the TeenVenture Summer Camp registration form HERE!

2015 Summer Camps
Follow us
at SPPSTeenVenture
#getfriends #summerfun #bealeader
Adventure Camp
This camp is for the adventurous, the daring
and all those who want to have fun outdoors.
Each day we will do something different
including canoeing, archery, fishing, outdoor
survival, swimming and treasure hunting.
Youth entering grades 6-8 next Fall
When: Mo-Th Jul 13-16 (4 days)
8:30am-4:30 pm
Wellstone School
Cost: $20
Early Bird Registration $15 before May 15!!
Creative Arts Camp
You will create a masterpiece of your choice by
getting out in the community and working with
community experts. Lots of new activities that
will for sure bring out your creative sides!
Youth entering grades 6-8 next Fall
When: M-Th; Jul 20-23 (4 days)
Wellstone School
Cost: $15
Early Bird Registration $10 before May 15!!
Scholarships are available for families
qualifying for free or reduced lunch.
Co-Sponsored by:
Leadership Camp
Let us uncover the leader in you so you can
reach your goals! We will work together as a
team, solve challenging problems and learn
how to communicate with confidence. Activities
will include: High Challenge Course & Zip Line,
Swimming and Community Impact Projects.
Youth entering grades 6-8 next Fall
When: M-Th Jul 27-30 (4 days)
Wellstone School
Cost: $15
Course#: 1215SuYA
Early Bird Registration $10 before May 15!!
Amazing Race thru Life
Now accepting applications for our own
amazing race! Bring your partner or we can
match you up, but get ready to compete in a
series of challenges some mental and some
physical on a trek around the city. Race
challenges will expose youth to college
campus, public transportation, city parks all to
build skills to succeed in life.
Youth entering grades 6-8 next Fall
When: Mo-Th Aug 3-6 (4 days)
Wellstone School
Cost: $15
Early Bird Registration $10 before May 15!!
Welcome to TeenVenture 2015 Summer Camps!
We have many fabulous activities planned for Middle School age youth this Summer, that we can’t wait to get
you involved! All camps are intended to build leadership skills, inspire you to give to others through community
impact projects and discover your interests and talents. Please read the important information below to ensure
the camps fit your summer program needs.
Camp Location: Paul & Sheila Wellstone
We will be using facilities at Rice Recreation Center
and Wellstone School, both are located at 1041
Marion Street, Saint Paul, MN 55117. Thank you
to Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Department for
partnering with us!
Breakfast and Lunch Provided Daily
Breakfast and Lunch is provided at no extra cost
through the School District Nutrition Services
Department. Students are always welcome to bring
their own if they prefer.
Two Full-Time
School District
Education staff
will be in charge of all the camps throughout the
summer. The Camp Director’s name is Zong Vang.
In addition, we hire a team of 12 college age
leaders to work with us to provide energetic
leadership and be role models for all participants.
We also hire 6-8 high school age leaders to assist
with activities and lead groups. The maximum
enrollment for each camp is 150 youth.
Camp Cost
The cost of camp is very low thanks to a grant
awarded to Saint Paul Public Schools. The
intention of this grant is to improve academic
achievement, strengthen the skills needed to
succeed in the 21st Century and build community
All camps will use Saint Paul Public Schools bus
transportation at all times. This includes pick-up
and drop off routes as well as all field trips. Parents
are also welcome to drop off and pick up youth
from the camp location.
Bus Stop Location
Harding Senior
Johnson Senior
Humboldt Senior
Highland Park MS
Maxfield Elementary
Como Senior
Door #
Off 3rd St #1
Off Arcade door #1 in
front of school
On Baker in front of
School door #1
Door #20
Off Victoria door #1
Door #1front main
8:00 am
5:10 pm
4:50 pm
7:40 am
5:10 pm
8:00 am
8:00 am
8:10 am
5:00 pm
4:45 pm
Field Trips
An important part of our camp experience is to get
youth out and about to explore the city and the
world around them. Field trips will be part of every
camp and will take place at a variety of locations
around the greater Twin City Metro area and
Contact Information
Camps are sponsored by the Saint Paul Public
Schools, Community Education Department.
Main Office: 651-325-2674
Camp Director
Scholarships are available to assist families
Online Registration at:
who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Please
contact your Afterschool Coordinator for more
information or call 651.325.2674.
