Longstanton Parish Council Minutes of the Council Meeting, held at The Village Institute, 24 High Street, Longstanton Monday 13th April 2015 at 7.36pm Those Present: Cllr Mrs Ashby (Chair); Cllr Dale; Cllr Mrs Dale; Cllr Elby; Cllr Street; Cllr McPhater, Cllr Kessell Cllr White, Cllr Wilkins, Cllr McMillan Clerk: Libby White D Cllr Riley and C Cllr Hudson Members 11 Vacancy 0 Quorum 4 2 members of the public 14-15/279 To Receive and Accept Apologies for Absence Cllr Mrs Brash-Hall and Mrs Moira Caborn - RFO (personal) 14-15/280 Councillors’ Declarations of Interest for items on agenda It was noted that all Councillors have dispensation to discuss and vote on Northstowe matters. Cllr McMillan arrived at 7.37pm. It was noted that Cllrs Elby, McMillan, White and Wilkins have dispensation to discuss and vote on Home Farm matters. It was noted that all Councillors have dispensation to discus and vote on Financial matters. Cllrs Dale and Mrs Dale expressed an interest in items 14-15/287 a) and e) 14-15/281 Open Forum for Public Participation (10min) Dr Coldrick asked if there was any update on the road adoption at Home Farm. The Clerk stated that she had an update under item 14-15/286 - Home Farm Matters. 14-15/282 Approval of Minutes It was proposed by Cllr Street and seconded by Cllr McPhater that the minutes of the meeting of 9th March 2015, are approved and signed. CARRIED 3 abstentions 14-15/283 Clerk’s Report (for information only) • WEEE Collection took place on 11th March collecting 2.6 tons of electrical waste. • Persimmon have been informed of the Parish Council’s wish to charge for a compound on the Open Space 7 (Eaton Way/Mitchcroft Road). Persimmon are not happy and the Clerk is seeking advice from SCDC. • The moving of Footpath 9 has been denied by the Director of Infrastructure Management and Operations at CCC due to it not meeting legal tests as set out in the Highways Act 1980 or CCC’s policy criteria. • Connections Bus booked for 2015-2016. • Website Committee was unable to meet in the month due to the meeting being in quorate. • SCDC Conservation team have been to visit the water pumps and noted how important they are. They are happy with the proposal for tidying these up. • Dog fouling signs have been created and some distributed to residents who have a particular problem in their area. • Circus Tyanna will be visiting in May. • Correspondence from the ICO in respect to FOI is being dealt with. • The Clerk and Chair met with the police to hand over some further documents • Clerk has met with Highways Department: blocked drains have been cleared, part of Clive Hall Drive has been cleared of moss and weeds but they are due to go back. ~14/78~ Power Action • Further Highways problems have been reporting including: faulty streetlights (Collingwood Drive), inadequate repair in pavement on Over Road, faulty roundabout lighting (Over Road) • The wall at the end of Brookside (around the water course) has been reported to Highways. However, Highways believe it is SCDC’s responsibility. Left this with them to sort out between themselves. • Problems with water course have been reported to Pat Matthews at SCDC including slipping banks and fallen trees. • Liaising with Street Cleansing to find out what is happening with replacement bins at junction of School Lane and High Street (requested Jan 14) and the moving of the bin outside All Saints Church (requested Jun 14). • Residents have moved the dog bin from Fews Lane back on to the High Street (outside Hattons House). This bin was moved to Fews Lane by SCDC in 2014 following the replacement street lights, but should be on the High Street as Fews Lane is a privately owned road. It was requested that the Clerk send information to C Cllr Hudson in respect to Footpath no 9 in order that he can liaise at County Council to support the resident’s request. Clerk 14-15/284 County & District Councillor’s Report & Business a) C Cllr Hudson mentioned that there was not a huge amount to report this month as there is not a lot happening as Council is in Purdah due to next month’s elections. He is currently helping out 3 or 4 residents and will report later. b) D Cllr Riley reported back on the NJDCC meeting on 25th March 2015. The meeting was aborted after 6 hours and has been postponed until July 2015. He is not sure what changes will be made by HCA in this time but stated that one concern is that instead of 14 hectares of recreational space there is only 10 hectares. Has asked to see David Read with Cllr Mrs Ashby to go through the S106 agreement for Phase 1. 14-15/285 Finance Matters a) The Clerk confirmed that total funds held by the Council still stood at £264,371.74 as at 27th February 2015, with a breakdown of monies held as follows: Current Account: £90,849.02 Deposit Account: £1,056.32 Reserves Account: £50,046.86 Home Farm Account: £90,701.63 S106 Account: £31,434.17 Community Projects Reserves Account: £283.74 It was noted that the old Council minutes were transferred to County Council in 2014 for storage and archiving. It was proposed by Cllr White and seconded by Cllr Street that a contribution of £100.00, as requested by County Council, to allow these records to be bound in bespoke archival folders which will better protect the documents for future reference be approved. CARRIED 14-15/286 Home Farm Matters a) The Clerk confirmed that there is ongoing correspondence between herself and Persimmon in respect to the hedges on the Public Open Spaces (POS) at the end of Eaton Way/Kides Crescent. Clerk is not happy with work completed and seeking advice and support from SCDC. Having informed Persimmon of the Council’s decision to charge for the compound if placed on the Open Space at the end of Eaton