Email: Phone: 7626 709 Mobile: 027 755 5528 Our school mission is to provide a safe and caring environment where authentic learning experiences enable students to become confident life long learners and responsible citizens. No. 12/2015 30 April 2015 Naumai, haeremai, welcome PRINCIPAL’S*MESSAGE* ! We! are! very! excited! about! the! school! website!! ! which! is! up! and! running.!!Classes!have!their!blogs!all!ready!for!you!to!browse.!!Our!newsletters!are!linked! and! will! be! available! for! you! to! check! up! on! what’s! happening! each! week.! ! On! the! front! page! we! have! a! space! to! put! very! important! events! that! you! will! need! to! know! urgently! such! as! cancellations! of! events,! school! closures! or! changes! that! we! haven’t! been! able! to! plan!for.!!As!always!we!would!like!some!feedback!on!how!the!site!works!for!you,!are!there! sections! you! want! more! details! about! or! added! and! what! you! think! we! should! change.! It! will! take! a! little! while! for! the! old! website! to! be! taken! down! so! you! will! need! to! type! the! whole!website!address!in!for!now.!!All!positive!and!helpful!tips!will!be!gratefully!received.! Please!email!Tania!or!me!at!!or!!! ! Currently,!I!am!working!with!the!other!West!Coast!Principals!on!the!changes!in!eElearning! for!our!students!and!what!this!means!for!teachers,!students!and!parents/caregivers!and!the! wider! community.! An! important! component! of! these! changes! will! be! how! the! wider! community!such!as!local!businesses!and!leaders!of!the!West!Coast!become!involved!in!the! Manaiakalani!Outreach!Programme!for!our!increasingly!digital!eElearners.!! ! Judy!Elvidge! Principal! ! WEBSITE:*** ! WELCOME* We!would!like!to!welcome!Jake!Coghlan!(Room!1)!and!hope!he!enjoys!being!part!of!Paroa! School.! * * * IMPORTANT*DATES*TO*REMEMBER* 1!May! ! 4!May! ! 6!May! ! 12!May! ! 13!May! ! 13!May! ! 15!May! ! 18!May! ! 20!May! ! 27!May! ! 29!May! ! 1!June! ! 2!June! ! 3!June! ! 8!June! ! 9!June! ! 10!June! ! 11/12!June! 11/12!June! 12!June! ! 15!June! ! 23!June! ! 26!June! ! 29!June! ! 30!June! ! 3!July! ! Assembly,!2.15pm!in!hall! BOT!Meeting! Year!7/8!Primary!League!Tournament!! National!Young!Leaders!Day! Year!7/8!Primary!League!Tournament! Paroa!Crosscountry! Assembly! Cosmodome! Primary!Football!Competition! West!Coast!Crosscountry! Assembly! Queen’s!Birthday!Holiday! 15!aside!Rugby! ICAS!Science! BOT!Meeting! 15!aside!Rugby! Christchurch!Crosscountry! ICT!Kids!Conference! WPCA!Rafting! Assembly! 15!aside!Rugby! 15!aside!Rugby! Assembly! BOT!Meeting! WPCA!Sea!Kayaking! End!of!Term!2! * * * WANTED*TO*BUY*–*Pair*Size*1*football*boots*Phone*7626375* * * FOOTBALL*BOOT*EXCHANGE* ! $5.00! Boot! Exchange/purchase! on! football! boots.! ! Keep! winter! affordable.!! Please! drop! off! any! surplus! boots! to! the! office.! ! Funds! raised! will! go! towards! books!for!the!school.!! * * Students*learnt*the*basics*of*crocheting*last*week*to*prepare*poppies* for*Anzac*Day.**Well*done*girls*they*look*great!* * * YEAR*5/6*BASKETBALL*DRAW* ! Games! for! both! Friday! 1! May! and! Monday! 4! May! will! be! non! competition.! ! We! will! play! three! 5! minute! quarters,! clock! not! stopped.! ! On! Friday! games! to! start! at! 3.30pm,! on! Monday! as! usual! at! 3.15pm.! ! Please! have! duty! players! organized! before! they! come! to! games.! ! FRIDAY!1!MAY! 3.30pm! St!Patricks!vs!Paroa!1!! ! DUTY:!!Paroa!2!(4!players)! 3.55pm! Paroa!2!vs!Grey!Main!1! ! DUTY:!!Paroa!1!(2!players)! ! MONDAY!4!MAY! 4.05pm! Paroa!2!vs!Grey!Main!1! 4.30pm! St!Patricks!vs!Paroa!1! ! DUTY:!!Paroa!2!(2!players)! JOHN*PAUL*II*HIGH*SCHOOL*OPEN*DAY* Wednesday*13*May* John!Paul!II!High!School!is!holding!an!Open!Day!for!any!prospective!future!students,!who! may! be! interested! in! attending.! ! Students! along! with! their! parents! may! attend! for! approximately!½!hour,!between!the!hours!of!10am!and!1.30pm.!!! ! Orientation!Day!for!2016!Year!9!students!will!be!held!on!Tuesday!15!December.!!Students! intending!to!join!John!Paul!in!2016!will!be!required!to!attend!this!day!from!9am!to!3pm.!!! ! ! TENNIS*NEWS* ! The!West!Coast!Tennis!Assn!breakEup!and!prize!giving!will!be!held!on!Sunday!3rd!May!at!3pm!(2pm!if!you! want!to!bring!your!racquet!and!have!a!