Follow Us at sppsTeenVenture for updates
and reminders
Funding for these camps comes from the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding,
CFDA 84.287c, 21st Century Community Learning Centers.
SPPS Community Education Department 651.325.2674
TeenVenture Summer Camp Registration Form
Registration is available online, phone, mail or in person
Name: _______________________________________ ______________________________________
Student Last Name
Student First Name
2014-2015 (Spring) School: _________________________ 2015-2016 (Fall) School: _________________
SPPS Student Lunch#: _______________________________
Grade for Fall 2015-2016:  5  6  7
Home Address: ______________________________________________City: _______________State: __
We encourage youth to attend camp with a friend if they want and will make sure they will be assigned to the
same camper group. If your child is attending with a friend, please list one name: ____________________
Parent/Guardian 1: _______________________________________Phone 1:________________________
Parent/Guardian 1 Email: _________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian 2: ______________________________________Phone 1:_________________________
Parent/Guardian 2 Email: _________________________________________________________________
Medical conditions that impact participation? __________________________________________________
In Case of Emergency, if we are not able to contact Parents/Guardians:
Name: _____________________________ Relation: ____________________ Phone: ________________
Please check the box of the Camp(s)
If Paid
your child will be attending:
By 5/14
#1214SuYA Adventure Camp (Jul 13-16) ___$15
#1213SuYA Creative Arts Camp (Jul 20-23)___$10
#1215SuYA Leadership Camp (Jul 27-30) ___$10
#1216SuYA Amazing Race (Aug 3-6)
If Paid
After 5/15
Transportation Choice
(Times Listed on Page 2)
___Harding Senior
___Johnson Senior
___Humboldt Senior
___Highland Park Middle
___Maxfield Elementary
___Como Senior
___ Parent Drop off/Pick up
___Cash ___Check ___Visa ___MasterCard ___Discover
Credit Card#___________________________________________________ Expiration Date: ____/ _____
Card Holder Name: ________________________________ Total Amount Paid or Enclosed: $________
*Make checks payable to Saint Paul Community Education
Registration Procedures:
Please complete the permissions on the reverse side and return this 2-page registration form with payment to:
In person at the following school offices:
American Indian
Battle Creek Middle
Highland Park Middle Linwood Arts Plus-Monroe
Ramsey Middle
Washington Technology
Mail to:
1495 Rice Street, Saint Paul, MN 55117
Online at:
By Phone at: 651-325-2674
Farnsworth Aerospace Upper Hazel Park Prep.
Murray Middle
Parkway Montessori
Permission for Summer Camp Participation
Yes____ No____
I give permission for my child to be in photo or filming sessions of program activities that
may be used for program or District promotions and improvements, including social
Yes____ No____
I give permission to secure the services of a licensed physician if I cannot be reached in
the event of a medical emergency.
Yes____ No____
MEDICAL INFORMATION: Does your child have any medical concerns we should know
about such as prescriptions, food allergies or medication allergies? If YES to any of the
above, please specify health condition/ medication:
Yes____ No____
Data Collection for Grant Reporting and Program Evaluation
Certain information will be collected from and about participants on the following registration form.
All Information are considered private or confidential and will not be available to the public. In
accordance with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act we must notify you about the
The purpose and intended use of the requested information:
• To identify participants in the program;
• To evaluate program effectiveness; and
• To improve program quality.
Legal obligations and consequences for not providing information:
• You are not legally required to provide the requested information.
• Refusal to provide requested information will not affect enrollment status. However, it will
limit the extent to which the program can be appropriately evaluated.
Authorized persons or agencies with whom this information may be shared:
• You, and persons who have your express written consent;
• Saint Paul Public Schools staff who reasonably require access to the information in the
course of their work duties or responsibilities;
• School district officials;
• Minnesota Department of Education; and
• Other person or entity authorized by federal or state law.
Yes____ No____
Your child will be invited to complete surveys about their experience in the program.
The information your child provides will help us to improve the program. Your child’s
participation in all surveys is voluntary. Surveys will be made available for review upon
request to the Camp Director or main office. I give permission for my child to participate
in program related surveys.
Parent Initials
I understand that WALKING field trips within one mile of the program location are a part
of participating in the program. Necessary precautions and supervision will be provided.
Parent Initials
I understand the Saint Paul Public Schools will not be responsible for lost or stolen
My signature below signifies that I understand the statements above and give my child permission to
participate in the program(s) I have indicated.
Parent Signature (required to participate)