Blofield Parish Council Minutes of the Blofield Parish Council Meeting held at Blofield Courthouse on Monday 16th March 2015 at 7:30pm – 9.45pm. PRESENT David Ward (Chair), Barry Cawkwell, Nigel MacPherson, Pat Wilson, Margaret Turner and Sarah Tetlow and Sarah Osbaldeston (Clerk). Stella Shackle arrived at item 14. 1. Welcome and Introduction to the meeting by the Chair, David Ward. 2. TO CONSIDER APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Rob Christie, Yvonne Burton, Joseph Scholes and Diane Hayward. 3. TO RECEIVE DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST ON ITEMS ON THE AGENDA Sarah Tetlow and Pat Wilson declared a non-pecuniary interest in items 15 and 20 as they are both on the Courthouse Management Committee. David Ward declared a non-pecuniary interest in all planning matters as a member of Broadland District Council’s planning committee. 3.1. 3.2. Suspend standing orders 4. 4.1. 4.2. 4.3. 4.4. 4.5. OPEN FORUM - FOR PARISHIONERS TO RAISE QUESTIONS ON AND/OR MAKE STATEMENTS ABOUT MATTERS ON THE AGENDA AND TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM THE DISTRICT COUNCILLOR AND COUNTY COUNCILLOR Approximately 10 parishioners were present. Councillor Andrew Proctor and Sue Lawn sent their apologies. Item 9.6 – A parishioner detailed his objections to this proposed development Item 18 – Terry Norton advised that Heathlands Management Committee request the Council instruct Birketts Solicitors regarding this boundary issue. Item 9.6 – A parishioner commented on this planning application and requested the council continue to pursue improvements to the East Yarmouth Road / A47 junction. Pat Wilson expressed disappointment in the lack of interest District Councillor Paul Green has shown in the Parish of Blofield which he has represented for the last 4 years. Resume standing orders 5. 5.1. 6. 6.1. 7. 7.1. 8. 8.1. 8.2. 8.3. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 16th FEBRUARY 2015 David Ward proposed (seconded by Barry Cawkwell) the minutes were accepted and these were unanimously approved by the council and duly signed by the chair. TO REPORT ON MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT ON THE AGENDA No matters arising. TO REPORT ON MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES NOT ON THE AGENDA 9.4 (16th Feb 2015 minutes) - Application 20142057 – erection of a detached dwelling to replace existing dwelling at 9 Church Road has been refused planning permission on the 3rd March. TO RECEIVE A NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN UPDATE AND AGREE ANY NECESSARY ACTIONS The recent walkabout workshops held in Blofield and Blofield Heath received approximately 90 visitors in total. The full content of the Neighbourhood Plan update was noted by the Council. The Clerk noted that the Locality Bridging Grant of £3,458 would be received by the Council shortly and the Council had been successful in obtaining the Broadland District Council grant of £5,622. 9. TO RECEIVE A PLANNING UPDATE 9.1. Application 20141710 – erection of 30 dwellings on land adjacent to 20 Yarmouth Road went to planning committee on the 11th March. 1 9.2. 9.3. 9.4. A parishioner has raised concerns regarding the planning application 20150229, Andrew Proctor has responded to the parishioners email. The application of grading, crushing and screening inert material on Norfolk Premier Golf has been withdrawn with effect from the 3rd February 2015. Application 20142057 – erection of a detached dwelling to replace existing dwelling at 9 Church Road has been refused planning permission on the 3rd March. 10. TO CONSIDER COUNCIL FEEDBACK ON PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED FROM BROADLAND DISTRICT COUNCIL Clerk to feedback to BDC 10.1. Application: 20150234 / Mr Paul Unstead The relocation of existing gates (set back 5m from their current position) and associated works Location: The Manor House, The Street, Blofield, NR13 4RG Reduce piers, set back 5m Margaret Turner proposed (seconded by Sarah Tetlow) the Council have no objections to this application; this was unanimously approved. 10.2. Application: 20150269 / Mr John Mallett Single Storey Side & Rear Extension and front porch with entrance steps Location: 32 Saint Andrews Way, Blofield, NR13 4LA David Ward proposed (seconded by Pat Wilson) the Council have no objections to this application; this was unanimously approved. 10.3. Application: 20150203 / Jenkinson Properties Ltd Application for approval of details reserved by condition 13 of planning permission 20131655 Location: Land off Woodbastwick Road, Blofield Heath, Nigel MacPherson proposed (seconded by Barry Cawkwell) the following comment – until the developer acknowledges their plans to trespass on a part of Blofield Parish Council land the Council do not agree with any applications on the site. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. 10.4. Application: 20150229 / D & C Murrell Ltd Erection of 2 detached dwellings with garages (revised proposal) Location: Land off Doctors Road, Blofield Nigel MacPherson proposed (seconded by Sarah Tetlow) the Council do not support this planning application due to the considerable loss of section 106 funds to the village. 