‘hit’.),!please!bring!a!plate,!it!will!be!great!to!see!you!all!there.!All! the!results!of!the!A,!B!and!C!grade!competitions!will!be!made!known!and!there!are!trophies!from!the!W.C.! Closed!and!Grey!Star!tournaments!to!be!awarded!too.!!! ! Our!major!fundraiser!will!be!held!on!Saturday!12th!September!at!Shantytown:! ! STAR!FOR!A!NIGHT!–!SATURDAY!12!SEPTEMBER!AT!SHANTYTOWN! Please!put!this!date!in!your!diaries!and!tell!your!friends,!family!and!work!colleagues!about!it.!!It!is!a!really! fun!night!and!a!great!way!to!support!the!club!by!attending!and!helping!to!encourage!others!to!buy!tickets! to!the!event.! ACTS*WANTED! If!you!are!interested!in!being!involved!in!an!act!please!register!your!interest!with!Sarah!Caseley!(Acts!CoE ordinator)! by! email!! or! phone! 762! 6885! and! Sarah! will! provide! anyone! who! is! interested!with!information!about!what!is!involved!in!being!in!an!act.!!Russell!Byrne!is!the!Stage!Manager! and!he!will!coEordinate!the!acts!on!the!night.! Its! a!bonus! that! we! now! have! professional! coach! Vaughan! Kingi! living! locally! and! available! for! private! lessons.!!If!you!are!interested!in!lessons,!please!contact!him!directly!to!arrange!on!021!900!259.! Look!forward!to!seeing!you!all!at!the!West!Coast!prize!giving.!Regards!Paula!Smith!(Secretary).! ! ! MiniZGala*Day;*23rd*May*3pm*at* Kidsfirst*Kindergartens*Karoro,*20*Loris*Place.* Pony*Rides,*Stalls,*Raffles,*Prizes,*Food*and*Drinks,*FaceZ painting*and*games.* All*welcome*along.* ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !! WPCA Challenge #2- Caving @ Cave Stream When I got to school I was so excited I was looking forward to this challenge!!! When we got there I got all my gear on and then Mr Sinton-White gave us a brief and talked about how the tunnel was carved out by water and it was made out of limestone which is made out of bones wow it was fascinating. We walked down a track to get to the cave and Mr Sinton-White checked the water level and the current which was fine, by then I was raring to go. I switched my camera on and walked into the tunnel it was cool in the tunnel the water was so clear when we stopped Mr Sinton-White got us to turn our torches off and told us a story. It goes a little something like this "one day there was a Maori tribe that was hiding in the cave and an English man riding on his horse trying to look for the Maori – of course there were Maori in the cave and there was a baby crying and the English man heard it and he told his horse to go forward a bit more but the cave collapsed and the man and the horse drowned in the water bellow." Then when we turned our torches on again he had a horse mask on the tried to scare us it was funny instead of scary. We kept walking through the cave it was cool because there were heaps of side caves and it still leads back tho the main cave so you can't really get lost. Finally we came to the last obstacle it had metal handles for us to climb up a bank wall and when you’re at the top there is a chain you have to hold on to so you don't fall off and end up like the horse and the English man. When I stepped out of the cave the sunlight blinded me there was a little stream that flowed into the cave and I took off my helmet and raincoat and walked up the stream we all relaxed in the sun until it was time to go. When it was time to go I was sad I didn't want to go and it didn't feel like we had been there for very long but time flies when you’re having fun. By Emma Wilson R8 WPCA Challenge #2- Caving @ Cave Stream I wake up with a buzz of excitement; it's time to go caving! I'm so excited and I can't wait to get stuck into it. I've never been caving, so it's going to be an awesome experience. The travel up is a long one, and it's really suspenseful, as I want to just get into the cave! There's a short walk down and then there's an entrance to the cave. The water's freezing, and everybody's screaming because of it. As the water gets deeper the screams turn into yells, and the water's running against everyone. My feet felt numb within seconds. The cave's amazing, with heaps of crevices and other caves branching off from the main cave. I went and explored most of them, and they were reasonably tight squeezes, but nothing drastic. There were also small waterfalls that we had to climb up. Maybe about two metres high. but it was a challenge to get up them, as the water was rushing down