and letters to ignite children’s interests and explore
the environment. The children helped to make Robert the
‘Robot’ (pictured right).
The children also made pirate ships and treasure maps, and
sailed around the world. They also measured and weighed the
ingredients when making jam tarts for the ‘Queen of Hearts’.
A big thank you to parents for attending and supporting the Cheese & Wine evening
on Friday, 6 February in aid of Pre-School funds. We raised nearly £300 on the night
from donations and a raffle. Thank you everyone for your kind generosity in donating
some great prizes. Please continue to support these fabulous events as the PreSchool is a registered charity and relies on local support in continuing to provide good
quality childcare for all children.
Sainsbury’s Active Kids
Once again we are collecting vouchers for Pre-School this year. If you shop in any
Sainsbury's branches please drop vouchers into the Pre-school. All tokens collected
are exchanged for some great sports equipment, keeping the little ones active.
We update our Facebook page regularly – don’t forget to ‘like’ us and share with
More information on all aspects of the Pre-School life, as well as news, our prospectus and application forms for Pre-School sessions can be found on our
website at www.mobberleypre-school.co.uk.
Please keep supporting Mobberley Pre-School.
Page 6
Mobberley Cricket Club
(The VIVO Cheshire County Cricket League)
Division 2
HOME games for APRIL 2015 at Church Lane.
Saturday, 18 April: 2nd XI – v WIDNES, start 1pm
Saturday, 25 April: 1st XI – v BROOKLANDS, start 1pm
New members (playing and social) and spectators are welcome. Teas available to all
on match days. Contact Rick Mountney (873252) for further details or call in at the
DATE FOR YOUR DIARY – BEER FESTIVAL Friday, 22 to Sunday, 24
May 2015 (Spring Bank Holiday). Speciality ales and ciders available in
addition to full bar facilities and all-day food, accompanied by cricket on
the pitch and live music.
The Pavilion is also available for hire for functions at very affordable rates, with full bar
and kitchen facilities available. Contact Sarah Bowler (873148) for details.
Mobberley Cricket Club history
The village cricket club was formed in
1876 by the Reverend George LeighMallory, R Cawley, J W Wright, S Duckworth and others. In June 1976, the
club celebrated its centenary and the
celebrations commenced with a gathering of members and friends.
Cricket has been played continuously
since 1876, except in 1917 and 1918
when, due to the first World War, the
Club closed down its activities.
(Pictured above are players from 1900.)
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St. Wilfrid CofE, Church Lane, Mobberley
Rector: Revd. Ian Blay 873218/ianblay@btinternet.com
Sunday Services
Holy Communion 8.30am
Morning Worship (and Sunday Club) 10am
Choral Evensong 6.30pm
April begins halfway through Holy Week. On Thursday, 2
April we commemorate Maundy Thursday with a sung
service of Holy Communion at 7.30pm that ends with the
stripping of the altar and a one-hour vigil. We wake up to
Good Friday on Friday, 3; ‘Good’ in this sense carries the
old meaning of ‘Godly’ or ‘Holy’ and today we remember
the death of Jesus at our service of the Proclamation of
the Cross at 10am. This is a very solemn service, one of
quiet beauty, as we contemplate what Jesus underwent
for our sakes.
Sunday, 5 April is Easter Sunday, when our sorrow is turned to joy and our tears to
laughter as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead; an event unique in
human history and one that we proclaim as God’s emphatic ‘Yes’ to everything that Jesus said and did. We shall celebrate with two services of Holy Communion: a said service at 8.30am and a sung service at 10am.
In the light and hope of Easter we shall be holding our Memorial Service for the
Recently Departed on Thursday, 16 April at 7.30pm. At this service we recall all those
who had funerals conducted at or through St. Wilfrid’s Church last year and light a
candle in their memory. Family will be personally invited, but this service is open to all
who wish to join us.
Remembrance of a different kind on Thursday, 23 April as we remember our national
Patron Saint, Saint George, at a celebration meal at Pastiche in Knutsford. For more information on this, please look at our website (link below).
On the theme of meals together, our first Parish Lunch of the year takes place at the
Rajar Building on Tuesday, 21 April. Tickets are still only £6 – I know, I don’t know how
we do it either – and are available from the start of April.
Our Messy Church continues at the Rajar Building on the last Saturday of the month
between 10 and 11am. Messy Church is for children and parents alike, and explores
biblical themes through arts and crafts, songs and stories, and a short and very simple
act of worship. Messy Church is church for families that don’t normally do church! Come
and join us on Saturday, 25 April.
Our All-Age service takes place on the second Sunday of each month and so will be on
Sunday, 12 April, while our Sunday Club meets every Sunday at 10am.