Way, Persimmon have responded quite negatively. The Clerk has suggested several other options including using the compound at the far end of Mitchcroft Road which would be a much more ~14/79~ A Riley/ G Ashby Clerk b) 14-15/287 a) b) c) d) satisfactory option. Awaiting further information from Persimmon. An update has been received with respect to road adoption. The company being used by Taylor Wimpey are pushing County Council to get things moving using Section 37 of the Highways Act 1980 (which does not require a legal agreement but a notification from the owner of the road). The Clerk confirmed that SCDC have written to Mr Stroude to invite him to a meeting to discuss outstanding matters with respect to Home Farm and the outstanding planning applications he has with SCDC. Unfortunately Mr Stroude has declined this invitation. The Transfer for Public Open space has been received for the large area on Mitchcroft Road and 2 areas on Duddle Drive. It was proposed by Cllr White and seconded by Cllr Mrs Wilkins that the Twigden areas be executed but the Barratt one be held back until the replacement play item is agreed with Barratt. CARRIED Planning Matters Planning Applications – for comment S/0046/15/FL - first floor side extension at 3 Spiggots Close, Longstanton for Goodchild. It was proposed by Cllr Street and seconded by Cllr Kessell that this application be recommended for refusal on the grounds of over development as it is increasing the density of development in the area and is out of keeping with the street scene. In addition, there are concerns on highway safety issues with increased traffic and car parking. CARRIED 2 abstentions S/0260/15/FL - 2 metal shipping containers for the storage of sports equipment at the Recreation Ground, Over Road, Longstanton for Longstanton Colts Football Club. It was proposed by Cllr White and seconded by Cllr Mrs Wilkins that this application be recommended for approval with the following planning conditions: • No concrete to be put in for access to the containers at all. Any access into containers will need to be movable. • The containers need to be green to blend in with surroundings and match the existing one there. • The old container behind the Pavilion is to be disposed of. • Any damage caused to the Recreation Ground in the delivery of these items is to be rectified and the ground restored to its original condition CARRIED S/0566/15/FL - single storey rear extension at 19 Swallow Close, Longstanton for Mr Chris Mee It was proposed by Cllr Street and seconded by Cllr Elby that this application be recommended for approval. CARRIED S/0509/15/FL - replacement of flat roof with pitched roof between garage and bungalow at 13 Ladywalk, Longstanton for Thierry Ferrus. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Wilkins and seconded by Cllr Dale that this application be recommended for approval. CARRIED ~14/80~ Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk e) S/0568/15/FL - single storey front and rear extensions and erection of detached garage with caravan port at 27 Prentice Close, Longstanton for Ms John Lewis. It was proposed by Cllr White and seconded by Cllr Mrs Wilkins that this application be recommended for approval CARRIED 2 abstentions Northstowe Planning Matters - for comment o) S0761/15/DC - Part discharge of Condition 31 detailed CEMP for site wide Earthworks S/0388/12/OL at land south of Longstanton Park and Ride for Gallagher Longstanton Limited. It was confirmed that the paperwork had not been received from SCDC and requested that the Clerk ask for an extension. Other Planning Matters - for information only f) S/0478/15/LD - lawful development Certificate for replacing two single garage doors with a double garage door at 9 Lofthouse Way, Longstanton for Mr Peter Farr. g) S/0539/15/PH - prior notification of proposed larger home extension - single storey rear extension at 3 Mitchcroft Road, Longstanton for Mr & Mrs Grant. h) S/0668/15/FL - approval granted for single storey side and rear extension at 15 Collingwood Drive, Longstanton for Mr and Mrs Townson. i) C/11/40/067 10950 - notification of approval of tree works at The Grange, St Michael’s Longstanton for Mrs Boscawen. Northstowe Other Planning Matters - for information only j) S/0104/15/FL - approval granted for erection of electricity switching station and associated boundary treatment at Northstowe Phase 1, Longstanton for Gallagher Longstanton Limited k) S/0038/15/RM - approval granted for reserved matters application for Hatton’s Road Ponds Strategic Engineering Element at Hatton’s Road, Longstanton for Gallagher Longstanton Limited l) S/0218/15/DC - to noted amended planning application for Discharge of Condition 7 (Phasing) of S/0388/12/OL (Northstowe Phase 1) at Northstowe for Gallagher Longstanton Limited m) To note appeal decision re application S/2097/14/VC in respect to Condition 14 for Phase 1 of Northstowe (reduction in room size) - found in favour of Gallagher. n) S/2860/14/FL - approval granted for extension of existing site including chemical dosing and new boundary fence at existing Anglian Water Pumping Station, Rampton Drift, for Anglian Water Services 14-15/288 Indemnities for Section 106 Funds Held by SCDC It was proposed by Cllr White and seconded by Cllr Elby that the indemnities be signed and returned to SCDC to be actioned. CARRIED 14-15/289 Policy and Terms of Reference Review a) It was proposed by Cllr Street and seconded by Cllr Mrs Wilkins that the Staff Recruitment Policy be approved with no amendments. CARRIED b) It was proposed by Cllr Elby and seconded by Cllr Kessell that the Terms of Reference for the Employment Committee be approved with no amendments. CARRIED 14-15/290 Northstowe Matters