GA Summer Vacation Bible Camp = FUN

Cincinnati, Ohio
Permit No. 1689
Bimonthly Newsletter of Guardian Angels Parish • Volume 21 • Number 5 • Aug./Sept. 2014
GA Summer Vacation
Bible Camp = FUN
Courtesy photos
Son of Treasure Island was a highlight of Guardian Angel’s Vacation Bible Camp in July.
By Becky Schen
here can you find dolphins, seahorses, turtles and starfish all
together in Mount Washington?
At Guardian Angel's Vacation
Bible Camp, of course! The
aquatic mix was found here the
week of July 7 - 10. Twentyseven campers came together
to take a four day tour of Son
Treasure Island. Each day was
filled with song & dance; story
time; games and gym activities;
art projects and VBS productions of Skits to dramatize the
lessons learned for the day.
Our hunger led us to the 'Coconut Snack Shack each day to
feast on cupcakes, Jell-O with
Swedish fishes swimming in it;
Seashell cakes or brownies
and of course our
Sand/Water/fish combination hint it involved graham crackers, blue icing and Pepperidge
Farm fishes.
The campers heard how
GOD'S love is kind, patient, not
jealous and very forgiving.
They listened to stories and
watched skits about the birth of
the baby Jesus and the miracles of the grown man Jesus.
They took home sand-scapes
and bean bag crabs along with
the joy of new friends and the
love of God.
See CAMP on page 4
must begin by thanking all who gave so
generously of their time, talent and
treasure to make our
festival the success that
it was. We believe that
we did about as well as
last year, which is very
good. Soon we should
have the final numbers.
There are still some bills
to be paid which we have
not received and refunds Father Thomas
and checks from some
vendors that have not come in. Now is
the time to mark your calendar for next
year’s festival: June 12, 13 & 14! We can
always use more workers.
Soon our seminarian intern, Mr. Sean
Wilson, will be returning to the seminary
to continue his studies for the priesthood.
While he will be living at the seminary he
will continue to be associated with our
parish. The blessing and joy of his presence will continue. Sean will be ordained
a transitional deacon on April 25, 2015 at
11 a.m. at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral.
I trust many of you have noticed the
beautiful flowers that grace our Blessed
Mother’s Shrine and our Gathering
Space. Thank you to the ladies who
planted and maintain these beds.
Speaking of our wonderful Gathering
Space, the doors of the Gathering Space
See Pastor, page 4
Festival thank yous, page 2
Christ renews His parish, page 2
Head servers appointed, page 3
Bible Camp campers spent some
time at the Coconut Snack Shack
during Vacation Bible Camp.
Honor rolls, page 4
2 - Guardian Angels Press
August/September 2014
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of this years Angelsfest! The
annual Guardian Angels event is the parish’s largest fundraiser. It takes a collaborative effort
from all of us to make it a great event. Whether you volunteered to work, placed a sign in your
yard or a magnet on your car to promote the festival, donated to Bid-N-Buy, had your company
sponsor Angelsfest, or just attended, THANK YOU.
A special thank you to George Barry and the Festival Committee.
Thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors for this year’s Angelsfest. The Guardian
Angels parish Festival would not be a success without these generous donors.
Gold Sponsors
Angelsfest Committee
George Barry
Bill Luttmer
Jill Tummler-MacKenzie
Dick Vogelgesang
Terry Glassmeyer
Michelle Thomas
Marianne Metz
Tiffany Strah
Chris Cullion
Chris Haynes
Amy Obermeyer
Jim Hay
Kara Bult
Bid ‘n Buy Committee
The items you saw at the Festival were the result of the Bid ‘n Buy Committee’s hard work
months before Angelsfest.
Margaret Dunn
Meredith Behler
Andrea Mindrum
Stephanie Yorn
Archbishop McNicholas H.S.
Red Sponsors
Holly Gundrum
Thank you to the electricians who not only spent the five days before the Festival setting up but
were on call all weekend.
Dick Vogelgesang
Tom Hueneman
Tim Whalen
Jason Kinkle
White Sponsors
Bill Griffin
Steven Vogelgesang
Forest Hills Pediatrics
King’s Treasures
This committee works all year gathering and sorting jewelry and treasures to sell at Angelsfest.
Rosemary Ross
Margie Gessner
Kathy Crowley
Carol Marchand
Helen Piatka
Sandy Lawrence
Wanda Dorn
Margo Wachs
Elaine Herzog
Fran Hartig
A sincere thank you to the festival patrons.