10.5. Application: 20150169 / Mr & Mrs T Foley Erection of 2 Dwellings with Garages Location: Land at 93 Yarmouth Road, Blofield, NR13 4LQ Pat Wilson proposed (seconded by Nigel MacPherson) the Council do not support this planning application as the village cannot support any more houses. The Council is also concerned about the removal of trees on the site and no location indicated for the air source heat pumps. The Council resolved to unanimously support these comments. 10.6. Application: 20150262 / Mr & Mrs G Pointer Change of use of former piggery to residential use including demolition of existing agricultural buildings and re-development to provide 13 No. dwellings, associated parking, garages and new access road Location: Former Piggeries, Manor Farm, Yarmouth Road, Blofield, NR13 4JS Pat Wilson proposed (seconded by Nigel MacPherson) the Council do not support this planning application for the following reasons: The village cannot accommodate any additional new homes The Boundary of the village is being pushed further and further The visibility from the access road onto Yarmouth Road is poor The development is too close to the existing barns The Council is concerned by the Asbestos on the site and keen to ensure adequate safety precautions are used when removing it The Council resolved to support this proposal (for – 5, abstention – 1) 2 11. 11.1. 12. 12.1. 13. 13.1. TO CONSIDER FEEDBACK ON ANY PLANNING APPLICATIONS RECEIVED SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF THIS AGENDA Application: 20150339 / Mr Samual Percival Erection of ½ storey extension to existing ground floor Location: Pytchcroft, 102 Blofield Corner Road, Blofield, NR13 4DG Pat Wilson proposed (seconded by Sarah Tetlow) the Council have no objections to this application; this was unanimously approved. TO RECEIVE A DEVELOPMENT WORKING PARTY UPDATE AND AGREE ANY NECESSARY ACTIONS No update. TO NOTE THE QUARTERLY INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT AND AGREE ANY NECESSARY ACTIONS Pat Wilson detailed that she had carried out an internal audit for the 4 months from October 2014 – January 2015. No issues came to light and the Council noted the content of the report. 14. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING REVISED DOCUMENTS DRAFTED BY THE FINANCE WORKING PARTY 14.1.1. Standing Orders – The clerk summarised the small additions. David Ward proposed (seconded by Margaret Turner) the Council adopt the Standing Orders for the forthcoming year. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. 14.1.2. Financial Regulations - The clerk summarised the small additions. David Ward proposed (seconded by Margaret Turner) the Council adopt the Financial Regulations for the forthcoming year. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. 14.1.3. The Council also unanimously resolved to continue with three signatories for cheques (rather than using an online system). 14.1.4. Risk Assessment – The clerk summarised the small additions. Margaret Turner proposed (seconded by Barry Cawkwell) the Council accept the Risk Assessment for the forthcoming year. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. 14.1.5. Clerk to investigate the Fidelity Guarantee. 14.1.6. Freedom of Information Scheme - The clerk summarised the small additions. David Ward proposed (seconded by Nigel MacPherson) the Council accept the Freedom of Information Scheme for the forthcoming year. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. 14.1.7. David Ward proposed (seconded by Margaret Turner) the Council appoint Pauline James to carry out the audit for 2014/15. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. Stella Shackle arrived 15. 15.1. 16. 16.1. 16.2. 17. 17.1. 17.2. TO CONSIDER A FUNDING REQUEST FROM AGE UK NORFOLK FOR £100 Nigel MacPherson proposed (seconded by Stella Shackle) the Council make a £100 donation to Age UK Norfolk. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. TO AGREE EXPENDITURE AND A CONTRACTOR FOR THE STONE REPAIRS TO BLOFIELD COURTHOUSE Following discussions the Council were unable to come to a majority decision. It was agreed that Barry Cawkwell and Sarah Tetlow would view samples (at the Courthouse) of both stones proposed by two of the stone masons and return to the Council in April with a report and proposal. Clerk to contact stone masons for samples. TO CONSIDER A QUOTATION FOR PAINTING THE BLOFIELD BRICK BUS SHELTER AND AGREE ANY FURTHER IMPROVEMENTS / NECESSARY ACTIONS Nigel MacPherson proposed (seconded by David Ward) the Council approve the quotation of £185 for painting the Blofield bus shelter. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. In addition the Council asked the clerk to obtain two alternative quotations for repairing and varnishing the existing bus shelter bench or adding a fixed bench (like that in the Blofield Heath shelter). 3 18. 18.1. 18.2. 19. 19.1. 19.2. 20. 20.1. 21. 21.1. 21.2. 22. 22.1. 23. 23.1. 23.2. 23.3. 24. 24.1. 25. 25.1. 26. 26.1. 27. TO APPROVE INVOICES FOR PAYMENT The Clerk detailed the increase in the quotation for the drain work at the Courthouse from £1,740 (+VAT) to £2,168.50 (+VAT). This was as a result of obstructions to the planned drain route. The Council approved this additional expenditure. David Ward proposed (seconded by Barry Cawkwell) the Council approve payments of all invoices presented for payment in Appendix 1. The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. Clerk to issue cheques. