The Mission of Holy Family Catholic Parish is to make God known to our parish family and community and to foster growth in our relationships with God and each other through active participation in the ministries of celebration, worship, education, and support of those in need. PARISH OFFICE HOURS: Monday - Friday 8:30 AM - Noon, 1- 3:30 PM Mass Schedule Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM Sunday Morning: 8:30 and 10:30 AM Week Days: See Parish Weekly Calendar Holy Days: TBA Holy Family Parish CHURCH: SE CÉSAR E CHÁVEZ AT FLAVEL (S.E. 39TH AVENUE AT FLAVEL) PARISH CENTER - OFFICES: 3732 S.E. KNAPP ST. PORTLAND, OR 97202 PHONE: 774-1428 FAX (503) 774-1854 For information on the Sacraments of Baptism, 1st Reconciliation & Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, or Anointing of the Sick, please call the Parish Office. April 19 Third Sunday of Easter Reconciliation Saturdays from 4 to 5 PM or by appointment Parish Staff (503) 774-1428 Pastoral Administrator: Fr. Rodel deMesa x106 Deacon: Tim Dooley Pastoral Associate: Vicki Ford x123 Faith Formation Coordinator: Desi Dominguez (503) 544-9855 Administrative Assistant: Peggy English x102 Friday Office Volunteer & more: Joyce Hollohan-Bell x102 Business Manager: Luc Normandin x108 Youth Minister: Chelsea Wilde (503) 683-2791 School Principal: Loretta Wiltgen (503) 774-8871 Music Director: Chris Brunelle Traditional Choir Director: Tina Paradiso-Herlein Maintenance Supervisor: Bert Morrison (541) 231-1411 Prayer Circle: for prayer support call one of the following: Kathleen Gianotti : (503) 788-6865; or Dolores Wesselman : (503) 771-5505 VISITING OUR PARISH? NEW TO THE PARISH? Please call us if you have questions. We would love to meet you! You can call the parish office (503)774-1428 ext.102 or pick up a registration form in the vestibule of the church. SPECIAL PRAYERS REQUESTED FOR PARISHIONERS This Week’s Parish Calendar Monday, April 20 Acts 6:8-15; Jn 6:22-29 8:00 am Communion Service Tuesday, April 21 St. Anselm Acts 7:51-8:1a; Jn 6:30-35 8:00 am Communion Service 9:30 am: Women’s Day of Recollection 7:00 pm: Confirmation Mass with Archbishop Sample Wednesday, April 22 Acts 8:1b-40; Jn 6:35-40 8:00 am: Walt Regan+ 6:00 pm Young Adult Gathering Thursday, April 23 St. George/St. Adalbert Acts 8:26-40; Jn 6:44-51 8:15 am: For those Newly Confirmed 6:00 pm: Believe Event at Holy Family School Friday, April 24 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Acts 9:1-20; Jn 6:52-59 8:00 am: George Oliver+ Saturday, April 25 St. Mark 1Peter 5:5b-14; Mk 16:15-20 5:30 pm: Holy Family Parishioners Sunday, April 26 Acts 4:8-12; Psalm 118; 1Jn 3:1-2; Jn 10:11-18 8:30 am: Frances Stone+ 10:30 am: In thanksgiving for our benefactors 6:00 pm: Marriage & Family Life: Parents of Toddlers/Pre-schoolers Tim Evens, Kathy Brown, Carolyn Orlando, Lianne Racanelli, Connie Thompson, Leasa Wiebke, Mariloris Oliverio, Pat Richard, Nancy Fazzolari, Louise Barricks, Marlene Barbera, June Gardner, Lee Lomnicki, Max Kelly, Dorothy Oreste, Arvayda Winward, Jennifer, Barb & Ben Tabler, Marilyn Walstrom, Gary Hunt, Lois Hanson, Jean Marantette, Tucker Taylor, Rose Howe, Lydia Byrne, Katherine Lead Holy Family Parishioners in LaSalle Prep Musical: Once Upon a Mattress April 17, 18, 23, 24 & 25 @ 7:30pm Matinee April 19 @ 2pm Jack Kain, Louis Bengtson, Brian Wright and Zach Burtram are part of the cast & crew of this funny musical—great for all ages. You won’t want to miss it! Tickets are on sale now online at: April 25/26 5thSunday in Lent Saturday, 5:30 PM Altar Server COFFEE & DONUTS — April 26 Pat & Trish Campbell and Paul and Annie Shoen Jon & Jennifer