HEMSWELL CLIFF RESIDENTS GROUP er t t e l s w e N f f i l C l l e w s Hem April 2015 hempress.cliff@aol.co.uk PSYCHIC SUPPER NIGHT Saturday 25th April Hemswell Cliff School Hall 1 Medium at each table (6 people per table) 15 minute personal reading Buffet Supper & Raffle Tickets £10.00 per person Doors Open : 7:00pm Begins : 7:30pm Buffet : 9:00pm Tickets available from Chris Cooper 01427 668158 (or ask any member of HCRG) CHANGE of date: BIG LUNCH NOW Saturday 27th June Would you like a Stall at the 2015 Big Lunch? Please phone Tasha 01427 668028 (Secretary) PAGE 2 HELPING TO BUILD COMMUNITY Hemswell Cliff—BALL PARK—NEWS! Hemswell Cliff Ball Park Committee have been successful with their recent funding applications, and have secured grants from WREN, WLDC Community Assets Fund, WLDC Councillor Initiative Fund and LCC Big Society Fund. The Committee put the refurbishment of the Ball Park out to tender and received three quotations. The contract has been awarded to Lightmain. Members of the Youth Council will be working with Cllr Graham Prestwood (Chair, Ball Park Committee), to pick the colour scheme for the ball park. The contractors have offered to host a visit to their factory for the young people, and it is hoped that some of the Year 6 pupils from the school will also be able to attend. ed that the ball park will be ready for everyone to use by the summer. Members of the Ball Park Committee are: Cllr Graham Prestwood (Chair) Angie Waplington, Hemswell Cliff Primary School The refurbishment of the ball Anne Cater, Community Lincs park will start within a few Kate Hearn, West Lindsey Disweeks and should take trict Council around six weeks to comEmma Bailey, LCC Youth Serplete. vices There will be an opening Hemswell Cliff Resident’s event, and all residents are Group encouraged to attend. The Young People representatives. Parish Council and the Ball Park Committee are delight- Role play For details on dates and times please contact Will on 01427 667203 between 6pm-9pm or email will_hann@hotmail.com From sci-fi to medieval Ju-Jutsu Martial Arts Class Hemswell Cliff School Thursdays 5yrs upwards 6-7pm Adults 7-8pm Come along and join in or just sit and watch. Sharon and Dave welcome you to join them. Feel free to come along and have a chat, if you want more information. We are happy to help. MARCH 2015 PAGE 3 Hemsw ell c liff r esidents group Dear members of the Hemswell community, We have lots of exciting events coming up and we hope that we have catered for the needs and interests of our community. Our next event in April will be the Psychic Supper, as this proved to be very popular and successful last year. At the beginning of June (on the sixth), we have the Jubilee Games and this year that will be held at RAF Scampton. At the end of June (on the twenty-seventh), we will be holding our Big Lunch. (Please note that the later has had to be moved because of the clash of dates with the former sports event). We would love to see you and your families at any or all of these events and any offers of help would be gratefully received. As is the case with many organisations, there are many people working hard behind the scenes. Some time ago now, we applied for some lottery funding, to help us purchase some equipment for our community. I am delighted to report that we were successful in being awarded some and we are now the proud owners of some tables and chairs and other small items, that will help us feel more comfortable at our events. In the past, we have had to borrow things from group members or other organisations, so it is good that we are moving forward and are becoming more independent. Thank you to all of those children, teachers and adults who helped with our recent community litter pick and those pupils who entered our competition to design a litter poster. We have decided on a winner and that will be announced shortly. Kind regards, Karen Hann Could you help us to set up and maintain a website for Hemswell Cliff Residents Group? Please phone Tasha 01427 668028 (Secretary) PAGE 4 HELPING TO BUILD COMMUNITY Hemswell cliff children’s centre Mondays Growing Talk – Scotter EAU Community Centre; Talking/Toddling 09.3010.15, Tinies 10.30-11.00 Wednesdays Toy Library/Messy Play 10.00-11.30 Community Room Let's Get Active 10.00-11.00 Morton Village Hall Seed to Plate 9.30-11.30 Meeting Room 18 Mar—3rd June Play & Explore 10.00–11.00 Willoughton Village Hall Hemswell Haven 3.30-4.30 Community Room/Outside Tuesdays Legal Advice - Free sessions Please call 01427 667643 to book an appointment. Thursdays Come and Play 09.00-11.30 Blyton Ice Cream Childminders 9.30-12.00 Community Room Parents & Tots 1.30-3.00— Scotter Village Hall Chat n Chill ‘Come and Play’ 09:00am-10:30am Community Room/Sports Hall Tea,Toast & Talk—10.30-11.30 Community Room Health Trainer 9:00am-12 Meeting Room Fridays Baby Peep 9:30-10:30 Scotter EAU Community Centre Toddler Peep 11:00-12 Scotter EAU Community Centre Family Peep 9.30-11:00 Community Room For more information please call 01427 667643 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY The following events have been proposed by Hemswell Cliff Residents Group—watch this space for updates!!!!!! 