Finally, our Annual Parochial Church Meeting also takes place on Sunday, 12 April at
11.30am in church. The first part of the meeting is open to all Mobberley parishioners,
when we elect our churchwardens, and the second part is open to everybody on the
church electoral roll.
You can find out more about all these services and events, and much more, on our
website at www.mobberleychurch.co.uk.
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Minister: Rev Jackie Betts 872957/j.betts321@btinternet.com
Services in April
5th Rev Jackie Betts 9.30am
12th Mr Ian Lee
19th Mrs Pam Ward
26th Rev Jackie Betts
Everyone is welcome to all services, which begin at 10.45am and include Kidzone for
children. Tea/coffee served after service. Fair-trade goods available each Sunday.
Holy Week and Easter services
Mon–Thurs, 30 March to 2 April, 9.00am–9.30am Rajar Building – Readings and prayers for Holy Week
Good Friday 3 April 10am
Easter Day 5 April 9.30am
All led by Rev Jackie Betts
Singing Super
As part of Knutsford Methodist Church’s 150th anniversary fundraising, Jackie will be
singing and playing 150 verses from favourite hymns on Saturday, 18 April between
2pm and 5pm in Mobberley Methodist Church schoolroom. Everyone welcome to sing/
chat enjoy tea/coffee and cake, for all or part of the afternoon.
Admission free. Donations for Challenge 150 appeal.
Weekly meetings
6.15pm to 6.45pm – Prayer meeting (at Wesley Cottage).
This month we pray for the people living on Breech House Lane, Oldfield Drive, Broad
Oak Lane, Ostler’s Lane, Bucklow Avenue, Paddock Hill, Burleyhurst Lane, and the
staff at our local doctor’s and veterinary surgeries.
10.30am Thursday group table tennis/tea/coffee/chat.
A friendly group which welcomes new members – to come regularly or occasionally;
play table tennis or just watch and chat.
For more information, contact Mrs M Banner on 873117.
6.00pm Shell Group for children aged 7 to 11.
For more information, contact Mrs J Venables on 01625 429239.
Spl@t is a joint churches youth club for young people Year 6 and upwards, which
meets alternate Mondays between 7.30 and 9pm at the Methodist Church.
New members very welcome. Each meeting includes cakes and drinks, time to chat,
as well as activities. Cost £1 per evening. Why not come along and give it a try?
To find out more, call Rev Jackie Betts on 872957 or email j.betts321@btinternet.com.
April dates yet to be arranged.
Page 9
Useful numbers
Ark Veterinary Mobberley - 872035
Cheshire East Council - 0300 123 55 00
Cheshire East Councillor - J Macrae 873263
Co-op Pharmacy, Mobberley - 872080
D&G Little Bus - 0845 077 9110
Fire Dept. (Non-urgent) - 633369
Knutsford Police - 0845 458 0000
Methodist Minister Rev Jackie Betts - 872957
1st Mobberley Rainbow and Brownies hollyfowlkes@aol.com
Mobberley Assoc of Church F’ships - 872801
Mobberley Bridge Club - 872793
Mobberley Cattery - 872467
Mobberley Cricket Club - 873252
Mobberley Parish Council - 872333
Mobberley Pre-School - 07771 426292
e-mail info@mobberleypre-school.co.uk
Mobberley Primary School - 01625 383055
Mobberley Trust - 873145
Mobberley Victory Hall - 872451
Mobberley WI - 873239
MOPS After School Club - 07759 563603
Rajar Building - 872333
Ringheye Morris - 873061
St. Wilfrid’s – 873218
Yoga/Pilates at the Rajar 07912384009
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Page 10
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Mayfield Garden Services
For all your gardening needs:
Lawn repair, cutting and maintenance, digging and weeding borders, hedge trimming, tree pruning, pond
maintenance (including fish ponds), pressure washing of drives and patios and external painting of sheds,
fences, etc. For an efficient, reliable service at competitive rates please call
01565 873987 or 07917 626149
Domestic, Industrial and Commercial • Miller Cottage, Slade Lane, Mobberley
Mobile: 07971 784844
Email: lordsteve05@msn.com
Telephone/Fax: 01565 873085
Cheshire Pet Supplies
All Pets catered for
Guaranteed free Delivery on Thursdays to Mobberley & surrounding areas if orders received by 12 noon Wednesday.
Open to the Public
Unit 5 Oakfield Trading Estate Oakfield Road, Altrincham, WA15 8EJ
0161 928 3588
Page 11
State Registered Chiropodist
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Email: celia.fletcher@btinternet.com
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Not got a Window Cleaner? The try your local, reliable
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Over 25 years service to the Parish and surrounding areas
Call: 01565 872299
07759 691306
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