Pienovi and Johnny and Jennifer Rask This week the Vocation Cross is in the home of Rose and George Davis New SIGN-UP on table in the vestibule. Please join us in welcoming Archbishop Sample as he celebrates the Sacrament of Confirmation for some of our young parishioners Tuesday—APRIL 21st At 7 PM We offer those to be confirmed our prayers and support as they complete their initiation. Greeter Eucharistic Minister Reader Natalie Sharp Anna Sharp Jack Sharp Cindy Garcia Alejandro Garcia Tim Dooley LeAnn Dooley Carolyn Scherler Milford Ford - Lector Vicki Ford Commentator Ethan Baker Ryan Brandt Sarah Brandt Nicole Brandt Mike Fisher Janet Barta Tim Dooley Maureen Fisher Joy Hunt Hope Hurt Stephen O'Donnell Judy O'Donnell Kathy McMahon Lector Kelly Buechler Commentator Alex Burtram Liam Gwyn Caitlyn Ryan (sub req.) Dan Ryan (sub req.) Nicole Ryan (sub req.) Zachary Burtram Mike Dominguez Tim Dooley Michael Gerhards Carrie Link Rebecca Martin-Gerhards Judy Poe Conor Gwyn - Lector George Bengtson Commentator Sunday, 8:30 AM Sunday, 10:30 AM COLLECTION COUNTERS—April 26 Jennifer Carr, Bob Hefflinger, Cindy Hefflinger, Barb Degenhardt HOLY FAMILY PARISH OFFERTORY INCOME April Thank you to those who responded to Archbishop’s Catholic Appeal As of April 9, 2015 Apr. 2015 Budget Apr. 2014 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4/5 ACH Amount $ 14,196 $ 6,723 $ $ $ $16,000 $12,000 $7,000 $5,200 $21,500 $13,107 $9,762 $5,588 $4,218 $18,044 Offertory Total $ 20,920 $61,700 $50,719 Our recent report says we are at 24% participation with $18,000 to reach our goal. It is not too late to make a pledge as we try to reach 100% participation in showing our support of the Catholic Church in western Oregon. Envelopes are in the vestibule—please prayerfully make a gift and return it to the church office or mail directly to the Archdiocese. WOMEN’S DAY OF RECOLLECTION APRIL 21, 2015 9:30 AM – 2:30 PM Thanks for your generosity! Our community changed lives this Lent, and CRS Rice Bowl wants to say THANK YOU!! Don’t forget to turn in your CRS Rice Bowl PLEASE RETURN YOUR RICE BOWLS OR AN ENVELOPE WITH YOUR GIFTS TO CHURCH / PARISH OFFICE / SCHOOL by APRIL 25/26 Remember, your Lenten sacrifices change lives. at the Ford Home 3927 SE Henderson “MYSTAGOGIA: By What Authority Do We Serve?” Presenter: Cam Hanemann Presentations, Sharing, Quiet Time, Prayer, Lunch Please RSVP to let us know you are coming. Suggested Donation $20 THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROSITY! Camp Holy Family 2015 We welcome our newest members to our Holy Family Faith Community August 20th to 23rd Camp Howard Corbett, OR Saturday Day Camp Option! More information and registration forms at http:// We celebrate the Baptisms of Eleanor Louise Davis Isaac Michael Greenlee Isabella Clare Koleno Sunday at the 10:30 AM Mass The St. Vincent de Paul leadership team is: Penny O’Connell-President Roberta Gamache– Vice President Dennis McNulty-Treasurer Louise Rasmussen-Secretary Bruce Hadfield– Pantry Manager Doug Hunt– Rents and Utilities Please feel free to ask any of these people what we do and when we do it. If we can be of help to someone let us know. Since January we have helped 381 people with food, 31 people with rent, and 99 people with utilities. Thank you to everyone who gave time, talent or treasure. A huge thank you to Dan Hoffa, past present and current mentor. We offer you and your family our prayers and support as you begin your faith journey with us! April 19 ♥ Third Sunday of Easter ♥ Luke 24:35-48 In today’s Gospel, Jesus appears among the disciples and says, “Peace be to you.” But the Apostles feel anything