Angelsfest 2014 Winners
Major Award Winners
$10,000 winner: Sarah diFrancesca; $500 Kroger winner: Tom Jarrold
Ultimate Raffle Winners: TV- Phil Tierney; iPad Air- David
Underhill; Bracelet- Greg Niesen
Upcoming Christ Renews His Parish
Weekends at Guardian Angels
Guardian Angels is hosting two
Christ Renews His Parish Weekends, one for men and the other for
women. The weekends are gatherings of men or women to share and
strengthen their faith. It powerfully
renews the life of the entire parish
and of the individuals who participate. You will hear other parishioners’ stories of how God has
touched their life and share your
own thoughts. It is a day and a half
to see God a little more clearly in
your life.
The weekend begins on Saturday
morning and ends Sunday afternoon; it is a day and half in good
company without any worries and
good food! You’ll meet parish-
ioners and hear how their relationship with God has developed. By
attending you will participate in renewing Guardian Angels parish.
Please prayerfully consider attending by asking the Lord if He wants
you to attend.
The Men’s weekend is September 13th-14th and the Women’s
weekend is October 4th-5th.
To register or find out more information please see the bulletin
boards as you exit Church or email
Sean Wilson (men) at or
Vivien Finnegan (women) at
Please prayerfully consider attending! n
Other Supporters
A &A Safety
Faculty Investment Advisors
Janell, Inc. Concrete and Masonry
Uniform policy
changes for
Red Polo shirts are now included
In Guardian Angels School Uniform
Guardian Angels uniforms can
be purchased at Lands End and
Schoolbelles. Please see the GA
website for complete uniform policy
at n
Baby Shower
Angels for Life Baby Shower is
on Sunday, October 26, from 2:004:00 p.m., Room 101, in the Parish
Center. All donated items will benefit Pregnancy Center East. Some of
the items needed include: baby
beds, car seats, strollers, baby
clothes and maternity wear. Donations for formula and diapers are
greatly appreciated. For information call Rose Gerrard at 232-2237.
A sincere Thank You for your generosity! n
Messer Construction
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church
Patriot Signage Inc.
Queen City Propane
Richter and Phillips
The Holy Hour for Life and
Religious Freedom will take
place at the noon Mass on
Respect Life Sunday, October
5, 2014. The Holy Hour will
begin at 1:00.
Guardian Angels Press
Bimonthly publication of
Guardian Angels
Parish and School
Fr. Thomas King, pastor
Mr. Corey Stoops, Principal
6531 Beechmont Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45230
(513) 231-7440
Deadline for
Oct./Nov.. issue is
September 5, 2014
Contact: Paula Mack,
August/September 2014
Guardian Angels Press - 3
GA welcomes new head servers; thanks
those who served last year
Courtesy photos
From left, R Mr. Sean Wilson, seminarian intern; 8th Grade Head Servers for 20132014: Wade Brokamp; Luke Guessford; Alexandra Klare; Kiley Byrne; Jude Gerrard
and Fr. Earl Fernandes.
Guardian Angels School celebrated an all school Mass on April 28th. Fr.
Earl Fernandes con-celebrated the Mass with our pastor, Fr. Thomas King.
The outgoing Head Servers assisted with the Mass for the last time as
Head Servers. These five young people have gone above and beyond the
'normal' duties of an altar server. They have stepped up to serve weddings, funerals, holy days and act as trainers for new servers. With the
help of Mr. Sean Wilson, our seminarian intern, they leave behind a legacy
in the form of a training video for future generations of Guardian Angel
Mass servers.
Courtesy photos
From left, Evan Cheevers, John Sonnefeld, Carlie Suttles, Kylee Wieging and
Joseph Doogan.
The HEAD SERVERS for school year 2014-2015 were announced at an all
school Mass on May 21st. It was appropriate that they were a part of the
"Volunteer" celebration that morning. They have each already volunteered for many, many serving opportunities. As 8th graders these young
people will be called upon for extra serving duty such as funeral duty,
serving the holy days of Christmas and Easter. They will also be called
upon to train new servers and maintain the level of excellence that has become a tradition with Guardian Angel servers.
4 - Guardian Angels Press
August/September 2014
from page 1
were not designed to stay open!
The handicap door is presently
not working because, like the
other doors, someone has
pushed the door too far, bending
or breaking the mechanism. I’m
sure that there is no evil intent
but it is getting very expensive to
keep repairing the doors.
Mrs. Lisa Kaising has resigned
as our Youth Minister and we
have begun a search for a new
one. We wish Mrs. Kaising well
and thank her for her service.
Sean Wilson has taken over
Youth Ministry until he returns to
the seminary or a new Youth Minister is hired.