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE AND AGREE ANY NECESSARY ACTIONS FOLLOWING THE LETTER ISSUED REGARDING BOUNDARIES FOR THE PLANNING CONSENT PASSED FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF 24 DWELLINGS BEHIND HEATHLANDS (20131655) No response has been received to date from the developers. Following some discussion Nigel MacPherson proposed (seconded by Margaret Turner) the Council engage Birketts solicitors to send the draft letter to the developers, prepared for Heathlands Management Committee. (The cost of this letter has been paid for). The Council unanimously resolved to approve this proposal. Clerk to instruct Birketts. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE GLASS RECYCLING BANKS AT HEATHLANDS COMMUNITY CENTRE The Clerk has agreed a contract with Indigo Waste Services Ltd to provide and empty the glass recycle banks at Heathlands for a charge of £10 per tonne with effect from the 1 April 2015. TO CONSIDER VIEWING AND / OR OBTAINING COPIES OF THE DEEDS TO THE RECREATION GROUND AND DEEDS TO THE FORMER COURTHOUSE HELD BY SPIRE SOLICITORS AND AGREE AN ONGOING STORAGE SOLUTION The Council requested the Clerk and Rob Christie visit the Solicitors to view the deeds they hold and obtain copies for the council files. Clerk to ascertain if other deeds can be held there too and understand the cost of registering the land with land registry. TO CONSIDER SUPPORTING THE NATIONAL FARMERS’ UNION CAMPAIGN TO THE GOVERNMENT TO BAN THE SALE OF PUBLIC USE OF RELEASING SKY LANTERNS INTO THE ENVIRONMENT Nigel MacPherson proposed (seconded by Margaret Turner) the Council support this campaign. Clerk to forward the detail to the village schools and add to the website. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON THE BUS CAMPAIGN Pat Wilson summarised that KonectBus will be putting on a new service, number 72 leaving Norwich at 9:20am (through Brundall, Blofield, Blofield, Heath, South Walsham, Acle) to Great Yarmouth at 10:30am. It will run once a day Monday – Friday (expect public holidays); commencing on Tuesday 5th May. An additional there will be second bus leaving Norwich at 12:20pm but this will not have a direct return from Great Yarmouth. Pat Wilson will write an article for Focal Point and Blofield News. TO RECEIVE A PLANTATION WOOD UPDATE AND AGREE NECESSARY ACTIONS No update. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE ON PARKING AT THE KINGS HEAD PUB CAR PARK Joseph provided a written report and summarised that the two licensees of the Kings Head Public House both agreed very willingly that they are happy to allow access for the public to use the car park. The public can use the car park as soon as possible, just as long as they respect the land and property. TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR A DOG WASTE BIN AT THE JUNCTION OF MILL ROAD AND RANWORTH ROAD Clerk to seek clarity from Yvonne Burton and bring to the April 2015 meeting. TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR PERMANENT ILLUMINATING SPEED SIGNS FOR EITHER END OF THE BLOFIELD HEATH ON THE WOODBASTWICK ROAD 4 27.1. The council discussed the cost of circa £7,000 for this request. Margaret Turner proposed (seconded by David Ward), the council do not provide these additional speed signs. This proposal was unanimously approved by the Council. 28. TO RECEIVE AN UPDATE FROM THE NALC SPRING SEMINAR To receive an update in April from Rob Christie. 28.1. 29. 29.1. 29.2. 29.3. 29.4. 29.5. 30. 30.1. 31. 31.1. 32. 32.1. PARISH CLERK’S CORRESPONDENCE The police report shows a total of 4 crimes for the calendar month of February 2015. The development Management DPD – consultation on modifications will be available for viewing until the 15th April – Do the Council wish to comment? The Council do not wish to comment. The Norfolk Minerals iste specific allications development plan document – single issue review of th silica sand – initial consultation document is open until the 20 April 2015. No silica sand resource underlies the boundaries of the Blofield Parish Council area. MAGPAS have requested a funding support from the Council. Clerk to provide the Council grant application form. Norfolk County Council has agreed to move the grit bin situated at the corner of Holly Lane to Lower Globe Lane before the start of next Winter. There is a risk the bin will break up, if this occurs the Parish Council will be required to cover the cost of a new bin. The Council noted this risk. OTHER REPORTS AND ITEMS FOR THE NEXT AGENDA The verge at the junction between Pedham Road and Bullacebush Lane requires repairing. Clerk to inform Highways. TO NOTE THE DATE OF THE NEXT PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Monday 27th April 2015 at 7:30pm at the Courthouse. TO NOTE THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PARISH th Friday 15 May at 7:30pm at the Courthouse. There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:45pm. Signed……………………………………………. Dated……………………………. 5
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