6th June—Jubilee Games at Scampton 27th June—BIG LUNCH (please note new date!) 16th September—RAF Hemswell Day 19th September—Pot Luck Super 12th December—Carol Service MARCH PAGE 5 2015 Hemswell cliff Lit ter pick Please come and help clean up the estate. All members of the community are invited to come along and meet others whilst helping to make Hemswell Cliff a tidier place to live. Gloves, litter-pickers and hi-vis jackets are supplied by West Lindsey District Council for your protection. Refreshments are provided free of charge afterwards, in the Children’s Centre for all those who participate. FREE Bacon Butty!!! Meet at 10:00am outside the school. Saturday 4th April God pod A mobile Christian Church, can be seen in Hemswell Cliff twice monthly on Sunday afternoon Louisberg Road 2-3pm Car park off Capper Ave 3-4pm. The pod offers activities for children, opportunities to talk about the Christian faith, free literature, leaflets, prayer at any time and fellowship. Sunday 5th and 19th April Newslet ter sponsor Hemswell Cliff Newsletter is sponsored by Hemswell Cliff Parish Council Please come and visit, we will do our best to make you welcome. Jenny & Peter HELPING TO BUILD COMMUNITY PAGE 6 PEOPLE OF HEMSWELL CLIFF Urgent appeal on behalf of the YOUTH CLUB We are looking for people who live or work in Hemswell Cliff to give up just a couple of hours every month or so to be a member of the Youth Club Management Committee. This means being part of the committee that helps to manage how the club 'does things' and to make sure things are legal and above board and also give us access to more funding! We already have a dedicated team of young people on the Youth Council keen to see the project become a huge success. We now need you to form a Management Committee to sustain this facility for the Young People in your community. If you would like any further information then please contact Emma Bailey on 07775 548900 Kirton Lindsey Town Hall Every Thursday 6.30-7.30 Kirton Lindsey Klassic Football Pavilion Every Friday 7-8pm Bookings dependent £3.50 per class MARCH PAGE 7 2015 Gainsborough Community Wheels Time to hit the road? Are you retired with time on your hands? Would you like something interesting to do? If so: WE NEED YOU! Volunteer Drivers Urgently Needed Contact us for an informal chat on 01427611441 or email: gaincommwheels@outlook.com Out of pocket expenses paid Supported by Lincolnshire County Council, West Lindsey District Council And Co-op Champions 2014 to 2015 We are a friendly hard working group of volunteers who urgently need your help. We are not the only ones who need you, our passengers need you too! If you would like a sense of satisfaction of a job well done for helping other people, then contact us on the details given. Ballet, tap and jazz classes at Ingham and Cammeringham Village Hall Saturday mornings, term time only Contact Miss Natalie for further information Tel: 01673 866601 Email: info@starstrucklincs.co.uk Find us on Facebook: Starstruck School of Dance Lincolnshire HEMSWELL CLIFF RESIDENTS GROUP Helping to Build Community Hemswell Cliff Residents Group is just that; a group of residents. We work along side the Parish Council to try to make Hemswell Cliff a better place for us all to live. We arrange social activities for the community. We want everyone who lives in Hemswell Cliff to enjoy living here. 01427 668028 hcresidentsgroup@aol.co.uk If you have any suggestions please get in touch, we need to know what you would like to see happening in Hemswell Cliff. April 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 Ju-Jutsu 6-8pm 5 6 7 8 God Pod 2-4pm 12 13 14 20 21 15 16 HCRG Mtg 6pm Ju-Jutsu 6-8pm 22 23 God Pod 2-4pm 26 10 11 17 18 24 25 Ju-Jutsu 6-8pm PC Mtg 7.30pm 19 9 Litter Pick 10am Ju-Jutsu 6-8pm 27 28 29 30 Ju-Jutsu 6-8pm Psychic Supper
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