a) It was noted that prior to the meeting, the speech made by Cllr Mrs Ashby had been circulated to all Councillors and Cllr Mrs Ashby recapped the NJDCC meeting held on 25th March 2015. Cllr Mrs Ashby confirmed that the budget for the Civic Centre had been slashed from £27million to £17million. The town centre has been ~14/81~ Clerk Clerk Clerk 14-15/291 a) b) c) 14-15/292 14-15/293 a) planned for phase 6 of the Phase 2 development. This goes against all advice given where the community/town centre should be built first. The decision on the approval, deferment or refusal of Phase 2 has been put back until July 2015. Cllr Mrs Ashby confirmed that the findings of the appeal on room sizes came through just before the NJDCC March meeting. Cllr Mrs Ashby had asked whether in light of the appeal decision been accepted on no minimum room sizes for Phase 1 did that mean that there was no minimum room sizes stipulated for Phase 2 houses, and was this really how an exemplar new town should be built. The committee was unable to give her an answer. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Wilkins and seconded by Cllr Elby that the Parish Council request clarification on where it stands, and whether there are any changes going to be made by HCA and that the Council is given the opportunity to make comment. The letter should request a reply by 5th May 2015. CARRIED Recreation Ground Matters Since the last meeting, neighbours of 9 Colesfield and the Recreation Ground have been approached in respect to the trees bordering the 2 properties. After discussion it was proposed by Cllr Mrs Ashby and seconded by Cllr Mrs Wilkins that should it be within budget, the trees are reduced according to Brookfield’s quote and the rubbish to be removed. Following the removal of the initial rubbish, this area is to be monitored for any further waste deposits. CARRIED It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Ashby and seconded by Cllr White that there be an official opening of the Recreation Ground Playground to run alongside the St George’s Day Fun Day on 25th April 2015. Items that the Council will pay for include: • 200 cookies at £98.00 (30 of these are free of charge) from Sarah Kerley • 2 balloon ‘bouquets’ for the entrance to the playground at £19.00 each from Loonyballoony The Clerk is to approach the Co-op for a contribution towards the official opening and the Chair will approach New Marque for the same reason. The Clerk will ask Mr John Frost how is best to announce the opening at a time to suit him. CARRIED A grant application has been received by Longstanton Grasshoppers Cricket club in respect to replacement ‘Stop Ball Netting’ which protects the Bowling Club members from Cricket balls. It was proposed by Cllr White and seconded by Cllr Street that money up to £500.00 is donated towards the replacement Stop Netting. CARRIED Community Work Placement It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Wilkins and seconded by Cllr White that the Parish Council look at applying for a Community Work Placement person to assist the clerk with filing and archiving of old documentation both in relation to the Council and the Village Institute. CARRIED Police Matters The Clerk confirmed that since the last meeting there had been: • 1 x shed was broken into in High Street, Longstanton taking building materials and tools. • 1 x forced entry and stolen cash and jewellery from a property in High Street, Longstanton. • 1 x shed was broken into in Thornhill Place, Longstanton. It is believed nothing ~14/82~ Clerk Clerk Clerk/ Chair Clerk i Clerk Clerk 14-15/294 14-15/295 14-15/296 14-15/297 14-15/298 Signed: Chairman Date: i was taken. The Clerk confirmed that she had met with Sergeant Rabel who confirmed that he has no resource and no drive to police the Airfield Road (Longstanton to Oakington). He stated that there are over 1,300 vehicles using the road illegally per week. However, their current priority is safety of the vulnerable and child protection. A14 Matters It was noted that an email has been received from nearby villages where they have suggested an alternative route for the ‘local access road’ around the Dry Drayton junction. They copied in the Clerk to imply that they wanted support from Longstanton PC. It was proposed by Cllr Elby and seconded by Cllr White that it was not a viable option as the government has already approved the route following the consultation process. CARRIED Committee Matters It was noted that Councillors had received draft minutes from the Committee meeting held during the last month as listed: • Pavilion Committee - 10th March 2015 • Finance Committee - 24th March 2015 (not held as in quorate) Correspondence/Matters for Information Only • Letter of thanks received from Over Day Centre. • Email copied to Longstanton PC where a resident has expressed her concerns to the contractors completing the Mitchcroft Road resurfacing. • Email received from resident who wanted an explanation on why the Precept has not gone down by much this year. The Clerk will respond. DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 27th April 2015 - Annual Parish Meeting Monday 11th May 2015 - AGM AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING Councillors are to notify the Clerk of any business and payments at least 7 days prior to the next meeting. • Home Farm Matters • Northstowe Matters • Police Matters - including visit from PCSO Tony Martin There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.53pm. ....................................................................... ....................................................................... LGA 1972, s137 ~14/83~ Clerk
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