but peace in this moment! They are frightened out of their wits because they think Jesus is a ghost. Only after Jesus shows the Apostles the nail marks in his feet and hands, and eats some of their food do they believe Jesus is truly risen. Jesus explains that from now on, they are called to testify to his life, death and resurrection, so that all people, everywhere, might believe, repent their sins and be saved. Think of an experience that brought peace to your life in the midst of a difficult time. Describe it. DID YOU KNOW? HOLY FAMILY PROVIDES DRIVERS FOR ONE MEALS ON WHEELS ROUTE EACH SUNDAY We are still looking for volunteer DRIVERS Please contact Vicki Ford if you are interested or need more information— OR 503-774-1428 ext. 123 CELEBRATE THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Join other Holy Family couples/parents to celebrate our gifts & explore new possibilities Please remember in your prayers the family and friends of Nick Fazzolari Brother of longtime Holy Family parishioners Carlos and Tony. Funeral Mass was held Thursday—April 16. May Nick and all of the souls of the faithful departed, rest in peace. Amen. APRIL DATES TO KEEP ON YOUR CALENDAR April 21st—Women’s Day of Recollection April 21st—Confirmation with Archbishop Sample April 23rd—Believe Evening—6:00 PM April 26th—Marriage & Family Life for parents with toddlers & pre-schoolersI Intergenerational Faith Evening will return on May 27th Sunday, April 26th - 6pm Couples/PARENTS With toddlers & preschoolers You are invited to attend! Info: Andrew & Winnie Smidt 503 432 8694 If you would like to have one of the members of our Youth Group come to your house to babysit, please email for a list of those volunteering that evening. Holy Family Marriage/Family Life Ministry Facilitators Jon & Jen Pienovi Jeff & Jaimee Parson Celebration Hall (LIGHT SUPPER & WINE) April 23rd, 2015 6:00 pm Reception and Student Art Show in Celebration Hall 7:00 pm Student Music Performance in the church Your support is greatly appreciated! Upcoming Youth Group Dates: Middle School: April 12th– Youth Group May 3rd– Youth Group May 31st– End of the School Year Party! All incoming 6th graders are welcome. Celebration for outgoing 8th graders. Location and time TBD High School: April 26th– youth group May 17th– End of the year party! All incoming 9th Graders are welcome! Time: 6pm-8:30pm Location: Holy Family Celebration for our graduates! Upcoming Youth Led Mass dates: Each youth led Mass is at 10:30am. If any high school or middle school students want to participate, sign ups will be at the back of the church, or you can contact Chelsea in the youth ministry office: May 10th (Mother’s day!) June 14th July 12th August 9th Attention all Young Adults! Holy Family’s Young Adults will be meeting on Wednesday evenings for the next few weeks. We already have a fun and vibrant group that is excited about meeting new people and sharing our faith! Here’s the info: Location: Holy Family: Meeting Rooms upstairs in the grey school gym building. Park in the parking lot :) SE 39th and Henderson St. Spring Calendar: April 8: 6pm: Introduction and meet and greet April 15: 6pm: Topic: The Storms of life April 22: 6pm: Topic: What's love got to do with it? May 2: Saturday 5:30pm mass and group outing after. Location TBD May 6: 6pm: Topic: Why are we here? May 13: 6pm: Topic: Church wtf? May 20: 6pm: Topic: Silent night May 30: 3pm-8pm Block party with Bridges young adult ministry at St. Phillip Neri. Who: Anyone who has gr aduated fr om high school up to about age 30 is welcome to come! Contact: J acob Valentine: 503-839-4023 or In the new Catholic Sentinel, available