them. You had to make sure you had a bearing on the limestone walls, as the rocks were really slippery. There were also eels in the cave, which kind of freaked me out at first, because, who actually likes eels? But they were really small, and you could barely see them. Which gave me a little bit more confidence. Caving was a really amazing experience, and I can't wait to do it again some time. It was something I definitely won't forget. Challenge #3, here we come! By Jacob Smith R8 ! ! AMIE’S WEDNESDAY FRESH LUNCH Menu for Wednesday, 6 May Butter Chicken (Gluten free available) Orders to the office by 9am please - $5.00 per order ! welcome( ! Dear Parent/Guardian ! We are excited to announce that Paroa School are now offering you to be part of the Reading Eggs online learning community – joining over 3 million other students around the world. Reading(Eggs(is(designed(to(get(your(child(motivated(and(excited(about(reading.(( ( What are Reading Eggs and Reading Eggspress?( ! Take your first Reading Eggs step. Reading(Eggs(with(Reading(Eggspress(has(an(enormous(range(of(learning(resources,( lessons,(motivational(games,(e<books(and(a(comprehensive(reporting(system(that(together( create(an(engaging,(unique(and(effective(learning(environment.! You’ll(find(that(your(child(is(using(either(the(Reading(Eggs(or(Reading(Eggspress(program.(( Reading(Eggs(is(designed(for(younger(students(between(the(ages(of(3(and(7,(whereas(Reading( Eggspress(continues(the(reading(journey(for(7<13(year(old(readers.(( Students(who(used(the(program(last(year(have(shown(us(how(quickly(the(program(has(helped( with(developing(their(reading(and(comprehension(skills.((In(addition,(students(of(all(ability( levels(have(become(highly(engaged(and(motivated(to(complete(lessons(regularly.( Reading(Eggs(and(Reading(Eggspress(subscriptions(include(24/7(access(from(home(and(school.(( Parents(who(purchase(privately(pay($79.95(for(an(annual(licence,(however(as(a(school(we’re( able(to(sign(up(classes(at(a(special(annual(rate(of(just($19.75(+GST((per(student(for(access.(( If(you(would(like(to(go(ahead(with(the(school(discount(renewal(offer(then(your(child(will(be(able(to(use(the(Reading( Eggs(and(Reading(Eggspress(until(early(in(2016.((Please(complete(the(form(below(and(return(it(to(the(school(as(soon( as(possible.((We(also(welcome(any(comments(you(may(like(to(make.( Name!of!Child______________________________!Year:! ____! Teacher:!__________________________! ! I!would!be!happy!to!contribute!$19.75!+!GST!!for!each!of!my!children!to!subscribe!to!Reading! Eggs!and!Reading!Eggspress,!payment!enclosed.! ! I!do!not!wish!to!contribute!towards!a!web!based!learning!subscription!for!Reading!Eggs!and!! Reading!Eggspress!! ( Reading Eggs ( ! ! ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! ! Reading Eggs! ! ! ! ! ( ! ! ! Reading Eggspress! ! ! ! ! ! ( ( ( ( Minimum Technical Requirements( Windows(XP(SP3((or(higher)*,(Mac(OS(X(10.6((or(higher)( Internet(Explorer(8(or(higher,(Firefox(12(or(higher,(Safari(5(or(higher,(Google(Chrome.( Adobe(Flash(Player(10.6(or(higher( Android!devices:!Use(Google(Chrome(version(29.0(or(later.(Supported(on(Samsung(Galaxy(Tab(2,(Galaxy(Tab(3,(Nexus( 7(and(10(running(OS(4.1,(Jelly(Bean(or(later.( IOS!devices: Available(via(the(Reading(Eggs(app(from(iTunes((Reading(Eggspress(not(currently(available).(iPad(2,(iPad( 3,(iPad(4,(and(iPad(mini(–(iOS(6.0+(required. If(you(have(any(questions(please(email( ! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ! FOR*STUDENTS*IN* YEARS*5*Z*8* Registrations open Monday 4 May. Last year many of the workshops filled quickly. It is a first in, first served basis. West Coast Kids ICT Conference Thursday 11th and Friday 12th June 2015 Shantytown Workshops this year will explore a wide range of technologies and present a great range of learning opportunities for participants to bring back into classrooms. Workshops will involve photograph and digital imagery, gaming, video animation, build a computer, i-pad technology and creating the conference newspaper. Registrations open via: Registrations will be open from Monday 4th May 2015 Cost $90 plus GST ($103.50 including) per student Enquiries: Please direct any enquiries to Vanessa Wallace, Principal, Awahono School – Grey Valley on 03 7323713 !
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