I would also like to welcome
Fr. Anthony Brausch. Fr.
Brausch is taking Fr. Fernandes’
place as our weekend Mass help.
Fr. Brausch is a great priest and
vice rector, Director of Formation and instructor of philosophy
at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary and a
classmate of Fr. Earl. God continues to bless us.
And speaking of blessings,
two seminarians have taken up
residence in our rectory for the
summer joining Sean: Jarred
Kohn and Eric Rousch. So the
rectory is full and that is a wonderful thing.
Any day now maybe I can get
an early jump on Christmas with
their help. Probably not. I
should probably should wait untill school begins.
I hope that you are enjoying
the summer. Thank you for your
prayers and support on behalf of
our parish. n
Vacation Bible Camp
from page 1
On the last day the campers
performed "Savior of the World"
and "Following Jesus" -the two
songs we learned - for the actors
in our Son Treasure Island Production Crew.
Sound like fun? Think you
might want to participate as a
camper or helper? Then we invite you to join us next year as
we once again venture off toward Adventure and Fun at another Vacation Bible Camp!
Contact Becky Schen, ARE at or (513)
624-3146 for more information. n
Honor Roll
St. Ursula Academy
First Honors:
Meghan Belmont, Claire Callahan, Austin Danko, Grace Ehemann, Mary Fagel, Sophia Foley, Halle Homan, Anna Hopkins,
Anne Keefe, Emilie Kilfoil, McKenzie Lowry, Christine Lustenberger, StCyr Luttmer, Lauren Massa, Kristen Massa, Audrey
Miller, Paige Osterfeld, Allison Peterson, Madison Poon, Emma
Siegel, Caroline Waddell
Second Honors:
Shawn Allen, Meghan Becker, Erin Clark, Gabrielle Hodge, Caroline
Karwisch, Mary McIntyre, Julia Pucci, Delia Randolph, Elisa Russell,
Catherine Ryan, Emily Schimpf, Elaine Schutte, Margaret Sullivan
Moeller High School
Second Honors:
Daniel Hopkins, Nicholas Sjulin
Mount Notre Dame High School
Second Honors:
Brittany Schultz, Cara Smith
Ursuline Academy
Abigail Klare
“Baptize them in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.”Matthew 28: 19
Ansley Lynn Fore, daughter of
Jacob Fore and Kate Davidson
Sylvie Helen Frey, daughter of
Michael and Katie Frey
Emma Grace Helsinger, daughter of Jarrick Helsinger and Mary
Therese Stegeman
Please welcome new members to
our parish
Jane Banfield
Jennifer and Daniel Dutschke
and daughters Emily and Maggie
Angel and Robert Ell and children Adrian and Ethan
Cheryl and Jon Herlevich and
children Paige, Riley and Eliot
Benjamin Dilger Shreve, son of
Todd and Sarah Shreve. He has a
brother Logan
Taylor and Douglas King and
daughter Ellis Rose
Benjamin Michael Steinker, son
of Nicholas Steinker and Adele
Wendy and Louis Klinker and
sons Aaron and Jack
Ava Elizabeth Vogel, daughter of
Joseph and Laura Vogel. She
has a brother Joseph
Ava Christine Vultaggio, daughter of Matthew and Rachel Vultaggio
Shannon Kinney
Beth and Chris Oligee and children Max and Sophia
Patricia Phelps
Carol and Anthony Rod and son
Adam Seward, Samantha Dunn,
Aubree and Makenah
Johanna Smyth
“Today you will be with me in
Paradise!” Luke 23: 23
The Mass of Christian Burial was
celebrated at Guardian Angels for:
Mary Helen Zistler, May 12
Helen Fleckenstien-Biedenharn,
May 15
Matthew Heekin, May 20
Raymond Unger, May 23
Thomas Siemers , May 26
Robert McDermott, May 31
Bernard “Bud” Brockman Jr.,
June 23
Nicholas Steinker and Adele
Miller and son Benjamin
Phillip G.Tanner
Beatriz and Alberto Trevino and
children Pamela, Augusto and
Hannah and David Watson and
Peyton Shepherd
Ashlee and Kevin Wert and
daughters Avery and Taylor
• Guardian Angels first day of
school, August 21, 2014
• Labor Day, September 1, 2014
• National Grandparents Day,
September 7, 2014
Thomas Compton, June 26
• Patriot Day, September 11, 2014
• Hispanic Heritage Month,
Joan Cardosi, July 1
September 15–October 15, 2014
Edward Mohr, July 6
• First Day of Autumn, September 23,