after Mass, see how faith blossomed during Holy Week across western Oregon. Learn how local Catholics learned to live out their faith. Find out what happens when an urn full of cremated remains ends up at Goodwill and what the church teaches about respect for bodies. Get a primer on health care and hear from two college seniors — one who attended a small Catholic school and one who went to the University of Oregon. Last, meet our new editor. Married Couples-Does gardening give you a sense of wonder and fulfillment? On your wedding day, you lovingly planted the seeds of a lifelong relationship. A world wide Marriage Encounter Weekend will give you the “gardening tools” you need to help your marriage grow and blossom. For more information call 503-853-2758 or apply on-line at Upcoming Dates: April 24-26 at Powell Butte Retreat Center in Central Oregon May 22-25 at Our Lady of Peace Retreat House in Beaverton, Oregon WHAT’S HAPPENING! OPPORTUNITIES AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Franciscan Spiritual Center 2512 SE Monroe, Milwaukie 97222 503-794-8542 or St. Agatha’s Altar Society Salad Luncheon and Fashion Show Thursday, May 7th at noon. A spring Garden of fashion from The Glass Butterfly. St. Agatha Parish Hall, 7959 SE 15th Avenue, Portland. Tickets $10 each. Admission by reservations/tickets only. Call Marie Zavada at 503-238-2139. Catholic Radio Station KBVM 88.3 FM Spring Sharathon April 20-24. The weeklong event will feature a variety of special guests, interesting conversations about the importance of our faith and an opportunity for listeners to support the region’s only Catholic radio station. More information is available by calling 503-2855200. Did your abortion, or a loved one’s abortion, “change” you? Is there a dividing point in your life: “before the abortion” and “after the abortion”? Have you convinced yourself that you have dealt with your abortion experience, but you still feel uncertain? Have you been looking at the Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat™ ad in the bulletin for years, and wondering what it is all about? June 12-14th there will be a retreat in Portland where healing, forgiveness, hope, and transformation are offered in a safe, caring, and strictly confidential environment. For more information, please contact Patricia Hutchinson, Catholic Charities’ Project Rachel Coordinator, at 800-249-8074; email ProjectRa- Help Wanted: Portland Rescue Mission Portland Rescue Mission has an immediate need for Christian vehicle mechanics: 2 temporary positions that will last about 3-4 months 1 regular, full time position. All positions are paid at competitive wages, and full time positions include medical, dental, vision, life and disability benefits and a retirement account. Visit our website at: A ministry of compassionate care, education and healing at the end of life. Love to Cook? Love to Clean? Want to be a Compassionate Companion? Do you have a heart for Service? Come be a part of our Ministry in SE Portland. We have a place for you, come, your presence is a gift! website: Email: Or call: 503-954-3840 Mother & Child Education Center’s Annual Charity Dinner & Auction Saturday, May 9th 5:30-9pm, Madeleine Parish Community Center, 3123 NE 24th, Portland, OR. SPIRITUAL GROWTH OPPORTUNITIES at the or To learn about the national program, visit” Fix Your Gaze on Mary The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) is holding its 2015 Conference, called “Fix Your Gaze on Mary” at the Grotto, from 8 -3 on Saturday, April 25th. Registr ation and continental breakfast 8-9, 9:30 Vocation Panel, 12:15 Mass, 12:45 lunch, 1:30 Conference “Fix Your Gaze on Mary.” The $40 registration fee includes conference, lunch and pass to upper-level gardens. Send check to Barbara Francescon, 11508 SE 48th Ave., Milwaukee, OR 97222 (503-669-3034). 80th Annual Archbishop Seminarian Tea, April 29th, 3-7pm, Portland Golf Course, Tickets $30 at the door or contact our Holy Family parish rep. Barb Regan 503-659-5350 This year's items include gift baskets, trips to the beach, mountains and more! MCEC helps women facing unplanned pregnancies choose life, and low-income families who are experiencing unemployment, lack of stable housing, or domestic violence to receive connections to much-needed resources. Proceeds fund pregnancy testing, counseling, workshops in prenatal health, labor & delivery, newborn care, parenting, budgeting, and the distribution of diapers, food and baby clothing. Tickets are $35, and tables of 8 are available for $240. We greatly appreciate the support of many Holy Family parishioners, including Vicki Ford, Martin Greenlee, the sewing ladies and more! Contact Maura White or her volunteers at 503-249-5801 for tickets or make a donation. Holy Family Parish Organizations and Contacts Administrative Council Altar Society Bible Study Music Director Contemporary Choir Traditional Choir Youth / Children’s CYO Christian Service Development Advisory Council Blessed by Faith Health Ministry Hospitality Marriage & Family Life Men of Intention Mother Share Needleworks PTO Pastoral Care Pastoral Council Peace & Justice Commission Prayer Circle Prayer Shawl Ministry Faith Formation / Religious Education School Advisory Council School Office St. Vincent de Paul Wedding Coordinator Youth Ministry Mike Fisher Billie Lopez Doug Hunt Chris Brunelle Chris Brunelle Tina Paradiso-Herlein Chris & Tina Ted Collins Joyce Holohan-Bell 971-224-4242 775-6172 771-8572 975-7535 975-7535 244-5553 313-8136 775-5767 Susan Johnson 233-9647 Joyce Holohan-Bell 775-5767 Lyall Day 422-6304 Winnie & Andrew Smidt 432-8694 Jim Sharp 490-1865 Melissa Wojnar 971-219-1179 Kristin Burgher 654-0692 Charmaine Carnese 775-0837 Tammy Luedtke 415-215-8238 Winnie Smidt 432-8694 Steve Tassinari 772-4079 TBA Dolores Wesselman 771-5505 Kathleen Gianotti 788-6865 Terri Cozzoli 788-2073 Vicki Ford x123 774-1428 Desi Dominguez x123 774-1428 Don Gritzmacher 772-9297 Sharon Reece ext. 101 774-8871 Penny O’Connell 771-1809 Suzanne Cooney 803-8393 Chelsea Wilde ext. 107 774-1428 SCOTT BARBUR Attorney at Law 2027 SE Jefferson Street Suite 205 Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-654-1773 Wills • Estate Planning • Probate Personal Injury • Property • Real Estate Free Parking • Historic Downtown Milwaukie Nurturing Child Care by Carolyn Parishioner & School Parent WILHELM’S PORTLAND MEMORIAL h/503.775.6895 c/503.358.7486 FUNERAL HOME—MAUSOLEUM—CREMATORY 6705 SE 14th Avenue Portland, OR 97202 (503) 236-4141 Flexible days & hours Drop-ins welcome Close to Holy Family Capital Pacific Bank Getting it done! 503-796-0100 MICHAEL C. GERHARDS, DDS 4414 NE Fremont Portland, OR 97213 503 288-7481 Mt. Scott Funeral Home 4205 SE 59th Ave. Portland, Oregon 97206 Local Catholic Family Ownership For 3 Generations Jack Milford Ford Parishioner Mail: PO Box 82226 Portland, OR 97282 Office: 205 SE Spokane St. Suite 300-50 Portland, OR 97202 Office: 503.963.3739—Direct 503.771.7191 Cell: 503.880.0788 Fax: 877.387.8330 E-mail: Website: image manipulation · photography design creative · services (Space Available) Commit to Be Fit “In or Out of the Gym” Personal Fitness & Nutritional Training Fitness & Fun for all Ages & Abilities OLSONSERVICES LLC PROFESSIONAL HOUSE CLEANERS (503)358-4898 (503)358-4061 Roger Saulson, M.D. (503) 255-2291 (503) 771-1171 Piano Teacher Mabel Clark B.M., O.M.T.A. 503-653-0854 General Ophthalmology Eye Exams Cataract & Laser Surgery Amy Delaney NASM, CPT, FNS Certified Personal Trainer Group Fitness Instructor E: PiYO Strength Instructor C: 914-262-6794 For Rent The Bear Hut Welches, OR (Vacation Home at the base of Mount Hood) 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath + Loft (Sleeps up to 13) Call Vicki Ford 771-5240 or email: Great Manzanita Family Beach House! Ocean View-Steps to the beach. 4 BR/2 Bath-sleeps 10 Call Mary Lou Frey at 503.680.4211 Family beach house Great Lincoln City location Great Ocean view, Hot-tub, Fireplace 2 Beautiful sandy beach accesses For pictures and additional information Contact Ken & Carol Rowlett 503-539-6059 FOUNDATION MORTGAGE- Johnson Creek Dental Care Home / Investment Financing (Est. 1995) TIMOTHY P. SHANNON D.M.D., P.C. . (spaceMitchell, available) Stephen MSPT Joe Wehage / President Direct line 503-802-7021 4450 Southeast Johnson Creek Boulevard Milwaukie, Oregon 97222 Phone: (503) 654-7773 Fax: (503) 654-7774 5212 SE 52n Avenue 6542 SE Lake Rd. Suite 105 Portland, Oregon, 97206 Milwaukie, OR 97222 (503) 777-1983 (503) 496-4550 KATHY BROWN Principal Broker * HF Alumna equity group group equity Sue Hildreth 503-880-4431 Broker Broker Ad Space Available Longtime Longtime parishioner parishioner Windermere / C & CRGI Donation made per transaction to HF St. Vincent de Paul / HF Tuition Assistance “There’s No Place Like Home!” Office#: (503)786-6930 Fax#: (503)786-5462 Space Available CCB# 145809 (Space available) DANNA BROTHERS’ ELMER’S Mall 205: 9660 S.E. Stark 503-256-0333 Gresham: 1590 N.E. Burnside 503-665-5144 Parkrose: 10001 N.E. Sandy Blvd. 503-256-2150 Tigard: 14055 S.W. Pacific Hwy. 503-620-6440 (Parishioner) FINE CRAFT MASONRY, INC KrisFoubert 7246 SE Harmony Drive Milwaukie, OR 97222 5737 S.E. Milwaukie Ave. Portland, OR 97202 (503) 232-7100 Linda Skeele (Lifelong Parishioner ) Real Estate Broker® Space Available 503-504-5811 “Let me help you with all your Real Estate needs.” E-mail: Windermere/CCRG Windermere Office/Fax: Joe Cooney writes: 503.653.3978 Mobile: 971.404.8584 Shawn W. Downey Financial Advisor Opportunity calling! We are one of the fastest –growing companies in North America looking for people just like you. Do you want to lose weight? Have better energy and performance? Age gracefully? Create residual income? Contact Suzi Brunelle I 503-490-8140 I Stone Brick Block Stucco Fireplaces HF CYO Track Coach DeShaw & Downey Flagstone Retaining Walls Pavers Concrete OBL: 113066 WBL: FINECM104509 Suite 100B 2008 Willamette Falls Dr West Linn, OR 97067-4672 Tel: 503.655.7621 x203 A financial advisory practice of Fax: 503.657.4355 Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. An Ameriprise Financial Franchise (503) 513-0777 Bus (503) 887-5820 Cell John Gilroy Attorney at law Coming soon! 503 6209887 fax:5036204884 15924 Quarry Rd. Lake Oswego, OR 97035 American Family Insurance Company American Family Mutual Insurance Company and its Subsidiaries Home Office – Madison, WI 53783 JP-221333 - 5/11 Paul Marrs Medicine * Dentistry * Surgery Greg Lathrop, D.V.M Zoë Tokar, D.V.M. Katy Felton, D.V.M. Chicory Eddy DVM. For Appointment 503-236-1834 Managing Partner Senior Loan Officer 3902 NE Sandy Blvd., Suite 100 Portland, OR 97232 Apply online: Office: 503.416.2007 Toll Free: 866.733.4782 Cell: 503.781.2114 Fax: 503.416.2036 Personal & Business Financial Planning Educattion Funding Retirement Planning Insurance Planning Mutual Funds Estate Planning
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